ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The CEO's Game (CEO Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult Romance Short Stories) (4 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The CEO's Game (CEO Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter 7


“Adam?  Who is this?”

“So you let her call you by your first name! Different. But I’ll play.”

The blonde woman pulled out a bottle of scotch hidden in Adam’s desk, and she took a hard pull as she splashed the excess behind her ears and set the crystal container down.

“It’s Kathleen, right?” she continued.

“I… it’s Kate.”

She tried to hold Adam’s hand tighter when he suddenly seemed to wilt like a dying flower in her grasp. Looking up at him, Kathleen expected to see him ready to fight for her as he had at the meeting. But he seemed softer, weaker, and as he hung his head and moved away from her side, the woman’s laugher moved like ice up her spine.             

“Soon it won’t matter one way or the other,” she said. “But perhaps we should be formerly introduced. I’m Rebecca Waring.”

Maybe it was naïve, but Kathleen still extended her hand, and she was ready to shake when Rebecca Waring pushed her fingers away and smirked.

“And you’re the scrub that got a little too friendly with him,” she said. “Fat girls were always meant to keep him in line and make him realize just how much he had with me.”


Unable to finish the thought, Kathleen quickly turned her eyes to Adam and saw nothing but his falling shoulders as he stood before the cold fireplace and softly shook his head.

“Adam, what is she talking about?”

Kathleen nearly had his body back under her hands when Rebecca pulled her away from him and clutched her chin.

“It’s our song and dance,” she said. “I keep him in line by making him hire less than pretty help. It pleases me when he crushes them. Makes everything in our bed so much more exciting.”

Kathleen felt as if she was hitting puberty on the twelfth floor all over again. Her hips were too round, her breasts too big for a girl hardly thirteen. It was an unlucky number then. And now…

“So that’s… that’s why he called me up?” Kathleen asked. “Just so you could laugh at me?”

Rebecca chuckled and started to turn to Adam’s side when he moved out from under her hand, his eyes staying on the floor as he spoke.

“I’m not laughing, Kate,” he muttered. “And it’s never been like this before.”


She swept around to face him and forced his stare to her eyes as she kept her fingers just beyond the edge of his chin.

“But there has been a before,” she said.

“Honey, a sad cow makes a man appreciate a prize filly.”

Without another word, Rebecca lowered her long coat, and Kathleen had to gasp as the revelation of the woman’s perfect body contained in a green bustier and gray thigh high stocking was revealed. She kicked off her heels, and pushed Kathleen to the side as she folded her arms around Adam’s chest.

“Now send her on her way so we can get down to business,” Rebecca purred into his ear. “I know you went a little further with this one.”

“Because I---”

“Because you wanted to make me jealous? Oh, Adam!”

Her laughter shredded Kathleen’s soul, and she started to break into a run when she felt a hard hand on her shoulder.

“Kate! It wasn’t like that with---”

“But it is how it started, right? Why you brought all those other dogs through your door.”

“Kate, I swear that I’m sorry. I---”

“Save it!”

Slapping his face hard, she watched him wheel back, and Rebecca made no attempt to break his fall. His head fell down just beyond the fireplace, and Kathleen feared for him until he pressed up on his elbows and reached for her.

“Is that part of the act?” Kathleen asked. “You take me back into your arms so you can make fun of me with her afterwards?”

“Sort of how it’s gone down before,” Rebecca said. Staring at the nearly naked woman, Kathleen clenched her hands into tight fists and charged towards her.

“Why?” Kathleen asked. “Why would you have to put the rest of us down just so you can feel better about yourself?”

“Because I can,” Rebecca said. “And because he likes it when I slap him around.”

Adam started to speak when his eyes fell again. He looked far from the captain of industry that needed a Girl Friday, and Kathleen was ready to laugh in his face and take off when she moved closer to him and lowered her voice.

“Is that all it is?” she muttered. “So she can make you pay for all your sins?”

“Kate… I have so many sins to pay for,” he said.

“What sins, Adam?” she replied.

“Honey, I think you should just---” Rebecca tried to bully in on the conversation.

“I am speaking to Mr. Torrance!”

Kathleen’s cry held the woman in place, and even as she wanted to relish in the silence that was Rebecca’s tied tongue, she looked back to Adam and grabbed his face.

“The whole truth now,” she said. “Or you’ll never see me again.”

It had all the scents of a suicide move. Maybe he was still having her on, and this was just the punchline. But Kathleen touched his face and found his eyes as he spoke softly.

“I… because I don’t deserve this, I don't deserve someone good and true like you” he said. “And the only good I can do is help scoundrels like Hotchkiss. Shouldn’t I be punished for that?”

Ready to agree with him in the wake of his latest client, Kathleen sighed and softly kissed his cheek, feeling his skin melt under her lips. Adam started to reach for her when she turned away, slinking to the floor as she tossed Rebecca her coat.

“Game over,” she said.

“Are you serious?” Rebecca asked.

“I’ll take care of him now. In ways that you can’t even imagine.”

“Adam, send this pig on her way so we can get on with it.”

His eyes were wide and watering as he moved closer to the bustier clad woman, and she responded by leaning in to move closer when Adam pushed her back and spit at her feet.

“Go back to your mirror,” he said. “That’s enough cruelty for you.”


Chapter 8


“And don’t come back!”

He watched her go and felt as if a massive boulder had been lifted from his shoulders. Why had he hung so close to her for so long? To punish himself? To hurt those other girls for sport and nothing else? The thought of that made him want to drown his sorrow in drink, and he started to turn back into his office when Kathleen was there to take him into her arms.

“Kate, I am so sorry. I---”


She smacked her hand to his face, and Adam tried to shake off the blow when Kathleen hit him again. And again.

“Does that make you feel better?” she demanded. “Or do I need to make you feel even smaller?”

On his knees, Adam waved his hands in surrender and spoke slowly.

“I am smaller,” he said. “I’m a gutless coward. And it would serve me right if you took off and never looked back.”

“Probably,” she said. “Maybe I could just go and work for Hotchkiss.”

“He’d be lucky to have you.”

Adam’s heart fell to the pit of his stomach as she moved towards the door, and he was on the verge of despair when Kathleen slipped back to his side.

“And this is all you think you are?” she asked. “Lap dog to a woman like that?”

“I… I… don’t…”

“You just got a big win,” she said.

“Because of you. Shows how smart I am.”

“But you did ask for me. Even if it was a joke.”

Adam felt his lip tremble over his chin, and he forgot all modesty as he pulled her close and held on tight.

“Forgive me,” he muttered into her hair. “I know that you should hate me. But, Kate, I…”

“Call me, Kathleen,” she said. “Please.”

"Kathleen" he whispered. As soon as he spoke her name, she lowered her eyes and worked her fingers around his tie.

“That’s a start,” she said. “Now let’s see if we can salvage this.”

She pushed him to the ground and started to remove his clothes.

“A little more alacrity,” he begged.

“Somehow I think you’ll wait.”

Kathleen pushed away from him, and he watched her undress, admiring her smooth curves when she stood over him and tightened her braid.

“I like it better down,” he said.

“And I like it this way.”

Adam didn’t utter another word as she moved for his belt, and his body was ready to feel her around him when she stopped short and looked away.

“I said I was sorry,” he said. “Just didn’t count on liking you this much.”

, Adam?”


It was so much more. More than he had ever expected, and as he shook his head and longed to explain she pulled his pants from his legs, and she mounted him with one graceful push.

“That’s… that’s more,” he said. “That’s all that I’ve ever…”

Stretching up to kiss her lips, Adam tried to wrap his arms around her to hold her when she pressed his wrists to the ground and peered down at him.

“So were you just playing along looking for me?” she asked.

“What… what do you want me to say, Kate? I screwed up. But from the first moment I saw you, I wanted only to be with you.”

“And why should I believe that?”

“Because, I’ll make you a partner if you stay close.”

“Adam, I’m not trying to get something out of---”

“But it’s what you deserve.”

Kathleen smiled as she swirled her legs around his, and Adam felt his heart growing lighter as their bodies pressed closer. Her wild abandon pierced his heart, and when their lips met he untied her hair and let if fall over his shoulders as he pressed her to her back.

“You… you seem strong again,” she said.

“Because of you.” he promised. “This is… this is no trick. No lie. Kate… Kathleen…”

Adam groaned as she took him deeper, and he nuzzled her neck, her breasts, and he finally found her parted lips and started to kiss her.

“I don’t want to lose you,” he said. “Not to Hotchkiss or anyone.”

“Adam, I---”

“No one ever fought for me like that,” he said. “Give me the chance to show you just how much that means to me.”

He claimed her kiss, and as Kathleen raked her nails down his back, he finally savored the pain for all the right reasons and only released inside her when his strength was nearly sapped. But before he fell, Adam held her close and kissed her eyes.

“Mr. Torrance, I---”

“Please let’s not start that again,” he said.

She nodded into his neck, and as they curled to their sides, Kathleen narrowed her eyes.

“I… I believe you,” she said. “And I think I know you better now, too.”

“Hope that’s not a bad thing,” he said.

Adam started to fall under the weight of his regrets when she pushed her face back to her eyes.

“You’re not lying to me now, are you?”

“Never again,” Adam promised. “Shouldn’t have done it the first time.”

“I don’t know about that.”

Her fingers moved lightly over his arms, and Adam started to kiss her when she pressed her hand to his lips.

“If you hadn’t been a jerk, we might not have ended up like this.”

Adam started to hang his head again when she replaced her fingers with her lips. The intensity of her kiss nearly drew the breath from her lungs, and Kathleen backed away first to cradle his face in her hands.

“No more regrets,” she said. “And no one hurting either one of us ever again.”

“Unless…unless the feeling is mutual.”

Her soft hands grew harder against his cheeks, and Adam reached for his fallen belt and let the leather fall between her fingers.

“Adam, I don’t know if I can---”

“I think we can be on the same page.”

Kathleen smiled as she played with the leather, and she wound it around his wrist with a laugh.

“And maybe I’m more special than even you thought.”

"Let's find out", he smiled, grabbed the belt and pulled her tight to him. This kiss was different, it held a raw honesty and yet was ravenous while tears streamed from both of their eyes. They had finally seen each other and they loved what they saw.



Assistant Wanted

BBW Billionaire Stepbrother Romance






By: Kristina King



Chapter 1


Cedric Fontana was grumpy. He had all these beautiful woman who worked for him and not a single one of them was actually a competent assistant. They constantly shredded the wrong files and paperwork, were misplacing memos, and couldn't keep the information straight when they passed messages to the IT guys in the basement.

But they had nice breasts and long legs. He smiled for a moment picturing having their legs wrapped around his head while he ate lunch. No, he wouldn't get rid of them.

Needing just one
assistant who could handle the things his office needed, he was trying to find someone who fit the bill that wasn't horrible to look at.

He ran a virtual IT business that he'd built from the ground up. He owned a three story building that he'd bought outright after three years of working from his dorm room in college, doing all the hard work himself.

He thought of himself as a modern Hugh Hefner except a computer geek version, and instead of a playboy mansion, he had beautiful, slutty girls all over his office who wore skimpy outfits for his amusement, and the bigger their rack the more he paid them.

He wasn't a billionaire, but he had enough money he'd never starve and could afford to have half-naked women around his office all day and "pay" them to handle the phones and route phone calls to the needed techs in the basement. Of course, during quiet hours, they spent time drinking jello shots and playing naked twister, but he considered that a normal work day.

He had created a work environment that made him want to come to work every day. Mixing sex with business was the ideal way to keep a man happy. Or so he'd convinced himself.

He only had one female staff member who worked downstairs in the IT department, and she was cute and geeky, but she had no desire to play in the fun and games that went on upstairs. She made a point to never stay on the phone with the girls when they transferred phone calls around. He paid his staff well, and so they ignored what went on upstairs.

These days Cedric dealt more with investors, business meetings, and getting big businesses and clients who wanted a virtual IT available around the clock. He had three shifts of techs and at least two women manning the phones at all times of the day. During the daytime, there was an average of about twelve to thirteen women handling the phones.

He was in his office a good twelve hours a day, and while he enjoyed flirting with his employees and even enjoyed the occasional sex on the desk in the middle of the day and parties he threw for his employees once a month, he needed someone who could actually do the job as a secretary and personal assistant who was more than a pair of tits.

He had to "fire" the last girl he'd tried to hire for the personal assistant position, when she'd filed her Victoria Secret bra under V and cost him an important client because he couldn't find the file and she didn't know where she'd put it, that's when it really sunk in that he needed capable employees, not just trophy office workers.

Cedric had decided he'd hire a personal assistant who was intelligent, beautiful to look at, and could handle the job.  But he really needed to focus on the capable aspect this time and not just the bouncy boobies.

He had interviewed many people on the list, including a gay man and hadn't found anyone who was suitable. Every single gorgeous woman he'd interviewed was as ditzy as the one he'd fired, or if they weren't  living up to the stereotypical blond jokes, they were offended by the work environment and chose not to take the job.

The latest application that came in caught his attention though. He recognized the name.

It was his step-sister's name. His mother had married her dad when he'd been a late teenager, he'd tortured her before going off to college, finding her braces and freckles and knobby knees something worth teasing her about. He'd made her cry a lot and he'd never apologized to her.

His mother had died when he'd been in college and he hadn't stayed in touch with his step-dad or step-sister, not wanting anything to do with his step dad. He'd blamed him for not getting his mother into a doctor faster.

His mother had died of breast cancer that if it had been caught earlier could have been prevented. He still felt angry about that, he hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye to his mom, and his step dad had made it clear he wasn't welcome at the funeral after the 'horrible way you treated my daughter growing up.' 

It stung less, after a few years, but he still missed his mom every day. He knew his mom had grown close to Sadie, and even thought of her as the daughter she'd never had, his mother used to lecture him constantly about spending time with Sadie and getting to know her better.

Cedric hadn't wanted to at the time, feeling she was a silly girl who would get in the way and had no business hanging out with teenage boys. Maybe this was karma, or fate, but the girl was applying for the job and she had the qualifications. He wondered if she'd grown up into the promising young woman he thought she would end up becoming. He'd been eight years older than her, which meant she was fresh out of college at twenty-two.

Cedric wondered if she even knew it was him, since his mother had taken her and her father's last name when she'd married him, leaving Cedric the only family member with a different last name.

Dialing the number on the resume he left a voice mail saying she had an interview for the job position on Monday morning at ten if she showed up.

Satisfied with himself and the fun he'd have pestering her, he tossed her file on his desk and forgot all about her. It was Friday night and he intended to take a gaggle of the blonds with push up bras from the office out on the town tonight dancing and then back to his house to play strip poker. With alcohol involved. Lots of alcohol.

"Girls, are you ready?" He grinned as he walked outside into the main office building and put his arm around two of them who'd already grabbed their purses and were ready to go.

"Your chariot awaits!" Cedric told them. They giggled and the blond on his right ran her hands up and down his chest and then grabbed his crotch boldly squeezing him.

Leaning up to reach his ear as they waited for the elevator she whispered in his ear a simple message.

"You, me, alone tonight and I promise I'll rock your world. I have no gag reflex." Batting her eye lashes at him she stepped back and let that sink in.

Cedric pinched her ass and smiled at her. "I look forward to testing that theory out."

Giggling they climbed into the elevator together. He reached his hand under her skirt and grabbed her entire ass cheek with one of his hands as the doors shut.

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