Room 702 (34 page)

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Authors: Ann Benjamin

BOOK: Room 702
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“Open your mouth.”

Nathan complies and when does something sweet and creamy fills the space.
He closes his mouth and lets the flavors wash over his tongue.
There are hints of vanilla, cinnamon and then, just barely, he detects zucchini.
Unsure what to do or what will be the least offensive gesture, he whips the napkin from his lap and spits the whole mess into it.
With his eyes flying open, he asks, “Is there zucchini in this?”

Alarmed, Laura answers, “Yes, why?
If you don’t like it, you just could’ve told me.”

With his throat already swelling, Nathan calmly instructs his date, “Go to the bathroom.
Look in my dop kit.
There is an epi pen.
I’m going to pass out soon, but I need you to give me a shot in my upper thigh.
If this doesn’t bring me back to consciousness, call the front desk and have them call for an ambulance.”

“I had no idea – it’s my secret ingredient!”

Gasping for breath, Nathan says, “Hurry!” then slumps down on the floor.

Laura springs into action and scrambles for the bathroom.
Sighting the dop kits she upturns the small case and lets the items scatter on the counter.
Seeing the epi pen, the grabs the medical device and while running, cracks the packaging open.

Throwing herself at Nathan’s side, she doesn’t hesitate, but decisively thrusts the pen into his upper right thigh and pushes the epinephrine.
With adrenaline still coursing through her system, she doesn’t wait to see what Nathan’s reaction will be, but runs over to the desk and immediately dials zero on the phone.
Breathlessly, she shouts, “There’s a medical emergency in Room 702.
You need to call and ambulance and send someone up here now.”

Running to the front door, Laura throws the deadbolt into the doorframe so that whoever is coming up will be able to enter without her being there.
Sprinting back to Nathan, Laura kneels next to him and, after putting her ear near his chest and airway, notices he isn’t breathing.
First Aid certified, the young woman has always made sure safety is an important part of her kitchen and the restaurants she’s worked in.
While the closest she’s ever come to a medical emergency is occasional cuts and burns, she has no choice but to deliver CPR.

Covering his mouth with her own she tilts back his head to clear his airway, then gives two breaths and moves to give his chest compressions.
She delivers five sets and is starting to sweat heavily when Nathan begins to breathe on his own.
He coughs heavily, and in a low voice wheezes, “Did you call?”


“Paramedic!” There is a knock on the door and then someone comes through the door.
Two medical professionals with gear rush to their side.

Can you explain what happened?”

“It was an allergic reaction…” Laura, relieved to have some additional help, tries to put a coherent sentence together.

From this point, the scene moves on fast forward, leaving Laura dazed.
One of the EMTs goes to retrieve the stretcher, and within ten minutes, Nathan is on his way to the closest hospital.
Sighing in relief, Laura looks at the remains of their romantic dinner and sits down heavily on the bed.
Per her last communication with the Winchester, one of the hotel supervisors will be up soon to see her, so she needs to stay put.
Scrolling through her phone numbers, she sees a familiar name and one who can provide some insight to this dilemma.


“Hi, Laura, how are you?
It’s been ages!”

The two unlikely friends had bonded over the past year.
Laura’s café was close to the hospital where Dr. Amy Mathews practices as a pediatric surgeon.

“I know.
Listen, I have a rather important medical question for you.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I’m hoping you’ll tell me it is.”

Laura proceeds to explain the disastrous evening to which her friend calmly tells her she did all the right things and that Nathan will no doubt fully recover.
They are close to ending their conversation when a buzz and rattle catches Laura’s attention.

Unnoticed in the chaos, Nathan’s iPhone sits on the edge of the desk.
Unsure who might be waiting for him, she watches the mobile and waits to see if the device will buzz again.
Randomly finding a small amount of romance in the gesture, she realizes he turned his phone on silent so their time together would not be interrupted.

The phone buzzes again and Laura decides she needs to answer.
After all, Nathan is in a foreign city and no one knows where he is or what has happened to him.


“Who is this?” A male voice asks.

Who is this?”

“I’m Nathan’s friend Keith, where is he?”

At this question, Laura bursts into tears.
She’s been good this evening at holding herself together, but the question is her final tipping point.
Through her sobs, Keith is able to get the gist of what’s happened.

“Did you drive to the hotel?”

“No, I took a taxi over.”

“And you’re at the Winchester?”


“Stay put, I’ll come to get you and we can go see him.”

“I’m not sure he’ll want to see me – I forced him to go to the emergency room – he stopped breathing!”

“Trust me, it will be better for the both of you.”

“When will you be here?”

“I’m coming from Century City, so it’s going to take me a few minutes.”

“I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”
After speaking to Ethan from the hotel, Laura goes through Nathan’s luggage and pulls out a spare set of clothing for her forlorn date to change into.
Without meaning to, she inhales the clean masculine scent of the garments and begins tearing up again, sobbing for a perfect first date gone hopelessly wrong.

July 28, 11:11 A.M.

An obviously exhausted Nathan walks through the door and pauses in the doorway.
The Winchester has been kind enough to let him extend his stay for another night and he’s got enough clout with his airline that he’s been able to rebook the flight for free.
Housekeeping have neatened the room, taken the food away and reset the furniture.
It’s like yesterday didn’t happen.

Keith has taken an unprecedented day off work to keep an eye on his friend, now released from the hospital.

“You don’t have to do this.
It’s not the first attack I’ve had, nor is it going to be the last.”

“Just shut up.
If you keep badgering me about being here, I’m going to book you time at the spa.”


“Now, are you sure you’re okay to travel tomorrow?
You can crash with me until the weekend.”

“I’m fine.
Anyway, I have to get home to Peanut.”

“That mangy dog is still alive?”

“He’s not mangy and yes, he is still alive.
He just prefers to sleep most of the time.”

Keith sits down on the large leather chair and says, “Well, I guess if you’re going to recuperate, this isn’t a bad place to do it in.”

Taking a seat on the couch across from him, Nathan answers, “No.”

“So, are we going to talk about your behavior last night?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.
I’ve known you too long.”

“You don’t like what I said to Laura?”

“It was uncalled for.”

“She almost killed me.”

“She saved your life!”

“Because she had to after almost killing me!
Do you now see the cause and effect of this situation?”

“Dude, you have no clue how devastated she was.”

“How do you know?”

Keith pulls a hand through his short salt and pepper hair and replies, “You were so out of it last night you don’t even remember.
I called looking for you to check in and see how things were going and she picked up.
Apparently she had taken a taxi over to the hotel, which by the way, I shouldn’t have to explain what that decision meant.”


I talked her into going with me to the hospital to check on your sorry ass.
Due to some traffic on the way we were in the car longer than expected.”

“So what?”

“So, she’s an incredible woman who feels terrible about what she did.
When we finally got to see you – after waiting an hour, the first thing you said was, and I think this is an exact quote, ‘Thanks a lot’.
Real smooth, buddy.”

“And then what happened?”

“She ran out of the room crying and I followed her.
When I got back you were already passed out.”

“So I’m the dick?”

And now you need to call her and apologize.”

“Why should I do any such thing?”

“You’d be an idiot to let someone like her slip through your fingers.”

Nathan crosses his arms and mumbles, “If you like her so much, why don’t you marry her?”

At this comment, Keith stands up and says, “I’ve got my own issues to work through.
When you feel up to acting like a man, call her and apologize.
Text me if you need anything.”

Keith leaves the room in silence.

Nathan stares at his phone and begins pacing around the room.
Muttering to himself, he opens his laptop and begins writing preliminary notes on his experience at the Winchester (leaving out the part where his life was in jeopardy).
Unfortunately, after writing three words, he looks at the nearly blank screen and closes the document.
Pulling up his e-mail, he scans through to see if there are any interesting upcoming assignments he can apply for.
Nothing particularly catches his interest, so, out of procrastination and deliberately not wanting Keith’s words to affect him, Nathan widens his search and sees a full time position that looks interesting.
One of the main Los Angeles magazines is looking for a travel editor.
Nathan keeps the tab open to consider the possibility.
Leaning back in the chair to consider applying, he notices his browser still has a tab open to Laura’s Sweet Stuff.
Without meaning to, unable to stop himself, he looks at her website again and remembers the previous night, before everything went to hell.

Getting up, he leans in to smell the roses Laura didn’t take with her.

Walking back, he sits at the desk and dials the front desk.

“Yes, Mr. Rourke?
Are you feeling okay this morning?”

“Yes, I’m much better thank you.
Now, I’m hoping you can help me.”

“Our pleasure.”

“Where did you get the roses yesterday?”

“There’s a small boutique store around the corner – they provide the entire hotel with flowers.”

“Can they make a delivery?”

“I’m sure they can, Sir.”


“And do you know a good driver?”

“Of course, Sir.
What sort of car will you be needing?”

“A nice towncar should do.
Now, here’s where I’m going to need some help…” Nathan proceeds to give lengthy and detailed instructions, hoping his gambit will pay off.
“Will that be all, Sir?”
“Yes, I think that should do it.
You’ll call me if there are any issues?”
“Of course, Mr. Rourke.”
“Thanks for your help!”
Hanging up the phone, Nathan decides he’s earned a nap and falls asleep for a few hours – not before carefully setting his cell phone alarm giving himself ample time to prepare.

After a dead sleep, feeling like a new man, Nathan wakes up and showers, he calls to the front desk and asks, “Any progress?”

“We’ve arranged everything you’ve asked, Mr. Rourke, but,” the woman at the front desk drops her voice, “there’s no way to know if Ms. Pendergrast will show up.”

“I know and you’ve gone above the call of duty today.
Can you have the driver call me if she does show up?”

“Of course, Sir.”

Nathan hangs up the phone.
His idea isn’t the most original plan, but he hopes the amount of groveling he’s putting forth will inspire Laura to give him another chance.
He resists the urge to text or call her, trying to give her space to decide if he is worth a second chance.

As the minutes tick by, he begins to lose hope and begins packing his suitcase for his return trip the following day.
He doesn’t receive a call, but a knock on the door.
Realizing who is on the other side, he opens it and looks at his guest speechlessly.

“I didn’t think you would come.”

“I told the driver not to tell you.”

“Will you come in?”

“I guess.”
She walks through the door, trailing the same scent as yesterday – vanilla and flowers, and adds, “Thanks for the roses.”

“My pleasure.”

She sits down on the couch, crosses her legs, and says, “I believe there is something you would like to tell me.”

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