ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (49 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance)
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“I don’t know if I can do this, but I’m damn well going to give it my best effort. I’ve always been the good girl and maybe it’s time that I let the bad girl come out and play. She’s been cooped up in there long enough and I no longer have to contend with just fantasies, when the reality is so much sweeter.

This was the moment of truth and she opened up her mouth and stretched to accommodate the spongy knobs. She didn’t think that she was going to be able to do it, but then finally both of those cocks were in her mouth. It was all that she could do and there was no way that she was gonna be able to take anything more of them. She thought it was a great feat that she had done that and she looked up to see both boys smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

There was still fabric from where they had ripped it off her body still tickling her flesh. It actually felt nice and an added bonus to the stimulation of both of their cocks now slipping easily in and out of her mouth. It may be just the heads, but it was more than enough to elicit more of the creamy essence of the man.

“Oh my god, Michael. I can’t believe that this is the way it’s supposed to feel. I’m glad that we waited for the cycle of our mating season. If we hadn’t, I don’t think that I would ever want to be without it. Then our peers would look down on us and we wouldn’t be seen as a true Tu’fallian male. Oh my, what did you just do?” Vanessa looked up and saw that Marcos was not completely unaware of the fact that he had just slipped into her throat for a moment of complete bliss. That rippling sensation was a little bit more than he could take. He began to shoot ropes of his discharge into her mouth. For her part, she pulled back to savor that taste and let it linger on her tongue, until she had no choice, but to swallow.

She was still stroking Michael and when she was done with Marcos, she brought that same sweet torture over to him.

Vanessa consumed the entire thing and didn’t stop, until there was nothing left but his swinging balls. He got carried away and started to fuck her face, holding her steady and using her lips for his own pleasure.

“Oh yeah, you know how to take it.” He was breathing heavy and his mind was awash with the pleasure of her mouth working him over into a lather. Michael was now leaking all over the place. It was like his entire body was telling him something and he didn’t know how to react.

“You’ve got it…oh my god do you have it.” If the first time was good, then the second load was just about as explosive in volume and intensity. She had trouble trying to keep up with it. Both brothers tasted almost the same and there was very little difference between one or the other.

“Before you go any further, the brothers Ellian would like to bring forth a Kapal. I think you both know what that means. If you intend to mate with this human woman, you’re going to have to go through us first.” Vanessa saw that there were three slightly similar in build young men looking at her like she was theirs. They were actually drooling and it made her cringe.



Chapter 4


“I thought I felt somebody watching us, Michael and I guess we should have known that it would be the Ellian Brothers. They’re always trying something like this.”

“I’m the elder of the brothers and I ask for first right.” Vanessa could only stare and wonder how this was going to play out. She felt like she had this bond with Michael and Marcos. There was something sinister and she did not like the way that the Ellian brothers were looking at her like she was property. “Which one of you is going to go first? If by miracle, you get past me, then you’ll have to contend with Josiah and Amel. They may not be the fighters that I am, but at the very least I will slow you down. At the most, I’ll win and have that girl.”

“She has a name and it’s Vanessa. She is nobody’s property and she came here under her own free will. Michael and I will not allow you to make something dirty that was pure.” It was Marcos that had decided to step up for the brother’s cause. “Akin, it’s your decision if we do this the old way or the new way.”

“I think that the old ways are the right way. I’ve come prepared.” From behind his back, he produced a curved blade with what looked like stains of blood along the steel shaft. “I’ve used this several times in battle and I have never washed it, because it is stained with my victory over others.”

“I have my own blade that was passed down to us by our father.” Nobody was to interfere and now they circled each other to see if there were any weaknesses in their posture or fighting stance. The clanging of metal was the only thing that could be heard, as they took this dance of death to a different level.

The blade swung cleanly across the top of Marcos’s head. It did not connect, but it did give him a shorter hair cut than he already had. He used that opening to strike out and pierce into the shoulder of Akin. He did not scream, but he did grit his teeth and show remarkable resilience with the extreme pain that was now radiating down his arm.

Vanessa wanted to stop this, but she didn’t feel it was her place to go against an entire planet’s belief system.
“I just hope that the brothers win and they don’t get injured during this insanity I instantly liked them and I can see why my father did.”
She watched as they battled back and forth, and it was not lost on her that Akin was losing steam, because of lack of blood.

Akin made one last ditch effort, by stabbing forward and nicking the cheek of Marcos.

Marcos stabbed out and made direct contact with the same wound that Akin already had. With that, he backed out of the circle holding his shoulder that was barely hanging together.

“I don’t know if you know what’s going on here, Vanessa. Basically, they fight until two strikes of a blade is hit in the exact same spot. It’s either that or they kill with one shot. Marcos is trying his best not to get that kind of blood on his hands. He continues with Josiah and then Amel.” Vanessa and Michael watched, as Marcos used his strengths, as he balanced one decision over the other. It wasn’t long before Josiah was stepping out of the circle with two strikes of the blade to his left thigh. He could barely walk and he would need several months of recuperation.

There was determination in Amel’s eyes. He was bigger than his two brothers and he used that to his advantage. He attacked fast and with precision, not allowing Marcos to see it coming. The impact landed him on top of Marcos. He bought the blade over his head and struck down, only to be deflected by Marcos and his blade. When this happened, Amel found his anger growing. He struck faster, but Marcos was able to move his head in time. Marcos kicked him in the stomach and sent him back onto his feet.

“I’m warning you Amel and if you continue this, then I will have no choice, but to cripple you. It’s the only way to send a message to the others that they should never go against me and my brother. One of you will have to take that message back with you and apparently it’s going to be you.”

Vanessa could see that Amel was losing focus and that his anger was blinding him to a decisive victory. She’d already seen the Marcos had a weakness in that he favored his left side, more than he did on his right. If Amel were thinking straight, he might’ve been able to see that for himself. Marcos was using psychology to mess with Amel’s mind.

“I was going to hurt you, Marcos, but now I’m going to kill you.” Amel came forward and being overanxious, he found himself stumbling right into the blade of Marcos. It slid into the spot on their body that housed most of their internal organs. The blood loss was significant and even though there was the scent of death in the air, the other brothers could not interfere. Black thick ooze was coming out from Amel’s mouth and then he made one last final strike with his last breath.

With that final swipe, he did finally pierced the skin of Marcos, but not deeply enough to do much damage. Amel died on the floor and the Ellian brothers knew that they could not seek vengeance on this day. They would have to wait, until the eclipse of the moons of Tu’fallian. They grabbed their brother and carried him out of there with a trail of black blood following in his wake.

I can see the look in Marcos’s eyes. He’s going to have to carry that death with him and I can see that this is not something that he is accustomed to. I need to show him that I don’t see him any differently.”

Vanessa went to Marcos and put her hands around his chest, only to feel his fingers now touching hers. “I didn’t mean to kill him and that was never my intention. I just wanted to make him hobble back to the others. I always knew that I would have to fight for the honor of family, but I never knew what kind of price I had to pay.”

She turned him to face her and then he got the shock of his life by a kiss that took him quite by surprise. It did not erase what he did, but it did make him concentrate on something else entirely.

“I believe that we can think of something else besides an accidental death. Besides, I think that you know that it was just an accident. I know that might sound like cold comfort, but you didn’t do it out of malice or forethought.” Even during the fight, their manhoods did not diminish more than an inch or so. It was possible that seeing them naked had distracted the Ellian brothers.

“Vanessa is right; brother and you only did what they forced you to do. They didn’t have to come here, but they were desperate and now they are the ones that are going to be shunned by our society.” Michael was behind Vanessa and he was squeezing her ass and pulling the cheeks apart to see those petals split apart. She was already wet and she felt his finger move down the slit and into her again.

“I know that the both of you are trying to make me feel better, but it’s going to take a little while for me to digest the fact that I killed somebody with my own blade.

“I’ve killed before, Marcos and I prayed that you would never feel that kinda weight on your shoulders. It’s not something that somebody can describe to you. It’s the feeling of knowing that a life was gone and you were responsible. I can only tell you that it will get better and that feeling of guilt will turn into a dull ache. You just need to constantly remind yourself that you were doing it for the honor of family.” They were now lifting Vanessa, so that her legs were wrapped around Marcos’s waist.

His staff drove into her with one long persistent stroke. She’d just settled down and was holding her breath, when she felt Michael begin to press forward beside his brother. “I really don’t think I’ll be able to do that.”

“Vanessa, you just need you to relax and then everything will fall into place. You may not think so, but you’d be surprised at what the human body is capable of. Being in this environment, it allows your body to adjust.”

Vanessa tried to stay still, but it was virtually impossible with two cocks trying to rip her apart. Her self lubricating walls were paving the way. She thought that it was an impossibility, but then her eyes went wide. She had no choice and she bit into the shoulder of Marcos.

“I can see why nobody has been able to say with some definitive explanation what this feels like. You don’t know, until you are in a position to feel it yourself. You’re right, Marcos, Vanessa is more than I could ever hope for. She’s tight, wet and so damn hot that she’s most likely going to leave a permanent burn along my shaft.”

Vanessa could do nothing, but hang there in the air with both of these guys penetrating her. They did not move and when they finally did, it was like they were taking her on a roller-coaster ride. She bounced up and down and he actually found herself throwing her hands in the air like she would if she was on a roller-coaster.

“I’m fucking cumming… I’ve never felt like this…before… YESSSSS.” They easily held her up and she began to squirt like a fire hose all over their members. It was too good to last, but that moment was more than she could ever imagine. It was like a wet dream come true and the harsh reality of knowing that she would always be here was now finally sinking in. She thought that she was going to miss earth, but then she realized she had everything here that she was looking for.

She did not have to worry about working and she had multiple canvases that she could draw inspiration from for her photographer.

“If I thought that she was tight before, then I definitely didn’t see anything yet. That’s absolutely amazing. I hope that you’re feeling the same thing as me, Michael.”

They held her there and used her body for their own personal pleasures, while at the same time knowing that this would make them a family. It was almost like they all came to the same conclusion. Vanessa would not be able to pick one over the other and for the first time in Tu’fallian history, the brothers would make a precedent of having one woman between them. There was no law against it, although they would most likely be looked upon as different. It’s not like they didn’t know what that felt like, because being twins was an abomination in the eyes of those that saw them every day.

“I’m cumming again.” Vanessa began to tremble and soon she was shaking with such force that they thought for sure that they were hurting her. That was not the case and she was now feeling an intense pleasure that almost kept her from feeling the two boys getting off themselves.

“I think I’m going to…

“I’m right with you, Michael…

“AHHHHHHHH.” That one long moan was a combination of both brothers’ voices at the same time. They let loose with the cream that was filling their balls. Each one of them had an overabundance stored up and they had no problem giving her their injection of love.

Vanessa felt it deep inside her and she knew instinctively that she would soon have their baby. She would want for nothing and her baby would be loved by parents that were of mixed species.

They lowered her to the ground and then they stumbled back and lay there on the cold floor looking at the ceiling. She lay down in between them and suddenly the ceiling was gone and in its place was a medley of stars. She grabbed for her camera and at first she took pictures of the expressions on the boys’ faces. Then she turned her attention towards the sky above. This was exactly where she wanted to be and her only regret was that she didn’t get a chance to tell her sister goodbye. It was her price to pay for staying here. She was at home in both of their arms and had no intention of leaving paradise.



Bonus Book Wild Beast


Chapter One



The snow blanketed the ground outside and continued to fall from the sky. She sipped her coffee and frowned. Trust her mother and stepfather get stranded at the airport three states over. Now she was alone on Christmas.

A knock at the door startled her. With excitement, she bounded down the stairs. She’d just spend her first semester away at college, and she was so excited to talk to her mom about it. “You made it!” she said as she flung open the door.

Her drive instantly changed when she saw who was at the door. Despite the freezing cold temperatures, his wore a leather jacket that was still unzipped at the neck, and of course, he wore nothing to protect his head.

“Cade,” she said with a frown. “What the hell are you doing here?” She crossed her arms to protect herself. Her body always betrayed her whenever her stepbrother was around.

He stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “It’s Christmas.”

“I know, but my mom and your dad flew to Pennsylvania to spend time with your family.”

“Erin, it’s freezing out here. Can I come in before we debate about why I’m not allowed to spend Christmas here?”

She rolled her eyes but stepped aside. Cade brushed the snow off his jacket and filled the doorway as he entered. “Thanks, sis,” he said wryly.

“Don’t call me that,” she snapped. “Why aren’t you in Pennsylvania?”

Her fingers tingled as he stripped his jacket off. As he lifted his arms, she could see just an inch of so of his torso, and her mind immediately flashed back to when she’d spent some time at the beach with him. Six-pack abs. Tanned and smooth skin that was virtually hairless. Perfection.

“If you’d remember anything that came out of my mouth when we were together, you would know that I live here now. I’m starting a business, and New York is the best demographics. Where is Dad and Susan?”

“Pennsylvania,” she said as she crossed her arms. “Because of the snow storm, they’re stuck for at least a few days.”

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