Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (103 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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  • Anderson IM, Haddad PM, Scott J. Bipolar disorder.
  • Lukens TW, Wolf SJ, Edlow JA, et al. Clinical policy: Critical issues in the diagnosis and management of the adult psychiatric patient in an emergency department.
    Ann Emerg Med
    . 2006;47(1):79–99.
  • Sachs GS, Dupuy JM, Wittman CW. The pharmacologic treatment of bipolar disorder.
    J Clin Psychiatry.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)

(Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element) Medical vs. Psychiatric

  • Delirium
  • Depression
  • Dystonic Reaction
  • Psychiatric Commitment
  • Psychosis, Acute
  • Psychosis, Medical vs. Psychiatric
  • 296.00 Manic disorder, single episode, unspecified degree
  • 296.50 Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, unspecified degree
  • 296.80 Bipolar disorder, unspecified
  • F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified
  • F31.10 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features, unspecified
  • F31.30 Bipolar disord, crnt epsd depress, mild or mod severt, unsp
Daniel T. Wu
  • Most bites are from provoked animals.
  • Dog bite wounds:
    • Large dogs inflict the most serious wounds (pit bulls cause the most human fatalities).
    • Most fatalities in children (70%) due to bites to face/neck
    • Dogs of family or friends account for most bites.
  • Cat bite wounds:
    • Majority from pets known to victim
    • 50% infection rate in those seeking care
    • Puncture wounds most frequent due to sharp thin teeth causing deep inoculation of bacteria
  • Catscratch disease (CSD):
    • 3 of the following 4 criteria:
      • Cat contact, with presence of scratch or inoculation lesion of the skin, eye, or mucous membrane
      • Positive CSD skin test result
      • Characteristic lymph node histopathology
      • Negative results of lab studies for other causes of lymphadenopathy
  • Rat bite wounds:
    • Occur in lab personnel or children of low socioeconomic class
    • Rat-bite fever (RBF), rare in US but high mortality rate
    • Rat bites rarely transmit rabies, and prophylaxis not routine
  • Dog and cat bites:
    • Pasteurella multocida
      is the major organism in both:
      • Twice as likely to be found in cat bites than dog bites
      • Gram-negative aerobe found in up to 80% of cat infections
      • Infection appears in <24 hr
    • Staphylococcus
      • Infection appears in >24 hr
    • Other organisms include anaerobes and
      Capnocytophaga canimorsus
  • Catscratch disease:
    • Caused by
      Bartonella henselae
  • Rat bites:
    • Caused by
      Spirillum minus
      Streptobacillus moniliformis
  • Distribution of mammalian bites:
    • Dog bites represent 80–90% of all bites.
    • Cat bites represent 5–15% of all bites.
    • Human bites represent 2–5% of all bites (see “Human Bite” chapter).
    • Rat bites represent 2–3% of all bites.
  • Dog bites:
    • Appearance:
      • Crush injuries (most common), tears, avulsions, punctures, and scratches
    • Low rates of infection compared with cat and human bites
    • Infections usually present with:
      • cellulitis
      • malodorous gray discharge
      • fever
      • lymphadenopathy
  • Cat bites:
    • Appearance:
      • Puncture wounds (most common)
      • Abrasions
      • Lacerations
    • High infection rates (30–50%) due to deeper puncture wounds
  • Catscratch disease:
    • From the bite/scratch of a cat, dog, or monkey
    • Small macule or vesicle that progresses to a papule:
      • Begins several days (3–10) after inoculation
      • Resolves within several days or weeks
      • Regional lymphadenopathy occurs 3 wk postinoculation
      • Tender
      • Nonsuppurative
      • Resolves after 2–4 mo
    • Low-grade fever, malaise, headache
  • Rat-bite fever:
    • Does not have to involve a bite. Can occur from handling of rats
    • S. moniliformis
      • Begins several days (2–10) after exposure
      • Common in US
      • Fever, rigors, migratory polyarthralgias, headaches, nausea, and vomiting
    • S. minus
      • Incubation period from 1–3 wk
      • More common in Asia
      • Arthritis not common
  • Animal’s behavior, provocation, location, ownership
  • Time since attack
  • Past medical history: Conditions compromising immune function, allergies, and tetanus status
  • Record the location and extent of all injuries.
  • Document any swelling, crush injuries, or devitalized tissue.
  • Note the range of motion of affected areas.
  • Note the status of tendon and nerve function.
  • Document any signs of infection, including regional adenopathy.
  • Document any joint or bone involvement.
  • Aerobic and anaerobic cultures from any infected bite wound
  • Cultures not routinely indicated if wounds not clinically infected
  • Catscratch disease:
    • Presence of elevated titers of
      B. (Rochalimaea) henselae,
    • Positive reaction to catscratch antigen (CSA):
      • Inject 0.1 mL CSA IM
      • Induration at the site 48–72 hr later equal to or exceeding 5 mm is positive

Plain radiograph indications:

  • Fracture
  • Suspect foreign body (e.g., tooth)
  • Baseline film if a bone or joint space has been violated in evaluating for osteomyelitis
  • For infection in proximity to a bone or joint space
  • Human bite injuries: Human teeth cause crush injuries and animal teeth cause more punctures and lacerations.
  • Bite injuries from other animals
  • CSD-caused lymphadenopathy:
    • Reactive hyperplasia (leading cause of lymphadenopathy in children <16 yr)
    • Infection, chronic lymphadenitis, drug reaction, malignancy, and congenital conditions

Apply pressure to any bleeding wound

  • Achieve hemostasis on any bleeding wound.
  • Airway stabilization if bite located on face or neck
  • Wound irrigation:
    • Copious volumes of normal saline irrigation with an 18G plastic catheter tip aimed in the direction of the puncture.
    • Avoid injection of saline through tissue planes due to force of irrigation.
  • Débridement:
    • Remove foreign material, necrotic skin tags, or devitalized tissues.
    • Do not débride puncture wounds.
    • Remove any eschar present so underlying pus may be expressed and irrigated.
  • Wound closure:
    • Closing wounds increases risk of infection and must be balanced with scar formation and effect of leaving wound open to heal secondarily.
    • Do not suture infected wounds or wounds >24 hr after injury.
    • Repair of wounds >8 hr: Controversial
    • Close facial wounds (warn patient of high risk of infection).
    • Infected wounds, those presenting >24 hr after the event, and deep hand wounds should be left open.
    • May approximate the wound edges with Steri-Strips and perform a delayed primary closure.
  • Antibiotic indications:
    • Infected wounds
    • Cat bites
    • Hand injuries
    • Severe wounds with crush injury
    • Puncture wounds
    • Full-thickness puncture of hand, face, or lower extremity
    • Wounds requiring surgical débridement
    • Wounds involving joints, tendons, ligaments, or fractures
    • Immunocompromised patients
    • Wounds presenting >8 hr after the event
  • Elevate injured extremity
  • Tetanus prophylaxis
  • Rabies immunoprophylaxis:
    • Not required if rabies not known or suspected
    • Rodents (squirrels, hamsters, rats, mice) and rabbits rarely transmit the disease.
    • Skunks, raccoons, bats, and foxes represent the major reservoir for rabies.
    • See “Rabies” chapter for treatment guidelines.
  • Catscratch disease:
    • Analgesics
    • Apply local heat to affected nodes.
    • Avoid lymph node trauma.
    • Disease usually self-limiting
    • Antibiotics controversial, consider if severe disease is present or immunocompromised victim
  • Rat-bite fever:
    • High mortality (10%)
    • IV penicillin or doxycycline

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