ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (84 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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Looking up at him Charlie knew she had to tell him about the book. He didn’t seem to know about it.

“I have a book that may help you, Nicholas. I thought it was just a story book for children but it seems it’s not, here you are. And maybe we can find some information in other towns, did your family come from here or did your ancestors move here from somewhere else?”

“I really don’t know a lot about them, Charlie. My parents died when I was little and I was raised by a family here. I own my real parents’ house but I’ve never been there. A caretaker looks after it, making sure it doesn’t fall in but I haven’t been. I was afraid of what I’d find out.”

“We’ll figure something out Nicholas, I promise. Now, are you going to put some clothes on or are you going to walk out of here naked?”

Instead of answering, Nicholas leaned over again and kissed her. Only this time, some of that animal must have been left in him because he pushed her back, kissing her with a fierce passion, his hand slipping into her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck. Nipping at the tender skin there, his fingers running down her face, she wanted more from him.

“I’d rather do this for the moment if that’s alright with you.” As he spoke he pulled her onto his lap, sitting up with her straddling him. Her legs seemed to automatically lock behind him, settling her snugly over his cock. She ground down on him, feeling him hard and pulsing beneath her.

“I think this will be just fine, for now. We fit like puzzle pieces, don’t we?”

With a growl he responded by clamping down on her hips, rocking against her denim covered heat, a heat that made him pulse harder against her. Pushing his hands under her shirt he pulled it over her head, hands clasping her bra covered breasts.

“You’re gorgeous. I want to touch every part of you.” He growled.

Stepping off him for a moment, she quickly removed her clothes and returned to him. Standing in front of him she looked down, thinking of the night they’d met. He must have too because he pulled her closer to his face, looking up at her.

“You are so beautiful, Charlie, oh so beautiful.”

Nicholas pulled her closer, his sensual lips closing around her clit to suck her into a moan of pleasure. Wanting more of her, he slid his hands between her legs to cup her ass, pushing her hips up and forward.

Charlie gasped, her fingers knotting in his hair, wanting to hold him still as his tongue flicked her passion to a full blown fire within her body. And Nicholas was loving every moan, every gasp, every pull of his hair as her passion grew, as she started to pant. Moving his left hand, he slid his fingers between her folds, pushing between them, sliding inside her tight pussy with two fingers.

Charlie let her head fall back as she felt the intrusion of his fingers, trying not to thrust her hips in time with his fingers but lost to decorum, lost to anything that might make sense, only feeling his tongue, his fingers, the silken texture of his hair. He let out a rumble of satisfaction as she pulled his hair even harder. That tension in her grew, making her gasp for air as the first waves of orgasm hit her, making her scream his name. Then she lost the ability to talk, and she was only making nonsense noises as she rubbed her pussy against his face wanting more.

She slumped down as the orgasm released her, not able to stand any longer. Nicholas let her slide down his body and she spread her legs wide, circling his hips with her legs. She reached between them, holding him steady as she allowed herself to slide onto him, eyes going wide as she felt him inside her. The feeling of him there, seeing the pleasure on his face as he went deeper, made her clench around him. She let her head fall, nestled into his neck as she began to move on him. Her eyes closed, absorbing the feel of him, the smell of him and the taste of him as her mouth opened on his neck. She bit down on him as he shifted her hips, grinding her into him.

His head was back, concentration and deep pleasure etched into his face. Her passion rising, Charlie looked at him, stirred again by the beauty of him. She started to meet his thrusts, pushing her back in as she moved, her breasts cradling his head. She closed her eyes too but opened them right back up as she felt his mouth moving on her; his lips torturing her right nipple as it had earlier tortured her clit.

They moved together, lost in each other, enjoying what the moment had to offer. As his pleasure built his hands moved, sliding up and down her body, learning her shape, enjoying her beauty. His hands finally settled on her slim hips, guiding her in the movements, letting her take him into his own oblivion where what he was, who he was, didn’t mean anything. Only they mattered.

They came together, her cries of pleasure spurring him on. She writhed against him, her hips serpentine, back arched and contorted in ways he didn’t know women could move. As his cock pulsed inside her, however, he forgot about her movements, and stopped thinking altogether, as pleasure flowed from his groin.

Panting, he fell back, letting her fall against his chest. Cradling her in his arms his mind was finally at peace for the first time in a long time. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this restful, in fact. Charlie seemed to be happy too, if the soft snores she was making were any indication. He left her there, happy to let her rest for now.

“Charlie, wake up darling, I think Samantha is looking for you. What were you doing out here, anyway? I didn’t even think to ask you that!” He looked confused.

“Well,” blushing Charlie replied to him, “I guess we were waiting on you. I guess you’ve figured out it was the farmer’s boys that sent us the video. They brought us out here to wait for you, even told us it was you. Somehow they had the book I told you about. They think you killed that man from the caravan site and that they’re next. I guess they went off to work last night hoping me and Samantha were going to somehow overpower you and haul you off. Why did you choose these caves anyway?” Charlie dressed as she spoke to Nicholas, hoping Samantha would stay out of the cave for now.

“I found it when I was a child, this cave and the chain. I remembered it and came back when the shifting started. The collar had disintegrated but it was simple enough to fashion another one. Samantha’s starting to sound panicked; we’d better let her know you’re alright.”

“I’m in here Samantha!” She called out, winking cheekily at Nicholas as he scrambled to dress.

He’d buttoned his trousers up and was putting his shirt on when Samantha came in. She took in the scene, the chain on the wall, Nicholas still getting his shirt on and grinned at Charlie.

“Have you two been in here doing naughty things to each other? I’ve been worrying myself to death! I woke up and it was daylight and you were nowhere to be found Charlie and you were in a cave shagging all night? I don’t know whether to kick you or tease you, you slag!” The sting of the words was eased by the grin she gave her friend.

“That is none of your business, for now anyway, Samantha. Wait until later when he can’t die of mortification as I tell you about the things he can do with his tongue!” Walking over to Nicholas she reached up to kiss him, he had to pick her up to accomplish it. “I’ll meet you later, at the inn? Maybe we can go to your place?”

“Sure babe, I’ll meet you there around noon, if that’s alright? I’ll go home, get a shower and some food in my stomach. I think I may need some energy later.” With that he swatted her bottom, winking at Samantha. If she could be cheeky so could he.

I like that, Charlie thought.

Smiling, she took her friend’s arm and walked them out of the cave.

“So what’s he doing out here? Did you two set this up?” Samantha asked her friend.

“No, he was taking a walk and I heard him. He wanted to show me the caves. One thing led to another and here we are.” Charlie laughed, hoping her jokes hid the lie she was telling Samantha.

“Ah well, I guess we’ll have to check the cameras to see if a bear showed up last night or not then. I’ll look at them later.”

Charlie felt a moment of panic, knowing the cameras would give away her lie.

“I’ll check them, Samantha. Don’t worry about it.” Her friend looked at her but didn’t say anything, just as she hadn’t said anything about the chain. Hopefully that simply meant she didn’t notice any of it.

Charlie busied herself making coffee for them while Samantha started taking the tents down. It didn’t take long to stow their camping equipment, drink their coffees and get back to the inn. Charlie knew she was in a mess, she thought as they drove back, but she didn’t care. It was all starting to sink in but she just knew, somehow, that she and Nicholas could make all of this work, if she could just keep it all together and not panic. Nicholas was the werebear. This definitely was going to take some thinking about.

Chapter Four

nother week
in Ursathorpe was spent trying to find clues as to what Nicholas actually was, although Charlie did this without telling Samantha that the investigation had changed. She was considering sending Samantha back home but hadn’t done so yet. She still hadn’t decided exactly what to do about everything, but for now her priority was finding Nicholas some answers.

She and Nicholas had spent the past week sneaking in and out of the other’s bed, not keeping their relationship secret but trying to keep the noises down anyway. Feeling her phone vibrate she looked down to see Nicholas’s number on her phone.

“Can you pack a bag and meet me this evening? I think it’s time to go to my parents’ house. Maybe there will be some answers there. I’ve called to have the caretaker prepare a room for us and get some groceries in.”

“Sure, Nicholas, that sounds like the best bet at the moment. I’ll be ready when you get off of work. See you then, darling.” Pressing the off button she put the phone down and went to find Samantha to let her know what was happening.

Nicholas walked into the inn later that evening and looked around, wondering where Charlie was. Maybe she’s still packing then. Not worried yet, Nicholas walked up to the bar. Mary was there, sliding a pint over to him.

“Come to drown your sorrows then, have you?” The innkeeper asked, giving Nicholas a sad look.

“Pardon?” Nicholas asked, not sure what the woman was on about.

“Charlie left. I thought you knew. Samantha said she had to go back to the city because something had happened to Charlie’s sister so Samantha packed their belongings, paid their tab and left after Charlie did.” Mary said as she slid an envelope over to Nicholas.

“Charlie doesn’t have a sister, she’s on her own too, Mary. She told me she doesn’t have any family. Besides, she was meeting me here so we could go out of town for a few days. This doesn’t make any sense, why didn’t she call me?” Nicholas saw his name on the envelope but didn’t know who it was from.

Taking the paper out of the envelope, Nicholas began to read. His heart almost stopped when he read the note within.

“I have Charlie, and if you want her to stay alive you know where to meet me. Don’t make me wait and don’t bring any of your ‘friends’ with you. You know who I mean too so don’t be cheeky.” The letter wasn’t signed but Nicholas knew who had written it. Samantha. But what was her game here?

Reading the letter again, he had no idea where Samantha would have taken Charlie. Crumpling the paper he paid for his untouched pint and left Mary, telling her not to worry. He didn’t tell her what was in the letter, just told her he was going to get in touch with Charlie and find out what was going on.

Getting back on the road, Nicholas had no idea which direction to turn to as he left the inn’s car park. Thinking about it, Nicholas picked a direction, not sure he was right but sure that if he left it too long Charlie may not be alive when he got wherever he was going. Driving onto the motorway the answer came to him. His parents’ house. That had to be it. It was the only unoccupied house he knew of, he wasn’t even sure how to get to Charlie’s place in the city so it couldn’t be anywhere there. No, it had to be the house. The house was a quiet isolated hideaway that a kidnapper might be able to escape from if things went wrong. No neighbours, no witnesses, just peace and quiet in the country. Nicholas was certain that was it.

He tried not to allow himself to ask questions, not to let the worry build. He just drove, concentrating on the road as he drove towards his fate. Not just his fate, Charlie’s fate too.

Nicholas didn’t pull into the driveway of the house; instead he pulled off the road, pulling into the woods a little to hide his car. Getting out he walked through the woods to the back of the house. One of the benefits of being a shifter was having a really good sense of smell when he concentrated. It was dark but he still kept to the shadows as he walked to the back of the three story house. Using his sense of smell he followed the windows along the bottom of the house until he found the one Charlie was in.

There weren’t any lights on in the house but he knew this was the room she was in. Following his nose back around the house he located Samantha in the front. Going to the back door he found it unlocked and slipped quietly inside. He went to the room Charlie was in first. Seeing quite well in the dark was another benefit to being a shifter and Nicholas could easily see Charlie tied on the bed with a gag in her mouth. Rushing to her, he quietly told her to stay silent as he untied her and took the gag off. She jumped off the bed, ready to leave but he stopped her.

“We have to take care of Samantha before we go; otherwise she’s just going to come after you again.”

Apparently enhanced hearing wasn’t one of his shifter skills; he didn’t hear Samantha as she stalked into the room; hitting the light on her way in. “I don’t think you’ll be taking care of me at all, Nicholas. I think if you want Charlie to live you’ll do as I tell you. Charlie, get back on the bed. Now!”

“Why are you doing this Samantha?” Nicholas asked as he made sure Charlie was behind him.

“I need your skin. Adam, my boyfriend, has a drug habit. Avery expensive habit and we’re out of options to get any more money. The Greer boys know somebody we can sell your hide to. There are collectors out there, you know? They love shifter skins. Do you know if you die in shifter form you’ll stay that way but you’ll still have human DNA? We’re going to chain you down in the basement until you shift, then we’re going to kill you.”

All Nicholas heard was that no matter what, Charlie wasn’t getting out of here alive because she knew too much. Trying to think of a plan Nicholas asked Samantha another question.

“And where are the Greer boys tonight, Samantha?”

“Stop moving Charlie, I can see you. They’re where they always are, they’re out dealing the drugs Adam loves so much. We grew up here, you know, Adam and I? That’s how we knew the boys. They’re Adam’s cousins. They heard about Charlie and that I was working with her. We set this up. The collector is going to give me half a million pounds for your skin. The boys get a quarter, we get the rest. Now, are you going to go to the basement with me calmly or do I have to hurt Charlie?”

Charlie grabbed at his arm, not wanting him to go, but he brushed her hand away. “I’ll stay with you” he said quietly.

Walking towards Samantha, he knew he would only have once chance. As he neared the woman she sensed something was wrong and slid a short but nasty looking knife out of her back pocket, slamming it into his side. The pain and anger mixed in Nicholas’s body: somehow he shifted instantly. There was no howling screaming pain, just a huge bear in torn clothes that pounced effortlessly onto Samantha, claiming her neck between his teeth. The woman screamed expecting death, but Nicholas the bear held steady.

Taking the ropes she herself been bound with, Charlie tied up the woman she thought to be a friend. Making the knots difficult to unravel and tight, she then dialed 999 with her phone, prompting the police to come quickly. Nicholas had allowed Samantha to move while she was being tied up but stayed over her. Now that her hands and feet were bound he stepped off of her. Just as quickly as before he shifted back into human form, naked as the day he was born.

“I’m going to see if I can find some clothes before they get here and put something on my wound. I don’t think it’s too deep but it’s bleeding. I need a bandage of some sort.

Not long after the police arrived and carted Samantha away while a paramedic looked over Nicholas’ gash. “You’re going to need stitches but I think you’ll be alright, sir. I’ll get an ambulance in now.”

Charlie and Nicholas had already spent an hour relating their story. Samantha had been carried away, raving about bears and skins. The detective involved told them she was being taken to a secure mental facility. Now in the kitchen, holding each other’s hands, the couple just wanted to get Nicholas stitched up and go to bed.

“Will you be going back to Ursathorpe then, sir?” The detective asked.

“Yes. You say you’ve picked up the Greer boys?” Nicholas asked.

“Yes, sir, we have. They keep going on about a video and a book sir, but we haven’t found a book. We have found a video on one of the boy’s laptops, but something happened to it.” The man paused, looking steadily at Nicholas. “Besides we’re more concerned with the other videos we found on the laptops, highly illegal videos. The boys will not be out in the real world for a long time. For now, it looks like you two can get your lives sorted.

“Seems we have the chance to. Thank you detective. Can we get him to the hospital now?” Charlie asked.

The rest of the evening was spent in the hospital and then at his parent’ house. In the middle of the night Charlie remembered the second book, under the bed she’d been dumped on. She’d seen it when Samantha kicked her into the room. Charlie had stumbled against the bed, falling to the floor. Thicker but with the same cover as the one wrapped safely in her handbag.

They started searching for it in the bedroom where Samantha had stabbed Nicholas two weeks previously. The book had been removed from the bed and they’d spent several hours studying its contents but it wasn’t what they’d come for. Charlie had come in to take a nap and had woken up when Nicholas started caressing her. His fingers on her nipples finally woke her. He’d worshipped her in that bed, driving out any memory of Samantha she had in that room.

Slowly, he’d peeled her nightgown off, over her head and onto the floor it floated. Raising her arms over her head he lavished her breasts with attention as he slowly flicked a finger on her clit. Turning her over, he’d brought her to her knees, licking her from her clit to her ass, slicking a finger into her pussy and then sliding it slowly into her ass. He then slid two fingers from his other hand into her pussy. She had cum hard on his face then. Now they were in the living room.

Charlie grunted as Nicholas thrust his hips behind her, her head thrown back, long red hair in his hand as he drove into her pussy. “Say my name” she panted to him.

“Charlie” he groaned, as he let her hair go, leaning back to drive deeper into her. She lifted a leg, resting it onto the couch to let him get even deeper than that. They were trying to exorcise the ghosts here too. Maybe really good sex would drive the memories away for good.

Standing up, she gave him a coy look over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs, to another bedroom and laid on her back, her head hanging over the edge.

“Give me your cock baby; I want to taste you.” Charlie opened her mouth wide as Nicholas walked in behind her, his cock still hard as a rock. Wrapping her fingers around it as he came closer, she sucked the head into her mouth, hearing him grunt in pleasure. She let him slide the long length down her throat, his hips thrusting himself in and out as her tongue flicked over him. Just as she started to feel his limit being reached she pushed him away, leaning over the bed.

“Not yet, baby.” She gave him a dirty smile, her eyes flashing at him in challenge.

“I can’t take much more of this, Charlie!”

Smiling at her, his beautiful Charlie, Nicholas leaned in to kiss her, their tongues entwining. His hands played over her body again, his mouth on her nipples once more, driving away the demons. Kissing her again, sucking her tongue into his mouth, Nicholas could not get enough of her.

Knowing he’d waited long enough Charlie pulled him down with her, their hips coming together as they fell. She clasped her legs around him, letting him set the pace. She wasn’t worried about her own pleasure now; she just wanted to feel him inside her. Loving her. As his pace quickened, Charlie had no idea what was in their future but knew that they would have a future together. She loved this man and he loved her and. For now, that was good enough. Then she lost herself in her man, in the pleasure he was giving her and joined him as he found his happiness.


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