ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Unwanted mate (BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (88 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Unwanted mate (BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance)
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“I saw that and I don’t think that you did that on purpose, but it certainly did get the desired reaction. He probably thought that he was being subtle about staring at you, but I think that every woman has the inane ability to see through to what a man is really thinking. We have this radar and it usually never fails. I would call it more of a woman’s intuition. It’s a well known fact that women are more detailed oriented. We notice things like hair color and dress styles and even when a man can’t seem to take their eyes off of us. I worked on the dress last night I think that you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. We do have to do something about your makeup and hair, but I think that my roommate Jessica will be able to help with that. I know what I told you about her being something of a seductress, but she is also a sweetheart when it comes to the matters of the heart.” Tammy was going to turn this awkward ugly duckling into a confident swan.

“I told you that I didn’t need you to go to any trouble. I wasn’t even sure that I was going to go, but now I think I have to. I don’t mind you helping, but I don’t want you to take away the woman that I am. Like my father always says, you can dress a pig in a dress, but it’s still a pig. Maybe that’s a bad analogy. It sounds like I’m trying to put myself down.” She was whispering, but she was also able to juggle two things at the same time. Her head was in the game of ethics, but her heart and your lower extremities were someplace more pleasant like a bedroom with silk sheets and candles lit around the room.

An hour later and the professor had already pinpointed a few potential breakout stars. One was a young woman with glasses. She seemed to be hanging off of every word. Her insight into ethics made him believe that she would be able to handle herself. There were also a few others that weren’t really here, including Francis Augustine. Francis was never much for ethics. He knew his father well and the apple really didn’t fall far from the tree.

Francis couldn’t help, but to watch Kayla out of the corner of his eye. He felt like he was doing it underneath her nose. He was flirting shamelessly with Tiffany, one of his conquests. He was only doing it to get a rise out of Kayla. He was hoping that she would be there at the mixer tonight, but there was really only one way to find out. Tiffany had been quite vocal about wanting a repeat performance. Normally, he would be glad to jump her bones, but something was preventing him. He began to realize that his main focus was on Kayla. It surprised him to think that he had a sure thing and yet he was more interested in the one that seemed like forbidden fruit. Maybe this was the way the Adam and Eve felt. It was interesting to think of it in that way. He was never really religious, but some things from Sunday school did stay with him.

“Francis, are you sure that there isn’t anything that I can do to convince you to come back to my room? I know that thing that you like. You can’t tell me that you didn’t like it. It may have surprised you, but your orgasm was very explosive. I like teasing you and my little pussy is begging you. Are you really going to tell her no, when she is hungry for that nice big cock of yours.” Tiffany was not a woman that was accustomed to hearing the word no. She could bat her eyelashes and flutter her tongue and have any man painting after her like a dog in heat.

“It’s tempting. I’m not going to say that I wouldn’t love to do that again. I think for the time being that I’m going to take a rain check. Believe me that it surprises me that I’m even saying the words.” He got up and moved away from her, keeping his books against his midsection to hide his obvious arousal. His cock was rampant hard. He wasn’t going to succumb to Tiffany’s seductive ways. It didn’t mean that it wasn’t making him have second thoughts. His mind and his body were at constant odds against one another.

For the first time, he felt a little bit of shame and embarrassment. That could be seen from the flush on his cheeks. He didn’t even bother to talk to Kayla. In his condition, he needed to get out of here. He excused himself several times, moving through the crowd and out into the open. The sky was blue and away from Tiffany, his member started to return to normal. He breathed deeply, like he was trying to control that inner demon working its way to the surface. He had always considered himself to be a virile man. For him to turn down Tiffany was unheard of. He knew that he would never hear the end of it, but he thought that it was the best thing that he could do at the time.

“I hope that it wasn’t anything that I said.” Kayla saw that he had rushed by her without saying a word and was a little concerned that she had made him feel awkward. “It was not my intention to turn you on. I didn’t purposely bend over to get my pen. It was a happy accident.” “
I’m dreaming of the things that we could be. These nasty thoughts are priming me for the main event. The man is standing here in front of me. He’s making it all that much more difficult to walk away. I don’t mean to put him on the spot, but his reaction and the way that he’s covering himself is a dead giveaway that I or maybe it was Tiffany has gotten him all riled up.” “
If you’re interested in Tiffany, then don’t let me hold you back. It’s not like we have anything.” She regretted the words, but they were already out there like something that you would put on the Internet and know that you could never take back.

“Tiffany means nothing to me. She’s just a means to an end.” Francis didn’t mean to be defensive, but Kayla did catch him off guard. “I’m really looking forward to seeing you tonight.” What he wanted to see most of all was her body unencumbered with clothing to get in the way of a good time. For once, he wanted to make it special and not just go through the motions for the sake of pleasure. “I do hope that you are going to make it. I think that I can make it worth your while.” For some reason, he felt connected to her and the idea of bedding her down for the evening was causing him great discomfort. Images of red silk sheets and candlelight flashed into his mind. He had never had those romantic notions and for him to even think of such a thing was out of character.

“I’ll be there. Maybe we can have a drink and talk.” The hidden meaning behind her words was more sexual than platonic. “I do have to run off. I know that it’s normal, but you should probably take care that.” Her attempt to put a spotlight on his condition made him stumble over his own words. They were jumbled and incoherent and she had to wonder if he would be the same way in bed.



Chapter 4

Kayla stared at the mirror not quite believing that this was the same woman that had entered into Tammy’s room not more than half an hour ago. Her glasses were replaced with the contacts that she really wasn’t comfortable wearing. The red dress molded to her body and made her feel like a sultry vixen ready to pounce on her prey. The makeup and the bright red lipstick on her mouth had her feeling like she was ready to devour any man that stood in her way. Her hair was wavy and flowing freely over her shoulders.

“I do believe that I have outdone myself. You brought her in here and I thought for sure that there would be no way that I could work my magic on somebody like her. I took it, as a challenge and I think that I rose above it quite nicely. I think that whoever this man is that you have your eye on is never going to believe the transformation.” Tiffany looked at her latest creation and it made her realize that she had a gift that was going left unchecked. The women on campus had always come to her to make a statement to their boyfriend or some guy that they were interested in. Every time without fail, she was able to perform better than expected. Those guys turned into drooling idiots that were tripping over themselves to give the girl what she wanted.

“The dress is amazing and you have given her the tools, but I made the package appealing. I think that between the two of us that Francis is not going to know what hit him.” They were both smiling, quite pleased with themselves and knowing that their expertise would most likely turn into a night of sex that would have their subject smiling from ear to ear in the morning.

“I really don’t know what to say. I thought that you were going to make me up to look like some kind of whore, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s very understated, but it does send a message and one that I hope that he will be able to see for himself. I don’t even know how to thank you for this.” “
Francis made me go to these lengths. I thought that I would be nervous and apprehensive, but I’m not. These girls have given me confidence. That was the one thing that I was missing. That was the puzzle piece that I needed to complete the picture.”
Kayla walked around the room and looked at herself from every angle, before reaching for the white wrap that was to go over her shoulders in a more demure way.

She didn’t have to bother looking at Tammy and Tiffany to know that they were smiling and getting a real thrill out of sending her out like this.

“I know Francis and he’s a pretty hard nut to crack. I could give you some insight, but I think that you can do this on your own from here.” Tiffany had had a moment with Francis in behind some bookcases in the library. It didn’t amount to more than heavy petting, but it certainly made her aware of her own body. Had it not been for a certain someone named John, she probably would have thrown herself at Francis. Nobody knew, but her casual one night stands had come to an end a couple months ago.

Kayla walked out and found a chorus of applause from the girls that had decided to come out of their rooms. It appeared that her interest in Francis was not exactly a secret. She had the feeling that it was Tiffany that couldn’t keep her big mouth shot. It didn’t matter and whatever was going to happen tonight was destined to be.

She tried to keep her head down low and was meekly smiling at those that had a vested interest to see that she succeeded tonight. What Kayla didn’t know was that most of these girls knew Francis intimately. They wanted Kayla to leave Francis wanting. Revenge was a dish best served cold and they thought for sure that there would be no way that young and innocent Kayla would give her body, so freely. They were betting on the fact that she would leave him with a broken heart.

The mixer was across campus. She walked with those red heels to compliment the red dress that she was wearing like a suit of armor. She did not feel like she was the same Kayla and when she walked through those doors, every eye in the place had turned to scrutinize her. Every man was almost pleading with her with their eyes to come closer.

Kayla saw Francis talking to one of his advisers and she sashayed over towards him, until she was standing, so close to him that she could emit the fragrant perfume that was given to her by one of the girls on the floor. She watched and waited, until finally he lifted his nose in the air and closed his eyes. He made a deep breath and then turned to face her.

“I can’t believe that that’s you, Kayla. You make everybody around here look like they have dressed down. That dress is amazing and I think that you should turn and give me a better look.” He took her hand and twirled her around, so that the dress swirled with her and gave off a hint of naked thigh. “Oh my, I don’t know if I’m going to make it the rest of the evening. I feel faint and I think that I’m going to have to go to the bathroom and throw cold water on my face. Don’t you dare go anywhere.” He left her, but he couldn’t stop staring back at the vision of loveliness that had come into his life.

After throwing cold water on his face, he felt a little more like himself and not like some little boy that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He went back out and saw her mingling with those guys that had decided to swarm her like a bunch of bees looking for honey.

“You are all, so kind and I don’t deserve any of this.” In the last few minutes, she had been inundated with the feeling of being wanted. “I think that you are giving me too much credit. This really isn’t me.” She was casually touching their arms, but then she was twisted away from them abruptly and pulled onto the dance floor with Francis leading the way.

“I don’t know why, but I’m a bit jealous by how easily you have turned their heads. If it’s all the same to you, I would like to spend time with you away from their prying eyes. My room is upstairs. I don’t want you to do anything that you’re not comfortable with. I just find you irresistible and I want to tear that dress off of you with my teeth.” He saw her open her mouth in obvious surprise. He didn’t mean to make her feel trapped. He just wanted to let her know that he wanted her in his own way.

“Well… I guess you do have a way with words. Do you think there we can leave discreetly without anybody knowing that we’re gone?” He was about to say something, when there was the sound of a glass being clinked at the front of the room. Everybody’s attention was turned towards the woman in the slinky silver dress. Her body was a work of art and their attention had allowed Francis and Kayla to slip away.

Kayla had a hard time not giggling on the way up the stairs with Francis behind her. She could literally feel his hot breath through the dress. She wasn’t wearing panties, but that was only because Tiffany had convinced her that the best way to get a man’s attention was to wear practically nothing.

Going down the hall, Francis turned her and pushed her up against the door. He lifted her hands and placed them above her head, leaning in and smelling that perfume that had caused him to turn into a jealous idiot. “I’ve wanted to do this all night. I can’t stop myself and if you are going to, then you better put the brakes on right now.” His lips got closer and he stuck out his tongue and found hers meeting his. They suddenly clamped onto each other, their soft moist lips parting to initiate a duel of tongues.

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