Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (661 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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Admission Criteria
  • Pediatric, elderly, pregnant, or symptomatic patients
  • Significant cardiovascular symptoms and signs, or severe HTN, particularly in presence of premorbid cardiac disease or chronic HTN
  • Respiratory distress or pulmonary edema
  • Persistent symptoms not responding to aggressive management and specific antivenin
Discharge Criteria
  • Asymptomatic patients with no positive identification of a black widow spider can be released after observation for 1–2 hr
  • Asymptomatic patients with no comorbid illness with a positive identification of the black widow spider should be observed for a minimum of 4–6 hr and discharged if their condition does not change
  • All discharged patients must be instructed to watch for the following symptoms and to seek appropriate follow-up:
    • Hematuria
    • Rash
    • Joint pain
    • Lymphadenopathy
    • Shortness of breath
    • Signs of infection
  • Discharged patients who received antivenin should be instructed to watch for signs of serum sickness:
    • Type III delayed hypersensitivity
    • Uncommon
    • Occurs 5 days–3 wk post treatment
    • Treat with antihistamines and steroids
Issues for Referral

Toxicology consult for patients requiring admission or antivenin administration

  • In most untreated patients, symptoms peak after 2–3 hr and then begin to resolve, occasionally recurring episodically over the following few days
  • In otherwise healthy adults, complete resolution of symptoms occurs within 2–3 days
  • Neurology follow-up if persistent neurologic symptoms last weeks to months including:
    • Fatigue
    • Generalized weakness or myalgias
    • Paresthesias
    • Headache
    • Insomnia
    • Impotence
    • Polyneuritis
  • Widow bites in infants may present as intractable crying
  • A high fever and WBC count should prompt consideration of alternatives to spider bites (e.g., infection)
  • Boyer LV, Binford GJ, McNally JT. Spider bites. In: Auerbach, ed.
    Wilderness Medicine.
    5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2007.
  • Clark RF, Wethern-Kestner S, Vance MV, et al. Clinical presentation and treatment of black widow spider envenomation: A review of 163 cases.
    Ann Emerg Med
    . 1992;21(7):782–787.
  • Otten EJ. Venomous animal injuries. In: Marx JA, Hockenberger RS, Walls RM, et al., eds.
    Rosen’s Emergency Medicine.
    7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2009.
  • Weinstein S, Dart R, Staples A, et al. Envenomations: An overview of clinical toxinology for the primary care physician.
    Am Fam Physician
    . 2009;80(8):793–802.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)

Spider Bite, Brown Recluse


989.5 Toxic effect of venom


T63.311A Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, acc, init

Tarlan Hedayati

Christopher S. Lim

Local or systemic illness caused by brown recluse spider bite envenomation

  • Brown recluse spider (also known as the fiddleback spider) features:
    • Appearance:
      • Delicate body and legs spanning 10–25 mm
      • Tan- to dark-brown with darker violin-shaped marking visible on the upper aspect of the head
      • 3 pairs of eyes
    • Found widely throughout the south-central part of US
    • Habitat: Typically warm and dry locations, indoors or outdoors such as wood piles, bundles of rags, cellars, under rocks, or in attics
    • Bites are typically defensive
  • Mechanism of toxicity:
    • Venom is a complex cocktail of enzymes and peptides that:
      • Binds to RBC and causes hemolysis
      • Causes prostaglandin release and activates complement cascade
      • Causes lipolysis and tissue necrosis
      • Triggers platelet aggregation and thrombosis
      • Triggers allergic response to venom antigenic properties
      • May lead to shock and DIC in rare cases
    • Toxicity proportional to:
      • The amount of venom relative to the size of patient
      • Location of envenomation on the body
Pediatric Considerations
  • Children are more vulnerable to a given amount of venom than healthy adults
  • Fatality more common in children due to severe intravascular hemolysis

Diagnosis is based not only on the clinical presentation but also on a reliable history of a spider bite.

  • An isolated cutaneous lesion is the most common presentation
  • Bite sites are usually located in areas under clothing where spider gets trapped between clothing and skin
  • Local wound symptom onset:
    • Bite onset is usually asymptomatic, but some may report burning or stinging sensation
    • 1–24 hr later, patients may report aching or pruritis locally
  • Systemic features:
    • Rare complication
    • More common in children than adults
    • Develop during the 1st 1–3 days postenvenomation.
    • Patient may report:
      • Fever, chills
      • Weakness, malaise
      • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
      • Dyspnea
      • Myalgias, muscle cramps, arthralgias
      • Jaundice
      • Petechial or urticarial rash
      • Generalized pruritic rash
      • Hematuria or dark urine
  • Bite wound:
    • Usually no visible injury if examined within the 1st 1–3 days
    • There may be a pinprick lesion, local blanching and induration, or erythema.
    • Tissue injury may develop at bite site:
      • Initially, bite mark may be surrounded by edema
      • Next, an erythematous border will develop around a purple center with a thin ring of ischemia between the 2
      • Serous or hemorrhagic bullae may form in the center after 24–72 hr
      • Blister may gradually enlarge and darken with the development of and eschar of skin and subcutaneous fat necrosis over 3–4 days
      • Eschar sloughs off 2–5 wk later leaving an ulcer in its place
      • Necrosis develops most extensively where subcutaneous fat is greatest
      • Lower-extremity blisters may spread distally under the influence of gravity
      • Local response is not dependent on the extent of envenomation and cannot be used to predict the likelihood or severity of subsequent systemic illness
  • Skin:
    • Jaundice
    • Petechia
    • Urticaria
    • Generalized maculopapular rash
  • Careful inquiry required to elicit the spider bite history
  • Routine lab testing not necessary unless systemic toxicity present.
  • Spider venom can be detected in skin lesions, but widespread clinical testing is not available yet
  • CBC:
    • Hemolytic anemia
    • Thrombocytopenia, particularly with DIC
    • Leukocytosis
  • Electrolytes:
    • Hyperkalemia or acidosis in renal failure
  • BUN, creatinine
  • Creatine kinase may be elevated in rhabdomyolysis
  • Prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin test may be prolonged in DIC
  • d
    -dimer and fibrin degradation products may be elevated in DIC
  • Fibrinogen may be decreased in DIC
  • Urinalysis:
    • Hemoglobinuria
    • Proteinuria
  • CXR in systemic toxicity
  • Soft tissue radiograph of bite site
  • Angioedema
  • Bacterial soft tissue infection; MRSA
  • Burn
  • Cutaneous anthrax
  • Diabetic ulcer
  • Decubitus ulcer
  • Erythema nodosum
  • Fungal infection
  • Gonococcal hemorrhagic lesion
  • Herpes simplex
  • IV drug use or “skin popping”
  • Vascular insufficiency with secondary ulcer
  • Lyme disease
  • Neoplastic lesion
  • Other arachnid envenomation
  • Poison ivy or oak
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Sporotrichosis
  • Stevens–Johnson syndrome
  • Thrombosis
  • Vasculitis
  • Warfarin use

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