ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection) (88 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHIFTER: Shifter to the Max Collection (Dragon, Bear, Wolf and Panther Shifter Romances) (Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)
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Karyn seemed angry now. “What is that supposed to mean? The truth is the truth no matter what. I won’t stand by and let you lie to these people. The world needs to know about the real dangers that are out there, not some government cover-up. You are the government, right?”

Jack shrugged and gave Killian a strange look. " I don’t deal with this part, man! She’s all yours. I’d get her out of here fast though, if I were you.” Jack chuckled.

Killian grunted as he stared at Karyn. Somehow, he just knew she was going to make this difficult. "Go get the car," he told Jack. Killian placed his hand on Karyn’s arm, hoping he wasn’t going to have to restrain her. “Look, this is going to take some time to explain. Please believe me; I’m trying to act in everyone’s best interest. We are not here to hurt anyone.”

Karyn’s eyes hardened and she took a menacing step towards Killian. “I have eaten a dead woman’s blood today, watched all of my coworkers get ripped to shreds by some shape shifting werewolf, been traumatized, left alone, passed out... and now apparently I’m being kidnapped! I don’t care if you are the most powerful vampire that ever lived. I am going to tell these people the truth, and if you want to stop me, you’re going to have to kill me!” She spat. There was so much fire in her eyes.

“Sounds like she has you pegged, vampire." Caleb smiled. “Killing is what you do best, after all.” Caleb laughed an eerie laugh, devoid of anything human. Karyn found herself backing up into Killian's arms. She was angry, but not stupid.

Killian's arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders and his muscles tensed. “Caleb, you need to let that go, man. I’m sorry it happened, but it has nothing to do with what’s going on right now."

Karyn watched as Caleb's eyes glowed an eerily inhuman color. “I’ll never let it go, vampire.” Caleb growled. Just then, a news helicopter appeared outside. “Next time,” Caleb pointed at Killian. He then rushed off into a long corridor.

Suddenly, a car skidded to a stop in front of the building. Jack got out with two other guys that Karyn had never seen before. The men quickly entered the building and pulled her out of Killian's arms. They quickly manhandled her into the car, as she fought them, kicking and punching. From the backseat, Karyn could hear Killian arguing with the two men.

“That wasn’t necessary. I had it under control.” Killian sounded angry.

“She’s a shadow-walker, which means she belongs to us.” The voices became too low for Karyn to hear, but she could feel a powerful intensity emanating from Killian, even from inside the car. She didn’t know what was happening, but she did know that once again, Killian was coming to her rescue. Finally, he opened the door and climbed into the back seat with her.

Jack got in the driver’s seat and took off, nearly hitting one of the men. “Sorry about that!” He called back, out of the window. “I hate those guys,” Jack whispered to himself.

Karyn watched as Killian shrugged off the effects of his anger. “What was that all about?” She ventured to ask. Without hesitation, Killian reached over and took Karyn’s hand in his. Even though he felt cold to the touch, something in her warmed at the connection.

“Nothing you need to worry about right now,” Killian spoke calmly. She squeezed his hand tightly and he winced.

“In case you haven’t noticed,” she said with that hint of steel in her voice again, “I don’t run from the truth. I know you can’t answer
of my questions, but could you please try to answer some?”

Killian smiled. "I’ll do my best, but this really isn’t my department.

Karyn smiled back. “I guess I'll take what I can get. What is a shadow-walker?”

Jack whistled from the front. “Wow. She starts heavy, huh?”

“Why don’t you mind your own business for a change, Jack? I’m busy back here.”

Karyn heard Jack mumble under his breath, “That’ll be the day.” Karyn stifled a laugh as she waited for Killian's answer.

“Simply put, most people in this world can’t see us. They see either a human or nothing at all-- but every once and a while, someone is given a gift. We call those people shadow walkers, because they can see things from all worlds.”

Karyn startled at the last bit. “Worlds? Plural?” Karyn asked.

Killian shrugged off her question. “Um, let’s get to that later. Anyway, that woman who died on your table today was from another...
When you ingested her blood, it probably gave you the gift to see, or maybe you were born with it. Either way, you can never go back. It can’t be undone.”

There were so many questions running through Karyn’s mind. She feared what the rest of his answers would reveal. She could
go back. She laid her head against the muscular shoulder of Killian and closed her eyes. Maybe the rest of her questions could wait. Killian watched her as her breathing slowed, and she drifted into a restlessly slumber. Karyn had no idea of the danger that awaited them, but hopefully she’d be strong enough to survive.




part 2

Killian sat in the backseat of his Department 99 vehicle, staring intently at the woman who slept with her head pressed against his shoulder. Her blonde hair tumbled loosely across his chest, and her small hand rested casually against his own. He watched this beautiful woman and thought about the strength he had witnessed in her over the last few hours. Shadow walkers were rare enough in this world, but one with her kind of courage was almost unheard of.

Karyn had barely survived an attack by a deadly werewolf, but instead of running away, she sprinted, headstrong, back towards the danger to save another. Even after her adrenaline had faded and she was left only with the exhaustion and the trauma of the day—she’d pushed beyond her own needs in order to help the wounded. Killian was astounded by her character, and she wasn’t bad-looking either. Her crystal blue eyes seemed to see straight through him, and caressed something within him that he could not explain. 

Killian looked into the rearview mirror and saw that his partner was staring back at him, ruefully.  Jack was the closest thing to a friend that Killian had and they could read each other better than most. There wasn't very much that Killian could successfully hide from Jack, nor would he want to—his feelings for Karyn were no different.

“That's never going to work, buddy. She's human and you're not. It’s probably best that you get it out of your head right now, before it goes any farther. Besides, she's going to have to go through realignment and she might not make it.” Jack swallowed hard and swiftly pulled his eyes back to the grey road.

Killian thought about the people who had come through realignment. Some went back to a life of ignorance, and some simply didn't make it and washed out…most went insane. In fact, the asylums had more than tripled with patients from Department 99 over the last two years alone. Only one in every ten people successfully made it through realignment. Killian felt the warmth from Karyn's hand as it seeped into his cold dead skin. He locked eyes with Jack.

“She’ll make it. I know she will.” Killian swallowed.

“Whatever you say, chief.” Jack replied.

Karyn had been pretending to be asleep for the last several minutes as she listened to the two men talk. When she had gotten out of bed this morning, she had known exactly where her day was going to take her. If someone had told her that she was going to be fighting werewolves, evading death, and riding in the backseat of a car with a vampire, she would have laughed. Yet here she was, going to some strange facility to be put through something called realignment. Her whole world has been flipped upside down.

A part of her wanted to push open the car door and run as far and as fast as her legs would carry her. But, as quickly as that thought entered her mind it vanished. Where would she go? Anyway, she had to know the truth, regardless of the cost. She could never go back to living in a world she knew to be a lie. Killian was right. She couldn’t go back, even if she wanted to. 

Karyn's mind drifted to thoughts of the man beside her, the man she knew to be a creature of the night. She had seen death in him, the ferocious killer lurking underneath his professional façade. She saw greatness in him, too.  Somehow, she sensed that he would not let any harm come to her.

As Jack pulled the Audi into the long drive leading up to the Kansas City branch of Department 99, Killian slowly and gently shook Karyn awake. “We're here,” he whispered to her.

Karyn feigned a yawn, sat up, and looked around. She had expected some colossal expensive-looking building populated by people running around in suits and ties. What she saw looked like nothing more than a small metal box in the middle of an expansive garden.

Killian saw the confused look on Karyn's face and smiled. “I know it doesn't look like much from here, but the rest of the facility is underground. This is just the security room and elevator to the lower levels. It's actually quite impressive once you see it all. There are ten levels total.” 

“What level are we going to?” Karyn asked. Killian and Jack shared a look. Jack shook his head
but Killian answered anyway.

“The first part of realignment starts on the first level. If you're successful, you move down to the second level.”

Karyn grabbed Killian by the arm and waited until he was looking her in the eye. “How bad is this going to be?” She asked. Her voice trembled a little.

Killian knew it was against regulation to give her any information about the department, or about realignment, but staring into those deep blue eyes put him at east. He didn’t want to lie to her. Killian placed his hand on Jack's shoulder. “Why don't you go on in. We’ll catch up with you.”

Jack looked between Killian and Karyn and then whispered to his friend. “You'd better know what you're doing.” Killian waited until Jack entered the building. He then cupped both of Karyn's hands in his own. He felt like ice.

“I don't know exactly what your realignment will look like, or what kinds of things they will do to you. Each time it’s different. I do know that no one comes out the same way that they went in.”

Karyn suddenly felt more afraid than when she had faced the werewolf. At least then she’d had something physical to fight, but how could you fight the unknown? She was already so exhausted, mentally and physically, from her excitement earlier in the day.

At the very least, Karyn hoped that Department 99 would let her rest before the examinations began.

“What if I just walk away?” What if I refuse to go through realignment?” Karyn asked. He could tell she was genuinely afraid. How did he manage to get himself into these situations? He should have just given Karyn over to the realignment guys back at the hospital. Why had he insisted on going with her? Why did he seem to have such a weak spot for her?

“I wouldn't advise that,” he said sincerely. Immediately, Karyn understood. To refuse realignment would mean certain death.

As they entered the small metal structure, Karyn noticed two security guards at the front door. “They look human,” she said, surprised.

Killian laughed. “Looks are often deceiving around here, but yes, they are human. These guys are here because of their abilities. Maxwell here can pull and focus energy, changing it into anything he wishes. If he wanted to, he could blow this whole facility to kingdom come.” Maxwell nodded his head with a shy smile, and suddenly pulled a ball of fire out of thin air and bounced it from hand to hand, casually.

Karyn was in awe. “What can you do?” she asked the other guard.

Killian laughed again. “That's Ted. He can bring your worst fears to life… literally.” Killian leaned over and whispered into Karyn's ear. “He’s a scary dude…and I'm a vampire.” 

Karyn took two small steps back. “Nice to meet you both,” she said as she walked toward the elevator. Karyn didn’t even breathe until she was on the elevator with the doors safely closed behind her. As the elevator began its descent, Karyn suddenly felt like the small metal rectangle was taking her to her doom. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe, and the palms of her hands begin to sweat profusely. She reached over and pushed the emergency stop button on the elevator, bringing it to a heavy abrupt halt.

“I don't think I can do this.” Karyn started to breathe and talk rapidly. “How could I have existed in this world all my life without seeing the truth all of this time? How could I have been so wrong about everything?”

Without knowing why, Killian suddenly found his arms wrapped around her. The thought of her in pain was more than he could bear.

“I promise you, you're going to make it. Trust me and trust yourself.” Karyn immediately nodded, taking two deep breaths. Killian was right, she had been through tough times before and had always found a way to survive and thrive. She could do this.

Just as the elevator doors were opening, a voice came over the intercom. “Be advised, rogue shifter level one. Repeat, rogue shifter level one, full facility containment.” Killian swore as he immediately pushed Karyn down to the ground. The elevator doors closed slowly behind them. 

“One of these days those guys are going to tell us what shape these damn things are taking when they ask us to go capture them!” Killian said was a low growl. “Rogue shifter? Could they be any less specific?” He added.

Killian quickly pulled Karyn over to the nearest desk and pushed her underneath. “Don’t move. Not for anyone, not even me, until those sirens go off.” 

Karyn started to climb out from under the desk almost immediately, completely ignoring Killian's orders. Suddenly the air was filled with flames and a roar of something that sounded like a tornado filled the room. Karyn stared in awe as a giant dragon flew around, like an enormous injured bird, crashing into walls and destroying everything in sight. She quickly went back under the desk.

Everything seemed to be in total chaos.  People superimposed over top of creatures ran amok. Somewhere from the other side of the room, a woman was throwing some kind of green hazy flame at the dragon, while cussing at him, and calling him a lizard. Thunder and lightning erupted inside the building. The whole day felt like nothing but a living nightmare. When was the insanity going to stop?

Karyn peeked out from beneath the desk and scanned the massive first floor of Department 99. Karyn had no idea how to tell the difference between friend or foe, so she quickly looked for the one person she knew to be on her side. She spotted Killian and realized that he was heading straight towards the dragon.

“Hey flameboy!” She heard him yell. “Why don’t you try lighting me on fire?” The dragon immediately locked its gaze onto Killian, belching a monstrous inferno directly at him. Karyn jumped out from under the desk screaming Kilian’s name even though she knew it was too late. The flames had already surrounded him. Karyn stopped dead in her tracks as the dragon turned its mighty stare onto her.
This was it. This would be the end.

Out of the raging flames, Killian leapt high into the air. With the dragon’s attention riveted on Karyn, Killian grabbed one of the scaly spikes and stabbed the serum deep into the dragon's throat. Karyn was surprised when, just like before, the creature became human. Only this time, it became a female. As irrational as it seemed Karyn suddenly found herself feeling jealous.

Department 99 was a hub of activity as the woman / dragon was quickly hurried away in cuffs. Killian bounded over with a smile on his face. “That's always so much fun,” Killian laughed.

Karyn half-heartedly punched him in the shoulder. “You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were dead.”

Killian’s smile faded. “I am dead, remember.”  Karyn swallowed, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

In the midst of all the commotion and confusion, neither Karyn or Killian saw the armed men until they were already upon them. Before Karyn could even protest, she had been handcuffed, blindfolded, and drugged. She was asleep before she even knew what had hit her. 

Killian had never liked the realignment guys. Ever since his own experience, he had held a grudge. He remembered the tall one as the one who had tried to break him. Realignment was a joke. It was conditioning pure and simple. And torture. He stared at the tall one.
Without blinking, I can punch the guy straight in his mouth laying him out flat
. Killian could feel his killer instinct ready to burst from the seams. He wanted their blood, all of their blood. Before he even realized it had happened, he looked down and saw the other two men at his feet. He felt something grab him from behind and it took several seconds to recognize the voice of the man holding him. It was Jack.

“Calm down, man. This ain’t going to help her none.” The thought of Karyn and the sound of Jacks voice slowly began to bring him back to his senses. Killian was mortified to realize his fangs were out. If Jack hadn’t been there, if he hadn’t acted quickly, he would have killed those men.

The first man Killian had hit stood up and brushed himself off. “You have no idea how bad you just made this for her,” he said, and then he turned and walked away dragging Karyn unconscious form.

Karyn woke up and tried to shake the fog from her head. She seemed to be laying on a cold, hard slab of a floor, and she had no idea how she got in there. For a moment, she didn't remember anything. Then suddenly, it all came crashing back. She stood up in a rush and immediately got dizzy and had to drop back down to the floor. She sat cross-legged with her head in her hands, trying to study her breathing and slow down rapid heartbeat. Having a panic attack certainly wouldn’t improve her situation.

As the effects of whatever drug they had given her began to wear off, she started to take note of where she was. It appeared as though she was in a single room, although there were no windows and no doors.
There had to be a door. How else could she have gotten inside?

Karyn stood back up much more slowly this time, and put both of her hands against the cold steel wall. She began to walk the perimeter of the container slowly, her hand scanning the walls for any imperfections that would indicate a door. She made one full circle and then another, and then another. Finally coming to the conclusion that there was no way out, she laughed dryly to herself.
Just her luck. Of all the people in Kansas City, this would have to happen to her.

Karyn had been sitting in a corner for what seem to have been several hours. There was nothing else in the room except for her. It also seemed that whoever had placed her here had taken all of her belongings as well. She shuddered to think of whoever had changed her clothes and placed her in this very nondescript grey tightfitting jumpsuit. Well, she thought to herself, at least she wasn't in a hospital gown.

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