ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13) (31 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Romantic Comedy: Love in 30 Days - The Best Plans Don't Always Work! (Plus 19 FREE Books Book 13)
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Alex answered all the questions with aplomb and once all the questions were over and he had scandalized the whole media contingent about the controversy surrounding Bywater, he felt an inner peace.

He then said “I have another important announcement to make. And I wanted to make it in front of all of you – my friends.” There was evident sarcasm in his voice while made quite a few of the journalist chuckle.

Eva meanwhile was frozen that he was not following script.

“While I going through this ordeal since yesterday, I thought my career as a politician was over. I have nothing but good intentions in my heart towards the people of San Francisco and the people of America. But I was doubted by these same people. I was doubted by you. If I were in your shoes I would have behaved in the same way and there is nothing wrong with that. But there was one person who believed in me and trusted me even though I had given that person no reason to do that. I am a young man, even though I am your Mayor. I have a lot to learn, sure. But before you learn from the tabloids about another controversial incident that I am involved in, let me just be open about this right now. I am in love.”

He felt the air leave the room for an instant before people started to mumble among themselves again. He saw Eva shaking her head as if to say “No, you seriously cannot be doing that right now!”

“You might be inclined to think what you want to. But I am in love with the most beautiful woman I have ever had the good fortune to lay my eyes upon. I love you, Eva! Do you feel the same way about me?”

A huge cheer went around the staff members and everyone in the building soon joined in including the media and police and the crowd that was gathered in that tiny place outside Alex’s office. Eva came out to thunderous clapping and chants of “Say yes!”

Eva leaned in towards the mic and said “I love you too Alex!” They hugged each other as the whole building started cheering. Eva looked into Alex’s eyes and they she felt overawed by the whole situation. She had never felt so special in her life! It was almost like a fairy tale!



*** THE END ***



Book Ten



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By Jane Keeler



Chapter 1

Vicky always knew that her marriage to Fred was not the most romantic story but lately she had found that their marriage was a marriage only on paper; Fred was never around. He only came late at night to sleep and then left before Vicky even woke up. It had been months since they had even slept together. Vicky knew it was silly to ponder about things like this because Fred was working really hard. They had a good time when they were out to a friend’s wedding last month. But these instances of good time were few and far between and that is why Vicky was circumspect.

Vicky considered herself lucky to have the best friends in the world – Emma, Christie and Michelle. They were her pillars of strength. She had discussed her marriage with them too but they had said that every marriage goes through a period like this and that it will only make their relationship stronger in the long run. What bothered Vicky was that lately Fred’s habits seem to have changed. He drank more these days and even started smoking again. When Vicky asked him about it, he said that it was because he was very stressed at work. His trips out of the city also increased.

Vicky started becoming suspicious when one day when laundering Fred’s pants that he wore a day earlier, she found a floral handkerchief which she was sure could only belong to a woman. She confronted Fred about it and he just blew it off saying that the handkerchief was given to him by a colleague. Fred never wore perfume earlier but she was sure she had found a whiff of a perfume in some of his clothes lately. Vicky wanted to block these thoughts from her mind, but they kept coming back in her mind. To say that Vicky wanted everything to go back to normal would be overstating things. Frankly, she was never happy with Fred. She had married him because she was not getting any younger and Fred was at least stable enough to support a family, unlike most of her other boyfriends in the past. Vicky was like a disaster magnet when it came to dating. She vaguely remembered her first crush in high school – Ryan. Being with Ryan was so easy. Often they would just sit at the top of the hill and just gaze into the vast landscape until dusk and not speak a word. Yet, she felt the most alive with him.

One day, Vicky woke up early when Fred was about to leave in the morning. She decided to follow him to see where he went this early in the morning every day. She saw that he pulled up near a house which looked really big. He walked to the front door and pushed the bell. A woman in her 40’s opened the door wearing a see through night gown, with no undergarments on. Vicky knew in that instant that his husband was having an affair. Vicky felt her stomach twist. She could not believe she did not see this coming. She knew they were not having a blessed married life but she found it hard to understand that her husband was cheating on her. She cursed herself and how she looked right now. She could not understand why Fred would do this. Was she not taking care of her body? Does she not look good anymore?

Fighting with herself, trying to understand where she went wrong, she decided to pack her stuff and move in with her mother, Linda, for a few months. She left a note under a fridge magnet saying that she was happy that Fred has cheated and that she could now finally break this marriage without having feeling of guilt. She cried like a teenager who was grounded on the day of her first date that night. All three of her friends had come over to her mother’s house and they stayed up all night trying to calm Vicky down. Vicky did not really need any comforting. She just missed being wanted. Since her marriage to Fred, barely anyone came up to her to ask her out. When she hung out with her friends in pubs, no one ever walked up to her to ask her hand for a dance. She felt really old inside. She had given up her job in the city so that she could be a good wife to her husband. But she made up her mind that day, albeit under the influence of some heavy drinking, that she would rewind the clock a little.

Chapter 2

Emma came up with the plan to make a trip to Thailand. She had heard from one of the executives in the firm that she worked in that it was heaven on earth for people who wanted to disappear from the face of this earth for a few days. Christie was having hard time after her new-born and she wanted to get away from family for a while too. And Michelle was the eternal party girl. She was always up for a trip, especially if it involved booze and boys. Emma had pitched the idea when they were all out drinking one night. Vicky had just come back from her Lawyer’s office where she had officially filed for divorce. Her lawyer had asked her to give Fred a few days to respond. When Emma blurted out the idea, it was met with a sign of disinterest from Vicky. She wanted to get the whole divorce thing behind her before she let her down. She was still tensed about the whole situation. She had also made up her mind to rent a new place for herself. She had very limited money at her disposal right now and she did not want to go on an all-out spending spree. But Emma, Christie and Michelle were having none of it and told Vicky that they would take care of her expenses for the trip and that Vicky could pay them back once she had taken care of herself. Reluctantly, Vicky agreed to tag along.

After the plan was made, the girls decided that it was time their wardrobe underwent a makeover. Thailand was a land of exotic beaches and the girls wanted to look good when they were out in the sun. The three of them went hunting for bikinis and once they had bought their heart out, they headed back to Christie’s place to plan the trip. It was a seven day trip and they planned on spending the first few nights in Ko Samui followed by a few nights in Bangkok. They made a list of the places that they wanted to visit including shopping areas and restaurants.

Vicky went back to home to find her mother watching her favourite TV soap. She slumped beside her on the sofa and rested her head on Linda’s lap.

“Will I ever be happy?” asked Vicky sullenly.

“Of course, darling. You know what they say? The daughter gets what the mother never does.” answered Linda with a hint of sarcasm.

“How did you feel when dad left you, mom?” asked Vicky remembering the day her father left and never came back home.

“It hit like a brick. But I had very little time to cry and for remorse. I had you and I wanted to raise you just as well even if it was without your daddy.” said Linda confidently. “You know there will be a time when you will find the right man for yourself. I know it in my heart.” she added.

“You always say that. You even liked Fred. And now he has gone and cheated on your daughter for a woman who is almost twice my age.” said a frustrated Vicky.

“I never quite liked Fred. I knew he was going to turn out like this. But I admit he seemed like a great guy to settle down with. I had thought once you had kids and a complete family, it would all work out.” vented Linda. 

“That’s nice mom. Experimenting with your daughter’s life!” said Vicky chuckling.

“I’m just glad it’s over Vicky. And I’m sure you will be fine. Do you want me to set up on a date next week? Are you even on Tinder?” asked Linda.

“Go Mom! I did not know you knew about Tinder. Are you on Tinder?” asked Vicky playfully.

“I even went out on a date using Tinder!” said Linda with a wink.

“You are full of surprises mom! But please do not set me up on dates. I think I am going to be single for the rest of my life and I actually look forward to it!” quipped Vicky.

“Oh Vicky! Don’t be so pessimistic. When does your flight leave for India?” asked Linda.

“India? We are going to Thailand mother! Not India.” said Vicky frustrated.

“It’s the same deal honey. It’s nearby isn’t it? All those countries look the same to me.” said Linda.

“You need to go out more often mom. I’m afraid one date every year is really blocking all the blood supply to your brain. How would you like if someone said that USA and Canada are one and the same?” asked Vicky.

“Alright Vicky, I am going to brush up my geography on Wikipedia tonight. But what time does the plane leave?” asked Linda again.

“We leave tomorrow morning mom. I’m going to crash for the night. I am tired! Goodnight Mom!” said Vicky as she got up and left towards her room.

“Goodnight Vicky.” said Linda.


Chapter 3

The four of them reached the airport on time and without much hassles. They had some time to kill before the plane took off and they decided to go to browse through the bookstore. Emma and Michelle were actually looking out for some really good looking guys who they figured were travelling on the same plane with them to Thailand. Vicky and Christie scoffed at their efforts and bought a couple of books for themselves. To their surprise, Emma and Michelle were able to hook up with these guys and had even brought them over to meet them.

“So this is Vicky. And she is the star of our gang. She just got divorced recently and I’m pretty sure she could use some company.” said Emma as she introduced the guys to Vicky.

“I am still going through a divorce but I’m sure you can find a better way to introduce me to people, M.” said Vicky with sarcasm.

“Fair point Vicky. And this here is Christie. I was just telling these guys that we are going to Thailand for a vacation and guess what we are all flying together. Unfortunately, they have a different plan when they are there, but we will see each other in Bangkok again. How awesome is that?” said Michelle.

“Hello girls!” said the guys in unison. “I am Matt and this is Ethan. What a coincidence huh? Its lovely meeting new people and we are really excited for this trip. I’m sure you guys are too!” said Matt.

Vicky found the guys well-mannered and they were quite well dressed as well. She did not mind casual flirting and when in a foreign land it is always useful to have someone from your own country for company.

“Vicky I know what you’re thinking. I know you think this is not a good idea, but trust me. These guys are safe. They are not the kind to put roofie in your drink to take advantage of you.” said a whispering Emma.

“On the contrary, I quite like the guys, M.” said Vicky bluntly.

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