Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (46 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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“Yes, thank you… I’m sorry you have to do this. I mean, you don’t have to-”

“I know,” Markus cut her off. “But I want to.” She felt butterflies jump into her stomach. He wanted to help her. He wanted to take care of her.

Paige swallowed dryly as she stared up at him. He studied her carefully, opened his mouth but nothing came out. Instead he touched her neck. His warm hands sent a shiver down her spine. “Does it hurt?”

“No.” When she spoke she realized her voice was hoarse.

Markus didn’t say anything. He turned around and headed for the door.

“Hey,” Paige paused. “Can I ask you something?” She watched him, carefully.

“Sure.” He turned to face her.

“How long have you and Ben been together?” She looked at the floor.

“Since we were kids. Our dad’s hunted together… our moms’ were both out of the picture. Mine because she left my dad for a business man, and Ben’s because she… well everyone has a reason for getting into the line of work…” Paige felt her heart drop. “When we were younger we stayed at the hotels together,” Markus padded into the room and sat down on the bed. “As we got older we started going on the hunts with our dads. By the time he was eighteen and I was twenty we decided it would be best to go out on our own. So many things to kill and so few people doing the killing,” He chuckled dryly.

“You must really love him.”She said.

“Oh I do!” Markus paused, tilted his head and studied her. “As a brother.”

Paige’s jaw dropped. “But…” She’d seem them kiss. And the way they spoke to each other…

Markus laughed softly. “You must have seen me kiss him.” Paige blushed as she gave a single nod. “Well… I’m not sure how to put this but…” He paused. “Ben and I… enjoy each other’s company in more ways than one.”

“So like… friends with benefits?” She’d done that before when she was much younger.

“Yes, demon hunting friends with benefits.”

A giggle escaped Paige. Before she even realized it she had her head on his shoulder. His fingers tangled into her hair.

“Are you sure your neck is okay?” He whispered

“It feels fine for the most part.”

“It doesn’t look like its bled through yet, that’s a good sigh.”

“One of the perks to being a werewolf I guess, you get to heal fast.”

“How did you come by it? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t. It’s a family tradition.” Paige snorted. “From my dad’s side.”

“Family? Wow.”

“Yea, apparently it can be passed down through bloodline.”

“I’ve heard that, but do you have any idea how rare that is?”

“I… no, I didn’t realize it was rare at all. I mean, rarer than just being a normal werewolf.”

“So, you must be of European descent.”

“Yes, both my parents are.”

“How did you find out?”

“My dad had always told me. The werewolf was a very talked about subject in my house. Once I was 10 he sat me down and explained how serious it was, that I couldn’t tell anyone and everything and then he turned into a werewolf right in front of me.” Markus’s eyes widened.

“He did it right in front of you? Didn’t he… try to hurt you?”

“No my dad never tried to hurt us when we were kids.” She saw the look on his face. “Yes, I have a couple sisters. They aren’t wolves though, I’m not sure why… everyone says they are more like him than I am, but yea, my dad always used to turn wolf in front of us. We’d play outside with him when it was the full moon and he never hurt us.”

“That…. that’s amazing. It must have taken a great deal of will power for your dad to be that well behaved around flesh.”

Paige swallowed dryly. Even she was tempted to chase a human every now and then. Honestly, she wasn’t sure how her father did it. “That’s one word for my dad… amazing.” A smile spread over her lips as she thought about her childhood.

Her body tensed as she felt Markus touched her neck. “I’m sorry; I just want to look at it again. If I were going to kill you I would have done it while you were passed out.” He reminded her with a smile.

“Thanks that helped a lot.” She muttered.

“Move a little to the left, I want to get a good look at your neck.” Paige moved as he told her. Her body tense as she felt him peel away the bandage.

“Did you know the neck is a very powerful body part to the wolf? Well any dog really.”

“Do tell.”

“Yes. See the neck is one of the most common ways a dog will show their submission to their alpha, or how their alpha will force submission from them.”

Paige’s heart pounded in her chest as Markus touched the skin around her cut carefully. His warm embrace made her feel safe…But the way he talks about submission from a dog… I’m not so sure I should feel that safe. He pulled away, reaching for something on the night stand. She heard him tear tape.

He brushed away any stray hairs before laying cloth over her wound and taping it back up. “You’re healing very quickly. The cut on your stomach is probably all healed by now.”

The cut on her stomach. Right. Without thinking Paige untied her robe and stared down at her naked body. She tore the bandage off and stared down at a small scar. It was completely healed.

“Amazing.” Markus touched the scar softly. The heat from his fingertips warmed Paige. “Sorry.” He pulled away from her quickly, forcing himself to look away from her body.

Paige pushed herself towards him. “Don’t be sorry.” She leaned forward. She touched his chest and he didn’t move away like she had expected him to. Instead, his fingers tangled into her hair and pulled her closer. Their lips met.

A soft moan escaped Paige, she pulled him as close as she could get him, their lips coming together and pulling apart. Finally Markus pulled away to take a deep breath. His hands ran through Paige’s hair, over her cheek and down her body.

She crawled on top of his lap. Their eyes locked. “Kiss me.” She demanded.

Again, their lips crashed together. Markus held her tightly as he lay her down on the bed. His hand traced their way over her naked body. Paige’s moan grew louder.




Ben grabbed the pizza from the passenger’s side seat as he slid out of his own, slammed the door shut behind him and headed for the front door. True to his word he was back before dark. As he entered the house he didn’t hear anything. He could see straight into the kitchen as he slipped off his boots. There was no one there. He passed the living room, but neither of them were to be seen. The bathroom door was wide open and there was no sign of anyone.

He lay the pizza box down on the table and padded to the bedroom. His knife slipped into his hand as he prepared for the worst. His fingers curled around the handle and he threw the door open.

Markus sat between Paige’s spread legs. She gasped as she caught his eye, pulled away from Markus and tried to cover her body.



Paige’s cheeks burned. She wanted to crawl in a hole and hide. Never in her entire life had she ever been caught in the middle of a sex act.

Markus turned and looked from her to Ben. A soft grin spread over his face. “Didn’t your daddy ever teach you to knock?”

“Sorry, didn’t expect… to walk in on anything.” His eyes moved from Paige to Markus. Her blood boiled as she watched him come towards them. Ben climbed onto the bed. He grabbed Markus, his fingers curling to Markus’s hair. His lips touched Markus’s cheek, trailed along his jaw line and down to his neck. His free hand ran down Markus’s body, stopping and grabbing his junk. Markus let out a soft moan.

Ben let out a soft chuckle. “You’re already hard as a rock.” He murmured next to Markus’s ear. He pulled away from Markus and slipped out of his jacket. Paige let her eyes linger on his muscular chest and the scar on it. Paige pushed herself up, suddenly aware of the fact that she didn’t have anything covering herself. She pushed Markus down, crawled on top of him and pulled Ben towards her. Their lips locked. Ben’s fingers tangled into her hair, pulling her close to him. She felt Markus’s fingers run over her thighs, slowly creeping their way closer and closer to her pussy. Paige gasped as she felt a finger slip past her folds and inside her. “Oh fuck.” She moaned pulling away from Ben. Ben’s lips trailed down her neck, his teeth softly grazing her. He was careful not to touch her injury. His hands traced down her body.

Markus’s finger slipped in and out of her carefully. His thumb rested against her clit as his finger wiggled inside of her.

Paige moaned louder. Ben’s hands rested against her ass, his nails digging in gently. His lips moved back to hers, his teeth grazing her lower lip.

Paige cupped his boner in her hands. Her heart pounded when she felt how hard he was. He pulled away. Her eyes widened as Markus undid his pants and slipped out of them. He didn’t have boxers, instead his erection sprung forward. Paige swallowed dryly “Lay down.” There was no doubt it as an order.

Paige did as she was told.

Markus’s fingers ran over her thigh as he settled down between her legs and he pushed into her softly.Paige moaned as he made his way fully into her. Ben watched as Markus slowly worked his way in and out of her. Paige’s moan grew louder as she closed her eyes and let herself focus on the pleasure. Markus pushed into her with more force. She moaned louder as Markus’s hands touched her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

Her eyes snapped open as she heard Ben moving.

He settled down beside her head, unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. “Open your mouth.”

Paige did as she was told. Ben touched her lips with the head of his member. She pulled him into her mouth, sucking as hard as she could. Ben groaned pushing himself into her a little forcefully. Paige moaned pulling more of him into her, her fingers wrapped around his shaft, rubbing any piece of him that she couldn’t fit in her mouth.

“Fuck,” Markus groaned pulling away. “Up. On your hands and knees.” Ben pulled himself from her mouth and Paige moved onto her hands and knees.

She gasped as she felt Markus’s hand come down against her bare ass. “Oh yes!” she called out.

Ben slid under her, his cock right in front of her. Paige bent down and took him in her mouth. Ben groaned. His fingers tangling into her hair as his hips shook as she moved up and down his member. She moaned as she felt Markus’s fingers trace over her thigh softly. He pushed himself against the folds of her pussy. This time when he pushed into her he wasn’t careful. Paige gasped. Markus pulled out and slammed back into her. She moaned louder.

Ben’s eyes rolled back as he pulled her hair harder. “I’m going to cum.” He moaned.

That was all Paige needed to hear. She mouthed his cock faster and faster. She hummed against him, letting her tongue play with every inch of him that it could reach. “Fuck,” His hips rocked as he exploded into her mouth. Paige moaned sucking down every last drop of him. Markus pushed down against her lower back. Paige moaned as she focused on her own pleasure fully. She felt Markus push into her again and again, faster and harder. Paige’s eyes rolled back, her nails dug into Ben’s abs. He pulled her hair softly. “Cum.” He ordered.

Markus’s fingers dug into her skin as he pushed into her harder and harder. Ben’s words had been enough to send her over the edge. Paige gasped, her hips shaking against Markus as she let her orgasm take over. He let out a loud gasp as he pushed into her as hard as he could. Everything went black. “Oh fuck. Yes, yes, yes.” Paige moaned against Ben’s bare skin.

She felt Markus pull out of her. The bed shook as he flopped down beside Ben. Paige just let her body fall down, landing mostly on Ben. His arms curled around her but she was sure she could feel him holding on of Markus’s hands as well. When she finally lifted her head the two friends were staring at each other. Ben grinned softly. Markus rolled over to face them. He kissed Ben’s cheek before he kissed Paige’s head softly. “How are you feeling?”

“Good… tried and hungry, but good.”

“Come,” Ben patted her back softly. “There’s pizza out there. After you eat you can get some sleep. You still have a lot of recovering you need to do.”




Chapter 5


Paige tore into her third piece of pizza and still didn’t feel full. Markus looked at Ben. “So, did you learn anything?”

“No. The witch is hiding herself well because I couldn’t dig up anything on her.” Ben scowled. “And you know how good I am at finding things that are hiding.”

Markus raised an eyebrow as he finished the slice of pizza in his hand. “Staying hidden from you is no small feat.”

Ben turned to Paige. “What if it’s someone you know?”

“Why would it be someone I know? I don’t know anyone-” Paige stuttered.

“You don’t know how special you are to this person, do you?” Ben raised an eyebrow at Paige.

“Wh… what?” Paige said, incredulous. Ben closed his eyes thinking for a second. “Do you know anything about death witches?”

“No.” she admitted.

He opened his eyes. “A death witch is a very dark kind of witch, chances are they’ve taken many lives before they are even strong enough to create the weakest of zombies, which is a goal all death witches will have.”


“Because,” Markus took over. “You must raise the dead in order to summon death himself.”

“Why would someone want to summon death?” Paige could not believe what she was hearing.

“To control them.” Ben’s answer was simple but it sent chills through Paige’s body. “Think about it, if you can control death you can decide who lives and who dies. The only thing is; you need werewolf blood to get the summoning right.” Paige’s eyes widened. Her body tensed as she stared at the man talking to her. Were they going to try to get her blood? Were they the ones trying to summon death?

“Is there anyone who’s taken a special interest in you?” Ben asked.

“What? No!” Paige was at a loss.

“You don't have any friends that are a little too clingy? Or guys that call you too much?”

“No. I don’t really have friends.” Paige confessed. “I mean, I have Hanna… and a couple other work friends but that’s really about it.”

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