ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (88 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance)
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“I do believe that I have outdone myself. You brought her in here and I thought for sure that there would be no way that I could work my magic on somebody like her. I took it, as a challenge and I think that I rose above it quite nicely. I think that whoever this man is that you have your eye on is never going to believe the transformation.” Tiffany looked at her latest creation and it made her realize that she had a gift that was going left unchecked. The women on campus had always come to her to make a statement to their boyfriend or some guy that they were interested in. Every time without fail, she was able to perform better than expected. Those guys turned into drooling idiots that were tripping over themselves to give the girl what she wanted.

“The dress is amazing and you have given her the tools, but I made the package appealing. I think that between the two of us that Francis is not going to know what hit him.” They were both smiling, quite pleased with themselves and knowing that their expertise would most likely turn into a night of sex that would have their subject smiling from ear to ear in the morning.

“I really don’t know what to say. I thought that you were going to make me up to look like some kind of whore, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s very understated, but it does send a message and one that I hope that he will be able to see for himself. I don’t even know how to thank you for this.” “
Francis made me go to these lengths. I thought that I would be nervous and apprehensive, but I’m not. These girls have given me confidence. That was the one thing that I was missing. That was the puzzle piece that I needed to complete the picture.”
Kayla walked around the room and looked at herself from every angle, before reaching for the white wrap that was to go over her shoulders in a more demure way.

She didn’t have to bother looking at Tammy and Tiffany to know that they were smiling and getting a real thrill out of sending her out like this.

“I know Francis and he’s a pretty hard nut to crack. I could give you some insight, but I think that you can do this on your own from here.” Tiffany had had a moment with Francis in behind some bookcases in the library. It didn’t amount to more than heavy petting, but it certainly made her aware of her own body. Had it not been for a certain someone named John, she probably would have thrown herself at Francis. Nobody knew, but her casual one night stands had come to an end a couple months ago.

Kayla walked out and found a chorus of applause from the girls that had decided to come out of their rooms. It appeared that her interest in Francis was not exactly a secret. She had the feeling that it was Tiffany that couldn’t keep her big mouth shot. It didn’t matter and whatever was going to happen tonight was destined to be.

She tried to keep her head down low and was meekly smiling at those that had a vested interest to see that she succeeded tonight. What Kayla didn’t know was that most of these girls knew Francis intimately. They wanted Kayla to leave Francis wanting. Revenge was a dish best served cold and they thought for sure that there would be no way that young and innocent Kayla would give her body, so freely. They were betting on the fact that she would leave him with a broken heart.

The mixer was across campus. She walked with those red heels to compliment the red dress that she was wearing like a suit of armor. She did not feel like she was the same Kayla and when she walked through those doors, every eye in the place had turned to scrutinize her. Every man was almost pleading with her with their eyes to come closer.

Kayla saw Francis talking to one of his advisers and she sashayed over towards him, until she was standing, so close to him that she could emit the fragrant perfume that was given to her by one of the girls on the floor. She watched and waited, until finally he lifted his nose in the air and closed his eyes. He made a deep breath and then turned to face her.

“I can’t believe that that’s you, Kayla. You make everybody around here look like they have dressed down. That dress is amazing and I think that you should turn and give me a better look.” He took her hand and twirled her around, so that the dress swirled with her and gave off a hint of naked thigh. “Oh my, I don’t know if I’m going to make it the rest of the evening. I feel faint and I think that I’m going to have to go to the bathroom and throw cold water on my face. Don’t you dare go anywhere.” He left her, but he couldn’t stop staring back at the vision of loveliness that had come into his life.

After throwing cold water on his face, he felt a little more like himself and not like some little boy that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He went back out and saw her mingling with those guys that had decided to swarm her like a bunch of bees looking for honey.

“You are all, so kind and I don’t deserve any of this.” In the last few minutes, she had been inundated with the feeling of being wanted. “I think that you are giving me too much credit. This really isn’t me.” She was casually touching their arms, but then she was twisted away from them abruptly and pulled onto the dance floor with Francis leading the way.

“I don’t know why, but I’m a bit jealous by how easily you have turned their heads. If it’s all the same to you, I would like to spend time with you away from their prying eyes. My room is upstairs. I don’t want you to do anything that you’re not comfortable with. I just find you irresistible and I want to tear that dress off of you with my teeth.” He saw her open her mouth in obvious surprise. He didn’t mean to make her feel trapped. He just wanted to let her know that he wanted her in his own way.

“Well… I guess you do have a way with words. Do you think there we can leave discreetly without anybody knowing that we’re gone?” He was about to say something, when there was the sound of a glass being clinked at the front of the room. Everybody’s attention was turned towards the woman in the slinky silver dress. Her body was a work of art and their attention had allowed Francis and Kayla to slip away.

Kayla had a hard time not giggling on the way up the stairs with Francis behind her. She could literally feel his hot breath through the dress. She wasn’t wearing panties, but that was only because Tiffany had convinced her that the best way to get a man’s attention was to wear practically nothing.

Going down the hall, Francis turned her and pushed her up against the door. He lifted her hands and placed them above her head, leaning in and smelling that perfume that had caused him to turn into a jealous idiot. “I’ve wanted to do this all night. I can’t stop myself and if you are going to, then you better put the brakes on right now.” His lips got closer and he stuck out his tongue and found hers meeting his. They suddenly clamped onto each other, their soft moist lips parting to initiate a duel of tongues.

Kayla was pretty much a prisoner of his wanton ways and she didn’t want it any other way. “
I knew that the kiss would be good, but I had no idea that he would make me melt in his arms. If I were wearing panties, I would be soaking through the material.”
As it was, she felt the wetness on the inside of her thighs. His hand grazed along that sheen, until she felt him cupping her silky smooth mound. Once again, she had Tiffany to thank for making it possible for him to look at her with his eyes going out of his skull. Shaving was not something that she did regularly, but feeling smooth down there had certainly given her the incentive to move things along.

The kiss lasted for a full 2 minutes, until finally Francis gave her a little bit of breathing room. He saw her chest rising and falling. Her cleavage was basically a beacon to come closer to get a better look. Letting go of her hand, he reached behind her to open up the door to his room. He had no idea that it was going to happen tonight, but he had prepared everything. The room was lit with candles and the red silk sheets were courtesy of an old girlfriend that couldn’t say no to him.

“I do believe that somebody had something in mind tonight. I’m not sure that I should take offense by the fact that you thought that I was, so easy to get into bed. I think that I’m going to take it, as wishful thinking on your part.” She felt him behind her and then his lips touched her neck. She had no idea that this was an erogenous zone, until she leaned back into him and began to moan underneath her breath. “You’re making it very difficult to say no. I do believe that was your intention.” “
At this very moment, I would do practically anything for him. Francis is not just any man and I feel that we have something more than just a physical connection. I need to explore this and find out if my feelings are returned.” “
I just hope that you respect me in the morning.” She felt the straps of the dress falling over her shoulders and then his teeth nipping at the skin, while he was reaching up underneath to cup her ass from behind.

“You feel, so good and you taste like something that I could seriously get used to having every night.” He rubbed up against her, letting her feel his 8 inches straining for release. He was dressed to impress in a charcoal gray suit with pants to match. Grabbing her hand, he placed it up against his excitement. At first it didn’t look like she was going to do anything and then suddenly she began to give him a massage along the length that had him going practically out of his mind. “I don’t think that I can take much more of that.” He turned her and they looked at each other in the dim light.

Sliding her hands down over his body, she slithered like a snake down onto the floor at his feet. Kayla had only done this one other time and it was a dismal disappointment. She was hoping that the second time would be a charm. Moving her fingers along his length, she pulled down the zipper and heard each track, as they came undone.























Chapter 5

Kayla stared at the appendage that had become something of an obsession for her from the moment that they met the other day. She wanted to take it out, but the bulge inside his briefs scared her and made her think that this may not be a good idea. She forced herself to touch it and feel the heat through those briefs. She swallowed hard, licking their lips with an intense impatience that grabbed her by the throat and wouldn’t let go.

“You really don’t have to do this. We could just talk and get to know each other a little better.” Francis was talking himself out of having sex with her. She looked, so classy and also slutty at the same time. In his position, he could easily see the mouthful that was waiting for him. With her straps down, the only thing that was invisible was the hard nipples that were poking through the material. “If you think that we are rushing things, then we can certainly slow things down.” He had never cared about a woman’s feelings before and for him to think about her, as anything other than a sexual object was not something that he was used to.

Running his hands through her hair, he saw her look up at him and that fire in her eyes was giving him every indication that things were not going to come to a standstill.

“I don’t think that I could walk away. I feel like you have this spell over me. I’ve been walking around in a trance thinking about ways to get you naked and here you are.” Kayla was still touching him and watching, as it moved with a pulse of its own through his briefs. “I want you.” “
I’d never said that to any man in my life. I don’t want to make him think that I only want his body. That is a part of it, but the rest is the way that he looks at me with that compassion that I see in his eyes. Maybe I’m fooling myself into thinking that there can be anything more here than just a hookup. I hope that I’m not making a mistake.”

Normally, Francis would grab her head and make her take him down to the root. This one time, he was allowing Kayla to set the pace and do things on her own timetable. It was hard to think with all the blood rushing from his big head all the way down to his little one. His senses were alive and the smell of her and the feel of her hand on him was giving him ideas of how tonight was going to go.

“I don’t even have words to convey the way that I’m feeling.” He felt her hand sliding into the folds of his underwear and then grasping onto the hot flesh of his elongated piece of meat. He watched with avid interest, as she pulled him out, so that his large presence was now right there in front of her. “I don’t know what you intend to do… Damn it.” Her tongue cut off his voice and made him jerk in response. He was trying to be a good boy, but that bad boy really wanted to come out and play. “Don’t do that, unless you really mean to go all the way.” He was hoping that this was not some kind of tease.

“I want more.” To show him that she was serious, she opened her mouth and let him enter into the tight hot confines. Her tongue danced over his flesh, sliding along the shaft, until she felt him at the edge of her throat. There was a momentary panic, but that didn’t make her walk away from something that was better than she could imagine. Breathing through her nose, she gave in to the need to see all of him disappear from view. “
I don’t want to fucking gag and ruin the moment. I might be a little inexperiencd, but I think that I can do this.”
She pushed forward, feeling the spongy and pliable head force feeding into her throat.

Francis was beside himself and he stumbled and held onto the back of the door. If it wasn’t there, he would’ve probably fallen on his ass. “I wasn’t expecting this…oh my god… I wasn’t expecting this at all.” He saw her tongue extend to lick the underside of his balls that were already full to overflowing with the cream that was going to be hers.

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