Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (58 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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Somewhere she thought she heard the deep rumbling of a man’s laughter. But it was easily dismissed when she reached the landing. Jenna ignored the hairs prickling at the base of her neck and set up the camera. After that task was completed, she decided to explore a bit and hoped to capture a few EVP’s.

“Marcus,” she said into her radio. “I’m going to have a look around.”

“Okay,” his voice crackled back. “I’m almost done setting up the monitors. Check back in ten minutes.”

“Alright.” Jenna tightened her grip on the radio, investigating the first room she came to.

The extraordinarily handsome man’s portrait hung in the corner and Jenna slowly walked up to it, taking in every detail. “Very handsome,” she whispered to herself.

It was a full-length portrait. The types nobility usually sat for in the 18
century. “Maxim Ravencroft,” she read. Jenna was taken aback by the intensity of his eyes. They were his most striking feature. Glittering jewels of blue topaz, they seemed to follow her every move. His face was simply beautiful. That was the only word Jenna could conjure to describe the god before her. Max was garbed in riding attire, a shock of thick black hair waving from an equally splendid brow. His nose was straight in its aristocratic delineation and flared slightly with arrogance.

And what about his mouth?

Jenna’s breath caught slightly at the full sensuality of his lips and found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss him.

Jenna fell back on the massive four-poster bed and her breath caught in her throat. She felt a presence near her. “Is there anyone here?” called out softly. “If you’re here, say something.”

Jenna, suddenly remembering her job, picked up the radio off the bed and noticed the batteries completely drained. “Well, that’s what I get for buying wholesale.” Jenna flung it aside in frustration wondering if she should quit while she was ahead.

A temporary lull in the storm brought a minor reprieve, but just as quickly, the rain returned with a vengeance. She shook her radio thinking the batteries would magically come to life “Marcus,” she called into the radio. “Marcus, how’re you doing?”

A man’s terrified scream broke the stillness. “Marcus?” she shouted, tearing out of the bedroom and clambering downstairs just in time to see her assistant yank the door open with a look of sheer terror on his face. “Marcus! What is it?”

He didn’t answer as he stumbled outside in the pouring rain, tripping and splashing into a pool of mud. Marcus shook it off and fled down the road, leaving Jenna bereft and utterly alone.







“He left me,” she repeated in a daze. The door was standing wide open and lashings of wind and rain seeped in and left her soaked. It was then she heard a man’s voice, deep and succinct.

“Close the door.”

Jenna turned around in confusion. “What say?”

“Close the door before you join me!”

“Oh!” she gasped, feeling chilled to the bone and shut the door. “How could he leave just like that?” Jenna demanded, gathering her wits. “What am I supposed to do in this mausoleum all by myself?”

Jenna nearly gave herself whiplash as her head whipped to and fro, trying to discern the owner of that voice. “Where are you?”


Jenna crossed her arms over her chest, feeling as if eyes were undressing her. “But who are you?” she whispered.

“Best light some candles. It’ll be dark soon.”

Jenna knew she’d start cracking up sooner or later. It did run in the family. But she thought she had at least forty years before she ended up like dear Aunt Edna.

“No, my dear,” the voice drawled. “You’re not mad.”

“Stop that!” she screamed. “And stay out of my head!”

His laughter rang out; a rich, delightful sound that sent warm shivers dancing along her body.

“As you wish. But change out of those clothes. I have no wish to see you join me in death.” A velvety voice whispered causing Jenna’s breath to quicken.

“What is wrong with me?” she thought to herself. “Why does my body respond like this, when I should be scared?” she mumbled as she rifled through her backpack for dry clothes. She struggled out of her wet jeans. Her dripping cotton shirt clung to her body. She felt eyes on her, taking her in. She moved slowly feeling a warmth in her groin as she imagined the man in the painting watching her, admiring her. Her breath slowed and she moved her hands her her body. She thought she could hear deep breathing coming from the corner of the room. “You like that?” she whispered. She slowly moved her hand up her body and over her breasts. She closed her eyes. She moved her hands down her body and slowly into her underwear. The air in the room stilled. She swore she could here deep breathing from the corner of the room.

“Max?” she whispered.

Suddenly, a crash of lightning pulled her out of trance.

“What am I doing?” she shook her head and just like that the spell was broken. After tugging on torn jeans and hoodie, she made her way to the kitchen. Jenna sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. She felt the presence again.

“Okay!” she yelled, sitting up suddenly and overturning her chair. “This isn’t funny! Come out so I can see you!”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Are you a ghost?”

“Am I?”

“Are you going to hurt me?”

“Now why would I want to do that? You are my guest. I think you will find yourself unable to leave until I let you.”

She cried in frustration. She ran to the door and found it barred from the outside.

“Perhaps, you should rest. Don’t worry I will make your stay memorable. I haven’t seen a woman as beautiful as you in a long time.”

She could feel those eyes on her, all over her body. “How long have you...been here?”

“What year is it?”


“Ahhh. It’s been a long time.”

Jenna fumbled in her pocket for matches and lit a few candles to stave off the darkness of the castle. “I don’t suppose you can tell me where I can sleep tonight?”

“My room.”


“Are you afraid of me?”

Jenna gave a little laugh. Truth be told, he made her excited. “Um... I don’t think so. Why? Should I be?”

“You’re not a very good liar. But you’re very beautiful.”

Her hand strayed unbidden to the messy knot of hair she’d arranged that morning. “I’m a mess.”

“A beautiful one.”

Jenna blushed. Somehow she could sense him grinning and it made her warm all over. “Is there anyone else here?”

“Just me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I used to be. Not anymore.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re here.”

Her eyes widened and Jenna couldn’t speak. “I—I think I’ll go upstairs now.”



He led her upstairs through darkened passageways. When she thought she might fall, she felt the brush of his hand against hers and knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. “I can’t see anything.”

“Don’t look down.”

Jenna let him lead and was relieved when a door opened and flames lit up the fireplace. He urged her to sit and she curled up into a tattered chair.

“Warm enough?”

“I should have brought a blanket,” she said, yawning.

“Sleep then. You are safe with me, sweet Jenna.”

“How did--”

“Shh! Sleep first. Questions later.”

Jenna drifted off, feeling a brush of his hand against her hair.







Jenna was cold and shivered in her sleep. Then she was warm. She felt him pressing himself against her back and sighed. “Max...?” she mumbled. “Is that you?”

“It’s all right, love. You’re safe.”

She nestled closer, sighing as he pressed soft kisses against her hair and ear, the tickling as if made by the delicate brush of butterfly wings. “Max,” she sighed again. “Is that...your name? You’re the man in portrait?”

“I am.”

Now sleep, my angel.”

“Sleep,” she murmured dreamily, falling into an easy slumber in which she danced in his arms.

Morning made its rude awakening as bright shards of light burst through tattered drapes. Jenna flung up an arm to ward them off. “Ugh!”

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and winced, cruelly reminding herself of the unfinished investigation. “Damn it!’ she said aloud. Jenna made herself rise and stumble downstairs where the bank of video monitors sat humming quietly in the background. She sat down and began rolling through hours of video footage.

“Find anything?”

She was so startled she yelped.


“In answer to your question, the monitors just picked up dust. Now what?”

“Well, there’s always the dungeon.”

“The-the dungeon?” she stammered. She didn’t know if she could face that right now. Jenna gulped and checked her watch. “Mr. McKendrick will be here soon.”

“No, he won’t.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Look outside.”

“What now?” Jenna wandered to the window and took a peek. The road where Marcus had made his hasty retreat was completely flooded. “Great! Is the rest flooded too?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“That can’t be,” she muttered.

“I suppose that was your doing?” Jenna rubbed her eyes, wishing she could get drunk and make it all go away.

“No.” He sounded insulted. “I think...I need to...sit down,” she said weakly. A chair slid forth and caught her as she fell. “Thank…you.”

“I must go, but I will return. Wait for me, Jenna”

The mention of her name sent a thrill through her body. She waited. Time seemed to crawl at a snails’ pace. Jenna busied herself with slogging through hours of video. Marcus really left her holding the bag. Even the EVP’s were muddled. “Shit!” she yelled, turning every monitor off just for spite.

“I thought ladies weren’t supposed to swear.”

“And who said I’m a lady?” she flung back carelessly. “I have no evidence to show. No evidence means I’m fired. No job means I’m out on my ass. How long is this rain going to last?”

“It should clear by tomorrow.”

Jenna let out a wistful sigh. “So what do we do now?”



Ghost hunting was the last thing on her mind as Max led her on a tour of his castle. But Jenna was growing tired of speaking to thin air.

“What do you look like?” Jenna dared ask.

“Do you really wish to know?”

“Of course.”

“No machines?”

She hid a smile. “No. Not if you don’t want me to.”

“Very well.”

Max led her to upstairs to a part of the castle that lay cold and barren. A door was opened and Jenna gasped. “The blue room!”

Jenna hesitated. “Mr. McKendrick said to stay out.”

“He would,” he snorted. “His family caused us nothing but grief.”

“So, it’s alright?”

“I say it is.”


Stepping into the room was like stepping into another era. It was decorated in varying shades of blue and its simplistic beauty struck Jenna. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“This used to be my room.”

“Oh,” Jenna breathed, anticipation flooding her. “What are we going to do now?” Her excitement at Max’s presence was palatable.

“Your thoughts…you naughty girl”

She turned around, flushing with embarrassment. “Max!” she chided. “You promised to stay out of my head!”

He chuckled and flung open the drapes. “I couldn’t help it. You’re a curious little thing.”

Jenna thought she saw a dark shape flitting towards her and gasped. “Max!” she cried as her feet left the floor. “What...are you doing?”

His breath touched her ear. “Hush. Isn’t this what you came for?”

“I don’t know where to put my arms,” she said, flailing about helplessly. “I can’t see you.”

“Oh!” he laughed and materialized. Jenna shrieked and nearly tumbled onto the floor. “Sorry about that. I’m not used to company.”

The man from the portrait now possessed a corporeal body, and a magnificent one if the muscles beneath her hands were any indication. Jenna peered up at him in awe. “You’re here,” she breathed, reaching up to touch his cheek. It was ice-cold but a cheek nonetheless. “You’re cold.”

Max stopped and lowered his mouth to hers drinking deeply and she gasped at the feel of it, hot and needy. “You’re not,” he rasped, his tongue darting out to tease and incite. “I want you,” he said simply.

Jenna was too shocked to do much of anything and simply nodded.

He chuckled and carried her back to his room where he laid her on the bed. Jenna stared wide-eyed as he lay beside her and took her into his arms. Her eyes drifted shut as he pressed light kisses upon her face and mouth. A sigh broke from her lips and he took full possession, sinking his tongue into her mouth and stroking hers.

“Is this really happening?” she sighed as his lips slid to her throat. Jenna moaned and arched her back as he suckled her breast through her sweatshirt. “Take it off,” Jenna murmured, raising her arms so he could lift it over her head.

A soft giggle escaped at the look on his face. “What is this contraption?” he demanded, pointing at her bra. “How can you breathe?”

“It’s better than a corset,” she told him. “See?” Jenna unhooked it and tossed it on the floor. He gasped as her breasts spilled forth. “Am I too big?” she asked fearfully.

Max reached out in wonder and smiled gently. “No,” he said hoarsely. “You’re perfect.” He reached up and pulled off his shirt, revealing a rippling torso and rock-hard abs. “And how am I?” he asked timidly.

She slid her arms about his neck and pulled him down to her gasping at the feel of his flesh against hers. “You’re beautiful,” Jenna whispered, sighing as he kissed her again. “Make love to me, Maxim.”

“I will,” he promised. “I’ve got to get you naked first.”

“Let me.” Jenna peeled off her jeans and panties and kicked her socks and shoes off. She lay back unashamed at her nakedness, feeling as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be in his bed. Her eyes widened as he kicked off his breeches and his sex sprang free, hard and erect. “You’re so large,” she gushed.

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