ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13) (50 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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"Give me your cum," I said into his ear.

"Give you my cum?" he asked.

I said, "Yes, I want it all of the way in here," as I pointed to a part of my belly. It was about ten inches from where he was thrusting from.

"You want it?"

"I want your cum to shoot into me."

He grunted.

"I want your cum to go all of the way inside of you."

He said, "All of the way."

"Oh, yeah," I told him. "And I want you to put it as deep as you can."

"Oh, I can put it deep," he assured me.

"Then put your cum inside of me."

"I want to," he said.

His body went limp atop me as he came. I could feel a small, tiny explosion inside of me. It filled me up and I felt it pushing against the walls of my vagina, going further. He gasped, then regained momentum to push the head of his dick deeper and deeper still, into me. He moved rhythmically in and out of me, then paused. He stopped after that, only to pull out of me and lean forward. He kissed me on the cheek, then on the mouth. I kissed him back, happy to have his affection.

"So, what was that like for you?"

"Utterly amazing," I said.

He replied, "For me, as well."

"For you, too, huh?" I said, "Well, that makes me happy."

We kissed and he rolled over, then lounged on the bed.

"Time for room service?"

"Time for it," I said.

We ordered and got the food in our hotel room robes and ate while chatting, like we had been while we waited for the food. We eventually brought up something interesting.

"So, you have plans this weekend?"

"I'm going to the beach with my friends. What about you?" he asked me after he had paused.

"I'm going to be home with my parents, Charlotte and Paul, the most boring people on the planet."

"Wait, your mother's name is Charlotte?" he asked incredulously, looking at my features, I'm sure. "Charlotte Brunei?" he asked when I was silent.

"Yeah, what does her name mean to you? Her name and my last name?" I said.

"Corinne," Kennedy said, "your mom is my dad's wife."

"My what?!" She exclaimed, "Your what?"

"My dad, Paul, had an affair on my mom and then divorced my mom. Left us with his estate in the settlement, and married his mistress, who already had a kid. That's all I knew. Until now. Charlotte's daughter is you. You're the Corinne that my dad has been raising as his own daughter."

"This is incredible. You sound mad, though."

"Mad at myself for not knowing something like this before..." he trailed off, silent.

"Before having sex?" I asked, furrowing my brow. "I know."

"We need to stay away from each other," he said.

"We can stay away from one another," he said, putting his hand on mine.

I leaned towards him on the bed and said, "After one more kiss."

"One more kiss..." he said back.

"We can do that," I said, speaking close to his lips.

"We can," he said, kissing me. We opened our mouths to one another and put our hands against one another's robed bodies.

We parted lips and I fled to my clothes and brought them into the bathroom stealthily. I put them on and came back out to find that he had put his clothes on, too.

"I think I should go, you can stay here tonight."

"Oh, no, that's fine," I said. "You keep the room, you bought it."

"You shouldn't be going back home this late at night," he said.

"I'll call a cab from the hotel phone," I said. "It's fine."

"I'm alright with that, I guess. Let's do that."

And so, that is what I did, and I didn't see him again that night. I went up the stairs to my apartment in a flurry and lay down on my bed immediately. What a thing to do, I thought to myself.

I consoled myself, knowing that we weren't related by anything more than marriage. If anything, we were step-brother and sister.

But, that would still be looked at as bad by some other people.

That is why it was better that we separate.


The only problem was, I soon found that I shared a gym with him. The next day, we found ourselves in the steam room together. I was in a towel and he in swimming trunks. He saw me and smiled, then put his hand in his hair and shook it out and pushed it back as he ducked his eyes. He looked up, still smiling, as I walked towards him.

"Hello, big brother," I purred at him. I didn't know from where it was coming from, but I was getting lustful towards him again.

"How are you today, sis?" he asked. "Have a good workout?" He put his hand on my thigh as I sat down and then, without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him. I let my hand run across his chest and push against his body.

We kissed for a few minutes before he was moving his finger into my pussy and moved them around. I felt his fingers inside of me moving around for a few minutes, getting off on the pleasure of it all. It felt amazing to have somebody inside of me.

He fingered me for a few minutes behind the wall, out of sight, while he stifled my moans with his other hand. He held me around the mouth as I was gasping. I breathed through my nose in hurtling breaths and was orgasming quickly. It flashed in front of me, but I could tell it had happened. I felt amazing afterward and he slowed, then stopped.

"I can now tell when you orgasm and when you're done."

"Can you?"

"Oh yes," he said.

He then got up and sat down, again. I got on top of him and straddled him, bouncing up and down on his swim trunks. I could eventually feel his boner touching my body. It was madly engorged and sprung to push against my lips. I rubbed against the material of his swim trunks until he made a motion to take them off. I lifted up and he opened the drawstring and velcro of it and took out his dick with his hand. I lifted up more and then got in line with his dick. My pussy was ready and wet for him and I pushed down on him.

He entered my body and I felt an immense pressure build up within me. I rocked back and forth on his dick and then rubbed along his abs with my clit. He was all of the way inside of me. I moved rhythmically on top of him and started getting myself off. Just looking at him got me off.

"Oh, big brother," I whispered into his ear. "Oh, big brother, I love that you like to have sex with me."

"You do, huh?"

"I love that my big brother gets to put his dick deep inside of me."

"I love it, too."

"You do, you love putting your fat cock deep inside my tight, waiting pussy."

"Oh, yeah," he said.

"You love it, don't you?" I asked.

I continued bouncing atop him and kept going until he had completely orgasmed from it.

"That was... incredible."

"Incredible, huh?" I asked.

"More than incredible," he said. He lifted up and gave me a kiss on the lips and then put his hands around my waist and lifted me up, fully, and set me down on the seat next to him.

"Now put your towel back on," he said. "Somebody's coming."

I hastily moved my towel and someone did walk into the portion of the room we had been using.

"I'll see you later," I said to Kennedy and I was out of the room.

I showered in the gym, thinking about our interaction. What we had done. What I had said. There was a big part of me that lusted after Kennedy, but should there be?


I soon ran into him again at an auction house and he took me into a back room.

He kissed me and I took his mouth into mine. I opened mine and he entered it with his tongue. It was a moment of pure bliss.

He drew away.

"I want you to know how much I love being able to do this. To kiss you," he said.

"I love it, too."

"Then kiss me again," he said.

I put my lips around his and kissed like we had, then slipped my hand down to grope at his dick. It was hardening and readying itself, I could tell. I put my hand on it in a rubbing motion, then withdrew and touched my own nipple. I rubbed it and it perked underneath my fingers. He noticed and smiled, then rubbed my tit with me. I dropped my hand and continued to rub his boner in my hands.

He moved my clothes aside and began to suck on my nipple, putting his tongue on either side of it and moved it around the circular form of my nipple. He moved his hand to hold my other tit in his hand and rubbed it, massaging and clenching it in his palm and with his fingers.

I held onto his shoulders and lifted my head back, moaning and gasping as I did. We could be caught any moment, so I tried to quiet myself to no avail.

We kissed like that for some time before we drew away from one another.

He hugged me again and put his hands on my backside, this time. He held me there and I held him back before we released our hug and were again moving our hands up and down one another's bodies. I let my hands linger on his hips, and then up to his abs, then down to the muscles above his groin.

We continued like that for some time until we were kissing and touching one another. He put his hand under my underwear and began to rub his thumb against my clit. I looked down, in awe, then back up to him. I rubbed my hands through his hair and down onto his buff muscles below. I moved all over his body with my hands and felt him up as he kissed me and fingered me at the same time. His fingers penetrated and pushed into me and out of me.

He was pulling and pushing against my lips rhythmically as I gyrated. I moved fluidly and felt the pressure of his fingers against the walls of my vagina. It was unreal.

"I love feeling inside of you," he whispered into my ear.

"I love having your fingers inside of me," I told him gently.

He said with a lilt to his voice, "You are without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I have seen."

"Ever ever?"

"Ever," he replied.

"Then that makes me happy, I like to know that you find me attractive. I don't always feel it."

He said, "I love how you look, and most of all, who you are. I love who you are."

"I am in love with you," I said back to him.

He kissed me wildly and I returned the exuberance. It was unreal and I enjoyed it more than anything. I kissed him back with a fervor and passion and he matched mine.

He moved in and out of my rhythmically and it was the most exhilarating experience of my whole life. There was something about it that made me crazy with desire and lust. I had never thought I would feel something like it. But I was, and it was amazing. I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted more and more and the feeling was insatiable.

He kissed at my ear and whispered into it, "I love feeling you like this."

"It feels amazing," I said quietly.

"Doesn't it?"

He continued to go in and out of me with a smoothness and rapidity I lusted after. It was hard to contain my joy and excitement at being touched in this way. I relished in the feelings I was experiencing all at once. They were all so amazing that I couldn't quite grasp the reality of anything else besides the feelings coming from within my vagina and on my clit.

He fingered me feverishly and with a quickness I had never experienced before. It got me off and soon I began to orgasm. I was breathing rapidly and could barely catch my breath. Soon, I began to make utterances and screams that I could not control. It was unlike anything I had happen to me. We moved like that for a few minutes while I orgasmed until I became limp in his arms. He looked at me strangely.

I said, "Sorry for stopping, but I just orgasmed."

"You did?"

"Really," I replied.

"That's phenomenal," he told me back with happiness edging his voice.

"What if anyone sees us leaving here together?" I asked.

"Or saw us enter?"

"That's a good question," I said.

"What should we do?"

I decided on the only thing I could keep telling myself, "We can't keep seeing one another."

"What if this is the universe's way of telling us to be together."

"But what will people think?"

"That we found something special."

"No, we can't keep doing this. It's not right and I won't let us do it."

"There has to be something I can say to convince you, sis."

"Call me that again," I said.

He asked, quietly, "Little sis?"

I nodded demurely, "Yeah, that."

"I want to keep doing this, little sis," he said, putting his hand on my jaw.

"I want to keep doing this too," I said, "big brother."

"Oh, little sister..." he said, kissing my forehead.

"Big brother," I said, looking up at him.

His lips met mine and we opened our mouths, tongues darting out to touch one another. They found shelter in my mouth and his body attached to mine. He lifted me up and I was sitting on his hips while his hands held me at my butt. We kissed like that for several moments before he set me down and I was standing on my own once again, now with his mouth off of mine.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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