Rough Riders (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Rough Riders
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He was well
and truly toasted on some shit, his eyes were glassy and his head could hardly
stay still. I wasn’t sure he could even feel the pain from the bullet in his
shoulder. Look like Wayne was dipping into his own supply. “You got my money
asshole?” I walked around him and he followed me with his eyes, a look of pure
hate on his face.

“What money? I
don’t owe you shit fucker. You’ve messed with me for the last time, this time
I’m gonna finish you off for good.” He started doing some weird shit with his
mouth like he was trying to bite the air or some fuck.

“What the
you on?”

He laughed and kicked out at me
but there was no strength in his legs and his aim was way off. He toppled to
the side and fuck if he didn’t start growling like an animal. I looked at my
guys but they all just shrugged their shoulders as we watched the guy lose his
fucking mind.

“Should we
call someone boss? I think this fool was smoking that shit.” I got close enough
to search his pockets, I’d seen the weed laced with whatever it was they were
using, but I still didn’t know what the fuck ‘it’ was. Whatever Wayne had got
into was more potent than anything I’d seen before, then again, if he’d been
holed up smoking this shit for the last
that might do it.

He tried to
bite me so I knocked him in his fucking head and went through his pockets.
There was a vial of clear liquid in his front pants pocket that I was pretty
sure was what I was looking for. I’d have to get the shit to a lab to find out
what the fuck, but in the meantime I had to deal with this ass. I couldn’t put
a bullet in him and end him, it would be like shooting an unarmed man in the
back; and as much as I hated his ass, it wasn’t in me.

“What the fuck is he doing?”

“I think he’s trying to eat his
own lips.” What the fuck?

I ended up
having to save Wayne from his own stupid ass. It took the paramedics damn near
forever to get there, and by that time, I was wishing I’d killed the fuck. In
the end it was pointless because the asshole died on the operating table. What
was the fucking irony, of me and my boys being at the fucking hospital in the
waiting room waiting for news on my old nemesis? I guess some might say it was

My dad called
me while we were there with news about Colt and I guess it was providence that
I was where I was at the time of the call. I looked at the little bottle in my
hand and shook my head. “I have to go see about something you guys stay here
‘til I get back.” I kissed Lydia and left her with the crew.

It wasn’t easy finding the room
since I didn’t want to bring any attention to myself, but a few well-placed
questions soon had me going in the right direction. I didn’t know the person
that was lying on the bed; all I knew was that she had fucked with my boy and
his family. From what dad said it had been close. It had been no problem
getting rid of the cop on the door; these small town types never expect shit to
happen in their own backyard.

I used the syringe to add some
of Wayne’s concoction to her IV and walked away. I hope the bitch suffers.


We ended up at
Colt’s house that night, which took my girl’s mind off the evening’s fuckery. I
was feeling good because I’d taken care of two birds with one stone. It was
good to see my boy and his family happy, even though I heard he’d had his own
problems that night too, looks like we’d both been rid of our assholes in the
same day.

When he looked
over at me after getting a phone call I knew he’d heard. I beckoned him over
for a quick word in the middle of the impromptu party that was going on at his
house. My girl was fussing with Lyon and Kat’s little girl and really giving me
ideas, but I shelved them for now.

“You heard?”

“It was you?”

“You were in a tight spot bro. Your father in law is the law and shit,
somebody needed to make that bitch dead. I don’t trust the justice system worth
shit, they’d probably claim she’s nuts and set her up in some padded room
somewhere and with her family connections, she’d be out in six months. You and
your family would be looking over your shoulders for the rest of your lives.
That shit’s fucked.”

“How did you know?”

“Pops got a call.
You know he likes to know what’s going on around him, paranoid fuck. He was
going to do it but I told him I’d take care of it. It goes without saying. We
never speak of this shit again.”

“Thanks bro. I was
trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to get to her. I couldn’t do her
in front of my wife and kid.”

“I know it, but like
I said, you’re too close to this one.”

We hugged and slapped each other’s backs in friendship, before heading
back into the room with the others.

I found my
girl and kept her close the rest of the night; it had been a rough
days. Hopefully tomorrow my life could go back to
fucking normal, then again, fucking around with this one, I wasn’t sure normal
was in the works for me anymore.


“Keep your
legs there.” I had her spread eagle on the bed with her legs up in the sling
that I had hanging over the bed. Taking my seat in the chair at the end of the
bed, I took my cock in hand and started stroking up and down.

“You can
start, but don’t forget, you can tease your clit with that shit but don’t fuck
yourself with it. Only one cock goes in that pussy.” She nodded her head and
bit her lip as she looked down between her legs where she started running the
vibrator over her clit.

“Touch your
pussy with your fingers. Good girl; now push them inside.” She teased her pussy
with her fingers pushing them in as she tickled her clit with the toy.

I stroked my
cock faster as she started to juice. Leaving my seat, I crawled in between her
legs and buried my head in her pussy, replacing her fingers with my tongue.
She’s a hot little bitch so she started moving her ass as I tongue fucked her.

She kept the
vibrator on low on her clit while I ate out her pussy, like it was my last
meal. “
, fuck that feels good.” I sent my
tongue as deep as it would go, searching for her spot. The action from the
vibrator mixed with my tongue soon had her juicing into my mouth like a ripe

I sucked up
all that goodness before pulling away and climbing to my knees. I teased her
pussy with my cockhead before sinking in nice and slow. She howled and bucked
when I stuffed the whole twelve inches into her tight as fuck pussy.

I fucked her
hard and deep, until she came all over my cock, then I pulled out and climbed
up her body with her legs still hanging. “Open.” She opened her mouth for my
cock, which she licked and sucked until all her juices were gone, then I moved
back down her body and eased into her again.

“Still the
tightest fucking pussy in the world babe.” She lifted her mouth for me to take
and I gave her my tongue as my cock grew inside her. Lifting her ass in my
hands I pounded into her with one thought on my mind, to breed. “You know what
today is?”

“No what?” Her
eyes were half closed as she strove for another climax, her hips worked
overtime, as her pussy clenched and released, giving my dick a workout.

“It’s ovulation day.”


“It’s time babe, we had a deal.”

“I know but…school.”

“That’s been working out just fine so try again.”

“But Travis she’s…” Just then I went a little deeper cutting her off
mid sentence. She soon forgot about arguing with me and concentrated on
fucking. The bed rocked and slammed into the wall as I fucked her with force,
pushing the head of my cock deep into her cervix. I’d done my homework, so I
knew what to do to get the best results.

“Oh yeah baby, feel that cock. You shoulda
known what I was after when I strapped your legs up like this.” I buried my
face in her neck and sent my teeth into her skin. I never get enough of marking
her, and never more so than when we’re fucking. She likes it too, if the way
her pussy tightened and her nails dug into my back were any indication.

“Fuck I’m cumming, cum with me.” I sucked her
tongue into my mouth as I felt the first burst of my seed as it shot into her. I
came long and hard, growling like a beast as her pussy locked me down. “Ooh
yeah, I nailed your ass with that one.” I started to pull out, which was a good
because just then there was a stirring coming
through the monitor. “Stay there I’ll go get her.”

I pulled out and did a quick wipe and tuck in
the bathroom before heading to the nursery next door to get my three- month old
daughter. Damn, my heart still does that melting shit as soon as I walk in the
door and see her. Her little arms and legs were flailing around, as she wailed
like somebody was killing her. I walked over and stood, looking down at her.
She was red in the face and mad as fuck.

“Hey baby daddy’s here, come on now it’s not
that bad.” I lifted her into my arms and drew her in for a cuddle. Her wails
subsided to mere sniffles, as she tried to suck on my shirt, my girl was
hungry. “First things first.” I changed her on the changing table before taking
her into her mother who was sitting up at the ready.

I love the way she reaches her arms out for
the baby, don’t know what it is about that that gets me every time, but it
does. I placed our child in her arms and watched her get settled, her greedy
little mouth latching onto her mommy’s nipple as she suckled. Climbing onto the
bed with them, I wrapped my arms around my wife’s shoulders, drawing her into
my side as I placed the other arm beneath my daughter so that I cocooned them
both. My whole world, right here in my arms!

“I’m next.”


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