Romance Box Sets (3 page)

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Authors: Candy Girl

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Wendy had always been close to her father, as
he had raised her by himself, her mom having died seconds after
giving birth to her, but the last couple of years had been the
hardest, with her father trying to let her go and live her life.
She had known Roger for a few years but had only recently started
to think of him as more than her Dad's friend. She had been bored
of university boys, all they wanted to do was get her high, and get
into her panties. She was aware of her attraction and that she drew
a lot of attention, but she was not proud, and she wanted somebody
who wanted her for more than her looks. She was 5' 4", beautiful
dark copper skin, dark jet black hair, and sparkling green eyes,
toned and thin with pert 35C cup tits that fitted her frame

A couple of weeks ago she had noticed that
Roger had started stopping by more and more, quite often when her
father was not there, and what began as awkward moments of stilted
dialogue quickly blossomed into a simple friendship. Wendy felt at
ease with Roger; he was someone she could talk to, really, have a
discussion with. Then one day Roger had asked her if she wanted to
go for a beer with him that night. Wendy had said yes, and things
had moved pretty quickly. She had slept with him on the second
date, and had never encountered anything like it, the college
fellows quickly paling in contrast. She had several orgasmic, a
first for her, and since then she had been greedy, they fucked
every chance they got.

Wendy smiled to herself as she lay back on
her bed, her pussy shivering as she thought about Roger and the
amazing things he did to her. She opened her shorts and slid her
fingers inside, starting to stroke, herself through her


Chapter Two


David was angry sure that everyone at work
had been snickering at him behind his back, laughed as his friend
fucked his daughter! He had heard some of the other men at work
talking about it and confronted Roger. Roger denied it at first
then realized there was no point; he was caught and admitted he'd
been seeing Wendy for three weeks. David had gone crazy, yelling at
him, and rushing out of work. David had meant to go for a ride,
calm his nerves, but he couldn't focus, and so decided to go
straight home. He wasn't stupid; he had known Wendy had been seeing
somebody, but he'd had no idea it was Roger, and that she had been
having sex with him!! Not his baby, his little girl!! He pulled
over and walked up to the door, surprised to find it was opened;
David had expected Wendy to be out with her friends as usual.

"Damn" he whispered under his breath, not
sure what to do next. He walked in, but there was no sign of Wendy.
He sighed glad the encounter had been put off for a couple of more
minutes, but he would confront her. Finally, he could not allow
this to maintain, absolutely not! David had done everything he
could to protect Wendy all her life, as she was the only blood
relative he had since losing Nancy, and now this had happened!
David felt his earlier anger boiling inside him again. He heard a
sound upstairs, and so went up ready to tell Wendy she would no
longer be seeing Roger.

Wendy's door was open a little, and he
paused, momentarily puzzled by what he was seeing. Wendy was lying
on her bed; her shorts discarded on the carpet with her hand in her
panties, wriggling, and moaning. Her nipples were hard under the
thin material of her tank top, and it was quite clear she had no
bra. A light gloss of sweat made her skin sparkle, and the look in
her eyes was one of pure pleasure. David flinched, suddenly aware
he was watching his little girl, and disgusted to find he had a
raging erection. She looked up at his slight shift.

"Shit...Dad...I..." Wendy sat up quickly,
covering herself with her pillow. David turned and walked away
without talking.


Chapter Three


She found her father David in the kitchen a
few minutes later sucking on a rather large glass of whiskey.

"Father, I'm sorry...I..." she whispered.

David cut her off, "where did I go wrong? You
were such a sweet little girl; I know about you and Roger." He
looked at her, and Wendy lowered her head ashamed.

"How long have you known, father?" She asked

"Oh about a couple of hours, I didn't want to
believe it, but then I step to your door and catch you
masturbating." He said masturbating with a frown as if the word has
tasted terrible his mouth. "It can't go on sweetheart."

"I'll never do it again father, I promise!"
she looked up at him sincerely.

"Not the masturbating you silly child, I
meant you and David! He is just using you as a low-class whore,
it's all on the job, and everybody thinks your some cheap whore
including Roger!" he shouted.

"No! He wouldn't do that Roger loves me, he
told me, father" she began to cry.

"No, he doesn't, Wendy! Roger just wants a
piece of young pussy, and you gave him exactly what he needed
didn't you?! I didn't bring my daughter up to be a prostitute!" He
was getting madder and madder.

"You're just assuming that! You're just
assuming it because you can't let me grow up! You want me all to
yourself, I saw you looking at me fingering myself, you fucking
dirty pervert." Wendy fell back as her father slapped her across
her face, and began to sob harder, but still his temper didn't
calm. David hadn't ever hit her before; he had whipped Wendy a few
times as a child, but not for years. She cried as she clutched her
fingers to her face where a big red mark had risen.

"Get up, girl." His voice was hoarse and
deep, and he was shocked to find that he was getting hard on seeing
his daughter crying and vulnerable. His mind kept reflecting back
to memories of her squirming on her bed. His dick began to grow,
and he found he didn't want it to stop he loved this. David smiled
to himself as he dragged Wendy up off of the floor.

"Father..." she stared up at him her eyes big
and afraid, she had never seen her father like this before, "what's
going on?"

"Nothing," he smiled down at her, his dick
now bulging against his pants, "I'm just going to teach you a
little lesson that's all dear because you have been bad, little
bitch, oh yes." She started to whimper as he picked her up and
carried her into his bedroom.


Chapter Four


David threw Wendy onto the bed; still not
caring whether she was upset or crying, his dick now throbbing
against the restricting material of his pants.

"Stop crying!" David spat angrily, "This is
your fault! You need to learn the hard way, Wendy! I am your Dad,
and you WILL obey me and do as I say!" Wendy began to cry even
louder. She had never known her father be so irritated with

"Take off you shorts, now." He ordered her.
She sat up her confusion wiping up her tears.

"W...w...what? My shorts? W...what for?" she
tripped over the words, she was scared of her Dad for the first
time in years.

"I said take them off, now young lady!" he
moved towards Wendy, and she recoils back almost trying to squeeze
herself into the bed cushion.

"You have been disobedient Wendy, what do I
do when you've been bad huh? I haven't done it in about eight
years," he thought back trying to remember, "Yes...eight years,
that's right, not since I caught you trying to steal my money."

Wendy's eyes stretched, "You're going to
spank me?" She eases a little thinking that this was all some
stupid joke, thinking her father was just trying to scare her into
realizing how upset he was at the whole ordeal.

"Yes, funny father; you had me going there, I
was pretty frightened." Wendy held her hand out to him; it
shivered, "look I'm trembling! So you got me pretty good." Wendy
looked at him seriously wanting to believe herself. David just
grinned almost maniacally down at her.

"Wendy I am going to punish you, whether you
like it or not. You have to be spanked." His tone was gentle, soft,
the voice he used when she was upset, and he wanted to comfort

"No..." Wendy said the word, unaware she had
spoken at all. Anger ran through her; she jerked herself back, now
she was against the wall. "No!" she yelled, standing to her feet on
the big queen-size bed, "I am not a child father! I'm 19; you think
I am just going to bend over and let you hit me? I don't believe
so!" She was trembling again but now from excitement, not fears.
"How dare he?!" she thought, watching him carefully for any sign of

David had been started by her sudden anger;
he hadn't expected her to put up a struggle, and Wendy looked so
scared, so vulnerable. David watched her watching him and took a
step forward. She bounded across the bed, quite clearly aiming for
the door. David had anticipated this, however, and stepped deftly
to the front, catching her in his hands. She struggled to get away
from him, fighting against him. David was already highly excited,
and this was only making matters worse. If he didn't get some
relief soon, he wasn't sure what would happen. David held onto her
tightly, feeling her struggle drift away as she realized she wasn't
going anywhere. He could feel her breast moving up and down as she
tried to catch her breath, her tits heaving against him.

David could barely take it; Wendy's body was
so tight against his and his dick pressed against her ass. David
pulled her away from him, still keeping a tight grip on her hand,
not wanting her to feel his firmness. "Not yet anyway." David
thought to himself. Still holding onto Wendy, he dragged her
towards the bed again and sat down.

"Father, please, doesn’t do this. If you love
me, you won't do this to me! I am not a little girl!" she cried

"You're my little girl, and I love you more
than anything in this world, so that is why I have to punish

David pulled her in front of him and opened
her shorts. His dick nearly exploded when he saw the top of the
cloth that was her panties. He pulled her shorts down slowly his
eyes eating her as she was revealed little by little to him. Her
panties were plain enough, but it was their purity that turned him
on. They were a very soft red, with a darker white ribbon trim tied
into a bow in the rear. There was a tiny cartoon animal below the

"Sweet," he said pulling her to the side and
leaning her over his lap. All her battle had gone; she lay across
him as lifeless as a doll.

"Just does it," she whispered, "get it over

"Wendy must be able to feel me," he thought,
his cock was sticking into the soft flesh of her stomach; he could
feel the heat of her body through her top and his pants. "Oh well,
too late now," he thought. David looked at her butt as he raised
his hand for the first stroke. It was beautiful, full and round,
but firm, just like a juicy apple, and the panties only made the
vision more erotic. David debated whether to remove them, but
concluded he liked them better where they were. His hand swung
through the air and made contact with her ass with a loud smacking
sound. Wendy gasped, and David's cock jerked, and he felt a spurt
of cum shoot out. He groaned involuntarily. David raised his hand
again and slammed it down with more vigor than the last, Wendy
crying out with the pain. David continued to spank his little girl
holding her down with his other arm, his aching dick jerking every
time his hand connected with Wendy's sweet butt.

Wendy tried to block out what was happening,
attempting to shut her mind to everything, but every time he
whipped her the pain cut through her barrier making her yell out.
And she could feel his dick against her stomach; it made her feel
disgusted and dirty and even more scared than his hand.

"What if he needed to do more, further than
just spank me?" Wendy wondered. She would take this, then as soon
as he had finished she would leave, she would pack and go."

"Ahhh!" she screamed as her father spanked
her even harder than before driving all images out of her mind. At
the sound of her voice yelling out, David erupted in an orgasm, his
juices soaking his pants and the thin material of Wendy's top.

"Damn," he snorted and shoved his hips up
pushing himself against Wendy's body as hard as he could, clutch
her sweet soft ass. She felt the wetness flowing against her skin
and was turned on in spite of everything; her father's scream
bordering on animalistic. Objection washed over her as her pussy
tingled. His grasp slackened, and she shot up, "You dirty bastard,
I knew you loved this, you are sick!" she screamed. He just sat
there, filled with shame.

"I am so sorry Wendy, I...I don't know what
came over me; I don't." He meant it but even as he talked, he felt
his dick begin to harden again at the sight of her standing there
in her panties and cum stained, her tear stained eyes staring back
at him.

"You're sick..." She muttered as she turned
and ran out of his room. He didn't go after her scared of what he'd
do if he did. He was ill, she was right, she was his little girl,
his lovely girl, and he had violated her, damaged their
relationship, and probably driven her straight to the little punk
who had caused all these problems.

Wendy entered her room banging the door shut
behind her. Not bothering to turn on the light, she dropped to the
floor in a heap. A million questions spun around in her head, "Did
she justify this? Was it her blame? Did she like it?" She started
to cry again.


Chapter Five


Wendy's phone ringed in the darkness; she
stood up and fumbled for the bedside table lamp. The room engulfed
with light, and she switched it down using the dimmer until she
could just see, she needed to be in the darkness but needed to get
her phone. It ringed again, and she found it in her bedside table
drawer. She had a message from Roger. She read it and began to weep
harder, her legs almost giving way. It said, "Hey Wendy, heard your
old man found out, that's bad luck huh? Maybe it's four the best;
it was good while it lasted, I had a great time, Roger."

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