ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (118 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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“I’m really looking forward to it.”  She smiled brightly.

“Just remember you need to stay in the room I put you in.  Don’t go walking around the ship, unless I’m with you.  You understand right?”  He looked at her, his face serious.

“I understand, don’t worry.”  Liz answered.

“Good hey I have to go and meet more people.  We’re almost full!”  Allen shot off to the other side of the room.

Liz just stood there looking at him go, he moved so quickly.  “He has such a nice body.”  She mouthed under her breath.

“He is a nice specimen isn’t he?”  A deep voice came from behind her.

She jumped startled by the voice that was far too close to her ear.  “Oh you scared me.”  She said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean too.  My name is Rich; I’m a co-worker of Allen’s.”  He held his hand out to her.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Liz.”  She answered and shook his hand.

He squeezed her hand a bit tighter than she liked.  “I can see what he likes about you.”  Rich smiled and laughed.

Liz felt uneasy at his gaze that lingered on her breasts that were barely covered by the dress she wore.  “Oh thanks, I think.”  Liz commented and turned to walk away, she wanted to get as far away from him as possible. “Hey I have to go back to work now, it was nice meeting you!”  She said and left.

Rich grabbed her really quickly though before she was out of his reach.  “If you don’t work well with Allen, you can always come to me.  Just remember that.  I can show you a really good time!”  He said his eyes seductive.

She pulled her hand free and almost ran away from him.  As she left his side she felt a creepy gaze on her back, she knew it was Rich, so she didn’t look back.

Liz wondered if he was the reason why Allen had told her to stay wherever he put her on the ship, and to not go out without him by her side.  She figured it was most likely a good reason; she didn’t like Rich at all.

The rest of the day went by without incident from Rich, but she kept looking over her shoulder.  Each time she looked around she had a feeling on the back of her neck like she was being watched.  However, Liz never saw anyone looking at her.  If they were she couldn’t spot them anyway.

“Hey, beautiful, sorry I’ve been really busy all day long or I would have stopped by sooner.”  Allen came up in front of her.

“it’s okay, these are usually really crazy.”  She said looking around at the dwindling crowd.  It was close to the end of the day, and most people were heading towards the doors to leave.  Though a few stranglers always stayed behind and tried to make deals at shops for trinkets.  “Oh I meant one of your co-workers today.”  She stated.

He jumped and looked at her closely, “Oh who was it?”  He tried to recover quickly, but she had caught the nervousness he had felt.

“Rich, he came up behind me when I had talked to you earlier.”  She explained.

Allen shook his head.  “Did he say anything to you about me?”  He asked.

She didn’t know if she should tell him or not, he had quite a reaction when he had heard who she talked too.  “No he just said something about he could see why you like me.”  Liz finally said to him.

“Hmm, okay.  Well don’t talk to him if you can help it.  He’s not really a nice guy at all.”  Allen told her.

“Yeah I gathered that from our conversation.”  Liz said.

“Why?  Did he say something to you?”  Allen asked again, this time a bit more insistent.

“Honestly he’s just really creepy, and he hit on me a bit.  But it’s nothing really, I can handle him.”  Liz stated.

“Listen if I take you tonight, you have to avoid him at all costs, don’t trust him.”  Allen explained.

“What you aren’t going to take me now because of him?  I told you already I would stay wherever you put me.”  She pleaded.

“I’ll take you, but if he approaches you, just turn away and go from him.”  Allen said.

“I got it.”  She answered.

“Well since you are going along, we’ll be leaving around 10.”  He said.  “You won’t really need to take along anything.  If you want a change of clothes, we have some that will fit you on the ship; I’ll get something for you.  Or you can wear that dress, I really like it.”  Allen told her.

“Okay, wow that’s only half an hour from now.  I should call my friend’s and tell them not to expect me until later tonight, right?”  Liz asked.

“No don’t worry about it, or call them.  It will only take us a couple of hours to go there and back.”  He stated.

“Alright, that’s really quick!  Will I even be able to see much in space?”  Liz asked.

“Sure, you’ll be in my cabin; you can look out the window.”  He said.

Liz was excited about the trip, but there was part of her that was dreading the fact that Rich would also be on the ship.  But Allen wouldn’t let anything happen to her, she was sure of that, or she was counting on it.

He kissed her on the cheek.  “I’ll see you in a little bit.” 

She turned her lips to his and kissed him squarely on the lips.  He kissed her back and she moaned when he slipped his tongue into her mouth quickly.  But the kiss ended too quickly for her and she was watching him walk away once more.  She felt the pressure of his lips against hers still and smiled. 

Chapter 2


“Come on, follow me this way.”  Allen pulled her along.  Liz pulled back on his arm trying to look around the ship as much as she could. 

“Here come in; this is my room on the trip.”  He opened up a door to a huge room.  There was a bed in the far corner of the room.  Liz looked at it and hoped that they would use the bed soon.  She had been hot thinking about him all day long, and after the kiss, well it had only increased.

“Wow, this is so big.”  Liz said looking around the room.  She walked around and finally made her way to the bed.  She plopped down on the edge of it.  “Nice and sturdy, want to use it?”  She asked.

Allen looked at her and she saw a flash of something come over his eyes.  She wasn’t sure if it was another color, or maybe another eyelid?  He walked over by her and pulled her up.  Liz licked her lips in anticipation of the kiss she hoped was coming.

“I have to check in first, but I’ll be back.  Remember that you need to stay in the room though.  I’ll come back as quickly as I can.  If anyone knocks on the door, don’t say anything, and don’t answer it.  Do you understand?”  He said looking at her for confirmation of this.

“Yes I understand.  But can you please hurry back?”  Liz kissed him and pushed her tongue into his mouth.  Allen responded back by snaking his tongue around hers and squeezing it.  She moaned loudly, wondering what that tongue would feel like licking her lower regions.  She felt her pussy get wet at the thought.

He kissed her a little longer and then pulled his tongue out of her mouth.  “I’ll be quick.”  He said and left the room.

She was tempted to simply undress and wait for him like that, but changed her mind and instead began to investigate his room.  Liz looked through a closet that was built into the wall and saw a few uniforms in there.  She imagined him dressed in one and them play acting some sort of kinky sex scene.  Her mind ran wild for a bit as she pictured him as the alien warrior trying to conquer a princess!

The window drew her full attention as she noticed the stars begin to float by.  Liz looked out and saw the Earth getting smaller and smaller behind them.  Suddenly there was a whoosh sound and she was propelled forward hard against the wall.  She hit her head hard and slide to the ground.

Liz woke up and looked around; she wasn’t on the floor, but on a bed.  Her head hurt badly.  She sat up and heard.

“Don’t move too much you took a hard fall.”  A deep voice said.

She looked to where the voice had come from so quickly she felt dizzy.  “What are you doing here?”  She asked Rich.

“You mean in my room?  Why wouldn’t I be here?”  He stated.

Liz could have sworn it was still Allen’s room, unless they all looked alike, or had Allen set her up.  It was possibly she guessed, but no he wouldn’t do that would he?  He wanted her, she was sure of that.  She thought of their shared kiss again and groaned as she thought of Rich.

“What’s wrong there sweetie?”  Rich said as he approached the side of the bed.  He touched her hair and she pulled her head away.  He snapped her face back to him by pulling her hair.  He placed his face   right in front of her, she was scared he was going to try and kiss her, so she turned to the side.  “Don’t fight it, we can do this the hard or easy way, it’s your choice, but either way I’ll be sure to have fun!”  He scowled at her.

Liz spit in his face.  He slapped her hard with the palm of his hand. 

“I like pain, so it will only turn me on more.”  He smirked.

She tried to move away from him quickly and run for the door.  But he blocked her at every turn.  He was bigger than her and couldn’t move as quickly as her though for long, or she was counting on it.

“Look just let me go back to Allen’s room and I’ll never say anything about this.”  Liz tried to negotiate with Rich.

He laughed at her.  “You think you’re going back to his room?  Never, I’ll use you until we get back home and then sell you like the rest of the girls.” 

Rich saw the look on her face.  “Oh so he didn’t tell you what we really do did he?  That’s funny, what line did he use?  Finding wives for lonely men, or was it looking for women who just want to travel?  It doesn’t matter, because you’ll get a pretty price I’m sure.”  He stated.

She couldn’t say anything she was processing the information he had told her.  “What do you do?”  She finally asked.

“We take Earth girls from conventions like the one today and sell them on our planet.”  He said matter-of-factly.

“Take or ask them to go?”  Liz asked slowly.

“We never ask, some of them beg to go, like you.  While other’s we just tell them it’s a tour of our ship.  We drug most of them, some of the others we test out for the guys back home.”  He laughed deeply.

Her stomach turned at the thought of Allen being involved in something like this.  She wanted to know if he tested out the girls too, but then again changed her mind.  For all she knew that was why he had left in the first place.  Perhaps he was comparing Earth girls to see what they did differently when having sex?  “Oh I don’t feel so good.”  She said and held her stomach.

“You’re not going to get sick are you?”  He asked, his face turning green.

Without another word her lunch came up and out. 

“Oh gross.”  He turned away from her and made gagging noises himself.

Liz took the chance and ran for the door as the food was still coming up from her stomach.  He didn’t react quickly enough and she made it out the door. 

“Allen, help me.”  Liz screamed at the top of her lungs. 

She could hear Rich right behind her.  “It’s no use bitch; he’s probably down playing with the other girls.”  He said and it sounded like he was right next to her.  She pivoted to the other side of the hall and saw his hand go to where she had just been. 

Please let me run quicker, she prayed silently.  There was a corner coming up and another hall.  She didn’t know where she was or where it might take her, but she turned quickly.  Liz hit hard against something and was knocked back off her feet. 

“I thought I told you to stay in the room?”  She heard Allen’s voice from above.

At that point Rich came around the corner chasing her.  He stopped as he saw Allen standing above her.

“I didn’t I was knocked out and when I woke up he had me.”  She cried out and pointed at Rich.

Allen turned to look at Rich again.  “Is that true?”  He asked.

“Yeah it is what are you going to do about it?”  Rich stuck out his chest.

“Did he touch you?”  Allen asked her without turning towards her.

“He slapped me.”  Liz responded.

“You know she’s my property right?  You had no right to take her out of my room.”  Allen said to Rich.  Then he began talking in a foreign tongue and she couldn’t understand anything.

“I’m the captain’s son, if I want her, I can have her.”  Rich stated.

“No not this time. Remember what he said about you always taking privileges?  No you don’t, of course.  You’re done Rich.”  Allen stated and turned towards Liz.  “Come on.”  He pulled her with him.

He went to his room and got her inside once again.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”  He asked looking over her closely.

“No I’m not okay.  You are kidnappers?  Why did you tell me you ask them to go?”  Liz asked him.

Allen looked at her.  “I do ask the girls if they want to go.  We don’t use the tactics that Rich uses.  He’s the one who will do dirty things to get the girls to come on board.  I always try to explain to the girls that we have plenty of men who are looking for Earth girls to marry.  See we have a shortage of women on our planet.  The only way to find them is to go to other planets and get them.”  He explained.

“Do you ever test them out?”  She asked.

“Yes I have in the past.  I have needs that need to be fulfilled.”  Allen said.

She appreciated his honesty about that part of the conversation.  “So do you sell the girls?”  She asked.

“That’s how we make money.”  Allen stated.

“Do you always ask them, or have you taken some in the past too?”  She asked it was something she couldn’t quite get past yet.

“I don’t want to lie to you.  So yeah I’ve taken some in the past.  But only when we had a special order and she would fit the bill perfectly.  If she seemed hesitant to come along, I would take her.”  Allen admitted.  “But I’m not proud of it.  Honestly, there are times in the past when someone didn’t bring back the order correctly and they were killed for it.  Not that it justifies what I did, but it’s a big reason for it.”  Allen added.

He had moved closer to her and was looking at her with his Amber eyes burning brightly.  Liz looked at his eyes and was mesmerized.  Allen kissed her and slipped his tongue into her mouth, he hoped it would make her stop thinking about what he did for a living.  He had been walking around thinking about their last kiss for far too long.

Liz forgot about what she was upset about as his tongue did amazing things inside of her mouth.  Her loins responded to his touch and soon she was soaked.

Allen moved her over to the bed and undressed her slowly.  He admired her body along the way with a low whistle.  “You are amazing naked!”  He complimented her.

She turned a bright red at his compliment.  “Thank you.”  She said lowly.  He lowered her onto the bed. 

“Where to start, so many things I want to share with you.”  He smiled and lowered his mouth to hers.  His hands moved down to her breasts and she felt him manipulate her nipples until they were little rocks.  “You have some beautiful breasts.” He stated and then covered one of her nipples with his mouth. 

She screamed when he bit her nipple and dragged his teeth over there hardness.  “Oh, I like that.”  She murmured.

He lowered his other hand to the space in between her legs and pushed her lips apart to gain access to her slit.  Liz arched her back when he pushed two of his fingers deeply into her hole.  She moved her hips up to help push his fingers deeper into her pussy. 

“Let it go, I want you to cum.” He whispered into her ear.  It was enough to push her over the edge and she screamed out as a climax rocked her body.

“There you go baby, let it go!”  He kissed her hard on the lips, and pushed his hard member into her waiting and wet spot.

She met his thrusts and they were soon both moaning loudly.  He rolled her over and placed her on top of him.  Liz smiled down at him and began rocking her body back and forth, feeling his cock as it hit her g-spot.

He pulled her up and pushed her down by grabbing her waist.  Liz cried out as another orgasm hit her body.  “Here I go again.” 

Allen slammed her down hard on his cock a few times and released his juices with a shout.  “Oh damn, wow.”  He thrust her down on him a couple more times and then held her still as he could feel her walls pulsing in another climax.

Liz slid off of him and lay beside him on the bed.  “Wow is right, damn that was amazing.”  She admitted.

He pulled her close to him and kissed the top of her head.  She nestled on his chest and sighed.  Liz started to doze off when she heard a knocking on the door.

“Allen, you in there?”  They heard through the door.

“I have to get that it’s the captain.  I knew he’d be around, I’m sure Rich spun the story a different way than it happened.  Get dressed; you’ll have to talk to him.”  Allen said and got up to throw on his clothes, he tossed Liz her clothes on the bed.

“Okay.”  She said and hurried up and dressed.  She really didn’t want anyone but Allen seeing her naked.  Liz had barely finished dressing when the captain was in the room.

“Miss, I hear you had a run in with my son, can you tell me about it?”  He asked and looked at her closely.

Liz knew she had the look of a woman who had just been made love to well, and she turned red at what the captain must be thinking right now. 

“Go ahead Liz.”  Allen came to her and held her hand while she talked.

“I didn’t know the ship would jump and wasn’t ready, I hit the wall hard.  When I woke up he had me in his room, Rich.  He told me that he was going to use me and then sell me when we got to his planet.  He said that you sell girls who you’ve taken from Earth.  When he tried to kiss me I spit in his face and he hit me.”  Liz explained what had happened to her.

The whole while she was talking the captain was rubbing his chin.  He seemed like he was deep in thought for a bit, and then he looked at Allen. 

“How did you find her?”  The captain asked him.

“She came running around a corner.  I had just heard her yell and was on my way to her.  Right after her was Rich.  He said that she was his, and that I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”  Allen said.

Again the captain shook his head and thought.  He spoke to Allen in the foreign language that Liz couldn’t understand.  They talked back and forth for a few minutes.  She tried to watch their body language and figure out what was being said.  She knew it had to be about her and maybe Rich too.

The captain stood up and said.  “I’m sorry for my son’s bad behavior.  It seems that he has little sense in matters of dealing with people of any type.  He will be locked up; don’t worry about him bothering you at all.  As far as what we do, Allen stated he explained it to you.  I hope that you enjoy your trip.”  He shook her hand and was out the door.

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