Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (761 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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Deep Venous Thrombosis

  • 453.40 Acute venous embolism and thrombosis of unspecified deep vessels of lower extremity
  • 454.9 Asymptomatic varicose veins
  • 459.81 Venous (peripheral) insufficiency, unspecified
  • I82.409 Acute embolism and thrombosis of unspecified deep veins of unspecified lower extremity
  • I83.90 Asymptomatic varicose veins of unspecified lower extremity
  • I87.2 Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)
Ruth L. Lamm
  • Mechanical ventilation is machine generated flow of gas into and out of the lungs that acts as a substitute for normal respiratory function

Basic Concepts: Physiology and Pulmonary Mechanics

  • Mechanical ventilation is
    positive pressure ventilation
    indicating that forced gas delivery generates positive pressure during inspiration
  • Negative pressure ventilation:
    • Natural respiratory pattern
    • At rest (functional residual capacity) surface tension of alveoli is balanced by elastic recoil of chest wall; alveoli pressure equals atmospheric pressure at this point
    • In inspiration, lungs expand causing alveolar pressure to become negative compared with atmospheric pressure and air travels down pressure gradient into lungs
    • Exhalation is normally passive, but can be made active with the use of accessory muscles in the setting of airway obstruction/increased airway resistance
  • Minute ventilation (MV):
    • Total volume of breaths in 1 min
    • Breaths in 1 min is respiratory rate (RR)
    • Standard breath is called tidal volume (TV)
    • MV = TV × RR: Each component can be adjusted to control ventilation
  • Oxygenation is controlled with adjusting fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO
    ) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
  • Compliance:
    • Describes lung distensibility
    • Defined as change in volume with given change in pressure
    • Decreased lung compliance can be caused by problems with the lung parenchyma (i.e., pneumonia, ARDS) or problems with the chest wall/pleura (i.e., abdominal distension)
    • Lung compliance determines
      plateau pressure
      • Plateau pressure is the steady state pressure; represents the attenuated pressure that is distributed to the small airways and alveoli during positive pressure ventilation
      • Goal ≤30 mm Hg
  • Resistance:
    • Defined as change in pressure with given flow
    • Main determinant is airway radius
    • Increased resistance can be caused by problems with the airways (i.e., bronchospasm), problems with the endotracheal tube (i.e., secretions), or problems with ventilator tubing
    • Resistance determines
      peak pressure
      • Peak pressure is the pressure seen in the larger airways before delivered volume is distributed to smaller airways and alveoli
      • Also determined by TV delivered
      • Goal ≤40 mm Hg
  • Indications for mechanical ventilation:
    • Failure to oxygenate:
      • Diffusion defect (i.e., pulmonary edema, pneumonitis, pneumonia)
      • Severe ventilation/perfusion mismatch (i.e., PE, severe hypoventilation)
      • Severe shock:
        • Shock = oxygen supply does not meet oxygen demand by tissues
        • Mechanical ventilation can help improve shock states in 2 ways:
        • Increased oxygen delivery
        • Reducing overall oxygen demand by replacing organ system with high oxygen requirement
  • Failure to ventilate:
    • Obtundation/sedation
    • Loss of ability to control diaphragm or intercostals (i.e., high spinal cord injury)
    • Severe myopathy
    • Dysfunctional chest wall (i.e., flail chest, increased abdominal pressures leading to decreased chest wall excursion, obesity)
    • Increased dead space (large PE, airway obstruction)
    • Metabolic acidosis (creates need for higher MV to compensate)
  • Other:
    • Patient safety/need for evaluation
    • Predicted deterioration in clinical course
  • Ventilation strategy should specifically address the indication for mechanical ventilation!
    • Example: In the setting of severe acidosis a preferred mode would be one where you could control MV closely
    • Example: In severe pulmonary edema controlling the MV is not as important as ensuring oxygen delivery
Incidence and Prevalence Estimates
  • Focus on underlying etiology for respiratory failure
  • Exam on mechanical ventilation should include assessing oxygen saturation, evaluating end-tidal CO
    ) with capnometry and capnography (see below), auscultating lung sounds/air movement, observing chest wall rise, palpating for abdominal distension
  • ETCO
    • Capnometry is the quantitative partial pressure of ETCO
    • Capnography is the graphic representation of the changes in ETCO
      with respiratory cycle
    • Normal lungs have a small degree of ventilation/perfusion mismatch as well as anatomic dead space. As a result, ETCO
      is usually around 2–5 mm Hg lower than PaCO
    • Capnometry will be affected by: Amount of dead space or ventilation/perfusion mismatch; changes in metabolic CO
      production (although ratio between PaCO
      and ETCO
      will not change); venous return (also will not affect ratio)
    • Evaluation of the ETCO
      waveform can be very useful:
      • Can help assess response to bronchodilator therapy as waveform in airway obstruction has a steeper upslope instead of a plateau given the prolonged expiratory phase
      • Can help assess adequacy of CPR (will see return of waveform with good compressions)
      • Can help assess cause of tachypnea or dyssynchrony
  • Monitor hemodynamic status closely with mechanical ventilation
  • Arterial blood gas (ABG):
    • Should be checked within 15–30 min of initiation of mechanical ventilation and repeated with any change in clinical status
    • pH and PaCO
      will help assess ventilation
    • PaO
      will assess oxygenation
    • With ability to assess continuous oxygen saturation and ETCO
      need for frequent ABGs, even after change in ventilator settings, may be eliminated or reduced
  • Serum chemistries including basic electrolytes with bicarbonate, liver function, renal function may help assess acid/base status which will affect ventilation strategy
  • Hemoglobin/hematocrit will help describe state of oxygen delivery

Imaging may include beside US, chest x-ray, and chest CT to assess for endotracheal tube placement and pathophysiology of the lung and chest wall


See indications for mechanical ventilation above


Respiratory support per local EMS protocol

  • Cardiac monitor
  • BP monitoring
  • Pulse oximetry
  • End-tidal CO
    monitoring when available

Critical actions include: Choosing appropriate ventilatory mode; assessing and adjusting ventilator settings; standard postintubation care; treatment of the underlying process.

  • Postintubation care is of utmost importance. Includes: Sedation and/or analgesia; confirmation of tube placement; adjustment of ventilator settings based on clinical condition and ABG; establishing ETCO
    gradient if using capnometry; elevating head of bed; placement of NG or OG tube.
  • Settings common to most modes include:
    • RR:
      • In all modes, but will be set by patient in more spontaneous modes
      • Normal starting rates can vary from 12–20
      • Consider underlying pathophysiology before arbitrarily setting rate (i.e., elevated ICP, severe asthma)
    • Fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO
      • Oxygen concentration in gas mixture
      • Usually start out with FiO
        of 1 (100%) but wean down quickly after confirmation of stable oxygenation with prompt ABG
    • PEEP:
      • Pressure that is applied to end expiration to maintain alveolar recruitment
      • Significant increase in work of breathing is required to open up collapsed alveoli
      • Collapsed alveoli do not participate in gas exchange, creating ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch and difficulty oxygenating and ventilating
      • By stenting open more alveoli, increased PEEP can improve oxygenation, especially at lower TVs (although be careful of high PEEP and overdistension which can lead to significant alveolar injury)
      • With normal chest wall compliance, basic starting PEEP will be 5–10 mm Hg
      • In setting of low chest wall compliance (obesity, anasarca, abdominal distension) may need to start with higher PEEP, around 10–15 mm Hg
    • Inspiratory:expiratory ratio (I:E): Will alter flow rates. Allows for optimal mechanics in disease specific situations: E.g., increase E fraction in obstructive airway disease to prevent “breath stacking.” Normal ratio ∼1:2.

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