Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) (35 page)

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Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #Notorious Devils MC #1

BOOK: Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1)
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Six months later


he zipper isn’t going to go up,” Rosie says from behind me as she tugs on the zipper of my wedding gown.

Today is my wedding day. I’m going to officially be
Mrs. Pierce Duhart;
though, I’ve been Fury’s Old Lady for months now, a title that makes me as good as a wife with his brothers and other outlaw bikers.

My script tattoo of his name on my hip permanently marks me as his in his world. I want his name, though; and I want to easily change Bear’s last name to Pierce’s.

But I can’t do any of that if my dress doesn’t fit.

“I just tried it on last week and it was fine,” I grind out as I hold the sides of the dress back so that Rosie can pull the zipper up.

“Bitch, you’re knocked up. How did you not give yourself some leeway?” she asks.

I grin, thinking about the baby Pierce and I are going to welcome into the world in another six months.

“I figured a week was fine. It fit like a glove last week,” I grumble. She curses as she finally yanks the zipper up.

It’s tight

I let out a shaky breath and look at myself in the mirror. The dress is a blush color—because white was just ridiculous—and it has a sweetheart neckline, the bodice tight all the way to my knees, where it flares just a bit. It's mermaid style that hugs every single curve I have, which is more than I had six months ago.

Pierce has been feeding me, trying to get me to gain weight. Apparently, he missed the body I sported when we met.
Tits and ass
is what he missed, but he claims he just wants me to be healthy and I looked hungry. I smile as I slide my feet into my pale blue high heels.

My dreams come true today. Completely and totally fulfilled.

“Did your brother make it?” Rosie asks hesitantly. I shake my head.

My brother has been more and more distant lately. I don’t know if it’s because I accepted Pierce back into my life so easily, or if it’s because he’s tired of the family drama and the shit he gets from our parents by keeping our lines of communication open.

I asked him to walk me down the aisle about four months ago, and he told me he would let me know. I haven’t heard from him since, and I am letting things lie. I love Connellee, but I’m not going to push him. If I did, then I would be no better than my parents. I’m not happy with him, though; in fact, I’m angry. I’m angry at him for being verbally supportive and then just disappearing.

“I’m sure he’s busy being a fancy doctor,” I say, trying to hold back my tears.

I’m an emotional mess with the pregnancy, not to mention my family and a wedding on top of it.

“You have all of us, though, so you’re good,” Rosie says with a grin before she wraps me in a hug.

Rosie and I have become extremely close since my abduction. We spend several days a week together with our children, just enjoy each other’s company. She doesn’t have contact with her family either, so it’s a way for us to bond. We've become each other’s support system.

“You ready?” she asks as she gathers her purse and slips on her own shoes.

“I am,” I say with a nod. And I am. I am so ready. I am so excited to be Mrs. Pierce Duhart, I can hardly breathe.

Our wedding isn’t a huge affair. The only guests are the club members and their Old Ladies or girlfriends. Pierce’s father, Max, and his men came, as well. There are only about seventy guests, and the only people
invited were my neighbor, Tammy, and Candy from the club. That’s okay, though. I don’t mind. This group of men, and a few women, truly are my family now. Tammy knocks on the door to the bedroom, where I am getting dressed, and ushers Bear inside.

“You look lovely,” she whispers as she wraps her arms around me.

I thank her before she leaves and then I look at my little man. He’s wearing a mini suit and he looks adorable.

“Are you ready?” I ask him. He nods, shifting from foot to foot.

When my brother didn’t return my phone call, I decided that I would have Bear walk me down the aisle to his daddy. It seemed fitting. We are finally becoming a family, legally, and in the eyes of God.

When I said this to Pierce, he rolled his eyes and told me we were already a family. I know that we are, that we’re a perfect family, but I want to be one in all aspects, not just in our hearts. So this wedding, it’s important to me.

I let Pierce pick the venue, and I prayed that it wouldn’t be a bar. I really did think that he would make it at the clubhouse, but he surprised me.
Shocked me, really

Our wedding is at an old barn out in the country. The barn is rustic and beautiful. Inside, there's a dance floor, along with a bar, and old lighting across the big beams that hold it together. Outside, there are chairs set up, making an aisle and tables off to the side for dinner. It’s quiet and peaceful and breathtaking. I love that he truly thought of me while picking the venue.

I take Bear’s hand and together we walk out of the old farm house and toward Pierce. I almost made Pierce wear a suit, and I’m sure he would have had I asked, but I wouldn’t ask that of him. That’s simply not his style.

He’s standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for us; his hair in my favorite man-bun style, with his beard covered cheeks and chin. He’s wearing dark black pants that I picked out, along with his black riding boots and a crisp, black, button up shirt. His cut is firmly in place and he looks so rugged and so tough, yet so incredibly gorgeous and handsome all rolled into one.

Once Bear and I make our way down the aisle, he runs over to Rosie, who is in the front row with her daughter.

I take Pierce’s offered hands and we begin our ceremony.



Kentlee has been mine since the moment I saw her, but today, she’s officially mine –

I look around at all of our friends dancing, laughing, and drinking.
This is the life.
Our friends and family, celebrating our newest milestone. I watch as Kentlee kisses Bear goodnight and Tammy takes him away.

It’s getting late, and the kids are all leaving. I wish I were leaving too, so that I could start in on fucking my wife for the entire night; but it’s a party, and she’s having a good time, so I won’t make her leave just yet.

I watch as she walks my way. Her dress is so fuckin’ beautiful on her, showcasing those curves I’ve been working overtime to add to her small frame. Then of course, that sweet little baby bump she’s suddenly sporting. I would be lying if I said that bump wasn’t the best thing about her body right now. I never saw her grow with Bear, so I’m enjoying everything about it this time.

Honestly, I can’t wait to knock her up again.

She’s just so fuckin’ breathtaking when she’s pregnant.

“Hey, husband,” she whispers as she sits down on my thigh.

“Baby girl,” I murmur against her neck as I slide her hair over to bare her shoulder.

“Today was perfect. Thank you so much,” she sighs, leaning back against my chest. I wrap my palm around her stomach, feeling that life I created.

“You’re perfect,” I murmur. She giggles slightly before she turns her head and places a soft kiss against my jaw.

“Take me away and fuck me until I pass out,” she whispers in my ear.

My cock goes rock hard in an instant. Kentlee’s always enjoyed the way I fuck her, but
, she’s been unbelievably horny since getting knocked up. I fuckin’ love the shit that flies out of her mouth.

“Yeah? I’m gonna eat that pussy until you scream,” I mutter against her skin. I feel her squirm in my lap.

“Please, Pierce, I need you,” she whimpers.

I know it’s time to go.

I pick her up and yell goodbye to all of our guests, who hoot and holler as I carry my bride away.

I buckle her safely in the car and I
. I wanted to take her somewhere nice for our honeymoon, but she refused. Said that she didn’t want to go on vacation when she was pregnant and likely to get sick. So Tammy is watching Bear over the weekend while we hole up in a cabin, just twenty miles outside of town on a lake. I stocked everything this morning and it’s waiting for us.

I’m on my way to make love to my wife.

Not my Old Lady or my woman, but my

It’s surreal and fantastic all at once.

“C’mon,” I say as I lift her from the passenger seat of the car and carry her into the cabin.

“It’s perfect, Pierce.” She sighs when she sees the fire has been lit and the bed turned down in this little one-bedroom place away from the rest of the world. Our own little piece of solitude for a few days.

“You’re perfect,” I say, repeating my words from earlier. She is, and she will always be perfect
me and perfect

“Fuck your wife, Pierce,” she whispers.

I drop her to her feet and press my lips to hers.

I’m going to fuck her,
, but first I’m going to make love to her soft and gentle.

, I’m going to make her scream my name.





made sure the bathroom door was locked.

Not that a lock would stop Scotty from breaking the door down.
He’d done it before
. For a man who was slim and worked behind a desk all day long, he had some serious strength.

I sat down on the closed toilet seat pressing my hands to my face. It had happened again. I had lost count of how many times Scotty had slapped me, punched me, kicked me, or raped me.

My entire relationship was a farce.

I hated him, but I had married him because my parents encouraged it. They loved that I had married a man with a fantastic career. My father scowled when he saw the yellowing bruises on my face but, never said a word. My mother pretended to be oblivious to the hell that I lived in.

I let my mind drift back in time, not for the first time, to the one and only man that I loved.

Bates Lukin

I fell for Bates when I was just fourteen years old. He was the older bad boy and I loved everything about him—the thrill and the danger that surrounded him. I pursued him,
and eventually he took notice. We spent one year together before he went away to Marine boot camp.

One beautiful year where I gave him everything—my love and my virginity.

“I won’t ask you to wait for me, Brent. I know you’re still enjoying high school and you deserve to have fun,” Bates murmurs as he cups his hand around my cheek. I wrap my fingers around his wrist, holding onto him.

“But I love you,” I say, my voice trembling with emotion.

“I don’t doubt that, Brent. I love you, too; but I’m not coming back here. I have no clue where they’ll send me, but I don’t want to be anywhere near my father. You need to have fun in high school. Sitting around alone on Friday nights isn’t your style. I wouldn’t ask you to do that for me,” he says as his dark eyes roam over my face, taking me in, memorizing me for quite possibly the last time – ever.

“I can stay faithful. Do you think you won’t be able to?” I ask challengingly—angrily.

“For you, I could do anything, Brent. For you, I would do anything. But you’re young and I can’t hold you back like that,” he sighs, pressing his forehead to mine.

“You’re breaking my heart, Bates,” I whisper, unable to hold the tears at bay.

“I know. At least you have a heart. I gave mine to you,” he murmurs, running his nose along mine and pressing a closed mouth kiss against my lips.

“You can’t have it back. I’ll be waiting for you,” I cry.

My fifteen-year-old heart was shattered the day Bates left for boot camp.
I would have waited for him
. I would have waited a lifetime. Months went by without news from him. I would beg his sister, Mary-Anne, for any information she had.

At first, she obliged, sharing letters he sent to her. Then suddenly, she stopped. I knew he had told her to let me move on. He was
me to move on.

In my anger toward Bates, I turned into someone I didn’t recognize.

I began drinking and became promiscuous. That lasted for about three years. Until my best friend’s brother came back from law school. He saw me as a woman, and he wanted me.

Scotty and I were engaged mere months after we started dating, and our marriage was rushed. I was nineteen and he was just beginning his career. We were going to be the perfect couple. The
lasted until our honeymoon. The truth crashed through my little bubble with a vengeance. It was the first night he hit me. I had embarrassed him because I drank too much at our reception.

I was a stupid whore, a slut, and I was lucky he took pity on me and married me.

stupid at that time. I
stupid for falling for all of his shit. For not listening to my sister, Kentlee, when she tried to advise me to steer clear of the man. He didn’t need to point out that I had been slutty. I owned that slut inside of me, but I wasn’t that girl anymore. I was a wife, completely ready to devote my life to my new husband.

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