ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (20 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 4

Aria did not see Will again until right before lunch. Shirley was a slow talker and the woman apparently was happy to have another female up on the floor to talk to. It was an informative conversation for Aria, who learned much about her new employer, as well as the company. Though, Aria was much more concerned with Will than contracts for machinery that she would never see.

Her job seemed to involve tending to the CEO, more than actually doing anything that pertained to the company. She was to make him coffee, take out his dry cleaning, as well as coordinate his house staff. Aria several times thought of the wasted years in college for the gopher position, but she reminded herself of the company and how it would look on her CV.

“So do you have any questions? I am about to go to lunch.”

“No Ma’am, thank you.”

“Would you like to join me? There is a cute little bistro across town that I usually go to. They have the best French onion soup.”

Aria smiled back at her, though her ears were still ringing for the two hour conversation where she had gotten in few words. “Thank you, maybe tomorrow. I have a few errands to run this afternoon.”

Shirley waved and got onto the elevator. Aria went back to her office and sat down in her chair, rubbing her head. There were several minutes of quiet before she was interrupted by a noise behind her. She started when the door opened and Will popped his head through.

“I thought you had errands.”

Aria smiled sheepishly. “I am ordering out. I will order you something as well. It is a waste of time to rush out and fight the crowds.”

She turned in her chair and he towered over her. It was hard to deny where her face aligned on his body, or the look in his eyes. “So, Shirley gave me the run down, though she didn’t mention anything about a marketing project.”

“Yes well she doesn’t get into that part of it.” Will walked around her chair and leaned against her desk. Aria had the urge to back her seat up, but she figured she had started it and wanted to hold her ground. “I have an idea that I need to run across to a board and I want you to make a PowerPoint presentations for me. Like you did for B Law.”

Aria knew exactly which presentations he was talking about. She had made a series for ones of her classes, but she did not know how he knew that. His close proximity was deafening to her senses and she finally did roll a few inches away, taking a breath of relief. “Sure no problem. When do you need them?”

“Tonight. I also need you to go to the meeting and take notes for me. I record the conversation, but I like to have a secondary record.”

Aria nodded, though she hadn’t realized that the job would involve travel. Will’s hand came towards her face and it took every urge inside of her not to flinch. His fingers pulled at the chain around her neck, turning it till the clasp was behind her hair. He moved back and out of the room, leaving Aria’s neck tingling and the feel of his fingers still on her skin.


The rest of the day went by quickly. Aria liked to have a task to keep her busy and beyond making another pot of coffee for Will, she did little else than format his presentation. She did not understand the proposal or really the function of the machine, but it looked good for those that were more familiar with that field of engineering. It seemed important and Aria was glad with the reaction when Will saw it. He told her it was perfect and to meet him out front at five. She agreed and waited nervously, checking her email several times before the clock read five.

Aria tried to calm her nerves, but the unknown made her nervous. There was a knock on the door and she opened it to find Will waiting for her. “You ready?”

She nodded and said good night to Shirley. The woman’s eyes seemed knowing, like she knew what would happen. It sent something into Aria, fertilizer to the seed that had been growing when she read some of the stories made about him. Her employer seemed to have quite a checkered past and that was immediately going to trickle down to her.

Aria followed him out of the building and into a waiting car. Their legs almost touched as his large frame was folded into the backseat with her. Being around him made her flesh tingle and there was a growing heat from the small space between their bodies. He was quiet most of the way and she was left to look out the window. The man was hot to cold and she was just there for the ride.

Her heart started to slam in her chest when their destination came into view. The car pulled down the street and closer to a private runway, tucked behind some trees and attached to a large hangar. She sank in the seat and she was less worried about the actual contact.

“Are you okay?”

Her face was ashen and she nodded her head, though her blue eyes told a different story. There was no sense in trying to speak. Her mouth was dry and she tried to swallow down the large knot that had suddenly lodged itself inside of her. Aria had never flown anywhere and she was scared to death of heights. “Are you sure? You look like you are going to hurl.”

Her eyes flashed to his and she hated the smirk on his face. He enjoyed her discomfort far too much. “If I do, I know what direction to point.” His smile immediately faded and that gave her a reason for her own lips to upturn.

“Seriously though, I don’t fly.”

“Well then it will be your first time. I like the idea of being your first.”

His lips were inches from her ear and his hot breath made her tingle more. She pulled away and reached for the door. She may have been afraid of flying or moreover, the crashing part, but there was a bigger danger in the car with her.

Chapter 5

“I need your assistance in here Aria.”

“Oh?” She turned her head towards him slowly. To get through the take-off, Aria had consumed a few drinks and since she was not used to alcohol, it went to her head almost immediately. She grinned at him and started to get up on her feet. Aria wobbled a little, but she tried hard not to show how drunk she really felt.

Will knew though and found it irresistible to not take advantage of the situation. He was sick of playing games and he had always found the straight-forward approach best in those types of situations. He waited patiently, noting the glaze in her blue eyes and the misplaced blonde strand that covered part of her face.

“What can I do for you Sir?”

“Enough of that Sir stuff. Call me Will.” Aria looked down at his pants that were opened and she could see something bulging out from behind the material, pushing to break free.

“What? Do you want me to hold it for you or something?” Aria laughed but he did not, though a smile went across his face that made her heart pitter-patter faster in his chest.

“I was really hoping for your mouth.”

Aria’s mouth opened and gaped in shock. She couldn’t believe that he had said it so nonchalant, but the biggest surprise was how badly she wanted to do just that. She started to turn around to leave, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Come here.”

Her eyes met his and then she saw his hand pulling down his pants, revealing what had been trying to escape. His hard body pushed her soft curves against the opened bathroom door. She heard a moan and was surprised to realize that it was coming out of her. She felt his hardness on her hip and an instant flood befell her panties.

“I need some relief Aria.”

He said it like a demand, his voice hard and she was unable to deny the request. Her hand went between their bodies, grabbing hold of the silken rod that pressed into her. Her fingers could barely reach around him and more shocks of pleasure ran through her. She instantly imagined it inside of her, slamming into her need.

Instead though, she took a step back and lowered herself to her knees in the small space. There was another person on the place, but had spent most of the time upfront with the pilot. Aria winced at the cool metal floor, but her mind was quickly to the hardness pressing against her face. She looked up at him, still unsure how she had arrived in that place, but eager to touch him just the same. The alcohol ran through her body, heating up her insides and making her moan in need.

“Open up. I will do all of the rest.”

Aria looked up questioningly, but he was already adding more pressure to her lips and she groaned as he pushed in. Her jaw spread wide for the insertion and his cockhead was quickly on the back of her throat. She fought the urge to gag, but as he pushed deeper, Aria was lost in the sudden fullness of her mouth. Her hands went to his thighs, pulling him out of her. She gasped and was only given a second before his strong hand went to the back of her head, forcing her to take more of his turgid length. Aria was wet from the way he handled her, though even as he fucked her face slowly, he was unable to fit all of himself in her mouth.

She whimpered as he moved faster, the salty pre-cum pushed her to suck hard. Will was close and it was only a few moments before he was whispering to her and shooting his hot white seed down her throat. It was too much and she pushed back hard to breathe. She swallowed several mouthfuls before he released her and let her gasp in huge gulps of air. Aria looked up stunned. The piss slit still oozing with cum. Her tongue came up to lick the small droplet off and he groaned in response. His cock searched her mouth out, but Aria got up and wiped the corner of her mouth where some had spilled.

“That is all for now Aria.”

She nodded and walked back to the seat in the middle of the plane. She tried to ignore the scene out of her window. Her mind reeled and she was sore in her throat and jaw. She couldn’t believe that he had asked or told her to do that and even more surprised when she had done it. Will’s demeanor made her want to submit to him, assured that he knew better for her body than she did. Aria had never felt that way before and she had certainly never been so turned on in her life. Her needs did not seem to be very important though and as she squeezed her thighs together, she stifled the whimper that wanted to come out of her lips.

Her eyes did not look up when he finally came out of the small bathroom and Aria made sure to essentially ignore him. Her buzz was gone and she was just left with red lips and smeared makeup. The two were silent and Aria fidgeted nervously for several minutes before going to the restroom.

Aria faced herself in the mirror and splashed cool water on her face. She dabbed herself dry and even she could tell that there was a need in her eyes. She knew for sure that Will would know and as things had already went too far, she tried to mellow the look. It was hard to do and she was unsuccessful. It was hard to deny the fact that she had touched and tasted such a magnificent cock and then not been able to do more than have it in her mouth. She was driving herself crazy and she sat down on the seat top.

She slid her hand underneath her skirt and then her wet panties. Aria didn’t have to touch her flesh to know she was soaked and as a thin finger slid inside of her quavering quim, her teeth bit into her bottom lip. Her eyes imagined him and then she opened them to the soft knock at the door.

“Aria. We are about to land and need to sit down for safety.”

It seemed plausible, but she would have rather touched herself a little longer to take the edge off. Her fingers came out wet and she stood up as he knocked again. “Just a second.”

Aria opened the door with a huff. She stopped when he did not move aside. He gestured towards her hand and when he grabbed it, he felt the moisture on one. Pulling it to his mouth, he tasted her insides with his tongue and then growled, his body starting to push her back into the small bathroom.

“Safety reasons, remember?”

Will’s jaw tightened and he did not like the way she smiled at him. She was still resistant and desperately holding onto the semblance of control. Will decided it was time to end that. “You are not to touch yourself anymore Aria. And I want your panties.”

Chapter 6

Aria gasped and waited for a grin, nod, something to take away the intensity of him looking at her. Instead, Will waited with his hand out, fully expecting her to comply with his insane demands. As their eyes held, Aria was the first to look away. Her hands trembled as she slid her hands under her skirt and started to pull down on the side strings. She bent forward to pull them down to her ankles and then she stepped out of the lacy red material, handing them back to her boss.

“So wet Aria. Do you need something?”

She desperately needed something, but she refused to beg for it. She could tell by his eyes that is what he wanted and she refused to give in, even though she couldn’t even think straight. “Are you sure?”

She nodded her head in agreement and walked back to her seat to get her seatbelt on for landing. Her thighs slid together and her puffy lips massaged her clit, driving her body to new heights. Aria snuck a look to Will, but he seemed determined to ignore her for the time being.

Aria took the lead, though her body burned and she just wanted the evening to be over so she would have a few minutes to herself. She couldn’t think with the pounding in her ears and the bare wetness under her skirt. Even the plane landing safely, did not spur any other emotion than a tad bit of relief that soon she would have a moment alone.

A car was waiting and he ignored her in the car, as she watched New York in front of her. She had never seen to the city before and it was as overwhelming as the movies made it out to be. It was a lot to take in and when they pulled up to a hotel, she hoped that they would have some time apart. His presence was not conducive to proper thoughts or any thoughts for that matter.

“I have a few errands and will be back to pick you up in an hour.” He handed her a room key and told her the number to her room. “Remember what I said.”

His dark eyes held hers for a moment before she turned away and got out of the car. The man holding the door helped her out and closed it before she could say goodbye. She knew what he referred to and the fact that she had no panties on made it so much worse. In a haze, she went to the elevator and picked out the top floor that coincided with the room. It seemed that part of her daily routine now was going to be waiting in elevators, though she couldn’t help but wonder what else would be in store for her.

The elevator dinged and opened into a floor with four doors. She picked the one he had told her and tried the card. The first time it turned red and she tried again, slowing down her hand, as well as her nerves. The light turned green and she opened the door. It was bright as compared to the hallway with all of the natural light coming in from the windows. Aria was instantly in love with it, though she had not expected to be staying the night. Her thoughts went to Will when she saw the large bed covered in pillows. It looked inviting, but she still had the meeting to go to and she needed to stay alert.

Checking her messages, Aria returned a few phone calls, including one from her roommate wanting to know if she would be home that night. Apparently she had found her a man to bring home and it was perfect that Aria wasn’t there. They talked for a few minutes, but a slight knock had her hanging up. As unusual as it all was, she still was there to do a job and she figured it was Will with instructions for the meeting. She did not know where it was going to be, but she knew that anything with Will was going to be exciting and push her comfort zone.

When she opened the door, there was a man standing there with several packages. She moved aside to let him in. “I think you have the wrong room.”

“No Miss. These were sent up from Mr. Cain. He doesn’t take to well to mistakes, so I make sure not to make them.” Aria looked harder by the way he said it and she wondered what made him say it that way. Was there a dark side to Will, like the magazines had depicted? He had been abrupt and even a bit gruff, but he hadn’t asked her to do anything that she didn’t want to already do. He was just clearer on his needs, though she shivered slightly at the darker side that persisted. Maybe she was only seeing the tip of the iceberg and there was something much darker lurking beneath his handsome face.

She thanked the young man and handed him a tip that he refused. “It is already taken care of. Have a great night.”

By the sappy smile on his face, she would have thought she was going to a ball, instead of a work meeting. She looked at the boxes and opened the biggest one to find a dress. It was black and by the looks of it, would be quite short. She groaned and revisited the ball idea.

A smaller box had a pair of panties and she put them back in with a flush. There was a card that she opened as she looked at the black material spilling out of the open box. His hand writing was crisp and she already recognized it from the papers he had given her for the project.

“Put this on and in, then meet me downstairs. Where it isn’t, is where I will be tonight.”

The note was not signed and she was not sure what the last part meant. It became clear though when she opened the smaller box. There was a small toy inside and she took out the small silver bullet. There was no wire or control and she wondered why they were not included. It took her a moment and when she reread the card, her face turned a dark crimson color. It was becoming clearer and she knew that she had to make a choice.

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