Romance: Dedication - A Workplace Romance (Dedication Series, Romance, Contemporary Romance Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Romance: Dedication - A Workplace Romance (Dedication Series, Romance, Contemporary Romance Book 1)
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              It wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that they stumbled into the room. Franklin was clutching at Jane as they stumbled across the threshold, babbling on and on about how no one should ever mix tequila and gin. She dumped him unceremoniously on the bed, watching as he crawled across the edge to scavenge in a bag full of take out containers they’d gotten from the wedding.

              “That was fun,” The mouthful of potatoes jumbled his words together comically. “Want some, babe?”

              “No thanks. I actually wanna talk.”

              “How about we not talk?” Rising from the bed, Franklin moved to stand before Jane, his hands finished with the potatoes, were now traveling along her body. The fork that he’d been eating with stuck out of his mouth, but he quickly discarded that too, in favor of kissing her. “You know the best man is usually supposed to sleep with the maid of honor, but I will not object at all to a change in that tradition.”

              “Oh really? Didn’t think you’d be much interested in sleeping with me now that you got you money.” The venom in her voice was enough sting. She pushed Franklin away, walking over to the bathroom in four big strides.

              “What?” Said Franklin dumbly, “What are you talking about?”

              “The bet. Between you, Chambers, and Miller?” Jane's voice may have been calm, but the way she wrenched her toothbrush from her makeup bag betrayed her actions. When it got stuck in the zipper, she became so frustrated that all the contents ended up dumped into the sink.

              “How did you know about that?”

              “Nadia told me this morning. I’m assuming James told her after you bragged to him about your conquest.”

              “I...Jane.” Sobriety had come quickly. Jane smiled mirthlessly knowing that she’d killed his buzz. “You can’t think that’s all this was, do you?”

              “You tell me, Franklin. Was any of it real, were you even attracted to me?”  Oh, god, she was yelling. And in a few moments the dam would break and the tears would come streaming free. She
to keep under control: Giving him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt her wasn’t an option.

it was real! I can’t believe you’d fucking think that none of this was real.”

              “Then why not tell me about the bet before? Why did I have to hear it from Nadia on her fucking wedding day?”

              “Because it didn’t matter, Jane.” Now
was yelling Fingers clenched on the door frame as if it was the only thing keeping him from exploding. “The bet meant nothing to me...I swear. I wasn’t even...when I was asking you out” He sighed, “I was trying to get information on Rebecca.”

              There was a long pregnant pause as Jane’s mind worked to comprehend his words. When she finally did speak, her voice was pitched low, hardly audible over the him of the heater. “You were using me to get to Rebecca?”

              “Not like that,” He rushed forward, taking her hands in his, “I just thought that...this is going to sound really fucked up. But I thought Rebecca would be easier…”

              She’d never slapped anyone before. And the sting that radiated up Jane’s arm when her hand made contact with Franklin’s cheek was both surprising and satisfying. What was most satisfying was the look of blatant shock plastered on Franklin’s face.

              “I can’t believe I ever fell in love with a dick like you, McKinnon. What did you do with the money you got from the bet?”

              “I took it,” He said, his face stony, “I took it and put it away for something later…”

              “For what?”

              “Does it matter?” He snapped. “You seem to have made up your mind about me.”

              “How would you feel. If this was reversed, and you found out, 9 months in, how the fuck would you feel?” she furiously shook her head, “You know what, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to pack my things, and then I’m taking a train somewhere. When I get back to my apartment next week, all your shit better be gone, or else I’m leaving it out on the street.” Luckily for Jane and her dramatic exit, they hadn’t unpacked. So she grabbed her bags and headed toward the door, not caring how much she sagged under their weight.

              “Jane, don’t go,” He was pleading, his voice soft in her ears. The tone was so desperate, so unlike him, that it almost made her stop.

              “Leave your key on the end table when you get your things.” And with that, she was gone, dragging her bags with her down the hall, into the elevator and down into the lobby. Jane didn’t let herself cry until she was in a cab. The driver didn’t say anything, just looked at her every few seconds. It was a horrible cry, filled with body heaving sobs, little hiccuping coughs and rapid pounding on the back seats. Jane’s heart throbbed in her chest, while Jane’s mind replayed every date or dinner that she and Franklin had been on. Why hadn’t she seen it? For a woman that could recognize numerical patterns in business plans, she was shit when it came to love. Maybe it was her fault? The thought was oddly sobering. Her quest for love, and someone to love had lead her into the arms of an unworthy man.

              There was something to heartbreak. It was a cold, ruthless teacher. Jane knew she wouldn’t ever make the same mistake again.

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About the Author

              I am just your typical girl. I love Starbucks, sunsets, and yoga. I dream of meeting my prince charming, and having him sweep me off my feet. I dream of one day having children, and raising them to be all that they can be (and more!). I love people, and I love life! I hope that through my writing I can spread just a little bit of that love into the lives of those I may never meet. My work isn't perfect, but it is sincere. It is heartfelt, and it is deep. I express how I feel, what I feel, and what I want to feel through my writing, and I don't know what I would do without it. The mere fact that I am able to share that with the rest of the world is simply a bonus, and I truly hope that my writing makes you happy.


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