ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense) (69 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SHAPESHIFTER ROMANCE: Dragon Baller's Bride (Dragon Shifter Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Romantic Suspense)
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She stood before them, naked, sipping her wine, wondering what to do next. These men were just as attractive as the modern counterparts, but she knew they’d remember this when they went back to the future. From the images she was getting in her head she knew they were already remembering certain parts of what had already happened.

“Luther, she has no hair on her lady parts. Are you sure she’s old enough?” Nathan asked.

“I assure you, I’m quite old enough. I just wax it off. It’s custom where I come from. But I did not come for talk, I came for sex.” She told them with a serious expression on her face.

Both men smiled at each other eagerly. They fell on her then, not in a violent way. They pulled her to the bed, kissing her and touching her in ways that stirred her. Their laughter was infectious and she laughed with them as they explored her hairless legs, armpits, and other regions.

Things soon grew serious when Nathan placed his hand between her thighs, feeling her smooth pussy. She inhaled sharply, having waited for days it felt like, to feel that touch. 500 years, she thought to herself. Shifting her hips, opening her legs, she spread herself open for his inspection. She gasped when she felt his tongue and reached for Luther, wanting to touch him as well. If she was going to do this she was going to go all in in.

Luther went flat on the bed, his head at hers, kissing her deeply. His mouth tasted fruity from the wine and almost minty. She’s assumed oral hygiene would be bad in this time but they seemed to care for their teeth somehow. Plunging her tongue into his mouth, she ran her fingers into his hair as Nathan licked her slick pussy, honing in on her clit as she moaned into Luther’s mouth.

“I think our fair damsel enjoys that, Nathan. Keep doing it. Oh yes, she does like that. Slide a finger or two inside of her now, see how she reacts to that.” Luther spoke in a loud whisper, looking into her eyes as he said the words.

Nathan did as he was instructed, sending Hannah into something she’d only ever experienced on her own before. As she came her body tensed, her back arching and her hips reaching up to Nathan’s tongue. They’d barely even touched her and already she was exploding. She let her head fall back and she pushed Nathan’s head away, wanting to kiss him as the sensation became overwhelming.

“Now my lady, I still don’t know your name, but I’d like to get to know you a little better. Would you get on your hands and knees?” Hannah did as requested, knowing she was finally going to feel Luther inside of her, not realizing how desperately she’d wanted to feel that since she first met him. He went behind her, running a finger down her ass, inside of her now dripping pussy and then tasted her on his finger.

Moving up behind her, he pulled her flat. “I think I want you standing, follow me.”

He led her to a chair and bent her over the back of it, testing to see how the height worked. “Yes, that will do nicely. Nathan, go before her my friend, I’d like to watch your cock sliding in and out of her mouth as I fuck her like this. Yes, that’s good, just kneel there.”

“Oh, he is bossy”, she thought, “even in the past.”

She felt him moving behind her, but he didn’t enter her yet. He stroked her back, her breasts, in long, slow strokes that ended at her ass. She’d sized up Nathan in that time and took his uncircumcised cock into her mouth. Something else she’d never done, but she was a quick learner. She sucked, going from the bottom of the organ, to the very tip. Nathan inhaled sharply, thrusting his hips into her face and she opened her mouth wide so she could take him deeper.

“I don’t know who you are madam, or exactly why you’re doing this but I feel I know you. I’m going to give you what you ask for, because you asked so prettily, but I’d like to know more about you when we’re done here. For now, I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside of you.”

What had somehow been tawdry but fun suddenly turned sweet, erotic and incredibly wonderful. Luther slowly pushed his cock inside of her, slowly, letting her get used to his size and feeling. Maybe it was the feelings she was getting from future Luther and Nathan, as they relived memories they were only just learning about. She wasn’t only getting images from them now; she was getting their feelings, their thoughts too. Hannah felt like she was with four men, not just two now.

Nathan brushed his hand along her jaw, urging her to open her mouth back up, playing with her lips as he did so. She braced herself with one hand and took his cock into the other one as Luther started to thrust. She opened her mouth wide, loving Nathan’s cock, as she would to Luther’s later, licking it, letting the pleasure pass from Luther, into her, into Nathan.

Her senses were filled with these men. They didn’t have the perfumed, soap scented smell of their future selves but they were clean; their taste manly and sensual; filling her senses in ways cologne could not. Their scent made her hungry for more of them, even though she was now surrounded by them.

Luther’s pace increased, an urgency coming into his thrusts. Hannah could tell Nathan was close as well; his fingers on her shoulders were digging deeper with every thrust that pushed her onto his cock. Her fingers played over him and she tried to concentrate as Luther’s fingers found her clit, circling it in quick swipes that had her twisting her hips. Somehow, she managed not to bite Nathan as she came, but she didn’t lose her grip on him. Nathan lost it then, pulling himself out of her mouth to watch as his cum landed on her chest, his groan filling the air.

Luther saw that Nathan was finished and really focused on making Hannah cum with his cock. He wanted her to cum on his cock, wanted to feel the smooth muscles inside of her massaging him again. Hannah took his thrusts, pushing back against him, needing that release once more, wanting to concentrate solely on him as she came.

Luther’s pace increased, his fingers moving over her nimbly, wringing sounds out of her she’d never made before in her life. Then the spasms started, the pleasure making her shout his name. Nathan was there then, soothing her back, clasping her breasts to make the orgasm even better. Luther started his own release just as she finished, slamming into her in powerful thrusts.

Her legs gave out then and they carried her to the bed. They spent the next two days there, talking and learning about each other, but she never told them where she’d come from, or why she was there. Only about the place she was born, the town, how old she was, about her parents. And they made love, often, sometimes only two of them at a time, all three of them at others. She fell in love with both men in those two days and if she knew anything about the feelings she was getting from their future selves they were falling in love with her as well.

Finally, she woke one night and could feel future Luther call to her with his mind. She knew it was time to leave. She did not want to leave these two lovely men but knew their future selves were waiting for her, that her mission was done and it was time to go back to her own world. She left a note, telling them she had to go and not to look for her but that they would see her in the future. She left quietly, making her way to the barn the men were in.

As she entered they pulled her to them, each taking a turn in welcoming her back to them. Nathan pulled something out of his pocket, a note, tattered but now covered in plastic to keep it safe. The note she’d left them. They’d kept it all of these years. She kissed the men, wanting only to learn about their new selves, to learn
all over again, but she knew they had to leave. They had to go back to their own future.

Quickly the men put on their belts, changed form and flew her back to the woods. Going back to their own time didn’t result in the blackout she’d experienced before, but her memories did shift, the new ones not taking the place of old memories, but somehow existing beside them, together. She knew her parents were both still alive, that her whole life had been different and that the world was different. Somehow darker, even with her parents love to change how things were for her. Stepping into the castle she saw a swastika on the side, a spotlight shining brightly on it, and knew that somehow they had all messed up. This was not the future they’d wanted to create.

Chapter Four

month passed
. She’d called her parents to let them know she was safe, but that she could not come home yet and that she was going to be staying in Germany a while longer. She spent her nights with Luther and Nathan, trying to work out a plan and cried as her 28th birthday passed without a hitch. When they weren’t planning they were making love and she would be happy if she knew that she hadn’t completely screwed the world up.

In the weeks that had passed they’d learned that the men were still cursed, the tattoos having appeared on their skin when the curse was placed, still present. She and her family line, the fate of the world were the only things that had changed. They couldn’t do anything for a year, they had to wait because the men could only travel back in time once a year; the spell wouldn’t work more than that for some reason.

Hannah would have been despondent without Luther and Nathan there to pick her spirits up, to keep her going. She’d learned something today, however, that could change it all. The plan had originally been to go back, to stop past Hannah from going to the men, thus stopping the German Army from winning World War II, for that is what had happened. The Germans had won and were still destroying the world, one country at a time. This was not something any of them could live with and each wanted desperately to get back in time, to fix what they had broken.

Now, though, the men might not want to do anything with her, they might want to change the plan and she didn’t know what to do about it. Walking into the bar she got their attention and they followed her back into the office. Sitting on the couch she allowed Luther to pull her close as Nathan took his usual spot at her feet. He loved her feet.

“You’re pregnant darling. You know that now, right?” Nathan asked her.

“Yes, but how did you know? I only found out for sure today!” she exclaimed.

“We’re dragonkin, we know these things.” Luther assured her.

“Do you know whose it is? Past or present?” Hannah asked.

“No, and it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change anything. We have to change the past. If it’s one of us, the future us that is, then the child will be conceived anyway. If not, we’ll figure something out. Because the one thing we know is that we love you, but we can’t let the world end up like this. We would both love this child, but we can’t allow it to survive in this world, it’s not fair to that poor baby. We just can’t do it.” Luther sounded as though he grieved the loss already, as though he knew the child already.

Hannah wanted to scream, to cry, to hold her hands over her child and protect it but she knew she could not. The world had to go back to how it was and she had to sacrifice this child if that’s what it took. That meant she’d give birth, have the baby, and get to know it before she had to go back and erase it. The urge to scream increased until she burst out crying, her tears breaking the hearts of the men who now loved her more than anything.

“Dry your eyes, Hannah. We will fix this, I promise. It’s a nightmare world we’re living in at the moment; we created it with our meddling. But we have each other and that will never change. We have one more chance and one other option. An option we haven’t explored yet but Nathan’s been working on it. So dry your eyes, my love, it may take some time but this will be sorted.” Luther wiped the tears away, kissing her despite her messy face.

“The one thing I’m going to cherish the most out of all of this, Hannah,” Nathan spoke, “is that you became a part of our lives. The wonder of gaining memories as you made them, remembering you in two different times with two different lives is a miracle I will never want to give up. Loving you is one of the rocks of my life now and I would not trade it. But if it will dry your eyes, I’ll give my own life. I have a meeting in a couple of weeks and I believe we can fix everything then. I didn’t want to give you false hope but every day I believe I learn more and I’ve come to realize that I caused this. I have to fix it. I’m leaving tonight to start my journey, it will take a while, but when I return things will either be fixed or it will be even better than it was to begin with. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

Hannah reached to him, loving him just as much as she did Luther. How could she love them so quickly, so completely? She knew why, the experiences they shared built their love, built their trust in each other. These were her men, nothing could change that. Running her fingers over the dragon tattoo spreading over Nathan’s chest, she pulled on his nipple rings. He hadn’t had them in the 16
century but she’d learned how much having the rings tugged on blew his mind since her return.

Reaching for him she kissed him deeply, letting him pull her into his lap at the other end of the couch. Luther moved to one of the chairs in the room, wanting them to have this moment to themselves. Nathan removed her clothing slowly, with care and practiced ease. Having her beneath him was one of his favourite things in the world. He loved her intensely, his every movement and touch a declaration of his love. From her head to the soles of her feet he kissed her, caressed her, and memorized the taste, feel, and smell of her. His fingers knew every ridge of her skin when he was done; his tongue knew its taste.

Nathan went so far as to turn her over, loving the backside as much as the front. From her dark rose nipples to her pert ass cheeks, he knew her. He knew the mole below her right shoulder blade, the birth mark in the shape of an angel on the right side of her tummy, the scar on the sole of her right foot from a broken piece of glass. She was imprinted on his mind, his soul now and he could go to his future knowing that she would be a part of him always.

As he thrust into her, as her pulsing body pleasured his nerve endings, he knew that he loved this woman more than any other person on earth, even more than Luther and he would give his very life for her. His shout when he came was not only a shout of pleasure; it was triumph, understanding, and resignation. Beneath him, panting out her own enjoyment, Hannah opened her eyes as she came down from her own high.

“Nathan!” she screamed. Touching his chest, she was amazed at what she saw. His tattoo had shrunk down, only covering his shoulder and arm now. His chest was completely bare! He looked down, confused at what he saw.

“Luther?” Turning to look at his friend, his brother, his compatriot, he saw that Luther’s tattoo had shrunk as well.

“What does this mean?” Hannah asked the men.

“I could tell you.” A female voice intruded on their shock and they all looked to the office desk where the purple headed vixen sat, looking at all of them with a pleased smile.

“Erin? How did you get in here? What do you know about any of this?” Luther asked his barmaid.

“Oh, for such old souls, you two can still make the common male mistake of seeing only what you want to see. I am Eir, the goddess of peace and mercy. I have been watching you for a while now; to see what changes you’ve gone through, to see what you have learned. Finally, finally you have learned the error of your ways Nathan; you have learned love and remorse. That is all we deities have ever wanted. For you to learn and finally you have. You destroyed two kingdoms out of your immaturity and uncaring ways. You destroyed lives. We decided to take one from you; that of your woman and your child. Yes, your child. That one belongs to you. Others in the future may not, but that one will be yours. Now, look outside and watch.”

They all went to the window in the office, gasping and covering their eyes as a bright flash enveloped everything they could see, travelling out as though it were a tidal wave. In amazement they watched as the light surged away from them, the world changing around them as they gazed. The light somehow changed, the air cleared, lights came on in houses that had previously been dark, and houses appeared where none had existed.

“We’ve eliminated the curse, we’ve repaired the damage your little escapade caused and we’ve turned you back to mortal dragonkin. But you will be the last of your kind. There will be no more dragonkin on this earth after you. Hannah and her line are no longer cursed and the world can be a much better place than the future you created. Just make no more mistakes or we will come back!” With that Eir popped out of the room. She just disappeared. Then she came back. “And keep an eye out for Loki, he’s been at it again with his mischief. I’ll be back to work on Monday.” With that she popped out for the last time.

Luther, Nathan, and Hannah screamed their delight and joy, jumping up and down, hugging each other close. Hannah turned on the telly and it was normal again, not a state-sponsored program meant for indoctrination. Her parents had a Facebook account and were alive and well. She was still pregnant. Smiling at her men, at these two men she loved entirely, she knew that this was their final chance. They would, and could, make the most of it.

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