ROMANCE: Night Lovers (Paranormal Vampire Shifter Menage Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Vampire Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Night Lovers (Paranormal Vampire Shifter Menage Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Vampire Romance)
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-Love like no other-



Since the meeting was incredible, Denis and Damaris decided that it would be a good idea if they went out on their first date. They had known each other a week, and they had spent several hours that week texting and making phone calls all over the place just to ensure that the first date wasn’t going to be awkward. And by the time that they agreed on meeting up for a dinner date, it was apparent that they had a lot to converse about and needless to say, it was just off the hook.


And once again, Denis outdid himself as far as being magnanimous was concerned. He didn’t waste his time talking about how rich he was. Instead, Denis chose to keep things simple, making sure that he had taken an interest in knowing much more about her instead of wasting time talking all about himself. And as the conversation became much more intense, he made a point of grabbing her hand and rubbed it gently, turning her on.


“I think we should have something to drink, don’t you think?”

“That would be very great.”


And even before they were done with having that romantic connection, a whole bottle of vodka was brought to the table and they started drinking without further ado. It was such an incredible time together and needless to say, they continued having a good time until it got to that point where she wanted to leave – but not for an apartment but wherever he wanted to take her.






They got back to Denis’ mansion, and since they were a little bit tipsy, Damaris didn’t care to look around. Denis was already kissing her and touching her all over the place to the point that she felt as though she was on top of the world. And in return, Damaris felt as though her body was going to heat up and so she embarked on kicking off her shoes and then tried to remove the dress. But it was way too tight for her.


Denis saw that she was struggling to multitask and for that matter, made sure that he had slid his hands over her back and gently unzipped her dress, then unhooked them on the shoulder and let it all slide down, all this when he was still kissing her. The sensation was nothing short of magical, and it got to the point where she just couldn’t resist him any longer.


Denis wasn’t overdressed, and so it didn’t take much before he could get out of his clothes, and it was at that moment that he made a point of sweeping her off her feet and carried her all the way to the bedroom.


Once they were naked, Denis took her upstairs as soon as he had her scooped off her feet, making sure that she felt like she was a princess. But to some extent, she was a goddamn princess by all means necessary. As a matter of fact, all that he wanted to do was make sure that she was in a position to feel as though she was about to have love from this military come billionaire guy who loved her very much.


The kiss that got planted on her sensual lips right before she got launched into the bed was the one that set things on fire. For a moment, it felt as though a spell had been placed on her, making her feel as though she was going to have an orgasm even before he stated making love to her.


But at that moment, Denis couldn’t control himself. Therefore, Damaris could feel as though some wet hardness was stabbing her lower belly and she knew that she was responsible for it. Once they got to the bed, the only thing that Denis could do was put her down as gently as possible and then embarked on kissing her on the lips, making sure that he was as gentle as possible, ensuring that she was getting to enjoy every single bit of it as well.


Damaris was clearly in need of some loving immediately, but Denis wasn’t in such a hurry. Of course, he wanted to get in between her inner thighs and made her head wind. But still, he wanted to show her some love before he could get on top of her. And that said, Denis made sure that he was licking her on her neck right after he was done massaging her sensual lips with his.


And while he was making sure that he was stroking her and kissing her sensitive neck. He also made a point of getting things done rather perfectly by sneaking his hands in between her legs and started massaging her inner thighs in slow, provocative touches, making sure that he was getting to caress each spot as carefully as possible. and by doing so, Denis evoked all of the desired sensations and were aimed at driving her crazy to a point that she just couldn’t take it any longer.


And after doing this for five minutes, Denis decided that it would be a nice time to penetrate her, a decision that she accepted with both her hands open. Denis was big and ravenous, a combination that could only end up with her screaming as hard as possible and have as many orgasms as possible.


Once he had fitted himself in between her, he made a point of letting himself slide in between the hot, throbbing and slippery walls, giving both of them the kind of erotic sensation that they both had wished. Denis loved what he was feeling to the point that his eyes rolled at the back of his head as he kept on pushing himself in and out of her, making her feeling as though she was on top of the world while she was still at it.





-The kickass relationship-



The day that followed was a weekend. And that said, it meant that the two lovebirds were going to spend the entire day in bed. Luckily for Damaris, Denis had servants all over the place who made sure that the food had been cooked on time and needless to say, she loved virtually every single thing that was happening in that area.


Once she opened up her eyes, she realized that they had been sleeping in a deluxe room. The bed was huge, and everything else seemed to be made out of gold. The carpet was spotless and was made of fur. There was a huge chandelier that looked as though it had cost Denis a couple of hundreds of thousands just to put it up there. And whatever the chandelier was doing in a bedroom still was a puzzle as far as she was concerned.


But then again, Damaris figured that it was none of her business, and so she decided to focus on something that was her business – the drop dead gorgeous man who was dead asleep right next to her.


Damaris sat bolt upright after adjusting the bed sheets to cover her chest area and then looked at Denis as he slept like a baby. He was more than perfect. His body was well built and shredded to the point that Damaris couldn’t help but melt at each and every touch that he delivered. The kind of feeling that he gave her the previous night was indescribable.


And the fact that he did it over and over again just blew her mind to smithereens, giving her a couple of orgasms right before he stopped. It was no wonder he was sleeping like a baby. She looked at him and gave into the temptation of running her fingers through his well-sculpted abs, smiling as she did so since it just gave her that incredible feeling that she couldn’t stop craving to have.


Then she bumped into some scars and stopped fantasizing all about screwing him one more time and just maintained her focus.


“Battle scars. Some shrapnel caught me when I was pulling my friend from a situation.”

“Oh, so you weren’t asleep? I am sorry for touching you inappropriately.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on filing for harassment. But so help me God I will file for harassment if you stopped touching me.”


They both chuckled at his humor. And now that Damaris had the green light to continue caressing her man candy, she didn’t see any reason for her to stop.


“It must have hurt a lot.”

“Yes, it did. And it was at that point that I decided to quit the army.”

“I also hear that you were a bad boy. I bet you always bring too many women here and give them the same story.”

“Being a bad boy is something that I quit together with being a soldier. But I can be your bad boy if you want to.”






Even at the office, it seemed as though Damaris just couldn’t stay focused. It seemed as though the loving was done just the right way and that said, the only thing that would have made any sense was if they did it one more time before the week ended.


More often than not, Damaris would find herself staring through the window of her office and wonder just how on earth she managed to do that. It was something that she hadn’t thought of for a very long time and needless to say, it seemed as though she was on the brink of getting addicted to that kind of sex.


“I see you are having a good time with your new man. I think you should give Florence a call and thank her for going out of her way and hooking you up with such a charmer. She is quite the matchmaker.”


Damaris didn’t know how she was going to respond to Tracy. And so the best thing that she did was to smile from ear to ear and then blush immediately after. And it was at that moment that Damaris realized that maybe she was in a position to fall in love with him. But thankfully, Denis had already made it clear that he was ready to be in a relationship with her as long as she was comfortable with the whole idea.


Damaris was more than comfortable with the idea. But now the only problem was that she didn’t want to look or appear as cheap. And so Damaris thought that maybe playing a little bit hard to get would go a very long way in ensuring that she was on top of her game at all times. But eventually, she knew that she was going to give in to him and maybe have a shot at being happy, just like her friends were.


“You know what Tracy, maybe I should give Florence a call and thank her.”

“That would be a good idea. Oh, and you should also remember us for pushing you to give into the idea.”

“Don’t tell me that you also want to get a call from me thanking you for your efforts.”

“On a typical day, we would. But today isn’t an ordinary day. It's Friday baby. So some vodka shots would suffice don’t you think?”

“You are a stupid woman Tracy, but I agree. The first three vodkas shot on me.”

“Now you are talking!!!”


And with that, Tracy left Damaris to do her work as she too had a lot of work waiting for her at her desk. But either way, she was more than glad that her friend had finally found some happiness and that she would also get a chance to be happy and fulfilled, just like the rest of them.


And at that point, a delivery guy tapped slightly on her door and brought in a large banquet of flowers for her. It was such an incredible surprise that Damaris’ mouth almost hit the floorboards when she received the flowers. She already knew from whom they came, and she could help but blush.


And when she glanced at the other end of the office, her best friends were gesturing claps and cheers for her. She bowed and looked the other way to prevent them from seeing just how much she was blushing. It seemed as though her former solder could be a mysterious bad boy as well; she thought as she sniffed at the flowers.





-Rewarding effort-



Having being sent the first banquet of flowers for a long time made her a little bit horny to the point that she felt that she needed to reward him. And so Damaris made sure that she was stopping by Denis’ mansion as soon as she was done with work. It was a surprise – one that Denis was more than happy to receive.


He had just finished having his dinner and was going over the stocks while toying with his mobile phone, looking for the right time to call his girlfriend and wish her a good night. And it was at that time that she decided to pop in and announce her presence, which was, without a doubt, well received.


But Damaris didn’t have the time to talk to him much since she was horny. And judging from the dress that she was wearing – with nothing underneath it – it seemed as though she was dedicated to one mission and one mission only, to get him to make love to her like never before.


Denis could smell the pheromones on her and see the fire in her eyes. And it was at that moment that he grabbed her and put his hand in between her legs, going all the way up to her wet area. He then put his finger on her sacred flesh, feeling just to confirm that indeed she wasn’t wearing a damn thing underneath. And for sure, she wasn’t wearing a damn thing underneath, and that felt like music to his ears.


And as Denis was getting to enjoy her wetness, Damaris was feeling as though shew as going to rapture from the pressure that she was having. She needed to have him take her as roughly as possible, and that was what happened. And so she didn’t need to wait any longer. She wanted him to forego the foreplay since it would only take the time and delay the inevitable. And since the inevitable was the only thing that she wanted, she decided to take control.


She quickly delved her fingers into his open zippers and grabbed him, pulling it out and sticking it in between her thighs and started ridding on. He was already hard, and so she got penetrated as fast as possible, making things to be even more incredible. And once he was in, Denis clenched his teeth and embarked on some serious bonking, making sure that he was getting to hit each spot as efficiently as possible, making her cry.


And since she had pulled up the skimpy dress that she was wearing, Denis made a point of pushing it much higher so that he could get her breasts exposed. And as soon as this had happened, the next thing that happened was for him to press and play with them, making sure that he kept them as excited as possible which was more or less what she needed.



In short, that was the beginning of what was going to be a very incredibly hot night!!!






It seemed as though Denis had to attend to some business at the gym and, therefore, had to leave much earlier than usual. But since it was a Saturday, it seemed as though Damaris was going to be left in the palatial house to rest for the weekend.


This case had never happened before and needless to say, Damaris had planned to have all the fun in the world and ensure that she had explored the entire house without leaving any inch unchecked. She had always wanted to hang around in a mansion but never actually got a chance.


And the fact that Denis wasn’t all bragging about his house just made her feel as though he was down to earth, the more reason she wanted to turn the whole place upside down.


An as soon as she heard the chopper going up in the air, she decided that it was about time that she got up, and got to enjoy life in that mansion. At first, she rushed to the deluxe kitchen to find some food since all the sex exhaustion had her feeling a little bit dizzy. And once she found two huge sandwiches, she quickly picked them up with both hands and then begun her tour around the big house.


Damaris went through the bathrooms, all six of them and admired all the creativity that went in to make them look amazingly different. She also was taken aback, by the way, they made the details incredibly impressive to watch. Then when she was done with snooping around the bathrooms, she went to all of the guestrooms and then down at the gym and then the garage where she couldn’t help but awe at the incredible collection of cars that he owned. It was just too darn amazing to look.


Eventually, it seemed as though the most important thing would be to finish in the living room. She had a glimpse of it twice but under very tricky circumstances. She was always making out with Denis, and she couldn’t get to appreciate it as much as she wanted. And once she got there, her breath was taken away.


The living room was huge and fantastic. The high seats were made of rare hardwood, and the edges were made of gold. These golden ages marched with the fuzzy golden carpet which also matched with the golden chandelier hanging in the middle of the living room. In short, it was just too darn amazing for her to look the other way and not appreciate. And then the television was too big for life.


Going through the house had made her a little tired and all that she wanted to do at that moment was take some time off and get to watch television. It had been a while before she had the opportunity of just sitting down and getting to enjoy some movies or two. And so without further ado, she put one of her gigantic sandwiches down and picked up the remote with the free hand and switched the TV on and paid all the attention.



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