Room at the Edge (26 page)

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Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Room at the Edge
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It wasn’t easy. When he tried not to think about his bladder, he found himself focusing on his ass. When he tried to forget about the plug stretching him open, his attention inevitably wandered back to how badly he needed to pee. But there was no way he was going to ask Liam for permission to break position.

Numbers. That was what you were supposed to concentrate on when you were trying to distract yourself. Times tables. Two times two was four, four times four was sixteen, and sixteen times sixteen was some number he couldn’t calculate anymore. For fuck’s sake, that was what computers were for.

“Austin, is there a problem?” Liam asked, and Austin squeezed his eyes shut tightly. When Liam asked a question, he expected an honest answer.

“I need to use the bathroom too, Sir.”

“All right, go ahead. Jay, I’d like you to wait until Austin gets back. I’d be lonely if you both left me here on my own.”

Jay gave an anguished groan but muttered a reasonably sincere, “Yes, Sir.”

Austin tried to hurry, but hell, even walking with the plug in was an effort. Every step sent a fresh wave of sensation through him, not entirely pleasurable, but then, he was wired differently, and in some ways the burn of his stretched-taut hole was just what he needed.

Taking a leak was challenging. He closed his eyes, chanted a mantra, took deep breaths, but it still took a while to get his body to obey the command to release. He half wished Liam had been there to whisper a terse order into his ear, but that would’ve been weird.

He washed his hands and smiled at his reflection, seeing himself through Liam’s eyes, his hair sleep-rumpled, his face flushed with arousal. He wondered what he’d look like by the time he went to bed. More marked up, for sure.

When he got back to the kitchen, Jay was over Liam’s knee, his face scarlet, his eyes swimming with tears. Liam’s hands were busy tormenting Jay, shrewd touches, remorseless, accurate.

Liam knew all their weaknesses by now, had observed and remembered every flinch, every sigh they’d offered up to him. Austin had moved through resentment that in some ways Liam knew Jay’s body better than he did, to an awareness of how safe that made them both.

Liam had never hurt them accidentally.

“Please,” Jay said in a voice near a sob, and Liam heard the desperation as clearly as Austin did, helping him to his feet.

“Go,” Liam said.

Jay didn’t need more specific permission than that. He fled from the room past Austin as Liam motioned for Austin to take Jay’s place across his lap. Now that his bladder was empty, there was nothing more Austin needed than to do what Liam wanted of him, so he went gladly and lowered himself over Liam’s thighs, trying not to wince at the twinge in his ass as he changed position.

Liam stroked a big hand down along Austin’s spine. “This is where you belong, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir.” Hearing it in those words threatened to bring tears to Austin’s eyes. He turned his face and rubbed it against Liam’s torso in gratitude.

“I always wondered what it’d be like,” Liam said, punctuating his final word with a slap that left Austin’s thigh burning hotly for a moment. “Having a full-time sub, I mean. It was never a possibility before, and I certainly never pictured having two.”

“Or that they’d be men?” Austin asked, feeling daring.

Liam laughed and began to spank Austin briskly, warming his ass, each slap jolting the plug enough to send a frisson of pleasure through him. “Yes, that too. Don’t worry; I’ve adjusted to the idea that I’m into men as well as women.”

With Liam apparently willing to carry on a conversation, Austin broached a subject he’d been turning over in his head for weeks. “Sir, can I ask you something?”

Liam’s hand didn’t slow down. “Go ahead.”

“Do you miss women? I mean, you’re not gay; you’re bi, and it’s been months since you…at least…” He felt his voice falter, the words hard to say.

“I haven’t had sex with anyone but you and Jay since we met. You know that.” Liam made the next slap sting, as if reproving Austin for doubting him, then let his hand rest against Austin’s ass. “Do I miss what I was used to having? I’m not sure. I sometimes miss knowing exactly what I’m doing. I worry that I’m hurting you when I fuck you, or not doing enough to make you enjoy it.”

“You don’t need to,” Jay said from the doorway. Austin turned his head and watched Jay walk over, then drop to his knees by Liam’s chair, his movements careful. “You’re doing fine, Sir. We’d tell you if you weren’t.” Jay grinned. “And anytime you want to practice giving a blowjob, I’ll volunteer.”

Liam reached out and clamped his fingers on Jay’s nipple so hard Austin saw the skin go white. “You’re a contradiction, do you realize that?” he asked, rotating his wrist until Jay moaned, though Austin could see that Jay’s cock was responding eagerly to the torment.

“Am I, Sir?” Jay asked tightly.

“On the outside you’re such a good boy. Beautiful, innocent librarian. Someone who saw you behind the desk at work might assume you’re a virgin.” Liam loosened his grip on Jay’s nipple, then immediately tightened it again. “They’d have no idea.”

“None,” Jay agreed.

“Although your cheekiness reminds me of something else your mouth is good for,” Liam said. He let go of Jay and went back to spanking Austin, who squeaked in surprise. “I think when I’ve finished reddening Austin’s arse, I’ll let you suck me.”

If Jay said anything after his contrite, murmured agreement, Austin missed it. He was soaring on the building pain of the spanking and the constant pressure of the plug with its wicked curve. The connection and the intimacy were off the scale, and knowing Jay was kneeling close enough that every slap would be as loud in his ears as it was in Austin’s was the perfect spice.

He was so close to coming, it would only take three or four slaps from Liam to take him there, and Austin had to fight to gasp out a warning, because he wanted to come like this so much. Liam, in a rare indulgent mood, had jerked him off in the shower earlier in the week, then done the same to Jay. It had felt good, but this climax would be drawn from him by the steady, relentless beat of Liam’s hand, and that was how Austin wanted it.

But he knew he needed permission.

“Sir—” He got that far; then Liam’s palm found a place he’d struck a dozen times already, and the throb closed Austin’s throat on a moan.

“He’s going to come, Sir,” Jay said, speaking for him, and that, at least, Austin heard. “Can he? Please?”

Austin cried out as he was turned and rolled, Liam’s strength surprising him. Faceup, his vision blurry, his burning, bruised ass tender enough that the fabric of Liam’s pants might as well have been sandpaper, he fought to find balance.

“Calm down.” Liam frowned at him, and that made it easy to stop moving and lie still in Liam’s arms, though Austin knew he wasn’t really calm. His breath was coming in short, choppy gasps, moans spilling out from his lips, frantic, needy. How could he be? He was so close, and the plug, his ass—it all hurt so much, hurt so good—

Liam drew a fingertip from the hollow of Austin’s throat to the base of his cock, a light caress that left Austin’s skin tingling. “Oh, you’re so ready to show me how much you enjoyed that, aren’t you? One little spanking and you’re hard, cock dripping.” Liam dabbed his finger against the head of Austin’s cock, making him whimper, and took it away glistening. “See? So messy. Clean him up for me, Jay. Do a thorough job. Austin, you’re forbidden to come until he’s finished.”

Jay’s tongue licking his cock and he wasn’t allowed to come? Austin’s incredulity must’ve shown on his face, because Liam rolled his eyes. “Oh, don’t look like that. You’re not new to this, and I expect a certain level of control from you by now. Whimper, beg, scream all you like, but don’t come.”

He had no idea how he could reply to that with words—it felt like letting anything escape, even a gasp, would open the floodgates, and he’d come whether he wanted to or not. Which was part of the problem, wasn’t it? Because he wanted to come so badly. But he wanted to do what Liam asked of him more.

Austin nodded, a short, quick jerk of his head, and shuddered as Jay leaned in and licked him. Jay’s tongue was warm and wet and talented, even though Austin could tell Jay was trying his best to obey Liam without doing the things he knew would drive Austin crazy. At that point almost any contact was too much. The butt plug, pressed firmly against Austin’s prostate, created an ache that went up into his cock and down into his thighs, a pressure that made him feel like holding back was impossible.

No, no. He couldn’t think about coming. He had to think about waiting, had to try to ignore the efficient swipes of Jay’s tongue along his shaft and the careful, slower licks over the head of his cock. His skin wasn’t raw, but it felt that way, like Liam’s hand had been striking his cock instead of his ass. Letting his focus stray to his cock made it hurt more, but how was he supposed to keep from thinking about it when Jay’s mouth was on it? Austin was pretty sure he was leaking as much precum as Jay was licking away, which meant this was going to go on forever.

That thought made him whimper, and as soon as the sound was set free, another followed it. The words he’d been keeping bottled up were next. “Please. God, please, Sir, I want to be good for you, but I can’t wait, I can’t.”

Liam stared at him for the longest moment of Austin’s life, then nodded and grabbed Jay by the hair, hauling him up and away. Jay’s eyes slid closed, a flicker of arousal passing over his face; then he licked his lips, chasing the last taste of Austin’s cum as if he was hungry for it.

“Still messy,” Liam said, and Austin could tell how turned on Liam was by the games they were playing, could hear it in the roughness of his voice. “But perhaps Jay didn’t do as good a job as he could.” Liam’s hand moved, and Jay’s mouth was on Austin again, and this time Jay didn’t hold back at all, his mouth avid, every lick, every suck like a tiny punishment.

“You can come, Austin,” Liam told him at the exact point when Austin, distraught, desperate, was about to give up. “Fill his mouth. Choke him.”

Lying across Liam’s lap, Austin couldn’t do much more than arch up his ass, but Jay was ready to take Austin’s cock deep. With Liam’s hand still brutally tight in his hair, Jay bent his head and did just that, welcoming the final thrusts of Austin’s cock, throat muscles rippling as he swallowed around it.

Austin strained upward without really moving, every molecule of him craving Jay’s mouth and grateful for Liam’s permission. The first pulse of his orgasm felt almost violent as it left him, and he gave a shocked cry, shaking as the next tore through him and then the next, with Jay swallowing down his offering and Liam’s solid bulk beneath him.

He couldn’t have contained the sounds he made and didn’t try. He knew Liam wanted to hear them, proof of the power he held over Austin. The only thing that could have made the moment better would have been Liam’s cock inside him instead of the butt plug, which his ass contracted around painfully with each rhythmic burst of pleasure.

“Good boy,” Liam said as he shuddered and then relaxed.

A pause, the caress of Jay’s tongue along his shaft, and another tightening of Austin’s cock, although he didn’t imagine he had so much as a drop left to give. “It hurts,” Austin whimpered as his ass clenched, protesting the plug.

“I know.” Liam slid his hand past Austin’s balls as Jay pulled away, tugging at the base of the plug, and Austin whined.

“Are you going to take it out, Sir?”

“I don’t know if I’d disappoint you more by saying yes or no.” Liam continued to play with the plug, easing it out and shoving it back in, barely moving it, but it was so big he didn’t need to. With the urge to climax gone, Austin felt lost in confusion, his arousal still with him but his body insisting it was satisfied. He stared up at Liam, finding some reassurance in Liam’s gaze, calm, steady, sure. “What do you want me to do, Austin?”

“Whatever makes you happy, Sir.” It was a rote answer, but Austin meant every word. He’d come, but it’d been a pleasure permitted, not one he was entitled to. Today—hell, every day—it was about pleasing Liam for him, and he began to embrace that truth fully as he lay across Liam’s knees. “What pleases you,” he said aloud, giving his thoughts a voice. “That’s what I want to do, Sir. Please you. Serve you. So much.”

“It is, isn’t it.” Liam sounded exactly like Austin wanted him to: happy, filled with wonder at what was between them. “Get down on your knees on the floor. Slowly—take your time.”

Grateful for the floor beneath him, even though it was too hard against his knees and his ass was killing him, Austin waited.

“Come here, Jay.” Liam got down on the floor too, which was different and had Austin puzzled until Liam’s hand moved to undo the front of his slacks. “Hands and knees, facing Austin. I want him to be able to see your face as I fuck you.”

It didn’t take long for Liam to slick himself and kneel behind Jay. Austin expected it to take him a while to ease the plug out of Jay’s ass, so it came as a surprise that Liam pulled it out in one smooth motion that had Jay crying out, tears springing to his eyes.

“May I touch him, Sir?” Austin asked.

“Anything but his cock,” Liam agreed and thrust inside Jay without warning.

Austin leaned in and kissed Jay’s cheek, tasting salt from the tears Jay had shed earlier.

He could almost feel the rough edges smoothing out as they found ways to fit together and form a whole.

He kissed Jay’s mouth next, warm and open from a moan, but Liam was riding Jay hard, and Austin had to move back and use his hand to touch instead. He stroked Jay’s shoulders and arms, feeling them strain as Jay braced himself to take Liam’s thrusts. He got closer and scratched lightly at Jay’s nipples, bringing them up hard and stiff, and cruel in a way he hadn’t known he could be, acting for Liam, he feathered a caress low on Jay’s stomach, his wrist almost, not quite brushing the head of Jay’s cock.

Jay gave a desperate keening noise, the tendons in his neck standing out as he threw his head back. “Let him suck me, Sir? Please? Or hold me?”

“Not a chance in hell,” Liam said. “You’re going to come just from my cock in you, Jay. If you don’t come before me, you won’t come at all today, and I’ll put my favorite toy back on your cock every time I fuck you for the next week until you learn to obey me.”

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