ROMANCE: Gone Cowboy Wild (THREESOMES, MENAGE, BBW Book 1) (3 page)

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“Tell me.”


Ricky sighed. “We like you, no, love you. These past couple of months have made us both see what we have been missin’ in our lives. I reckon our need for you just finally broke the dam.”


The realization dawned in her eyes during that moment. Her classic flush appeared on her cheeks as she covered her mouth.


“We crossed a line, I can tell. We’ll be gone by morning,” Nash said. He turned and started for the hayloft, but a hand on his wrist stopped him.


“No. Don’t go. I…. feel the same for the both of you.” 


“The both of us?” Ricky asked.


She nodded and bowed her head, unable to look at either of them, as she admitted her true feelings. “Ever since my husband died, I thought I would never want anyone else. Then you two came walking into my life and I found myself wanting the touch of a man again. I know it’s selfish, but I want you both. I’ve dreamed of it.”


The cousins glanced at each other. They understood what she wanted. An understanding passed between them, they wanted to give her what she wanted.


“Do you really want both of us, Jessi?” Nash asked.


She looked at them both. “More than anything in this world.”


Nash couldn’t hold back anymore. He pulled her close and kissed him with all the passion that had built up in over the past weeks. Her arms circled around his neck and she moaned into the kiss. How she had wanted it so.


Ricky moved to stand behind her and moved her tattered braid aside to kiss her neck. She released the kiss between her and Nash and gasped as his teeth scrapped at the sensitive skin of her neck. His hands moved over the fabric of her green dress and cupped each of her large breasts, her nipples poked through the material seeking his touch.


Nash grabbed several horse blankets and laid them out on the ground, before he went to her and kissed her again. His fingers undoing the front buttons of her dress, releasing her breasts. Jessi pulled her arms out of the sleeves and pushed it off her hips. She kicked it to the side, leaving her in only a pair of white panties.  She used her fingers now to undo his button down shirt. For weeks she had been dying to know what they looked under their clothes, she only hoped reality was better than her imagination.

With the final button undone, she pushed shirt open and off his broad shoulders. Have mercy, her imagination had lost to reality. Rippling abs and strong pecs greeted her hungry eyes. With a trembling hand, she ran her fingers over his muscles. He grinned from ear to ear at her reaction.


Now she needed to know if Ricky was better in reality too. Jessi faced Ricky and kissed him for the first time. He sent a shiver down her spine. His hands held her curves and made sure she pressed herself against him. His hard bulge pushed into her stomach. Her hands grasped at his shirt and pulled it apart, she didn’t want to fiddle with the buttons. Just like his cousin, skin stretched over tight muscle greeted her. Adonis couldn’t even compare. She wondered if the bottom matched the top. Her hands reached for his belt buckle, but he stopped her with a gentle hand on her wrist.


“No, no, ladies first.”


She frowned at him. He couldn’t mean sex already. She hadn’t even aroused him yet, not that he needed much help.


He helped her lie on the blankets and nodded to Nash before pulling off her last garment of clothing. He spread thick thighs apart.


“What are you—” her question was cut off by her own gasp, as his fingers parted her folds and found the excited bundle of nerves, his hot tongue made contact with it and she jumped in surprise. Her husband had never done that to her. Heat flushed her folds and her fingers went into his dark hair. His tongue circled her clit as he pushed two fingers into her entrance, her hips bucked.


Jessi moaned she never wanted him to stop.


Nash came to lie next to her, the rest of his clothes gone. Her eyes widened at the sight of his large member. His circumcised, long shaft blew her mind. She didn’t know they came that big and that pretty. He was perfect. Jessi couldn’t help herself as she grasped the shaft with her hand and ran it up down.


Nash leaned forward and took her nipple into his warm and wet mouth. She moaned more as both of her pleasure spots got attention. She fisted his length faster, running her hand over the head. She used her other hand to toy with his sack, he groaned against her chest, she smiled, just as the ball of fire in the pit of her stomach exploded, flashes of white light flooded her vision, a scream erupted from her. Ricky lapped at the flood of sweet juices covering his fingers.


Jessi blinked to clear her vision, never in her life had she ever felt the world shake like it had in that moment.  “Please I need one of you inside me,” she moaned.


“You’re up cousin,” Ricky said as he stood and moved over to Nash’s spot.


Nash didn’t even have to ask. He kneeled on his knees over her. He stared into her eyes, to make sure she was okay with him entering her. She gave nod of her head, but she turned to watch Ricky take off his clothes.


Nash positioned himself before thrusting into her slick entrance. He groaned as her tight walls pulled him in. She was so much better than he could’ve ever expected.


Jessi couldn’t believe her eyes. These boys came from good genetics that was a fact. Ricky was just all well hung as his cousin. She motioned for him to get on the floor before her head. She fisted his long fat shaft and sat up just a bit, to lick his sack. He groaned as soon her tongue made contact. He had never met a girl daring enough to try that. Her lips moaned around him, sending vibrations up his cock. She moved her thumb around the head, swirling the drop of pre-cum.


Nash watched them, he held himself over her as he thrust into with everything his body would allow. He stopped only once to move her legs onto his shoulders. She moaned louder as he went deeper into her at a different angle.


Nash slammed into her harder and hit that special place within her that made the tight ball of pleasure in her stomach grow again. She moaned as she licked the underside of Ricky’s shaft and pumped it with firm fist.


The head of Nash’s cock stroked over special spot one more time. Her toes curled as she came for the second time. She screamed and called out both their names.


“Oh baby!” called Ricky, while he spilled his cum onto he breasts


Her inner walls clamped down on to Nash and pulled him as deep as he could go, milking him for all that he was worth. He came with groan and one last thrust before he came inside her.


He somehow managed to keep himself upright as he looked down at her. She smiled up at him and he moved a piece of hair out of her eyes.


“Stay with me, always, the both of you,” she

“You really want us to?” Ricky asked. He kissed her forehead.


“I woulnd’t have it any other way,” Nash said, as he pulled out and lied down at her side. He wrapped an arm around her and pressed the side of his body into her. Ricky did the same on her other side. Together, they shielded her from the cold of the storm that still raged on outside. They would have to wait it out, even if it took all night.


“What are we going to do about Granny?” Nash asked.


“There’s a home for the old in town,” Jessi said. Feeling safe and warm for the first time in a long time.


“Perfect. I’ll go and get her soon. She’ll love it here,” said Ricky.


Suddenly the doors to the barn
open revealing the outside. All three of them sat up. They stood to close them again, but before they could, headlights catch all their eyes. “Who in tarnation would be out in this weather? It’s rain’ cats and dogs,” said Ricky.


Jessi was already getting on her dress. The truck stopped just before the house and someone in the passenger seat got out. Jessi squinted as she buttoned up her dress. “Oh my God!” she screamed.


“What, who is it?” Nash asked.


“It can’t be . . . James, my husband!” She was out of the barn and down the hill to the man faster than a bullet. The cousins rushed to get their clothes back on. They too were down the hill in seconds. Jessi and the man stood on the porch, out of the rain. She was hugging him, but he just stood as still as a statue, cold.  She turned to them. Both men kept fists at their sides, trying to resist the urge to grab her and pull her back to them.


She turned to them and smiled. “Ricky, Nash, this is my husband James.”



‘Riding Her Texans”

Mina waited for more of an explanation, but it became apparent that was all she was going to get.

“Well I understand, but I can’t pay you if I don’t sell them.”

“You can pay us in the fall when you sell all the calves and then have more cows to give birth again. There is other ways to compensate us until then.”

“You can’t be serious. You would wait that long for payment?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I am confused.”

“It appears that way.”

Mina was finding his smirk infuriating and she was about to leave when he grabbed her arm. He pulled her closer to his chiseled body and the blonde felt the hard knot in his pants. His hands went to her big round ass and pulled her towards his readiness, grinding his hips against her.

Mina’s body reacted like he was a long-time lover and she pulled away. He let her go, but his eyes held her in place. She quickly realized what he meant and the scenarios started to play in her head. They all involved Jimmy until she remembered Andre. She wondered if he meant them both and new, more exciting scenes played in her mind. She closed her eyes for a moment to the idea, her nether region still hot where he had pressed against her.

“I have to think about it.”

“Why don’t you come in?”

Mina balked at his predatory glare and found herself going back to the safety of her house. She couldn’t think when Jimmy was looking at her and needed a little space. It seemed like a perfect arrangement. She was attracted to them both and she had secretly always wanted two men. She got bored easily, but two men left so many more possibilities. It would save her from having to sell the business, as well as keep the men working. She started to see the idea as like a bonus in a way. Or maybe, she was just trying to justify something she wanted, even though it was kind of naughty.

She spent the next twenty minutes trying to get up the nerve to go back over there, but she couldn’t muster it. She didn’t know what to say and she was not used to being an aggressor. Mina chided herself for stopping him when he had grabbed her earlier. She should have just let him have his way then. Now she was filled with want and indecision.

The woman took her thoughts to the bathroom and ran the shower. Her hands were fast on her core when she got in the small stall, but she was unable to bring herself to her end. She tried for quite some time and even thought about getting her toy from the bedroom, but her curvy body refused to give her completion without Jimmy. It wanted the real thing.

Mina closed her eyes tight and thought of the bare chest she had seen when he answered the door. Her mind wandered to other parts of his anatomy, but it was still not enough. Her body was sick of just her touch and she was craving a pair of large hands on her and…..


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