ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Biker's Baby (Bad Boy Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)
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It began to make me wonder why he would choose to be with me at all.  He could probably be with any woman alive if he wanted, but he chose me.  I beat my head against the shower wall in an attempt to figure it out.  Maybe he just hadn’t been with a woman in a while and he just saw me in a moment of weakness.  That must be it, his desperation must have been exactly it, and I fell for it.  What nerve he had, taking advantage of a woman out on her own and showing her an amazing time.  I cranked off the shower in a rage and threw a towel around my waist.  I needed to hear it from his mouth and hear it right now. 

Narrowly avoiding the water that soaked the floor I threw open the bathroom door and started talking a little louder than I should have.

“Why the hell did you sleep with me?  Was I some kind of desperate act of a man that hadn’t been laid in a while?  I must’ve been the first girl you’d seen in forever and you just couldn’t help yourself.  The nerve on some people…”  I said finally realizing that he was asleep.  This needed to be answered right now and I didn’t care if he was asleep, I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I knew the answer.

I gave him a quick slap across the cheek, leaving a solid red mark on the side of his face as he snapped to a sitting position. 

“Why the hell did you sleep with me in the first place?  It was your desperation that made you sleep with me, wasn’t it.  You, living alone in that trailer, I'm sure you just needed a quick lay before going back to the middle of nowhere.  I’ll have you know, I’m not that sort of girl.  I don’t go around sleeping with strange men every day.  I thought we were something special, those couple of weeks we spent in the cabin were amazing and now that I see it was all some act you put on, I realize what a stupid person I’ve been-“

“Will you let me talk?” he interrupted. 

I paused, pulled my towel on a bit tighter and plopped down on the second bed.  He squared up to me and leaned in a little closer. 

“I slept with you for one reason and one reason only; you were the most beautiful, kind and wonderful person I’d met in years.  Not once did I think in desperation and not once did I think that you were anything other than the most perfect woman I’d have the chance to lay eyes on,” he said. “Now, why did you sleep with me if you were just going to run away a couple days later?  I thought we had something special.”

I felt a little sheepish.  He liked me more than I thought he did, or so he said.  He deserved to know the truth. 

“Marcus,” I sighed, “the cabin that we shared wasn’t mine, it was Tyson’s.  He’s this guy that had been trying to date me for a while.  He invited me to his cabin to get away from the city for a while so we could maybe try to make a connection.  He was so incredibly persuasive that I said yes.”

I stood up and went to the small refrigerator and yanked out a bottle of tequila, downing the mini bottle almost instantly. 

“Look,” I continued, “I never liked him, I still don’t.  But, I was taken back to the city by Devon the day after you left for your trailer.  He was quite forceful and brought me to Tyson’s place.  Once I got there, he told me that I owed him for that nice little getaway.  That’s when I found out what he really is.  He’s trouble.  I didn’t know he worked for such bad people and if I had I probably wouldn’t have even said hello to him in the first place.”  I could feel some tears starting to well up behind my eyes.  A couple more mini bottles from the fridge helped me take my mind off the tears.

Marcus grabbed me from behind. It was a tight hug that made me melt.  I hadn’t felt close to anyone the last 3 months.  It caught me so off guard that I could barely feel the tears streaming down my cheeks.  But, I couldn’t let it continue, I barely knew Marcus anymore.  It was like being hugged by a stranger.

“I can’t do this Marcus; I need to go for a walk.”  I pried myself from his grasp and disappeared into the bathroom to change.  The steam hadn’t dissipated and my clothes were a little wet but I didn’t care.

I stomped toward the door to the room but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. 

“If you’re going to go, at least take this with you.”

He handed me the knife, which I took and shoved into my pocket. 

“I’ll be back.  I just need some time to clear my head for a moment that’s all.” 

I left the room and slowly shut the door.  It was below freezing so I pulled my jacket just a bit tighter.  I needed some food and remembered seeing some vending machines near the lobby so that’s where I found myself walking. 

The machines were quite dated, but the food was new at least.  After picking out the couple items that would hopefully satiate me for the night I noticed an old pay phone.  I picked up the receiver and heard a dial tone and couldn’t help myself.  I threw a few spare quarters in and dialed the one person whose voice I needed to hear now more than ever. 

“Hello?” she answered.

“Mom,” I replied, “Don’t hang up, please.”

“Emily?  Is that you? It’s been almost six months since I talked to you last, where have you been?”

“I’ve been… busy mother.  You’re still doing well I hope?”  I asked hoping the answer was long.

“Oh, I’m still breathing if that’s what you’re after.  And, how have you stayed busy that you can’t phone your mom from time to time?  I only need a quick 5 minute call so I can hear my baby girls face.  You know, mothers and daughters need to stick together.” 

I couldn’t help but let out an ironic laugh of both joy and pain.  I wish I could just go see her as she was always my rock in the hardest of places. 

“Mom, I don’t have long to talk.  I know it’s late but I wanted to let you know that I’m fine, and I won’t be available for a while.  I have some business that needs to be attended to.  So, I’m going to go live with my old friend June out in Kansas for a while.  I haven’t seen her since college but we were as close as sisters can be.  I’ll give you a ring when I get to her place.”

“Okay, Em.  Just don’t forget that I love you and your father is always going to be watching down on you from wherever he is.” 

“Thanks, mom,” I said wiping away a tear. “It means a lot to hear your voice right now.  I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Have a great trip sweetie, goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I responded and we hung up. 

It was nice to know that she was there for me even when nobody else was.  I scarfed down the cookies I purchased from the machine and headed back to the hotel room.  The cool air was stinging at my now red nose and I needed to warm up.  When I arrived, I saw that Marcus spared no time falling asleep facing away from the door.  I took this as my chance to avoid waking him so I stripped to my night shirt and crawled under the blankets.  It wasn’t the greatest sleep, but it was the best I’d had in months.




“We’re going to Kansas?” Marcus asked with a surprised look on his face. “If you don’t mind me prying, why are we going there?” 

“I have an old college friend that I would consider a sister at any time.  She wouldn’t hesitate to help an old friend in need so that’s where we’re going.  Now, if you want to leave now then be my guest. But without a strapping young man to keep my safe I’m not entirely sure I’ll make it there.” I said with a pouty face, “So, are you in or are you out?”

He hesitated, but I could tell he wouldn’t miss out on this.  He was not the type to leave someone in need out in the cold and I took advantage of that.  It helped that I felt much safer knowing that he was nearby.

We shuffled into the car along with a few other patrons from the previous evening, and we all made our way back to the highway.  It was quite uneventful for both of us and as the day dragged on, our hunger got the better of us so we found ourselves pulling off the highway once again.

The truck stop was dated but well maintained.  Trucks with different license plates occupied nearly every spot outside and a few of them chatted and stared as Marcus and I walked inside. 

We were quickly shown to a booth on the back wall.  The food smelled divine, but I couldn’t tell if that was me talking or my massive hunger.  As had been said, I was eating for two now. 

The waitress kneeled down at the table and angled herself towards Marcus.  She kept her elbows in and pushed her ample bosom out and the obvious flirt appeared to make Marcus a little uncomfortable, but that didn’t stop the waitress in the slightest.

“So cutie, what’ll you have?” 

Marcus looked so off put by having this woman throw herself at him that I couldn’t help but laugh. So I decided to lend him a hand.

“I’ll have a coffee,” I said, trying to get her to notice me, “and he’ll have the same, cutie” 

She turned to me and scoffed and with her face turned away from Marcus I could see him mouth the words ‘Thank you’. 

“What’s the matter, does the man not want to do the ordering?” she asked.

“This man has been driving for the last 6 hours and just wants a cup of coffee, not a pair of tits.”  I replied.

The waitress looked me up and down, stood up, and moved on.  I’m sure he’s not the last man she’ll try to seduce today.

After a moment she returned with a coffee pot and two mugs, an obvious look of disgust permanently stayed plastered across her face now whenever she dared return my gaze.

I didn’t mind, I doubted I’d see very much of her at all, just so long as she brings me a waffle and some hash browns. 

After our orders were placed, I turned to Marcus.

“I’ll take the next leg of the drive, no reason for you to shoulder the entire trip.”  I said.

“If that’s what you want, I wouldn’t mind taking a bit of a break.” He said between sips of coffee. 

I glanced outside, staring at the cars that were coming and going.  But, one of the cars looked familiar, a little older and beat up and one of the windows was cracked.  I couldn’t be too sure until I saw Devon step out of the driver seat.  My heart skipped a beat and my head went blank.  Marcus must have understood that something was wrong because he turned to look outside too. 

I put my head down and tried to duck into the booth so I wouldn’t be noticed, but it didn’t seem to help.  He recognized the rental car I had out front and made a quick lap around it, searching for something.  After his quick search, he motioned towards his car and I saw two more men step out. 

One of them, a short brutish looking man, bald and sturdy, looked like a body builder crossed with a grizzly bear.  Meanwhile, the other guy looked tall, skinny and properly dressed.  He was almost too pressed for the occasion and looked quite out of place in his button down blazer in the snow. 

All three of them made their way towards the entrance.  Marcus didn’t look very intimidated by any of them, and was doing a much better job of keeping his cool than I was.  I downed the last of my coffee and excused myself to the bathroom. 

It wasn’t long before I heard words being exchanged by more than a few people.  I peeked out of the bathroom to see if there was room for me to make for the front door.  There wasn’t. The skinny man stood near the front door, and Devon was looming over Marcus with his tiny tough friend in tow. 

“So, where is she then?”  Devon asked.

“She’s safe.” replied Marcus, stoic as always.

“So I guess we’re doing this the hard way then. Don’t think that you can catch me off-guard like last time.” 

“He guys, I don’t want any fighting in my diner, take this outside,” shouted the cook, trying to usher the strangers out.

Devon acted first, shoving the cook over the table.  But, Marcos answered right back by shoving Devon back into his skinny friend by the door.  The small tough one charged in and grabbed Marcus by the waist, tackling him through the booth and destroying my waffle.  He looked quite strong as even Marcus with his immense strength was having problems prying the small man off himself. 

By now, Devon and the skinny man had pulled themselves together and rushed to join the fray, leaving the front door more than open.  I took the chance and sprinted for the door, mixing in with several other patrons doing the same. 

Once outside many of them rushed towards their trucks, some watched through the window at the fight unfolding.  Another onlooker pulled out his phone and began calling the police. 

I was too busy to pay any attention at all; I was already in the car and starting it up.  It was then that I saw the diner’s window shatter, and the tiny bald man flying out and into the side of a truck.  Marcus walked out through the shattered glass and looking at me in the car he mouthed ‘GO’.

He didn’t need to say much more.  I pulled the car into gear and made for the highway.  The tires squealed, and, in my haste, I slammed into Devon’s car.  I didn’t mind the hit at all and continued to flee. 

Then the skinny, well-dressed fellow stood in my way looking at me through a pair of expensive sunglasses.  If he had have known what was best, he would have got out of my way, but my car careening at him didn’t seem to faze him at all.  Before I could hit him he nimbly jumped and landed with an inhuman grace on the hood of the speeding car.

With a few steps, he neared the driver’s side window and punched in through the glass.  He grabbed the steering wheel and pulled it hard to the right. He was much stronger than he looked as I could offer little resistance. 

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