ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13) (66 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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"Do you want to get coffee?" he asked and she agreed to it.

It seemed like the two of them were getting closer, but she could tell her infatuation for him was taking a backseat to the utter joy of being in his company as a friend. It was still there, though. When he shook out his blonde hair and touched his hands to it, she felt like she could smell the cologne and pomade he used coming off of him in effervescent wafts of air. It sent chills down her spine and she had to hold herself back from asking him more personal questions.

She wanted to know what kind of girls he liked and what was the deal with the heartbreak he had gone through. She wanted to know if he would consider dating and if she could count on him to be a good companion. She wanted to know how loyal he was and what she could mean to her. But those were all things he wouldn't want her to ask, she knew.

The sirens of police cars and fire trucks coursed through the streets as steam from the underground trains rose into the air from the grates. A wind swept through the road and moved her hair across his face. He swept it back with a finger and looked into her eyes as he moved the lock and put it behind her ear.


As he moved her hair aside, he felt the soft skin of her ear and could almost smell the flowery scent of her shampoo she used as he did. He moved his hand slowly down her jawline and then off of her skin. A chill went down his spine.

He almost asked, "Is this what love feels like?" but didn't. He knew better.

It's not that he had lied to her, but his heartbreak had come from a family member, never a woman. He had actually never felt love for a woman. That is why he could abstain for so long, and had, from getting a girlfriend. It could potentially ruin his political career if he chose the wrong mate. Plus, he knew they would eventually find out. If anybody got close enough, they would be dumb if they didn't find out about him. His true power. His true self.

Sasha wasn't the same to Dale, though. She wasn't like any other woman he had yet to meet. She made him feel things. She made him feel like what he was doing was in fact wrong. Like he should be opening himself up to her. Like he shouldn't close off from love just because of the secret identity he kept. She made him feel whole, like a human instead of what he was. She made him feel like that and he wasn't even with her. He knew he shouldn't be. He had been warned not to be. But she wasn't like other women. Given, he wasn't like other men, but he was quite sure she was just a mortal. Despite that, she had a quality to her that he had never seen in one.

Perhaps, he thought, she could be a descendant of a fallen angel or any other sort of a deity. But, if she was, that would ruin his plans even further. Her energy, the power he could only presume she had, would quell his. How much, he didn't know. But, he also didn't want to find out. He wanted to have left her on the patio without a kiss, but he had been so deeply attracted to her that he couldn't. And he wanted to leave her, now, to keep things between them professional, but he couldn't pull himself to do it.

"Sasha, I wonder if you can lie awake at night the same way I do. Because if you do, I want to fix that. I lie awake thinking about you and only you. How much you should be mine but how much you aren’t. I lie awake wondering if you miss me the way I miss you. Without even knowing you, I miss you. When I finally sleep I dream of loving you and when I wake up I find myself to be dreadfully alone."

"I don't want you to be alone," Sasha told him and pushed forwards. Their lips met and he felt like he had been ignited. That kiss months ago was like a wound to him for all of that time, but now it was healed. He was healed. He wanted her as much as he had ever wanted anything before, perhaps even more. He had never felt such an explosion of feelings. His tongue touched hers and wrapped around it, then loosened its hold and their lips parted. She pulled away, reluctant to continue.

He said to her,  "I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted you. I wanted to kiss you because you were wonderful. Before I knew you were beautiful, I knew you were kind. And I wanted to kiss you then. And before that I knew that you were smart and I wanted to kiss you. And before that I knew that you were lovely and I wanted to kiss you and before that I wasn’t living because I didn’t want to kiss you. The only thing that gives me life is wanting to kiss you. So, let me?"

Sasha said, "I can let you."

She leaned in again and they kissed. This time his hands moved along her body and sat at her waistline as his body pushed into hers. She pushed back and they held one another, then pulled apart from the kiss.

"I want to do this all night," she breathed.

"Then let's," he told her.

"I want to take things at a slower pace," she told him.

Dale said, with a nonchalant shrug as to not betray his emotions, "That sounds fine."

"It does?" she said. "Oh, good. Because what you said, it means so much to me, but I want to know you'll be true to me."

"I'll be true to you."

"And I want to know you'll be honest with me, always."

"Always," he promised, not knowing if he could hold that promise.

She continued, "Will you always be there for me? When I need you?"

"I will."

"Then, perhaps, maybe..." she trailed off.

"We don't have to do anything," he let her know.

"Somehow it's more important to me that you want to be with me, not just that you are."

She looked surprised, "Oh, really?"

"Really," he reassured.

"You want me for me, not just as a prize or a way to get some?"

"Get some?" he asked. "What, are you kidding?"

Sasha shook her head and her hair fell and lifted with it as she said, "I'm not."

"Then that's a no from me," he told her. "I don't just want you because you can be something to me. I want you because you are something to me. I already feel this connection to you that, for lack of a better word, is otherworldly. I want to see where this can go."

"We can see," she said. "We can see."

"For now?"

"For now?" she asked him in reply. "For now we go back to your place."

He smiled jubilantly, a feeling he had never felt before. Something about her completed him and he wanted to know more about it. What it was and why it was that she could hold such a power over him. The thrill of it was intoxicating to him.


He lived in a penthouse that overlooked central park in New York and she looked out of it, mesmerized by the passing traffic lights, buildings, and pedestrians so far below. The windows were on every side of the room and she thought about the sexiness of being able to see the entire city and have none of the city able to see her. She slipped off her coat and cardigan then set them on the couch.

"More to drink?" he asked as he hung his coat up and got hers to hang up, too.

"More to drink? No, no."

"Then I will not partake, either."

She said, "Please feel free to."

"No, there's no reason."

"Then let's drink for no reason. I'll have wine if you will, too."

"I will," he said. "If you will."

She meandered around his kitchen then paused and asked, "So you're for sure invested in us?"

"I am, for sure," he said, looking up from getting the cork out of the bottle.

"For sure, eh?" she said with a half-smile.

They clinked glasses and drank a few sips, then drank again less frugally. They went to his room and she found that the room was decorated from top to bottom with silky red sheets of satin and the bed was a four-poster, with sheets of satin hanging from the topes of the poles that glided from one to the next. There was a sort of mood lighting that felt like candles and the room had a warmth to it from them. She lounged atop his bed and he laid down next to her.

"I feel so different around you, I do," Dale told her.

She cradled his head in her hands and she leaned in to kiss him. She felt her nose touch his and her lips soon followed to touch his soft, pillowy lips. 

Dale said, with a sigh of relief before he did, "You’re important to me, so it’s important to show you."

She nodded slightly and in humble agreement, touched his hand and kissed around his neck.

She said to him, "If only you knew how important you are to me, I would be complete." He began kissing her, too, and said between them, "You are important to me, and to every single person you have met. And every person they have met. Because you touch the hearts of the people you know and they are all the better for it. They go about their lives being better people because they could know you."

"I don't want to say you're wrong because that's actually quite nice. It may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I would expect a thousand and one different kindnesses given to you before me. If I'm going to be the first, I'm all the happier for it."

"You are?" she asked and he nodded. She said, "You are," before bending down to kiss him back. She kissed at his collarbone while he kissed her forehead, then she held his shoulder in one hand and moved down his rippling abs and the dents below his pecs and near the V above his waistline. He was well built and muscly throughout and her hands explored the grooves and ridges of his body. He laid back and she moved her hands up and down his abs and then moved back and began to unbuckle his pants. She slid them off of his body and left them in a heap on the floor. She took his erection out from his underwear and stared at it, lovingly and in awe.

"You have such a big one," she said.

"Never seen one this big?"

"It's otherworldly," she said.

"You're right about that," he said with a chuckle.

She bent down her head and started licking the shaft. She got enough of her spit on it to make it wet with it and put her lips around it.

"You don't have to do that," he said.

"I want to," Sasha replied.

"If you want to," he said and laid back.

She moved her mouth up and down on his dick, feeling the ridges and textures with her tongue. She wrapped her tongue around him as she moved up and down, making him groan in pleasure. She continued to move up and down on his shaft with her mouth, sometimes pushing her face all of the way down it and bobbing there, deep throating it.

"That feels..." he trailed off, then said, "incredible."

"Does it? I hope you like it," she said as she breathed heavily.

She went back down on him and licked and sucked his erection until she was ready. She had moistened up while she gave him head and was ready to slide onto his huge dick. She put her legs on either side of his hips and looked down, sitting on his dick as he entered her. She could feel the release of power inside of her, like glass shattering or a bulldozer going through bricks. It was like those things amplified inside of her, without the pain. She felt free and happy, ready to take on anything, including him.

She pumped up and down on top of him, feeling the way his body reacted to her by pushing back into her. She loved the feeling, the release. She loved the way she could feel him going into deeper and deeper places than she had ever felt someone go before.

She told him as much, saying, "I can feel you going to these places I've never felt anyone go to before. It feels... it feels-" she cut herself off by groaning and moaning, replacing her normal ones with those of aggressive sounds of turmoil and lust. She felt him going even further ad she sat on him deeper, bobbing up and down on him. She felt like she was getting off a thousand times more than she ever had.

She needed to see what was inside of her and lifted her hips up as she looked below her, seeing a dick bigger than one she had ever seen before.

"Is that normal?" she gasped, then realized he would probably be taken aback by this comment.

He was not and laughed, "Yes, it is. Once I get going, at least."

It was nearly double the size of any dick she had seen. She could tell that she hadn't been going all the way down on his shaft, even though it felt like she had swallowed a whole ten inches inside of her already. He had much more to give and she knew it.

"I want you to take me from behind," she told him in a husky voice. She turned around, facing her head away from him towards the gilded headboard  of the bed and put her head down and butt up into the air. "Take me from behind," she told him.

"I feel like I have to do what you desire," he said and put his hands on either side of her butt. He opened her cheeks slightly with his hands and pushed his groin towards her. He entered her with a few inches and then pushed more inside. She gasped and he held her cheeks tightly with his hands. He could feel the immense pleasure of pushing into a woman and succumbed to the pleasure in a way he felt he never had done before. He felt entranced by her, by her body. There was something oddly wonderful about her, a glimmer that no woman he had met had ever had before. Something that made him woozy and feel drunk, though alcohol didn't affect demons like him.

He had always been able to get this big, larger than any large-sized human, and used his full effects on her. She didn't yield to the pleasure like most women, either, but stayed lucid and coherent. Most women couldn't take his full potential and leered from fitting it all inside of her, but the way she was pushing her butt and hips towards him made him know that she could take more than he had ever given.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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