Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) (9 page)

Read Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #Notorious Devils MC #1

BOOK: Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1)
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“You only got the one teenie-bopper, Barbie sister?” he asks, finally breaking our silence.

“No, I have an older brother, too. Connellee. He’s in medical school,” I offer as I cut a piece of pancake and shove it into my mouth —
fuck, carbs… so damn good

“Medical school?” he chokes.

“Yeah. My dad’s a doctor; Connellee’s been on that path since he was born. My sister, Brentlee, and I weren’t ever really encouraged in school. We were told to marry someone who would take care of us. Brentlee’s followed through, she’s marrying a lawyer, but I wanted to do my own thing. Take care of myself. I guess that’s all over with now,
?” I ask, looking up at him, unable to stop babbling.

“Class, one hundred percent,” he mumbles.

I don’t understand.

“I don’t know about all that,” I grumble.

Pierce takes my hand with his own and squeezes it.

“You’re classy, babe, no way around it. Born and bred to be with someone a fuck’ve a lot better than me,” he says before taking a drink of his coffee.

I look down at my empty plate and sigh.
His own brand of sweet.
I open my mouth to respond to him but the waitress appears and gives him the check, along with her number.

“Seriously?” I ask, loud enough for the bitch to hear me. She turns and just grins at me before she shakes her ass as she continues to walk away.

“Gotta let that shit slide, sugar,” he mutters as I wiggle out of the booth.

“Thirsty, dirty bitches,” I mumble.

I am awarded with a laugh from Pierce as he slides his arm around me, pressing his hand around my lower back.

“You get enough to eat, baby girl?” he asks as his other hand rests on my stomach for a beat. The gesture is so touching I have to hold the tears back,

“Yeah,” I breathe as we step up to my car.

“I’ll follow you home so you can rest today. You’re the real estate girl; there anything worth lookin’ at for us to rent that’s a bit bigger?” he asks. I suck in my lips. He’s serious. Last night, he was totally serious. I blink once and then I smile.

“Yeah, we can go over budget and stuff when we get to my place. Thank you, Pierce. Thank you for really wanting to do this,” I praise as I shove my face into his neck and my arms around his waist, hugging him close.

“Baby girl, never gonna lie to you, sugar. What I say, I’ll deliver,” he promises as one hand wraps around my waist and the other sifts through my hair.

A few minutes later, I am in in my car and driving toward my little house with Pierce behind me.

Once we pull into my driveway, I get out and go straight to the door. I’m tired—exhausted, really. I need to change my clothes and actually put on panties, since he ruined mine the night before. I am a mixture of excited and nervous about everything that is happening so quickly. Last month, I would have laughed in anyone’s face if they said this is the turn my life was going to take.

Pierce walks in, locking the door behind him before he begins to stalk toward me. I hold up my hands to stop him, to slow him down, but it doesn’t work. His hands wrap around my ass as he picks me up –
. He carries me into my bedroom and without a word, I am dropped onto my bed as his body slowly lowers over me, his lips pressing to mine.

“Don’t want any other bitches, Kentlee,” he groans. One of his hands slides up the inside of my shirt and wrenches down the cup of my bra. I moan when his thumb glides across my nipple before he pinches and tugs it gently.

, please,” I beg.

I need more. I need him inside of me. It feels like he hasn’t been there in weeks, the need is so strong. I’ve turned into this hormonal, horny, sluttastic girl and I don’t even care. Suddenly, I’m not longer exhausted; instead, I’m horny as all hell.

“Need you to understand, Kentlee. No other bitches. No matter where I go, or what’s happening. You don’t need to worry about that from me,” he grunts as I unbuckle his pants and wrap my hand around his hard cock. He went commando, and I can’t even begin to think about how fucking hot that is right now.

“Okay. Only me, Pierce. I understand,” I whisper breathlessly. I have never been as wound up as I have been around this man.

“I’m going to take you every way I can, Kentlee. You’re mine,” he grinds out before he wrenches my jeans down my legs. “This,” he cups my center before he plunges two fingers inside of me, “is mine. My woman, my cunt, my baby, all fucking mine.” His head slants as he kisses me, removing his fingers to plunge his cock inside of me to the root.

I whimper, unable to form words as he fucks me, hard—his eyes focused on mine, so clear, it is as if I can see inside of him. He wants this. He wants me and he wants us.

I dive my fingers into his shaggy hair and hold on to him, my eyes never breaking from his. His grunts and my whimpers fill the silence of the room. When I come, it is looking into his eyes. He follows shortly, doing the same. His lazily slides in and out of me after his climax, and then he places a soft kiss on my lips.

,” he murmurs quietly before he slides out of me and wraps me in his arms.

I should go clean up. I should do about a million different things, but with this man’s strong arms wrapped around me from behind, his warm body nestled next to mine, I can’t do anything but let the exhaustion swallow me up.

I am safe.

In his arms, with him in my bed, nothing can hurt me.

He’s more than I ever thought possible and I don’t even know him yet.



She sleeps.

Pure fuckin’ beauty, and she’s mine.

There is no way I can let the bad part of my life touch her.

Kentlee is good, so good, and I can’t corrupt her – not like that.

She’ll never know about the way this life is.

Kentlee isn’t Old Lady material; not that’d I’d ever have one. She’s not strong enough. I can see it in her eyes. She needs someone to take care of her, and I’ll do that. I’ll be hers and she’ll be mine, but I can’t declare her as anyone to the club.

No way in fuck could she deal with the shit Old Lady’s deal with. My mama was strong and she was tough; she dealt, but I don’t see those traits in Kentlee. She’s soft, sweet, and pure. I’m going to keep her
myself, and

My phone starts ringing in my jeans, and I break away from her sleeping form to answer it.


“What’s up?” I ask, knowing that it must be something big if he’s calling me right now.

“Got a problem with the shipment to Canada, brother. The club says they’re having issues with the Mexican Cartel there. They need muscle—they need backup. The shipments are getting intercepted by the Cartel and the club hasn’t been able to make their deliveries. The Aryan’s are
,” Torch explains on a hiss.

“I fuckin’ hate the Aryan’s. I don’t know why that deal was ever made in the first place,” I grumble, walking into Kentlee’s living room.

“Money talks, brother,” Torch sighs. I know he feels the same way about those racist fucks.

“So they want us to come up to Canada, guns hot, full force, to protect their shipments? Do they not understand the word incognito?” I ask, not expecting an answer.

“You know them. They don’t give a fuck. They just want their shit. Douchebags,” Torch answers. I stretch my neck from side-to-side, trying to relieve the tension I feel building.

“We try one more shipment, the one going out next month, on a different route. If it’s intercepted, then we come in and make ourselves fucking known,” I explain.

No way in fuck do I want to help those assholes, but they pay us well, and Torch is right.
Money talks.

“I’ll spread the word,” he offers. I thank him.

I’m not contacting them unless I absolutely have to.

I never agreed to doing business with them. I’ve never wanted it, and I’ve never liked it. The original charter set all that shit up. While I was a voting member there, I was too busy fucking and drinking to give much of a shit about the business side of it. I took my orders like a good solider and did what I was supposed to do, but that was about it. Now that I’m in charge and have a fairly decent clear head, I don’t like it at all.

I walk back into Kentlee’s bedroom, which is about two steps away—seeing as her house is the size of a fuckin’ postage stamp—and crawl back into her comfortable as shit bed. When I wrap my arms around her again, I hear her let out a sigh and I smile.

Fuck, this little girl and what she does to me.
. I close my eyes and sigh out my own breath.

I’m happy.

Never been happy like this before.

My woman.

My baby.

Fuckin’ bliss.


he heavy arm that is pressing me into the mattress should feel uncomfortable.
It doesn’t.
In fact, I like it – a lot.

I roll over to face Pierce and see that he is still asleep. He looks younger when he’s asleep, his jaw slack instead of clenched.

I trace his eyebrow with my fingertips and then drag them along the edge of his face, down along the underside of his jaw, feeling the scruff of his beard.

“Feels good, baby,” he mumbles in a hazy sleep-filled voice. I slip my fingers through his shaggy hair and gently rake my nails along his scalp.

“Good afternoon,” I remark as his eyes slowly open.

. Passed out,” he says as he stretches next to me.

“You want me to make something to eat while we discuss budgets and stuff?” I ask, hoping that he’s still on board—that sleeping and time haven’t changed his mind.

“Yeah, sugar, that’d be good,” he says, smiling as his stomach growls.

I laugh slightly as I crawl out of bed in search of something to wear.

I slide a clean pair of panties on over my hips and turn around to see him watching me from the bed. His eyes are a bit darker than their normal gray, but they are completely focused on me. Biting my lip, I put on a bra and grab an oversized shirt before slipping a pair of leggings on. I don’t plan on going anywhere else today.

“Gorgeous,” he breathes as he climbs out of bed and heads my direction. I jump when his hands grasp my hips and he angles his head to plant a hard kiss on my lips.

“Peirce,” I moan after he lets me go. He doesn’t say another word.

He pats my ass and then turns and walks to my bathroom. I watch him as he goes, enjoying the view of his bare ass and the muscles that move with each step he takes. As soon as the bathroom door closes, I sigh and make my way toward the kitchen.

I don’t have much in my refrigerator, because I really don’t like cooking for just one person. It’s sad and makes me feel lonely, so I don’t do it often. Luckily, I have all the ingredients to make meat sauce spaghetti and I have a new loaf of bread that I can turn into cheesy garlic bread. My mouth waters at the very idea of more carbs, so I quickly get to work making food for my man and myself.

My man.

I still can’t believe that Fury is mine.

Pierce “Fury” Duhart is

I am Pierce “Fury” Duhart’s

I shiver slightly at the thought.

I am taken out of my daydream when two strong arms wrap around my middle and a pair of soft lips touch behind my ear. I inhale his scent; sweat, spice, and Pierce fills my lungs.

“Smells good, baby girl,” he rumbles behind me, his chest vibrating against my back.

“It’s ground beef, Pierce,” I chuckle. His arms squeeze me slightly before one of his hands drifts up the inside of my shirt to wrap around my breast. I moan when he pinches my nipple through my bra.

“Haven’t had a woman cook for me since my mama did before she died. Smells good, baby girl,” he says, repeating the phrase, rocking me to my core.

I realize that I truly know nothing about the man. He lets me go and grabs a coke out of the fridge before settling down at the bar to watch me.

“You’re mom passed? I’m so sorry,” I say quietly as I turn to face him.

“I was fifteen; twenty years ago, sugar. I miss her, but I’ve dealt with all that sorrow,” he confesses. I blink, realizing that he’s well over ten years older than I am.

“Does it bother you that I’m twenty-three and you’re thirty-five?” I ask. He smiles slightly before he speaks, his eyes roaming my body.

“Not even a little. Now, if you acted like a young idiot chick, it would probably bug the fuck outta me, but you don’t. You’re a woman, you’re responsible, and you’re fuckin’ heaven around my cock. Plus, you cook. How could I fuckin’ complain?” he asks as he chuckles.

I want to throw my spatula at him, but I can’t. He is being his own brand of sweet again, and I’m falling all over it.

,” I hiss before I turn around and smile into my pan of browning ground beef.

“You love it, baby girl,” he grunts.

I shake my head.
I do. I absolutely love it.

Pierce and I exchange small talk, very small talk, while I make dinner. I find out that he’s not from Idaho but California, and that his club’s original chapter is there. Not that I even understand that. I tell him that I’ve never left Idaho. My brother goes to college at Notre Dame, but I’ve never left state lines. I ask him about his father, where he is and if he misses him. He tells me that his father is the President for the club he was raised in, back in California.

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