Rough Cut (9 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Rough Cut
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“Why wouldn’t I want to reenact that story, Gwen?”

“Those characters,” she said quietly, “what they do. It’s not natural.”

He leaned back onto his knees, his mind whirling with her comment. “Not natural?”

“The pain, the bondage,” she added. “Doesn’t that disturb you?”

“No, it doesn’t. Not at all. I can show you how amazing pleasure and pain can be when mixed

together just right. If you’ll let me.”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Why not? You’re a submissive, Gwen. Surely you know that.” He was shocked by her continued

reticence. How could she fight so hard against what she so clearly wanted?

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He reeled back at her denial. She knew. She had to know. Didn’t she? “Where the hell do you think

‘The Darkest Night’ came from? I realized it the second I learned it was you who had written it. You’re a born sub. Haven’t you ever given in to those desires? Put yourself in the hands of a true Dom, even if only for a night?”

“No. You don’t understand. This is wrong.”

“Don’t.” His voice was harsh, angry, but he didn’t care. “Don’t ever say this is wrong again. Do you


“Yes.” Her body was trembling and he suddenly wondered if he’d gone too far.

“Are you afraid of me?”

She shook her head.

“Say it, Gwen. Out loud.”

“No,” she whispered. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Good. Now tell me you want this. Tell me you want this bondage.”

She shuddered.

“Tell me,” he repeated.

“I can’t.”


Mari Carr

“You can. You will. Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me you want me to take possession of

you. Because that’s what I’m going to do, Gwen. You belong to me.”

“No,” she whispered brokenly, her voice betraying her. She wanted everything he was doing to her.

He knew it. He just needed to break through her damn resistance.

“Say it.” He refused to back down until he heard the words. He wasn’t going to let her escape her true nature any more. “Say it.”

She closed her eyes, her body trembling with need.

“God dammit, Gwen. I can’t go on unless you say it.” His body was aching, but he wouldn’t concede,

wouldn’t compromise.

“Ty, please,” she cried. “I need you.”

Upon second glance, he realized her pent-up passion caused her to shake. She was at the precipice of

entering this new reality and he wouldn’t let her turn back now.

He bent toward her and kissed her passionately, intensely. He’d been wrong to try to ease her into this type of relationship, wrong with his subtle approach. Clearly she thought she could escape the truth, escape him. No doubt she thought they’d been merely playing a game. It was time to take off the mask, time to reveal his true nature.

He narrowed his eyes, waiting for the words.

“I want you to take control. Own me,” she said. “I’m yours. Only yours.”

He broke away and donned a condom before gripping her hips firmly. He pulled her legs apart,

placing one over the back of the leather seat and the other over his shoulder. She was totally open, helpless to anything but him and his body’s demands. He seated himself to the hilt in one thrust.

“You’re mine, Gwen,” he hissed as he pounded himself into her willing flesh. Her orgasm began

almost immediately and he pulled out completely as she screamed in frustration.

“I haven’t given you permission to come,” he said.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and her body shook violently as she fought against the handcuffs on

her wrists. He was grateful for the soft lining.

“Please,” she begged. “Please let me come.”

His eyes narrowed and he fought against returning to her hot body. There was one more concession,

one more part of her he needed.

“Please what?”

She looked at him, confused for only a moment. He knew the second she understood his question.

She swallowed heavily and nipped at her bottom lip, her discomfort apparent. He continued to watch

her, feigning a patience he didn’t really possess. Unfortunately, there was a part of him that needed to hear the word desperately enough that he refused to move forward without it.

“Please, Master,” she whispered.


Rough Cut

He kissed her gently, rewarding her compliance, aware of how difficult it had been for her.

He leaned forward, placing his cock inside her again, fucking her in earnest. Over and over he

pounded into her hot cunt, her screams, her demands for more fueling the wildfire raging inside him.

Harder and harder he thrust, demanding that she give him everything, every part of her body. She was his.

God dammit, she was his and he wouldn’t allow her to withhold anything from him.

“Come.” As she flew apart, he felt her drag him into the abyss with her. Two souls lost in a

conflagration of white-hot stars and fiery rays as bright as the sun. Hot jets of sperm erupted and he silently wished his seed were free to flood her body, free to plant itself within her womb. The image of Gwen

carrying his child invaded his mind and he realized
how much he wanted from this woman.

For several minutes, neither of them moved. Then he reached up to unlock the clasp of the cuffs. In

one deft movement, he twisted her around until she sat facing him upon his lap, his cock still buried within her.

He kissed her gently before pushing her head against his shoulder. He fought back a grin at her

drowsy cuddle. After every intense orgasm, she fell into a semi-comatose state, and he loved being able to leave her this satiated, this fulfilled.

“When we get home, I’m going to fill your ass with my own hard flesh. No more toys.”

She pushed away from him and he wondered what she was thinking. Her smile, though sweet, didn’t

seem to reach her eyes.

“I’m going to take you so far into the darkest night, Gwen, you won’t ever want to see the sunshine


She shivered in response to his promise and he drew her back toward him.

As the limo pulled up in front of Ty’s mansion, he helped her put her sundress on, setting her to rights before the chauffeur opened the door. He led her into the house and up the stairs.

“Ty,” she said once they’d reached his bedroom, stopping just inside the threshold of the doorway. “I

was thinking I’d like to spend tonight in the guest house.”

“What?” he asked, confused by her sudden about-face.

“Today’s been pretty tiring, and I need a break.”

“A break.” He was well aware of the fact that her idea of a break was his idea of running away. “If

you’re feeling overwhelmed by what happened in the limo—”

“It wasn’t just the limo,” she interrupted. “I mean the whole day, the trailer, the set. I really need a little bit of time to myself to sort some things out.”


Mari Carr

He nodded, despite the fact he had no intention of letting her spend the evening alone. He suspected

she was hoping to use the time to build up her defenses and to put off facing some pretty serious facts about herself.

“Why don’t you tell me what it is you need to think about? Maybe I could help.”

She shook her head, walking to the dresser to retrieve some of her personal items.

“What the hell are you doing?” He couldn’t contain the growl that escaped his lips and she turned to

look at him, startled.

“I told you. I’m moving back down to the guest house.”

“I thought you were spending one night there. Now you’re moving out? What happened, Gwen? What

happened to scare you off?”

“Nothing. I’m not scared.” Her voice increased in volume and he could hear the panic in it. “I just

need a damn break. Things are moving too fast, going too far.”

“I’d say they’re not moving far enough. Which part was it, Gwen? The spanking? The handcuffs? The

idea of me taking your ass? Which part has you turning into a coward?”

He meant his taunt to sting. She was a proud woman and him calling her a coward would cut deep.

Hopefully it would jar her enough to talk to him.

“Maybe it’s just you. Have you considered that?”

. She had some barbs of her own to toss. Pity for her, conceit and arrogance were traits he had an abundance of.

“No,” he answered smugly. “That lie never crossed my mind.”

Her hand clenched around the hairbrush she was holding and he wondered for a moment if she would

throw it at him. She swallowed heavily and he worried that she truly was frightened. Then he watched her skin flush, heard her soft, panting breaths, saw her nipples tighten. Her gaze darted toward the door and he sensed her plotting her chances at escape.

“You won’t make it,” he warned.

As always, her body reacted to the dare before her mind had time to catch up. She darted around him,

but he beat her to the door, slamming and locking it before she could make it to the hall. With one hand, he gripped her waist as she tried to race away from him, forcing her roughly against the wall. He held her trapped as she struggled for freedom. “You know your word.”

She fought him with the determination of a wild horse refusing to be tamed. As she struggled, her

body’s signals declared her arousal, her excitement. She truly loved the chase, loved his harsh treatment.

“God dammit. Say the safe word or hold still.”

She froze and he wondered if she would call his bluff, use her safe word to cry halt. When she

remained silent, he tried to understand what had happened to change her mind so suddenly. His mind could only grasp on one reason.


Rough Cut

“‘The Darkest Night’,” he said.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to recreate that story.”

He shook his head at the determination in her tone. “That makes no sense, Gwen. For one thing, our

reenactments of your stories have been loose representations at best. In fact, the only story we’ve truly been delving into since you moved in here is ‘The Darkest Night’. We’ve been gradually working our way

toward a BDSM relationship since the very first day.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I would never do something like that.” Her words sounded flat, and the second

they passed her lips he knew she realized they were a lie.

“What did I tell you about lying to me? You want me to spell it out for you. I’ve pulled your hair,

spanked your ass, handcuffed you to the limo and issued some pretty hardcore sexual demands for over a week. You’ve submitted your body, your mind, your soul to me. Why is that so hard for you to admit? To accept? You like being tied up in bed. Pain brings you pleasure. So what?”

He gripped her upper arms firmly, pushing her against the wall. As always her body reacted to his

powerful actions and a groan escaped before she could restrain it.

“Why are you trying to humiliate me?” Her voice was broken, sad.

“Humiliate you? That’s not what I’m doing. Jesus, Gwen. I’d never do that. I’m just trying to make

you see that there’s nothing wrong with what we do together.”

He watched tears form in her lovely blue eyes and he cursed his anger, his frustration. She was upset

and he should be gentle with her, but he couldn’t contain the beast she’d unleashed from its cage with her threats to leave.

Fear gripped him—hard. She couldn’t leave. He needed her. Needed every part of her. Her mind, her

body, her soul, her love.

“Look at me. Damn you, look at me!” she cried.

He took a deep breath as he studied her flushed face. Her breathing was accelerated and he could

clearly detect her nipples protruding from her sundress. She was seriously aroused. The knowledge hit him like a brick and as always he felt his body answer the call. His cock thickened and hardened and he had to fight against the instilled instinct that demanded he pull down his pants and take her immediately.

Her eyes saddened when she realized he’d seen the truth. Her voice, when she finally spoke, drove

splinters into his heart. “It’s not natural to like pain, but I do. The second you slammed me against this wall, my body went into overdrive. It’s not natural to want to be held down, tied up, but my pussy is soaked because your hands are gripping me so tightly. I didn’t mean to drag you into my mess, Ty. I swear to you, I didn’t. I really think it’s better for both of us if I leave now.”

“You act like you have some terrible disease. So what if you like pain and bondage with sex? I don’t



Mari Carr

“Stop,” she yelled. “Just stop. It’s not the pain or the bondage. Don’t you see? It’s everything. I

should be able to control this. I’ve always been able to push it away. But with you, it’s too strong, too overpowering. I won’t make you do things that disgust you just to please me.”

“Disgust me?” His voice, like his temper, flared red-hot. “You think I’m disgusted by you? Jesus.” He

shoved his hard cock roughly into the vee of her thighs. “Does this feel like disgust to you?”

He released his too-tight grip on her arms when she cried out, then moaned with desire.

“Shit.” The impulse to hit something was tearing at his insides and he had to move away from her. If

he looked at her again, he’d throw her onto the bed and pound his cock into her soft, willing body until she never questioned his passion for her again.

“You’re going to have to explain why you think you disgust me, Gwen. Have I made you feel that


Christ. Had he? Had all his fears come to light? He’d been too rough in the trailer, in the limo. What if he’d hurt her? Scared her?

“No, of course not.” She was leaning against the wall and in her face, he could see the defeat and

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