Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (22 page)

BOOK: Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
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"Tsengk'ouch'uan," was the reply.

He chuckled. "I shall capture Yu Chin," said he.

Those with him asked how he knew that. He replied, "Why, how can anyone last long in such a place?"

Those in his train gave but little weight to what he said, and presently he went back to his own tent. It was just then the time for the autumn rains, and a heavy downpour came on, lasting several days. Orders were given to get ready boats and rafts and such things. Kuan P'ing could not think what such preparations meant in a dry land campaign. So he asked his father.

"Do you not know even?" replied his father. "Our enemies have camped in difficult ground instead of the open country and are crowded in the dangerous valley there. After some days of this rain the Hsiang River will swell, and I shall send men to dam up all the outlets and so let the water rise very high. When at its highest I shall open the dams and let the water out over Fanch'eng. That valley will be flooded too, and all the soldiers will become aquatic animals."

It is time to return to the Wei armies. They had camped in the gully, and after several days of heavy rain the captain Ch'eng Ho ventured to speak to his general.

He said, "The army is camped near the mouth of a stream in a depression. There are hills around us, but they are too far off to keep the water away. Our men are already suffering from these heavy rains, and, moreover, they say the Ching-chou men have moved to higher ground. More than that, at Hanshuik'ow they are preparing boats and rafts so that they can take advantage of the floods if there are any. Our men will be in great danger, and something should be done."

But the general scoffed at his words, called him a fool and blamed him for injuring the spirit of his men. So Ch'eng Ho went away greatly ashamed.

Then he went to P'ang Te, who saw the force of his words and promised that if Yu Chin would not move camp the next day he himself would do so. So Ch'eng Ho left it at that.

That night there came a great storm. As P'ang Te sat in his tent he heard the sound as of ten thousand horses in stampede and a roar as of the drums of war seeming to shake the earth. He was alarmed, left his tent and mounted his charger to go and see what it meant. Then he saw the rolling waters coming in from every side and the seven armies flying from the flood, which speedily rose to the height of ten feet. Yu Chin and P'ang Te, with many other officers, sought safety by rushing up the hills.

As day dawned, Kuan Yu and his men came along in large boats with flags flying and drums beating. Yu Chin saw no way of escape, and his following was reduced to about three score. They all said they must surrender. Kuan Yu made them strip and then took them on board.

After that he went to capture P'ang Te, who was standing on a hillock with the two Tungs, Ch'eng Ho and the faithful five hundred, all unarmed. P'eng Te saw his arch enemy approach without a sign of fear, and even went boldly to meet him. Kuan Yu surrounded the party with his boats, and the archers began to shoot. When more than half the men had been struck down, the survivors became desperate. The two Tungs pressed their chief to give in. But P'ang Te only raged.

"I have received great kindness from the prince; think you that I will bow the head to any other?"

He cut down the two Tungs and then shouted, "Anyone who says surrender shall be as these two."

So the survivors made a desperate effort to beat off their enemies, and they held their own up to mid-day. Then Kuan Yu's men redoubled their efforts, and the arrows and stones rained down upon the defenders, who fought desperately hand to hand with their assailants.

"The valorous leader fears death less than desertion; the brave warrior does not break faith to save his life," cried P'ang Te. "This is the day of my death, but I will fight on to the last."

So Ch'eng Ho pressed on till he fell into the water wounded, and then the soldiers yielded.

P'ang Te fought on. Then one of the boats happened to close in to the bank. With a tremendous leap P'ang Te lighted on it and slashed at the occupants, killing several. The others jumped overboard and swam away. Then P'ang Te, one hand still holding his sword, tried to manoeuver the boat across the river to the city. Then there came drifting down a raft, which collided with and upset his boat so that he was struggling in the water. But a captain on the raft jumped into the water, gripped him and put him on the boat again.

The captor was Chou Ts'ang, a skilful waterman who having lived in Chingchou for many years, was thoroughly expert in boat navigation. Beside, he was very powerful and so was able to make P'ang Te a prisoner.

In this flood perished the whole of the seven armies, except the few that saved themselves by swimming; these latter, having no way of escape, surrendered to the victors.

In the depth of night rolled the war drums,
Summoning the warriors as to battle:
But the enemy was no man,
For the waters had risen and the flood came.
This was the plan of Kuan Yu, the crafty,

To drown his enemies. More than human
was he in cunning. The ages hand on his fame
As his glory was told in his own day.

Kuan Yu then returned to the higher ground, where his tent was pitched and therein took his seat to receive his prisoners. The lictors brought up Yu Chin, who prostrated himself humbly and begged his life.

"How dared you think to oppose me?"

"I was sent;1 came not of my own will. I crave my lord's pity, and one day I will requite."

"To execute you would be like killing a dog or a hog. It would be soiling weapons for nothing," said Kuan Yu, stroking his beard.

Yu Chin was bound and sent to the great prison in Chingchou.

"I will decide your fate when I return," said Kuan Yu.

The general having thus dealt with his chief, P'ang Te was sent for. He came, pride and anger flashing from his eyes; he did not kneel but stood boldly erect.

"You have a brother in HanChung and your old chief was Ma Ch'ao, also in high honour in Shu. Had you not better join them?"

"Rather than surrender to you I would perish beneath the sword," cried P'ang.

He reviled his captors without ceasing till, losing patience at last, Kuan Yu sent him to his death. He was beheaded. He stretched out his neck for the headsman's sword. Out of pity he was honourably buried.

The floods were still out, and taking advantage of them they boarded the boats to move toward Fanch'eng, which now stood out as a mere island with waves breaking against the walls. The force of the waters being great, the city wall was beginning to give way, and the whole population, male and female, were carrying mud and bricks to strengthen it. Their efforts seemed vain, and the leaders of Ts'ao Ts'ao's army were very desperate. Some of the captains went to see Ts'ao Jen, who said, "No ordinary man's strength can fend off today's danger. If we can hold out till nightfall we may escape by boat. We shall lose the city, but we shall save our skins."

But Man Ch'ung interposed before the boats could be got ready. He pointed out that the force of the waters was too great for any boats to live, while they only had to wait ten days or so and the flood would have passed.

"Though Kuan Yu has not assaulted the city, yet he has sent another army to Chiahsia, and he dares not abvance lest we should fall upon his rear. Remember, too, that to retire from this city means the abandonment of everything south of the Yellow River. Therefore I decide that you defend this place, which is strong."

Ts'ao Jen saluted Man Ch'ung as he concluded his harangue, saying, "What a tremendous error I should have committed had it not been for you, Sir!"

Then riding his white charger he went up on the city walls, gathered his officers around him and pledged himself not to surrender.

"The prince's command being to defend this city, I shall defend it to the last. And I shall put to death anyone who even mentions abandonment." said he.

"And we desire to defend it to out last gasp," chimed in his officers.

Then they saw to it that the means of offence were good. Many hundreds of archers and crossbowmen were stationed on the wall and kept watch night and day. The old and the young of ordinary people were made to carry earth and stones to strengthen the wall.

After some ten days the flood was at an end. Then the news of Kuan Yu's success got abroad, and the terror of his name spread wider and wider. About the same time, too, his second son, Hsing, came to visit his father in camp. Kuan Yu thought this a good opportunity to send his report of success to Ch'engtu and entrusted to Hsing a despatch mentioning each officer's services and requesting promotion for them. Kuan Hsing accordingly took leave of his father and left.

After his departure the army was divided into two halves, one under Kuan Yu to attack the city and the other to go to Chiahsia. One day Kuan Yu rode over to the north gate. Halting his steed, he pointed with his whip toward the defenders on the wall, and called out, "You lot of rats will not give in then! What are you waiting for?"

Ts'ao Jen, who was among his men on the wall, saw that Kuan Yu had no armour on, so he ordered his men to shoot. The archers and bowmen at once sent a great flight of arrows and bolts that way. Kuan Yu hastily pulled the reins to retire, but an arrow struck him in the arm. The shock of the blow made him turn in the saddle and he fell from his horse.

Just now a mighty army perished
By the river's overflow;

A crossbow bolt from the city wall
Lays a valiant warrior low.

What further befell Kuan Yu will be told in the next chapter.


the sight of Kuan Yu falling from his charger, Ts'ao Jen led his men out of the city to follow up with an attack, but Kuan P'ing drove him off and escorted his father back to camp. There the arrow was extracted, but the head had been poisoned. The wound was deep, and the poison had penetrated to the bone. The right arm was discoloured and swollen and useless.

Kuan P'ing consulted with the other leaders and proposed that, as fighting was impossible for the moment, they should withdraw to Chingchou, where his father's wound could be treated. Having decided upon this, they went to see the wounded warrior.

"What have you come for?" asked Kuan Yu when they entered.

"Considering that you, Sir, have been wounded in the right arm, we fear the result of the excitement of battle. Moreover, you can hardly take part in a fight just now and we therefore propose that the army retire till you are recovered."

Kuan Yu replied angrily, "I am on the point of taking the city, and if I succeed I must press forward to the capital, Hsutu, and destroy that brigand Ts'ao Ts'ao, so that the Hans may be restored to their own. Think you that I can vitiate the whole campaign because of a slight wound? Would you dishearten the army?"

Kuan P'ing and his colleagues said no more, but somewhat unwillingly withdrew.

Seeing that their leader would not retire and the wound showed no signs of healing, the various captains enquired far and near for a good surgeon to attend their general.

One day a person arrived in a small ship and, having landed and come up to the gate of the camp, was led in to see Kuan P'ing. The visitor wore a square-cut cap and a loose robe. In his hand he carried a small black bag. He said his name was Hua To and he belonged to Ch'iaoChun. He had heard of the wound sustained by the famous hero and had come to heal it.

"Surely you must be the physician who treated Chou Tai," said Kuan P'ing.

"I am."

Taking with him the other captains, Kuan P'ing went in to see his father. He found him engaged in a game of
although his arm was very painful. But he kept up appearances so as not to discourage the men. When they told him that a physician had come, he consented to see him.

So Hua To was introduced, asked to take a seat and, after the tea ceremony, was shown the injured arm.

"This was caused by an arrow," said the doctor. "There is some 'blackhead' poison in the wound, and it has penetrated to the bone. Unless the wound is soon treated the arm will become useless."

"What do you propose to do?" asked Kuan.

know how to cure the wound, but I think you will be afraid of the remedy."

"Am I likely to be afraid of that when I am not even afraid of death? Death is only a return home after all."

Then Hua said, "This is what I shall do. In a private room I shall erect a post with a ring attached. I shall ask you, Sir, to insert your arm in the ring, and I shall bind it firmly to the post. Then I shall cover your head with a quilt so that you cannot see, and with a scalpel I shall open up the flesh right down to the bone. Then I shall scrape away the poison. This done, I shall dress the wound with a certain preparation, sew it up with a thread, and there will be no further trouble. But I think you may quail at the severity of the treatment."

Kuan Yu smiled. "It all sounds easy enough," said he
"but why the post and the ring?"

Refreshments were then served, and after a few cups of wine the warrior extended his arm for the operation. With his other hand he went on with his game. Meanwhile the surgeon prepared his knife and called a lad to hold a basin beneath the limb.

"I am just going to cut; do not start," said Hua To.

"When I consented to undergo the treatment did you think I was like the generality of people, afraid of pain?"

The surgeon then performed the operation as he had predescribed. He found the bone much discoloured, but he scraped it clean.
"Hsi, hsi,"
went the knife over the surface, and all those near covered their eyes and turned pale. But Kuan Yu went on with his game, only drinking a cup of wine now and again, and his face betrayed no sign of pain. When the wound had been cleansed, sewn up and dressed, the patient stood up smiling and said, "This arm is now as good as it ever was; there is no pain. Indeed, Master Leech, you are a marvel."

"I have spent my life in the art," said Hua To, "but I have never seen such a patient as you, Sir. You are the real marvel."

Here as surgeons, there physicians, leeches boast their skill;
Bitter few are those that cure one when one's really ill.
As for superhuman valour rivals Kuan had none,
So for holy touch in healing Hua To stood alone.

When the cure was well advanced, Kuan Yu gave a fine banquet in honour of Hua T'o and offered him a fee of a hundred taels. But he declined it. He had come to treat his patient from admiration of his great virtue and not for money.

"Noble Marquis, although your wound is cured you must be careful of your health, and especially avoid all excitement for a hundred days, when you will be as well as ever you were."

Then Hua T'o, having prepared dressings for the wound, took his leave, refusing fees to the very last.

Having captured Yu Chin and accomplished the death of P'ang Te, Kuan Yu became more famous and more fear-inspiring through the whole country than even before. Ts'ao Ts'ao called together his advisers to help him decide upon what he should do.

Said Ts'ao, "I must acknowledge this Kuan Yun-ch'ang as the one man who, in skill and valour, overtops the whole world. Lately he has obtained possession of Chingchou and the district near it, and has so become very terrible. He is a tiger with wings added. P'ang Te is no more, Yu Chin is his prisoner; the armies of Wei have lost their morale; and if he led his armies here we should be helpless. I can only think of avoiding the peril by removal of the capital. What think you?"

"No; do not take that step," said Ssuma I, rising to reply Yu Chin and all the others you lost were victims of the flood and slain in battle. These losses do no harm at all to your great plan. The Suns and Lius are no longer friends since Kuan Yu has accomplished his desire. You may send a messenger into Wu to foment the quarrel and cause Sun Ch'uan to send his armies to attack the army of Kuan Yu from the rear, promising that, when things are tranquil, you will reward Sun with a slice of Chiangnan. In this way you will relieve Fanch'eng."

Here the Recorder Chiang Chi said, "Ssuma I speaks well, and the messenger should lose no time. Do not move the capital or send an army."

Ts'ao Ts'ao therefore did not carry out his first proposal. But he was sad at the loss of Yu Chin, and spoke of him affectionately. "Yu Chin had followed me faithfully for thirty years, and I did not think I was sending him into danger. P'ang Te was not on the same footing as he."

It was necessary to send someone with the letters to Wu and also to find another leader willing to face Kuan Yu. Ts'ao had not long to wait for the latter, as an officer stepped out from the ranks of those in waiting and offered himself. It was Hsu Huang.

His offer was accepted, and he was given five legions of veterans. Lu Chien was sent as his second, and the army marched to Yanglingp'o, where they halted to see if any support was coming from the south-east.

Sun Ch'uan fell in with the scheme of Ts'ao Ts'ao as soon as he had read his letter. He at once prepared a reply for the messenger to take back, and then gathered his officers, civil and military, to consult. Chang Chao was the first speaker.

"We know Kuan Yu has captured one leader and slain another. This has added greatly to his fame and reputation Ts'ao was going to move the capital rather than risk an attack. We also know that Fanch'eng is in imminent danger. Ts'ao has asked for our help, but when he has gained his end I doubt whether he will hold to his promise."

Before Sun Ch'uan had replied they announced the arrival of Lu Meng, who had come in a small ship from Luk'ou with a special message. He was at once called in and asked what it was.

Said Lu, 'The armies of Kuan Yu being absent at Fanch'eng the opportunity should be taken to attack Chingchou."

"But I wish to attack Hsuchou in the north; what of this plan?" said Sun Ch'uan.

"It would be better to attack Chingchou, and so get control of the Long River (Yangtse Kiang). Ts'ao Ts'ao is far away to the north and too occupied to regard the east. Hsuchou is weakly held and could be taken easily, but the lie of the land favours the use of an army rather than a navy. If you capture it, it will not be easy to hold, but once you hold Chingchou you can evolve other schemes."

"Really, my desire was to attack Chingchou, but I wished to hear what you would say to the other plan. Now, Sir, make me a plan speedily and I will act upon it."

So Lu Meng took his leave and went back to Luk'ou. But soon they heard that beacon towers were being erected at short distances all along the river, and that the Chingchou army was being put into most efficient condition.

"If this is so, it is hard to make a plan that will ensure success," said Lu Meng. "I have already advised my master to attack Chingchou, but I am unable to meet this complication."

Therefore he made illness an excuse to stay at home, and sent to inform Sun Ch'uan, who was very distressed at the news.

Then said Lu Hsun, "The illness is feigned; he is quite well."

"If you know that so well, go and see," said Sun.

Away went Lu Hsun and speedily arrived at Luk'ou, where he saw Lu Meng, who indeed appeared to be in perfect health. Nor did his face bear any signs of recent illness.

"The marquis has sent me to enquire after your honourable complaint," said Lu Hsun.

"How distressed I am that the state of my wretched carcase has caused anyone the inconvenience of enquiring!" replied Lu Meng.

"The marquis placed a very heavy responsibility on your shoulders, but you are not making the best use of the opportunity. However, what is the real origin of your distress?"

Lu sat gazing at his visitor a long time without replying.

"I have a little remedy," said Lu Hsun. "Do you think I might use it?"

Lu dismissed the servants, and when the two were alone he said, "This remedy, my friend, please tell me what it is."

"Your ailment is due simply to the efficiency of the Chingchou soldiers, and I know how to keep the beacons from flaring, and I can make the Chingchou defenders come to you with their hands tied. Would that cure you?"

"My friend, you speak as if you saw into my inmost heart. Pray unfold your good scheme."

"Kuan Yu thinks himself too much of a hero for anyone to dare to face him, and his only anxiety is yourself. Now you must take advantage of this excuse you have made of illness actually to resign this post so that the farce may be kept up and another man be appointed. Let this man, your successor, humbly praise Kuan Yu till he becomes so conceited that he will withdraw all the troops from Chingchou to send them against Fanch'eng. When Chingchou is left undefended then is our chance, and the city will fall into our hands."

"The plan seems most excellent," said Lu Meng.

Wherefore Lu Meng's malady waxed worse, so that he was confined to bed; and he gave Lu Hsun his letter of resignation to carry back to Sun Ch'uan. The messenger hastened back and explained the ruse to his master, who soon after issued a command for Lu Meng to retire and attend to the recovery of his health.

But Lu Meng came to Sun Ch'uan to discuss the matter of a successor. Sun Ch'uan said to him, "As to the appintment at Luk'ou, you know Chou Yu recommended Lu Su, who in turn proposed you. Now you ought to be able to mention some other talented and well-known officer to succeed you."

"If you choose a well-known man, Kuan Yu will certainly be on his guard against him. Now Lu Hsun is deep and farseeing, but he has no widespread fame. Hence no particular notice would be taken of his appointment and no counter-measures taken. So he is the most suitable person to send."

"Sun Ch'uan agreed and thereupon promoted Lu Hsun to the rank of "General and Commander-in-chief of the Right," and sent him to defend the port.

"I am very young," said Lu Hsun, "and feel unequal to such a post."

"Lu Meng has proposed you, and you will pot make any mistakes. Pray do not decline," said Sun.

So the appointment was made, and Lu Hsun set out at once. When he had assumed charge of the cavalry, the infantry and the marines, he set about drawing up a letter to Kuan Yu, and he selected fine horses and beautiful silks and good wines and delicacies suitable for gifts to go with the letter. He sent all by the hand of a trusty messenger to Fanch'eng.

The news of the change of command reached Kuan Yu when he lay ill from the effects of his wound and unable to conduct any military operations. Close upon the news came the letter and the gifts from Lu Hsun, and the bearer was called in to see the great warrior.

"Friend Sun was not very prudent when he made a general out of a mere scholar," said Kuan, pointing to the messenger.

The messenger said, "General Lu sends this letter and some presents, which he hopes you will accept. He also sends his felicitations, and would rejoice if the two houses could become friends."

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