Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) (50 page)

BOOK: Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)
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Chapter Three

The sun breaking through her windows and shining its bright rays directly in her eyes
was what woke
Cynthia up the next morning. She instantly recalled the night before, pulled one of the pillows out from under head and placed it directly over her face.

“Lord, take me now!” she called out, half-jokingly. She smiled into the pillow and squeezed it against her face momentarily before throwing it off. She looked up at the wispy dark red drapes that hung over her canopy bed. “I don’t want to get married
” She said out loud. “I don’t
to be dependent on a man or be responsible for
a man
. I don’t. But I don’t
to hurt the Duke’s feelings. He seems somewhat genuine. What do I do? Oh, what do I do?”

Was she now trying to convince even herself of these facts? She thought of when she and the Duke had parted ways the night before. They had spoken briefly once more when she had told him that she would agree to go on a ride with him the next day. He said he would pick her up at noon or
half after
. She did her grooming and got dressed on her own. She had let most of the servants go years before, choosing to save the money to live off of while she paid off her late husband’s debt.

As she went downstairs for some tea and biscuits, she thought about the Duke. He needed to marry within three
or he would
be disinherited
. She needed to have the debts paid off so that she could keep her home and the money she had to
live on
. Perhaps they could come to some
kind of

The thought made her feel a little nauseous. She was taking something as sacred as marriage and making it into a business proposition. What did that say about her character?

She would find out more about him on the ride today. She would have to broach the subject at some point in
but she wanted to make sure that his behavior the night before didn’t stem from having too much wine, brandy, scotch or whatever it was he had chosen to drink. Alcohol did seem to have an effect on how people behaved. She knew that with first-hand knowledge.

She ate
a nice
breakfast of eggs and biscuits and delighted that the tea was brewing just right. It was a
way to start her day. She decided to eat
on the veranda
to watch as the sun finished
rising up
behind the mountain in the distance. She had kept a
hand maiden
, Jenny and the cook, Betty, so Jenny doubled as a kitchen maid, too, cleaning and serving Cynthia her meals. She’d known both ladies for
and they had no problem juggling their work around so that everything
was done
and no one was overworked. Alice was the only other
and she typically cleaned the parts of the house that were rarely used, answered the door and ran errands.

There was no need for anyone else in the big mansion because now it was just her. Just the way she liked it. She had accepted her unique desire to be alone long ago and had gotten quite used to it. Loneliness only rarely came up in her mind and typically, she could ring
and he would be right there to keep her company.

Sooner or later, that’s going to end
, she thought.
In fact, probably sooner.
He’s got
to be getting married
I’m sure of it.

A trace of fear and hurt slid through her heart. She didn’t want to lose her
though she knew that’s what happened in life. Changes
were made
whether they were wanted or not.

She watched the sun rising in the distance, casting different colors across the
clouds. She breathed in the crisp air and thought how beautiful it was.

It would be
I guess,
she thought,
to share this with someone.


That afternoon she was ready to go, standing at the end of her circular driveway near the gate. The long garden in between the front of the drive and the back near the house held two
but she didn’t feel like sitting down. One of the things she never mentioned when invited on a carriage ride was that her legs sometimes went numb from sitting for so long. If the Duke wanted to get out and walk through the park, she would much prefer that and planned to bring it up.

She saw the dust rising in the distance and knew he was on his way up the road to her house. She stepped through the door in the stone pillar next to the gate and stood on the other side, waiting for him to arrive.

She was a little nervous about her proposal and wondered
if she would even be able to broach the subject with him. Surely he wouldn’t want to marry someone he didn’t know just to pay her debts off for her. Then again, he didn’t
to be disinherited either. He probably wouldn’t know what to do with himself if they stripped him of his title, took away his duties and removed the money from his accounts.

He pulled up in front of her and stopped, smiling out at her. “Good afternoon, Lady Cynthia. How are you feeling today?”

“I feel fine, my lord. How are you?”

She stepped up into the carriage, taking his outstretched hand for assistance and settled into the seat next to him.

“I’m doing well. It is a beautiful day for a ride.”

“Yes, I agree.” She looked up at the clear blue sky, enjoying the breeze that moved past her face gracefully.

“I was thinking on the way here that we can go to Wasena Park and take a
if you prefer.”

She couldn’t help looking up at him in amusement. “I would like that. I sometimes get uncomfortable
taking carriage rides that last too long.”

He chuckled. “I do, too. I prefer shorter rides and walking. I like to stretch my legs so if I have the
I walk.”

“It’s all a matter of leaving with enough time to get where you’re going. I know carriages and horses are so much
but I do prefer being out in the sun. Walking makes me feel good.”

He smiled. He was beginning to think this might be an opportunity he wouldn’t be able to resist. He wondered if she would consider marrying him, even if only on paper, to help him keep his fortune and his title. He wouldn’t hold her back, she could do anything she wanted
and he wouldn’t say a thing. But would a woman consider marriage for nothing? Perhaps she was in need of
and they could strike a deal.

“I suppose since you have been attending the Season dances, you are considering marrying again?”

Her heart thumped hard. It seemed his mind was on the same track as hers. “In reality, I decided last Season before it was over that I did not want to marry again. I usually attend the dances with my young friend, Lord Alexander, as he attempts to find a bride. I sometimes like the action of a ball because I spend a lot of my time alone in my house.”

“So…you aren’t looking to get married?”

“I had thought not before. I am reconsidering. I must say, if the right man were to propose, I suppose I would. But I have not…”

“No one
coming around?” He supplied.

She didn’t want to answer. “There wasn’t, no. I…came to a point where I wasn’t interested in trying anymore. I don’t think I ever really wanted to in the first place.”

“Are you still opposed to marriage?”

She looked up at him without answering.

“I informed you of my predicament. That’s why I ask.”

“I am not as opposed as I
” She responded.

“That’s good to hear.” He looked out over the road and fell quiet.

“To be honest with you, my lord, I have been thinking about your situation. I was thinking about it last evening and this morning.”

“Were you?” He asked curiously.

“Yes. I am also in somewhat of a predicament myself.”

“Please inform me.”

Cynthia took in a quiet breath in an attempt to calm her pounding heart. “I…When my late husband died, he left me a fortune. It is enough to live on for many more
and the
and lands belong to me. However, he was in debt to several businesses to an amount that would reduce my accounts to nothing and leave me with nothing to live on.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. How long ago did your husband die?”

“It was over four years ago.”

“The debt has continued to
or the collectors are waiting?”

“They have been very kind.”

“To say the least.” He sounded surprised.

” She remarked.

“I don’t know many businessmen who will put off the repayment of a large debt for so many years.”

“You have no family to fall back on?”

“No, unfortunately not.”

“That is
a bad
situation.” Daniel admitted, nodding. “What will you do?”

“I was wondering if…we might be able to…have an agreement between us? One that might be profitable for us both?”

Daniel looked down at her with his eyebrows raised. He was stunned that they had been thinking the same thing. “We
” He responded. “I must inform you that it is not just the marriage that I must produce for my parents. They will also expect an heir. Are you…” he didn’t know how to finish the
but she caught on to the implication. She and her husband had never
but it had not been because she was incapable.

“I can still have children, my lord. I just didn’t have any with my late husband. He was gone quite a lot. He was in the military.”

“I understand. You are in need of the money to pay off the
and I am in need of a wife. Is this what you propose?”

She pulled in another deep breath, nervous with a thumping heart. When he put it that way, it certainly sounded like an affront to the sanctity of marriage. Marriage was supposed to be about love and unity and togetherness. Not signing on the dotted line so that debts would
be paid
and inheritances wouldn’t be lost.

“Yes, my lord.” She squeaked out.

He was quiet. She wondered what he was thinking, daring to take a quick glance at his profile. His face did not look unpleasant. He didn’t
angry or judgmental. He looked handsome and thoughtful.

“Here’s what I propose,” he
and she steeled herself in case he came down on her for her apparent greed. “We will court for two months and a week. We must have time to get to know each other better and decide if this is truly something we want to do. At the end of that time, we will make a final decision on
a marriage.”

“But if it doesn’t work out, will you not be out of time? You will not be able to find someone in that amount of time.”

“This is
” He admitted. “But I believe that my parents will think
if I have spent these last few months taking things seriously and
courting a woman to marry.”

“Will they approve of me as your prospective wife?”

He grinned, giving her an amused look. “Lady Cynthia, you are a beautiful, intelligent woman. I don’t see why they would not approve. They don’t need to know about my dealings. They only need to know what they see, which is me with a woman on my arm, attending the balls and dances and social gatherings.”

“Then I suppose we have a deal? When will you be able to pay the collectors?”

“I will pay them right away.”

“Are you sure? That would not give you much of an advantage over me.”

“I don’t need
an advantage
over you, my lady. I don’t want you to go through the next nine weeks thinking that you have to spend time with me because I won’t follow through otherwise. I would like for us both to enjoy our time together without pressures of repercussions.”

“That is very noble, my lord.”

He just smiled.

Chapter Four

The first month of courting went by quickly. They attended two balls a week. Daniel visited her
and she visited his. They went on numerous
carriage rides together. They became the talk of the town almost immediately, as no one had expected the playboy to pluck the widow out of the shadows and start parading around town with her.

“A mismatched couple, that’s what they’re saying.” Alexander settled himself into the chair he always occupied when Cynthia was sitting outside enjoying the sun. It was getting hotter as the summer moved in. She
was dressed
in a full body bathing suit with a robe and had shed the robe in the heat. There was little more she enjoyed than the feel of the sun on her bare skin. Daniel had assured her that he would not prevent her from laying out in the sun, going out to swim or doing any of the things she always enjoyed doing. He promised her that she would not be obligated to do anything that made her uncomfortable.

“I know what they’re saying, Alex.” She murmured, not opening her eyes. She could hear so much more
her when she kept her eyes closed and concentrated on the sounds. The birds and frogs, even the trees with their leaves blowing softly in the breeze made unique and

“He’s a rake, Cynthia. What do you see in him to love when you know what he is, what he’s done to so many other women in town? Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

She opened one eye and looked at him. His face showed genuine concern. The frown lines were deep in his

She pushed herself up into a sitting position and tilted her head when she spoke. “Alex, do you want to know why I’m going to marry Sir Daniel? The real reason?”

Alexander frowned. “What do you mean ‘the real
Don’t you love the man?”

Cynthia thought about the question for a moment. She was beginning to think that Daniel was indeed a man she could love. He was the charmer the women always thought he was. He didn’t have a brutal temper and did not drink heavily. She hadn’t even seen him lose his temper, as a matter of fact. He was always polite and kind to her and never made her feel less than her value.

Still she had trouble separating the fact that he was doing a business deal with her, had never mentioned love and at
she felt like he was just going through the motions so that his outward appearance would be validated and people would talk
him in a way that he wanted them to. He didn’t
to leave them guessing and making up stories, so he set the tone of any stories they told.

“I may love him in time.” She finally replied. “But there is another reason, Alex. Daniel has a great deal of money. He is set to be disinherited on his 30
birthday if he is not wed and in a position to supply an heir.”

“Yes, I heard about that.” Alexander nodded, a look of disapproval on his face. She didn’t know whether that frown
was caused
by the disinheritance or the fact that Daniel had not already taken care of the situation long ago. “I admit I wondered if he approached you because he’s…”

He stopped abruptly before saying the word “desperate.” It was terribly impolite to put Cynthia in the category that a desperate man would
choose from

Cynthia grinned. “You were wise to stop before saying that, my friend.”

They both laughed.

“He is in a desperate
but he and I came to an agreement at the outset of our courtship. As you know, John’s death left me with enormous debts to the
and I would surely lose everything if I tried to pay them back what John owed them. I would be left destitute. They have been waiting these long years for their money. Now, they are no longer waiting for their money.”

“The Duke paid the collectors for you?”

“He did.”

Alexander blinked in surprised silence. He felt at a loss for words. He knew the Duke had much more money than Cynthia but could not fathom the
handing out so much money just to win the hand of a woman
his good friend.

“I…I am surprised by this information.” Alexander scratched his head. “I have heard many negative things about the Duke.
This does
not seem in character for him.”

“I have heard the stories. They all came from ladies he had rejected, though, have you ever noticed that?”

there been any ladies pursuing
?” Alexander asked and then went on without waiting for an answer. “No, there haven’t
and that’s because he garnered such a bad reputation with them. Were you ever warned off?”

Cynthia shook her head. “No. I
not participated very much in the social scene, even when I did attend the balls with you.”

“So what do you think of him now that you’ve spent time with him? Should I be worried about you, my dear?”

Cynthia turned her head to look out over the long green lawn, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “You’ve no need to be worried about me, Alex. Daniel has been only a gentleman since we made our deal.”

“But do you want to live in a business deal? Is that really what will make you happy,
being married
to someone you don’t
care for
? I suppose you could stay on
if he would allow it. Then you wouldn’t have to leave the
and you will still be yourself.”

“He has said that I will be able to retain my freedom to come and go as I please. I will continue to do that, but I will also act as Duchess when he requires it of me. I can’t imagine I would have any responsibilities, though. In the beginning, we will need to keep up the appearance of a happy couple. So I will not be able to stay here at the house. Perhaps I will come back and
during holidays or when I want a vacation.”

“Won’t you miss it?”

Of course,
I will. But life goes on, doesn’t it? And we must ebb and flow with it.”

He nodded. “This is true, my dear.
This is


That weekend, Daniel picked her up for another dance, arriving early enough for them to leave the carriage away from the mansion in which the ball was being held and walk the remaining distance. There was no threat of rain. The weather was holding out to be a pleasant late spring, with sunshine and warmth late into the evening.

That night, however, just as they arrived at the mansion and stepped up under the deck roof, it began to sprinkle. He gave her an apologetic look as they watched it come down. “I did not know it was supposed to rain this
” He said.

“It’s quite all right. Do you think it will still be raining when we leave?”

“If so, I will get a ride from someone else to take us to the carriage.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

Once inside, they mixed with the crowd, Daniel heading in one direction and her in another. She met with a few ladies she enjoyed talking to and watched him from across the room. The ladies always questioned her
it amused her
. She and Alex had figured out why Daniel’s reputation had been exceptionally poor. He was an independent thinker who had been looking for a woman with a mind of her own, as well. When he rejected the ladies he courted for whatever reason, they had retaliated by spreading rumors and lies about his treatment of them while dating.

Since he felt free to do what he wanted, he was never discourteous to Cynthia, showed her respect and was kind to her on a daily basis.

She saw him from across the room, chatting with some friends. He threw his head back and laughed heartily. She liked the sound of it as it traveled across the room. He had laughed like that with her a few times. It made her want to make him laugh more.

He glanced over in her direction and their eyes locked. He smiled at
and she felt her heart skip a beat. She smiled back.

Alexander had asked her if she thought she could marry without being in love. She had already decided she didn’t have to worry about that part. She was nervous still, and a bit worried that he might not
be who he said he was. But her doubts were decreasing steadily. She wondered if he could feel about her the way she was beginning to feel about him.

It surprised her when she saw Daniel excuse himself from his friends and make his way through the crowd to where she was standing.

“How is your evening going, my lady?” He asked, leaning close to her.

“I’m having a good time, thank you, Daniel. How about you?”

He stood up straight and looked around him. “It’s another dance.”

and she smiled up at him.

“Would you care to go for a walk
the grounds with me?” He asked, holding out his arm, crooked at the elbow, for her to take.

“I would love
my lord but is it
raining out there?”

“Let’s go and see.”

She slipped her hand through his arm and walked next to him as they went through the large double doors that were left open to allow extra ventilation in the crowded room.

The night sky had
and the two of them followed the stone pathway around the garden, avoiding the small puddles that had gathered.

“Have you given any more thought to our arrangement?” Daniel asked. She noticed his voice was
and smooth. It
was filled
with emotion. She wondered why.

“In what way?” She looked up at him, enjoying the way he looked in the moonlight
and in
the glow of the lamps burning around them.

are not wanting
to back out of the deal, are you?”

“Not at all, my lord. Are

Daniel shook his head quickly. “No. I am…quite happy with things the way they are going.”

“I feel the same way.”

He stopped and turned to face her. She scanned his handsome features, resisting the urge to reach up and touch his face. When he looked at her, she saw something different in his eyes than she had seen before. She remembered the way he had stared at her over the table when they first met.
His eyes had seemed so cold, so distant.
Now they were warm and inviting. She found herself drawing closer to him instinctively so that there were only a few inches between them.

“Lady Cynthia, I…my…my feelings for you have changed in the last month. I see the way you treat your servants as friends, how you talk to the children, how you manage your life so well. I am impressed with you. I only wish you had not held yourself back in the shadows for so long.”

“I was not expecting to…” She hesitated. “To find love again, my lord.”

“Have you?” His voice dropped even
and he breathed the question out. “Have you found love again?”

Her breath became rapid as she sensed how close he was to her. He lowered his head so that they were nose to nose and asked the question again.

“Have you found love again, Lady Cynthia?”

She felt his breath on her
and it sent shivers down her spine.

“I have, my lord. I love you.”

She saw him smile just before he moved close enough to touch his lips to hers. He pulled back after only a moment and whispered, “I have fallen in love with you, too, Cynthia.”

When he kissed her again, she knew she had made the best deal of her life and would finally be truly happy again.



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