ROMANCE: THE SHEIKH'S GAMES: A Sheikh Romance (22 page)

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And suddenly his words were cut short. I astonished myself, outright blowing my own expectations out of the water, by leaning in across the table, without warning, and planting my lips greedily onto his. It was completely brash, completely foolish of me, I know, and I knew then just as fully. But it wasn't so much a choice on my part as it was an outright magnetic pull, a drawing of my body toward him in automatic response, after hearing the words that I had for so long burned to hear someone say to me, the admonishment that I'd craved for so much of my life, heaped upon me without warning by my ideal man, his charm to indelible for me to be able to resist it any longer.

And why the hell should I?

I savored the taste of his lips, the first kiss I could ever recall experiencing with any genuine sense of love behind it- all others before them mere delusions, me convincing myself that they meant something, but knowing this full well not to be the case. It may have been early, now, but I was no less sure of the fact of my love for him because of it, and he, upon accustoming himself to the taste of my lips on his own, and riding through the initial shock of the act, responded accordingly. Our faces positively melted into one another. He reached up, putting his warm palm on my cheek, and cradling my head in his hand, gently caressing my skin with his fingers as he did so. I could feel myself swooning over him, perhaps urged on into doing so by the abundance of alcohol in my system, but my stomach doing somersaults over itself whatever the case happened to be.

The kiss, our very first kiss, but far, far from our last, seemed to go on for ages, smoldering on and on and on interminably, making me lightheaded, making my body tingle with sensation, and making me crave more, more, more as the moments slipped by.

Finally, after some immeasurable amount of time, the two of us pulled apart, and I peered into my lover's eyes, eyelashes fluttering girlishly, my breasts heaving wildly as I struggled to maintain my breath. This time, when he smiled, there was so much warmth to it that I nearly melted onto my chair like a pat of butter, and I thought for certain that his gaze would destroy me if I peered into it for long.

And soon- I was on my way back to his place...

Arthur made the request carefully, knowing that, perhaps, to some women, the prospect may be a bit too soon to indulge, but defending himself by saying that what he'd been feeling for me had been stronger than anything he'd ever felt for a woman, and though he hoped that he wasn't moving to fast in asking, he would very much love to have that sort of connection with me.

Naturally, I went along with the proposal without hesitation, as enthusiastic about as him as I was...

I was in awe the moment we stepped into his apartment- the place was, somewhat predictably, huge, his primary residence when staying in the city, and so lavishly furnished that I felt as though I'd stepped into a dream. Like so many other things about me up to this point, I think my astonishment at the place amused him, maybe even turned him on just a little bit, but I didn't care how naïve it made me look. It felt like something out of a fairy tale, and I couldn't believe how abruptly my life had turned on its head, and how little this current scene resembled anything in my existence up to this point.

“It- it's beautiful,” I stammered, slack-jawed and stupefied. And suddenly I felt the world turning around me, as he grabbed me by the hand and twirled me into him, glaring lustfully in my eyes, and saying, in a low voice, “So are you...”

It was cheesy, I know. But what the hell do you expect from a romance author?

At any rate, it quite frankly did the trick for me in that moment, and I could feel my body tingle in response to such overt advances. This time when he kissed me, he tugged my body thoroughly into himself, hugging me so tightly that he might be wishing to consume me somehow, as up above he inhaled my open mouth, kissing me, seeming starved for the taste of my body on his lips. The heat of his anatomy glowed, radiating into me, simultaneously warming and chilling me to my very core, making me cringe with delight and anticipation as he pulled me deeper, deeper, deeper toward himself. I sighed, admittedly swooning at his efforts, and had to pull my lips away from him for a moment, winded, and terribly bashful.

He let me catch my breath, but then immediately commenced right where he'd left off, unwilling to stop for the life of him at this point. His skull drifted into mine, our lips collided, and he sucked on my mouth as though to pull out my soul from my body through my oral cavity. I whimpered, and my eyelashes fluttered gently shut, allowing me to focus solely on the unrefined pleasure of intimacy, the sensations crackling through my gums as his tongue seeped into my open mouth. It twirled through the warm, wet cavern of my gullet, seeping so far back into my throat that I nearly choked on it, and I could feel my body ringing in response to the sheer beauty of his actions. My own tongue, almost of its own volition, began to react, wrestling with his, twisting up into it, our two units nearly tying themselves together as we kissed and suckled together, and saliva pouring from mouth to mouth and back again as we carried on fervently.

We stumbled through the apartment in one another's arms, drunkenly, as much on one another's love as on the alcohol we'd consumed at dinner- and perhaps, far more so on the former than the latter. I loved the closeness of his body to my own as we swung haphazardly through the halls, nearly colliding with any number of passing objects as we spiraled into oblivion; grazing the corners of desks, coffee tables, knocking over a lamp, and both of us erupting in a reply of unrestrained giggles promptly afterward- he could afford a new one, of course... Hell, with his money, he could afford to buy the whole damn company that manufactured the thing.

At any rate, we somehow made it into his bedroom unscathed at last, and things began to come to a head- by which I mean, I began to feel his erection pushing up against me through the fabric of his pants, and the heat and stiffness of the enormous thing turned me on like you wouldn't believe...

He pulled me tighter, tighter, tighter, kissing me more and more ferociously, pulling on my lower lip with his teeth, rubbing his slightly stubble-prickled chin against the side of my cheek... And then, I found myself moaning, as his hands drifted upward, and the fingers collapsed, like the pincers of a crab, around the large, cushioned spheres of my breasts. My entire body tensed, and then slackened, as he caressed the succulent tits, pushing them across the course of my chest with the palms of his hand, and squeezing them together, thereby creating a large, fleshy swath of cleavage that was visible from beneath my blouse, which he then leaned down, and kissed with just as much fervor. His tongue rolled into the empty gap between them, and then slid back up out into the open, until he slowly veered up, and placed his mouth instead on the side of my neck. I giggled girlishly at this, as his lips melted and smeared and distorted, and I was forced to shrug my shoulder in order to shirk away the almost unbearable tickle. He continued to massage my breasts down below, his grip growing tighter and tighter and tighter on me by the minute, so that I actually began to shake beneath his clutches.

In response to this, I thought it only fair that I provide him with a little bit of torment of his own. With one hand, I reached behind him, and grabbed a generous handful of his tight, beautiful ass, pulling him toward me, and digging his erect cock deeper and deeper into the fabric of my dress. Then, with my free hand, I reached down between our nearly pasted-together bodies, and let my fingers seek out the warmth of his masculinity through the fabric. He gasped, and then moaned aloud as my grip wrapped around his fat, molten hot cock, squeezing tighter, tighter, tighter, giving him something to think about as he continued to play with my tits up above.

After some time of this, it became impossible for him not to pull away, and I found, with some amusement, that I now had total control over my billionaire lover through the tightly-clenched joystick. I used this knowledge to steer him over to the bed, the pain of my grip on him acting as the perfect steering wheel. I lowered him onto the bed with his legs dangling over the edge, and then released him, surprised for a glimmer of a moment at how readily I had taken to my new role as a sex kitten, as generally shy and reserved as I tended to be around men in most circumstances.

If nothing else, it was as good a proof as any of our sublime chemistry with one another...

I smiled at the thought, and then got down on the floor on my knees, my face, naturally, eye-level with his crotch. In as tantalizing a manner as possible I reached up, and undid the brass buckle of his belt, slowly, seductively peeling the serpentine leather from the loop of his pants, and casting it casually to the floor. Then, I unbuttoned and unzipped his fly, and gingerly pulled his pants down to around his knees, and brought my hands back up to do the same with his boxer shorts. I braced myself for the sight of his exposed genitals as the fabric came falling down along his legs, and sure enough his stiff cock came popping out almost instantly.

I licked my lips lustfully at the thing, and then reached up, and allowed my fingers to collapse around the hot, molten shaft. He shuddered, and I started just tiniest bit at the heat of the thing, so scalding that it nearly burned my palm as I began to caress him, but the sensation not at all an unpleasant one- not by any stretch of the imagination...

I proceeded to jack him off with the expertise of an old pro. He sighed heavily, and I released him once more. He tilted his head back, and closed his eyes, clearly satisfied with my efforts, and even more so, I do believe, as I brought my face into him, still touching him.

At long last my lips pressed down against his base, and I held myself there, thrilled at the fact of his tip jabbing against the back of my throat, and somehow happy as hell that I was nearly choking on the beautiful bastard in his immensity. My lips, just barely, formed into a smile around the diameter of his penis, before returning to duty, and beginning to suck on him properly.

Again and again and again I did this, working myself into a steady, rhythmic bob, and preparing myself for him to cum in my mouth as I sucked and sucked and sucked.

But, as it turned out, he was far too much of a gentleman for this sort of thing- at least on the first date...

I could feel him throbbing between my cheeks, surely within a hair's breadth of ejaculation, when suddenly I felt the touch of his hand to my chin, indicating for me to extricate himself from my mouth. Confused, perhaps even moderately disappointed, I nonetheless did as instructed, opening my mouth, and giving him one last slurp as I pulled my lips away, and dabbed away the excess of saliva from the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand.

He pulled me up toward him, and suctioned his lips onto my own once again, surely tasting his own cock on my tongue as the two of us kissed, and the thought of it getting me wetter than hell between the thighs...

Speaking of which, I was about to discover the area in question as his intended destination, and so my disappointment at my delivery of oral sex before ejaculation quickly gave way to anticipation.

He peeled me out of my tight-fitting, constrictive black dress, lovingly letting his palms graze against the warmth and tightness of my curvature as he did so. The fabric flowed like liquid across the terrain of my body, slithering upward over my head, and then fluttering away altogether, leaving me standing beside him in nothing but my bra and panties- a fact which might have made me feel insecure around some other man, but which made me feel sexy as hell around my glorious new lover.

He leaned in, continuing to kiss me, and as he did so, his hands drifted up to my shoulders, slowly peeling away the straps of my bra, and sliding them gently down along my arms. I pulled my hands from the straps obediently, and allowed the sizable cups of the thing to be slid from my breasts, giving him a bare, fully exposed view of the upper half of my body. He seized hold of my tits almost instantly, his enthusiasm for the glorious things seeming renewed upon their revelation, and the warmth of his palms descending upon them like a gift from heaven. He pushed them around and around across my chest, filling them with sensations too glorious for words, and meanwhile allowing his kisses to drip down in their direction, from my lips, to the side of my neck, and at last to the breasts themselves, which he savored like the utmost of delicacies.

His tongue rolled and lapped around each of my considerable nipples, and his teeth sank lightly into the flesh, causing them to grow firm, erect, and to crackle with such perfect feeling that it made me cry out with happiness. And as he kissed, and drank from my bosom so fervently, his hands continued to slide their way down, down, down along my body, hooking into the lacy waistline of my panties, and peeling them down in the direction of my toes.

Suddenly, I gasped, my eyes growing wide, and then the lids fluttering shut, as I felt his hand enter into me, the fingers hooking into the wet folds of my vagina, and pushing around the flesh of the delicate organ with expert precision. His mouth proved not far at all from following, as at last he decided he'd had his fill of my breasts for the moment, and brought his lips down to make contact with those of my pussy.

I squealed, once again rather girlishly, and felt my body sparkle with feeling as he began to consume me. I had no idea how many women my billionaire lover had been with before me, nor had I any desire to think about the subject, but I could tell from the get-go that he was something of an expert cunnilinguist, and that every slight movement he made with his tongue was one of the utmost precision. He licked, and lapped, and swirled his tongue through the burning folds of my femininity, tossing and turning and slicing his way through my body in a fashion so fluid as to be almost playful, as enjoyable for himself, the giver, as it was for me, the receiver.

That, however, I knew to be an outright impossibility...

Because at that moment, such terrific sensations of pleasure were shooting through my body that I could hardly contain myself, coursing through my veins like a drug, pumping through my limbs, making me shake and scream and cry with delight, as an intense, unfathomable wave of orgasm came washing over me, leaving me dripping with sweat from head to toe.

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