Romance: SPORTS ROMANCE: The First Half (Bad Boy Alpha Male College Football Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Romance: SPORTS ROMANCE: The First Half (Bad Boy Alpha Male College Football Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance)
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Chapter 3


We had a fairly easygoing conversation on the walk to a tiny café, just around the corner from the campus stadium. Jordan still had the football in hand, and casually tossed it up and down as we walked. He was different than most of the players on the team. He didn’t have any tats, or piercing, and his language was clean, so far.

“You just can’t put that thing down, can you?” I said. “I’ll have to admit, I’m a pretty big fan of the game, myself.”

“I love it. If there were no other choice for me than to play professional ball, I would be okay with that. I really don’t know what else I can do. I grew up in the game–played every year since I was a kid. I’ve never been too big, so it was by default that I learned to run fast! Football is the only thing I’ve ever really cared about. How about you? What do you like about the game?”

“I like just about everything about the game. My dad is a huge fan and turned me on to football at a young age. I can’t remember a time when we didn’t have a huge gathering at our house for Super Bowl Sunday. What about you, Jordan? Did your parents get you into playing early?”

“Well, not really,” he said. “My dad wasn’t around much, and when he was, it usually wasn’t good. I mean, he had some issues… mainly with alcohol. But, hey, I decided to move beyond the bad home-life long ago.

I was fascinated with the first professional game I had ever watched; it was the AFC Championship. The Patriots and the Steelers–the most awesome game ever. Tom Brady was injured during one of the plays, and Josh Miller’s 64-yard punt was the ticket to win the game. There was a penalty, and the punt was redone and returned by Troy Brown, for a 55-yard touchdown. All of this, with only four minutes left in the game!

Oops… sorry, I’m probably boring you with details?” he said.

“Not at all. I remember watching that game myself–incredible. Funny, that you and I were watching the same game when we were about nine years old. Ha ha.”

I looked back and Jordan, and caught him watching my walk from behind. At this point, it was time to return the signal to him. I made an obvious eye-shift toward his lower extremities, so he wouldn’t be doubtful of my interest in him.

I know the statistics; Jordan Wyatt is 6’3” tall, and 206 pounds. At only 5’6”, he towers over me. His build is almost statuesque. He has broad shoulders, an extremely tight backside, and now seeing his bare legs, has revealed a muscular form designed for running, or whatever else. His upper body is by no means muscle-bound, but very well defined–you could rest a quarter on one of his abs–which I noticed as he sprang up from his fall earlier.

We continued to make our way to the café, which was now in sight. I wasn’t really sure how our lunch conversation would go, but up to now, it all felt very comfortable. He proved to be a perfect gentleman as he reached in front of me to open the café entrance door. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but his forearm grazed the nipple of my right breast as he reached for the door, which gave me a sudden chill.

Jordan turned to make eye contact while resting his hand on the small of my back to direct me inside. We were both aware of the nipple-graze, and we indirectly smiled back at one another. This was becoming exciting. I loved being near to him. His smell was captivating, and his presence in the room began to turn heads.

Chapter 4


We both made our way together to a corner booth, which was the only seat available at the crowded campus café. Lunchtime was always a busy time of day for this place. Students made it a regular stop. The food was great, and the convenience was even better. I had never seen Jordan at the café before–but I’m not necessarily a regular. I mean, I’ve been here a few times, but I’m not particularly fond of crowded restaurants. Besides, I usually either skip lunch, or head to the Beach And Brew, with my girlfriends once in a while.

Menus had already been placed on the table, and we sat briefly in silence, perusing the contents. I wasn’t sure about Jordan, but I wasn’t actually reading my menu. I was contemplating our inevitable lunch conversation, and planning what I might say. Besides, I already knew I was committed to eating a salad, since I had mentioned it only minutes before, to Jordan. Wow, he was a gorgeous specimen. I snuck a peek of his strong hands holding his menu and wondered what it might be like to touch them. I doubt that he was really focused on making his lunch decision. He probably knew what he wanted, but didn’t want to make me feel rushed to make my decision.

“I’m ready to order, if you are,” I said.

“Sure. I’ll probably just order a sandwich,” he smiled.

The waitress must have overheard us as she promptly came to our table to take orders. “Hey, Jordan, how’s it going today? Will you be having the usual?” She looked at him with a familiar eye, as if she knew him all too well. She was the kind of girl you could probably assume had dropped out of college and taken whatever job she could find in this small community. The look in her eyes made it obvious that she was one of Jordan’s admirer’s. This made me feel a little special to be sitting with him.

“Sure, I’ll have the usual sandwich, but hold the mayo this time,” he said. “And, I’ll just have water to drink, please.”

The sound of his voice was soothing as I listened to him speak to the waitress. He wasn’t the overly cocky kind of jock you’d typically bump into on campus. He was genuine, and seemed to have his feet placed firmly on the ground, socially.

“So, you’re obviously a student here. Do you spend a lot of time in the garden area, just to relax?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know–today is just such an awesome day, that I just felt like sitting and enjoying my time between classes.”

As he gazed at me, with a sincere look, he actually seemed interested. I wondered what his major was, but I had a feeling it had something to do with sports, or maybe just a liberal arts degree.

“What’s your major?” I asked.

“I’m studying Human Physiology. I have a real interest in the body, what makes it function most efficiently, and how to make it last the longest,” he replied.

I was shocked by his answer. Not only was this guy drop-dead gorgeous, he was obviously very intelligent as well. I mean, what was there to not like about this guy? He was a star athlete (in my favorite sport), he was polite, intelligent, and a major beefcake!

At this point in our conversation, I began to feel a little light-headed. I think my blood pressure was rising, as I was about to have an out-of-body experience. I lost focus a little, and dropped my guard.

“I’ll have to be honest, I know who you are, and I’ve been watching you play every game since you started here with the team. You sir, are very good at what you do. I must tell you that I’m likely a bigger fan of football than yourself–I’ve been following all of the professional and college games since I was 15 years old.”

“Wow! Seriously? I’m impressed. It’s not often that you find a beautiful woman who loves the game. I mean, some will tell me that they live for football, but couldn’t even tell you who won the Super Bowl last year.”

“The New England Patriots!” I burst excitedly. OMG, I had just made a spectacle of myself in this crowded café, while sitting right across the table from Jordan Wyatt.

“I’m sorry,” I said in embarrassment, while making a visor out of the palm of my hand to cover my face.

“Ha ha–I love it!” he laughed. “You and me definitely have some similar interests. As I’m sure you already know, the game tomorrow night will be out of town. I can get you box seats, if you’ll come. I’ll be riding down with the team, but you could meet me there beforehand. Interested? Whaddaya say?”

He reached across the table, while almost tipping his water, to touch my hand. I couldn’t believe he was looking excitedly at me while awaiting my response.

“Wow, really?” I said. “That would be awesome–but do you mind if I bring a friend?”

“Well, it depends on whether or not your friend is a male or female friend,” he said jokingly. But I could tell that he was only trying to confirm that I was single.

“Yes, she’s a female–ha ha. I just don’t think I would feel comfortable sitting alone during the game in a place I’ve never been before.”

“Great! It’s a date, then” he replied. “Meet me at the rear entrance at 5:30 tomorrow, and I’ll introduce you to a couple of people.”

Jordan Wyatt, proceeded to give me directions to the game, and politely apologize once more for almost falling into me in the garden area. He paid for lunch, and if I’m not mistaken, gave me a little football buddy “pat on the butt,” as we went our separate ways. I was completely stoked… no elated, that I had met him this way!

Chapter 5


That same evening, I raced back to my dorm room to give my friend, Celine, the news about Jordan and our free passes to the game. Oh shit, it was Friday, and she was already headed home for the weekend. I called two more friends that had committed to other dates for Saturday night. Shit, shit, shit! Well, I’m going, no matter if I do have to sit alone, I thought. I would not miss this opportunity.

The next day was even a little more nerve racking. I spent the morning contemplating what to wear, and everything that was about to take place this same evening. The anticipation was killing me. Then, it occurred to me that Jordan and I had not exchanged phone numbers, addresses, or anything else. How would I find him at the game? Where would I meet him to get the box seat tickets? Oh my, I was a wreck. I didn’t want to miss this for the world, but I felt so unprepared.

The game was to be played in Fulton, which was about a two-hour drive from the school. That afternoon, I put on my favorite jeans–the one’s that make my ass look the best… or so, that’s what Celine had told me before. My palms were sweating as I got in the car and headed out to the interstate.

I cranked the car stereo up and did a little steering wheel drum beat as I headed down the road. I have to calm down, I thought. It’s just Jordan Wyatt, just another guy. What was there to be nervous about? I had dated plenty, and I was good with interacting with guys on the first date. Now, to be clear, I have made it a personal rule of mine, to not sleep with a guy on the first date–no matter how much I had to drink, or how hard he begged for it.

As I drove, recalled the scent of Jordan, and how he made me feel over lunch. I didn’t really know what to expect from him outside of our brief encounter, but I really had hopes for the best. This was the kind of guy that I didn’t believe really existed. He was almost too good to be true. Besides, my dad had always warned me about athletes, and their lustful nature. I decided that I wouldn’t be too “easy” with Jordan tonight.

Chapter 6


As I pulled into the huge parking area, directed by attendants for where to park, my excitement grew. I could once again, feel the ambiance of entering the stadium, with the cheering fans and excitement of the day.

The walk from my car to the rear entrance was feverish. The anticipation was overwhelming. Ah, there it is; VIP entrance. Wow, I’m a VIP! Several of the players and coaches were directly behind the gate, likely preparing one another for pre-game. The press was everywhere. Microphones in the player’s faces, camera flashes lighting up the area, and then… Jordan Wyatt.

Oh my god. There was Jordan. He had not yet seen me, as I made a direct path toward him. Just then, a nicely stacked blonde-headed cheerleader threw her arms around him. She was in his face, and giving him a kiss that was not even morally acceptable in public. She had one hand on his perfect ass, while rubbing her breasts into his chest. Oh hell… I turned around abruptly to make way back to my car. What a bastard, I thought. I mean… I had assumed that this night would be about “us”.

Was I a fool? How could I think that I would stand a chance in a circle of people like this? Why would he think that I’m special?

“Jess! Where are you going?” I could hear Jordan’s voice calling out to me. I pretended not to hear as I picked up my pace a little.
“Jess! Wait up!” he yelled. “Where are you going?”

It was no use. I was busted, and I would have to turn back around and face this jerk.

“Oh, I didn’t see you at the gate, so I didn’t want to try to get in by myself,” I lied.

“Bullshit. You just saw that ho groping me, didn’t you?”

“What? No, I didn’t see any ho. What are you talking about?”

“Jess, you aren’t a very good liar. I was looking straight at you as I was prying that nymph’s hands off of me. There’s something that happens to people in my circles. Sometimes they get a little star-struck and do things they think they might get away with. Honestly, I don’t normally talk like this, but she really is a nasty bitch”.

“Ha–ha. Well, it’s not like we’re an ‘item,’ or anything. What you do is your own business. I just came to watch the game.”

“There you go–lying again,” he said. “Come on, let’s go back in and I’ll show you around. I’ve got just a couple of minutes, but I’d like to show you where you’re sitting, and what to expect. Hey… where’s your friend? Aren’t you with anyone?”

“No, she couldn’t make it, so I came without her. I won’t miss any game, if I can keep from it”.

“Great, you can sit by some people that I know pretty well. They’ll keep you company.”

Chapter 7


Jordan politely introduced me to a young married couple seated in my row. To my surprise, it was Jordan’s sister and her family. They were a great looking couple, with a small child–a little boy, probably around two-years old.

“Jess, this is my sister, Lil, her awesome husband Brian, and young Travis.”

“Hey, great to meet you guys. I hope I’m not intruding.”

“Seriously Jess? Please, have a seat. We’re glad you’re joining us. Would you like for Brian to pick you up a beer at the concession?”

“I’d like that. Here, let me give you some money,” I said.

“No way! It’s on me,” Brian said, insistently.

I had made the decision to go on with my night. At this point, it didn’t really matter if Jordan was being dishonest or not. I was here to watch the game, and that’s all that counts right now. Besides, as it turns out, I’ve just met some nice folks.

Lil and I talked for about a half-hour prior to the game. She told me a few stories about Jordan, and what a sweet, genuine person he’s always been. It made me believe that he was probably telling me the truth about the blonde cheerleader I had seen him with earlier. Travis had come unexpectedly, and Lil and Brian were married shortly after his arrival. This was a tight and wholesome family. They all appeared to be as down-to-earth as uncle Jordan. I was happy to know them.

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