ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) (118 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)
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“I do. I really do. She was my first love.” Suzy held her hand up to stop him from saying any more. He didn’t know if it was because she didn’t want to know or if she already knew.


“Then you know what you have to do.” Brandon stared at her, shocked. How could a girl so young, know so much?


“And how do you feel about that?” Suzy thought about it for a moment, mimicking her father, her finger tapped on her chin, and she responded.


“I’d like to have a real family, even if it’s one I just met.”


Ashley and Sammy finished their routine and, for the first time, Brandon stood and applauded with everyone else in the crowd. However, as usual, he was out of his seat before everyone else and was making his way towards the front of the stage. As Ashley and Sammy began to leave the stage, Brandon yelled for them to stay. Confused, they both stood off to the side as the next performers began to prepare.


The Ring Leader made his entrance onto center stage and Brandon stepped forward and politely asked for the microphone. Fifteen years ago he had met this man when he was much younger. Now, with greying hair and a slight limp, Brandon almost felt bad for him. However, the man clearly remembered him and, looking across at Ashley, he handed over the microphone. Brandon turned to the audience, which now sat in silence as he spoke.


“As many of you have heard, through either the television, radio, or newspaper, I am running for governor. And this morning a story broke about me and my life, both past and present.” He began to pace back and forth and Ashley smiled at how he absentmindedly played with the microphone while he spoke. “The story said that I was having a one night stand with a girl from the circus, and that she meant nothing to me.” People in the audience began to laugh as Ashley blushed. “But that isn’t the case. They are very wrong.”


“Fifteen years ago this circus visited this town when I was only a young man, still in college. I met this woman,” he pointed at Ashley, “and I fell madly in love.” A few people in the audience let out an “aww.” “But, as fate would have it, she was taken from me, by the very circus that brought her back into my life.” He began to walk towards Ashley, her eyes welling up with tears as he spoke.


“So now that this circus has run its course, I have to ask a simple question.” The crowd held their collective breath in anticipation as Brandon, lowered himself to one knee. However, before asking his question and away from the microphone he turned to Sammy, who stood close by. “Can I learn how to be your father, Sammy?” Tears welled up in Sammy’s eyes and he nodded just like his mother, so he turned his attention back to Ashley.


“Will you marry me and allow me to become a part of your world?” Ashley, tears now streaming down her face, nodded profusely and mumbled out the word, ‘yes.’


Irresistible Desires


Brandy took the curve in the road like she had a thousand times, even though it had been years since she travelled this road home. As she neared the city it was hard not to look at everything through the eyes of her former self. She passed the copse of trees where she and her friends used to meet up in to drink and smoke what they had scrounged up from their parents or older siblings. She smiled at the memory and the time when getting caught sharing a cigarette was the worst of her fears.


It seemed like around every bend there was something else that triggered a new memory. A ways ahead Brandy could see Miller’s barn coming into view, the place where she had her first kiss. It was awkward and sweet and something she hadn’t thought of in years. That was the thing with starting over, if you never sever the memories that bind you to what you’re leaving then you can never really start over.


She took her foot off the accelerator as she entered the city limits. Rolling countryside gave way to industrial buildings that were unfamiliar to her. She tried not to let herself feel affected at the signs that the city she used to know so well was already feeling so unfamiliar.


This is what I wanted. It’s for the best.
She reminded herself.


Brandy carried on as the cityscape changed to more familiar surroundings. Her old stomping grounds. The main highway into town led her through down town and her eyes strayed out her side window, almost of their own volition. She knew what she would find there, but wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to relive those memories.


Her eyes had a mind of their own, though, as she stared down the street that led to City Hall. In a flash her mind replayed the dozens of times she drove down that road. If she tried really hard she could grasp onto the tendrils of excitement that she used to feel as she neared the stark stone building, the anticipation that place held. Looking at it now she only felt disgust and guilt.


Turning to look at her son sitting beside her, earbuds fixed in place and eyes turned out his window, Brandy smiled. She couldn’t condemn her time spent in the halls and rooms of that old building entirely. Luca was the one good thing that came from it. In the midst of all the slander and accusations, all the tears and hard goodbyes, Luca was the bright spot that reminded her that even when things seemed dark there was always hope.


Weaving her way through the streets, Brandy finally pulled up in front of her parents’ house. Luca pulled the buds from his ears and stared up at it from his seat.


“This is grandma and grandpa’s house?” He asked without turning.


“It is.”


With another glance out his window, Luca shrugged and opened his door and got out. She smiled after him, at all the signs pointing to Luca becoming less of a little boy and more of a young man. She was proud of her son and proud of her life. However that niggling in the back of her mind made it hard for her to be at ease. The result of too many years spent with a guilty conscience.


Brandy stepped out of the car and helped Luca pull their suitcases out from the trunk. They made their way to the front door together. As they cleared the stairs, the door flew open in front of them and they were both pulled into a tight hug.


“Brandy! I’m so glad you made it.”


“Hey Natalie. Of course I made it. I wouldn’t miss my baby sister’s wedding.” She said, smiling despite the cloud of hairspray that descended upon her.


Natalie pulled back and took in Luca. “And look at you, Luca. You’ve grown since I last saw you at Christmas.”


“Hi Auntie Nat.” He said with a quiet smile.


“Come in, come in. I was just heading out with the rest of the wedding party to meet with the minister for a rehearsal.” Natalie said, stepping away from the door. She paused and turned back to us. “And since you’re here, maybe I could steal Luca for a couple of hours.”


“Absolutely. He’s been looking forward to being in the wedding party. Do you need me there too?”


“No, you can hang out, unpack, relax. And we’ll be back before supper.”


With a brilliant smile, Natalie wrapped an arm around Luca and they headed towards her car. Brandy watched them leave, her sister’s boisterous voice carrying until they got into the vehicle, then Brandy shut the door and began lugging her and Luca’s bags up the stairs.


Once upstairs she threw them on the floor of the guest room and flopped down on the bed. Brandy wanted to explore all the rooms of this house while she still had it all to herself, but exhaustion took priority at the moment. It was strange being home again after all this time. This used to be her bedroom but now very few traces of her childhood room remained. Which was fitting, of course. It had been many years since she’d been a child in this home. But the smell of the hardwood and the fragrant fruit trees beyond the window churned up the memories of this place just the same.


Brandy let her eyes drift close as the past tried to, once again, simmer to the surface. She squeezed her eyes tight, her only defense against them, but it was no use. Being here, surrounded with reminders everywhere she turned, the memories began to trickle into her conscious. The ones that she tried to keep most buried, the ones she tried to not let herself relive hit her with full force.


It always seemed that when she allowed herself to think of being back home her mind could never conjure up memories of learning to cook with her mom or winning the high school basketball championship or any other normal memories. Her mind always took her back to the last few months before she left. They were burned so vividly in her mind.


Brandy sighed and decided that while she was home there would be no escaping the reminders of her past. Maybe if she allowed herself to replay those memories that so desperately wanted to rip through her defenses they would be satisfied and stay safely locked away for the rest of her trip.


She relaxed her body into the bed and let herself relive the memories from ten years ago. All the memories from the summer before she left eventually became tarnished and painted with the same ugly brush, and she wasn’t ready to let herself go back to that just yet, so she let herself start with a good one. It came back to her in an instant and played in her head as clearly as the day she lived it the first time.




The floors of the lobby shone as Brandy’s shoes clicked across it. The summer was quickly coming to a close and she was couldn’t help but feel like it was a bittersweet end. In another month she would be heading off to college, opening another chapter of her life, and Brandy was thrilled at the possibilities. This summer, though, had been the best of her life.


Working as a summer intern for Mark Hudson in the deputy mayor’s office was a dream position. One she had beat out a dozen other high school students to get. And while the work she was doing was giving her fantastic experience for the future, it was the stolen moments with Mark that she cherished most. She would regret having to leave.


Brandy made her way through the maze of hallways that joined the various different additions to the old building. As she turned down a corridor that led to an older part of City Hall where her office was kept she caught sight of Mark ahead of her, making his way back from her office.


“Good morning, Mr. Hudson.” She greeted him, careful to keep the excitement out of her voice.


“Miss Merrill, you’re late.” He said, his tone harsh.


Brandy’s heart rate sped up as the authoritative sound of his voice reverberated off the narrow walls and straight through to her lower belly. This wasn’t the first time they had met this way, in a public place under the guise of something professional, even though she knew it was anything but.


“I’m sorry Mr. Hudson.”


Mark didn’t say anything, just nodded his head curtly and led the way back to her office. She pulled the key from her purse and unlocked it, Mark following her in. Her office was small, sparse, generic. The kind that if you tried hard enough you could touch all four walls at the same time. Brandy tossed her purse on the chair and turned back around to face him. She watched as he pulled the door shut and a familiar ache surged through her at the sound of the door locking.


“You know how I feel about punctuality, Miss Merrill.” He said. His voice was low, firm, and his eyes skimmed over her body, heating her skin.


“Yes.” She cast her eyes to the floor.


“Yes, what?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.


“Yes, sir.” Her eyes darted up to his and she caught the heat in them.


He closed the short distance from the door to her desk in a few slow steps. His every move was calculated as he came to a stop in front of her, mere inches from touching. Mark’s dark eyes trekked across her face. He looked at her like he wanted to possess her and she liked that look. She liked being consumed by him.


When he finally moved it was to cradle her cheek in his hand. That simple, gentle touch wasn’t what she had been expecting and it sparked a fire in her. His eyes softened for a minute, letting her see the man she had grown to love. In an instant he withdrew his hand and hardened his gaze.


“You’ve kept me waiting.” His voice was a terse rasp.


Brandy melted back against the wall as his hand cupped her sex through the fabric of her dress. He pressed the heel of his hand against her clit and she parted her legs for him. Mark stepped closer to her until he was framing her with his body. Fire streaked through her as he massaged. Despite the flurry of sensations she managed to answer him.


“I did?”


“I hate waiting for what I want.”  He said, pulling up the skirt of her dress and burrowing his hand between her legs, grunting at the cream coating her sex.


He leaned in closer, the scent of his cologne an aphrodisiac, and nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth. She whimpered against his mouth, her body awash with desire. Brandy brought her hands up and joined them behind his neck, urging him closer. Mark captured her lips in a kiss, the sweetness of it a stark contrast the rough nips. The constant volley between soft and rough had her panting, along with his finger teasing her entrance. She couldn’t hold back her urge to rock against his probing hand, her hips thrusting up to him. It did little to staunch the ache that was growing.


“I want you too, Mark. Take me.” She whispered against his lips.


He hulked over her, his hands coming up to frame her face as he ravaged her lips, deepening their kiss. His hands slipped down her body and around to her ass. He pulled her to him and she could feel the slab of his hot, aroused body against her. Brandy moved willingly into him, pressing her pulsating sex to his cock.


Mark groaned into her mouth, the sound purely carnal. His lips became rough once again, his hands rushing to unzip his pants. Brandy shimmied out of her panties and stepped out of them as he came back to her, his thick erection jutting out from his body. He came to her, pressing his body flush against hers. He rubbed the soft tip of his cock against her slit.


“I love the way you feel against me.” He said, easing himself into her tight sheath. Brandy gasped at the sensation of him filling her. No matter how many times they met like this, the surge of pleasure that ran through her when she felt him this wholly always overwhelmed her.


She tipped her head back and let it rest on the wall as Mark buried himself all the way inside her. He drew his hips back and started a steady rhythm. It was a slow pace that made her acutely aware of his deliberate movements. It was torturous, driving her crazy with need. She needed more.


Her fingers sunk into the back of his neck. “Faster, Mark.”


She swiveled her hips against his and a quiver rocked his body. His steely eyes were fixed on hers once again. He flattened her against the wall and took up a vigorous pace. She frantically tried to meet each of his trusts with ones of her own.


Each drive into her had her writhing. The sensual tension in her body was mounting and she tried hard to repress the moan that threatened to escape her lips. Through his thrusts, Mark ducked his head and tasted he neck, her jaw. Her sex shuddered around him, pulsing against his length. Her eyes fluttered shut as the tremors took over her body, racking her with waves of pleasure as she came.

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