ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (65 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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The back of her head met the worn couch cushions, and Lysander was upon her. Although he was willowy, he was solid, and when one of his hands pressed her shoulder down to pin her, Parker knew his true strength. No other guy she'd been with had ever felt like this, and Parker found herself gasping at his control.


Lysander's free hand traveled down, toying with the button of her fly before popping it open. His hand wasted no time in traveling over the front of her simple black thong, dipping between her legs to gauge how wet she'd become. When his fingers pressed against the fabric, Parker had to choke back a moan. Until he brought her attention to it, she didn't realize just how slick she was. Lysander hissed in delight, his teasing green gaze shooting up to lock on hers.


"Fuck, are you hot for me," he muttered. The fingers pressed further, coming in contact with her clit through the cotton. Parker's jeans hugged her thighs and constrained her, and she wished desperately that they were on the floor. Just his fingers alone felt fantastic, and her own hand shot down to hold his in place as she grinded against them. Lysander laughed.


"There's the energetic girl I saw on stage," he said as she squirmed. Heated rushes of pleasure shot through her, and Parker could not hold herself back. The touch of his fingers had her clit pulsing, leaving her desperate for more. No other lover had brought her to such heights, but then again, no other lover had ever drawn her attention quite like Lysander Smythson had. And as he played with her, Parker felt herself getting wetter.


"We're going to do it quick now," Lysander whispered to her, words heavy with his lust, "but then you're going to stick around back stage, and you're going to come with me to the after party, and I'm going to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked."


A shuddering gasp escaped her lips, and Parker closed her eyes for a moment as desire swept through her. Lysander had a reputation as a bad boy and as a blunt man; when he spoke, he spoke the truth. There was no doubt in her mind that his desire wasn't exaggerated.


You want me, Parker?" he asked. Her name spilled from his lips, and Parker's heart fluttered. She'd wanted Lysander since the first time she'd heard his voice, even before she'd seen what he looked like. There was no hesitation to delay her message.




Still she grinded against his fingers, letting the digits bring her to new heights. When he finally took them away it was only to pull down her jeans so that they bunched by her knees. The black thong she wore beneath followed, leaving Parker's shaved sex exposed to him.


Lysander pulled back just enough to look her over, letting his fingers trail up her thigh until there was nowhere left to go but in. The same fingers that had teased her through her thong now touched her bare skin, dipping between her lips to come in contact with her heat. Parker gasped, the sound short and choked off, and Lysander laughed again.


"You're going to be a lot of fun," he uttered. One finger flitted against her clit, and Parker's hips jerked up against him, needing him. Even in her wildest, most depraved fantasies, Lysander had never had her desperate.


The leather belt around his waist loosened, and then he'd undone his fly. The hand at her sex continued to toy and tease with her, preparing her for what was to come. Beneath his jeans he wore no underwear, and his cock had been erect from the second she'd entered the room. Erect for her. Parker saw it for the first time, thick and long. How she'd expected anything less than perfection from a man she'd already thought was flawless was beyond her, but it took her breath away.


"You're going to... In me...?"


Lysander looked up at her, eyes as fierce as they had been when she'd told him she wanted him.


"Yeah. I am. Now turn around so you're on your knees."


There were no words she could think to say. Parker blinked, trying to ground herself as animalistic lust took her over. Both of them still close to fully clothed, Lysander's fly simply parted, he intended to take her and find his release before intermission was over. There was no intimacy or expectation other than the physical, and for as crude as it was, Parker found it exhilarating. To Lysander she was another fan willing to spread her legs as soon as he said the word, and she knew that it was true. The power he had over her was raw and unparalleled, and thinking that she was about to give up her body to him within minutes of meeting him face to face left her drenched. The ultimate act of submission — all for him. Tonight she was his slut, and Parker wanted nothing more. 


She shifted around on the couch and did as he asked. As soon as her knees met the cushions, he wrapped an arm around her and pushed her forward so that the curve between her stomach and her legs was flush against the arm of the couch. Either hand secured her inner thigh and parted them. Had she not been presenting her sex to him from behind, her jeans would have restricted the movement of her legs too much for him to slide into her. As it was now, her sex was on display for him, begging to be claimed.


And so Lysander claimed it. Once she was settled against the arm he advanced. His warm, solid core met her back, and she felt him glide his member against her waiting heat. With a thrust of his hips, Lysander sank into her. They moaned in unison. To Parker, he felt perfect — just wide enough to stretch her out and leave her feeling full without being too painful. It was as though their bodies had been made for each other.


"Holy fuck," Lysander muttered as he pushed deeper. The prominent crown of his cock sank through her, and she could feel it as it invaded and owned her. Parker shuddered and then gasped, letting herself tense around him so she could feel his length that much more. Greeted with resistance, Lysander did not slow his advances; no matter what, he was going to use her. Parker trembled at the thought. Band slut. Desperate groupie. The lead singer's easy lay. Tonight she'd do anything Lysander asked her to without question, and he would take advantage of her. It was so wrong it was right.


"You feel so good," Parker moaned, pressing back against him as he buried himself into her. They were finally impaled, the full length of his cock swallowed by her passage. Heavy balls were flush with her skin, and in that moment she became aware of what they were doing. Those balls were full of his seed, and if they didn't stop, he was going to spill it inside of her. They hadn't talked about protection or stopped to find any — Lysander was barebacking her, and she couldn't bring herself to stop him. Parker wanted his cum sitting deep inside of her, wanted to know that a part of him would stay with her even after they had parted. If he didn't care, neither did she.


And then he began to move. Parker had through he'd felt good sliding into her depth, but the way his hips pistoned into her made their initial joining pale in comparison. He fucked her wild and hard, like an animal desperate to breed, and all Parker could do was cry out in ecstasy. Each time he thrust forward he pushed her against the arm of the couch, stimulating her clit while the head of his cock found a spot inside of her that felt so right. Parker had never found release easily, but even within the few minutes they'd been coupling, she found herself ready to topple over the edge into dark, luxurious delights.


Lysander was hunched over her body, holding himself close as he drove himself in again and again. Each staggered breath he took and each husky exhale that followed rattled in her ear, her own personal concert. Parker's throat was still sore from screaming and singing on the floor, but she could not hold back the cries he worked free from her. She was going to cum like this, she knew it. And—


The click of the doorknob turning drew their attention, and Parker looked towards the door with wide eyes. The woman from before, her ponytail tight and high, poked her head in through the entrance and looked at them with unapologetic eyes, unconcerned with the wild fucking taking place before her.


"You missed all your warnings, Lysander. Did you turn your earpiece off? You were supposed to be on the stage twenty seconds ago."


"I'm busy!" he snarled, his frantic bucks never slowing. Parker felt caught between being mortified and being too horny to care. She was close — so close — that not even being walked in on mattered.


"I'm gonna cum," she gasped, head dropping as the beginnings of orgasm gripped her. The pleasure she felt was building, ever more important. "Lysander, I'm gonna, oh my God, I'm gonna..."


"Yeah," he said through gritted teeth, "do it. I want to feel you clamping down against me and milking me until I'm dry. I want you to cum in front of my stage manager like the slut you are!"


It was too much. Parker cried out a final time and lost herself to orgasm. The walls of her sex clenched around him, the deep, uncontrollable pulsing beginning as her body was wracked by the heights he'd driven her to. Lysander hissed between his gritted teeth and bottomed out inside of her, pushing her so hard against the arm of the couch she felt the ribbing inside crack. In time to the splintering noise, Parker felt Lysander flood her with his seed. She cried out again, swept up in the sweet brutality. Lysander was wild, but it made her feel alive.


"Lysander," the woman said dryly from the door, "this is no joke. You need to go on now, no matter how 'busy' you are."


The woman's words were lost to Parker. Her head was still hung, and she was panting hard. The aftermath of orgasm still clung to her, her body tensing at random around his and milking the cum from his cock. Lysander, still hard, withdrew and jumped up from the couch, tugging his pants back up and zipping his fly. In his absence Parker felt cold and empty, and she wished desperately that he would have stayed.



"Ready. I'm ready," he told her, approaching the door even as he did up his fly. Parker's head rose to watch him go. She felt too drained to get up from where she'd been placed, but there was enough energy in her yet to watch the man she'd fantasized about for years leave the room. "Hey, Parker, you stay here. After the show we'll hit the after party and do it all again."


How was he still walking? After what he'd done to her, Parker felt like all she could bring herself to do was curl up and sleep, and yet Lysander seemed chipper and full of energy.


"Out and on stage," the woman insisted, opening the door wider as he approached. Parker was exposed from the waist down, but she found she didn't care. Already her eyelids were drooping. "I swear, sometimes I don't know how Nikias puts up with you. You'd think—"


But as Lysander pushed past her and she closed the door, Parker couldn't bring herself to keep listening. Pants still lowered, she slid down against the couch and closed her eyes. Before she fell asleep, she could hear the muffled roars of the crowd and the first wails of the guitar; Sordid View was back on stage, but she'd found a much better place to be. Eternity's Lamentation sung her to sleep, and when she dreamed, it was of Lysander and the way his bright green eyes had pierced her soul.


Part Two


It was the buzzing that woke her up. Parker opened her eyes, but found the overhead lights too harsh and closed them again quickly. What had happened? Her body felt stiff and sore, like she'd worked out way too hard.


The phone in her back pocket was vibrating, hitting the wooden beam across the back of the couch and making a racket. As Parker woke fully, she realized her pants were around her knees. The memories returned. Lysander had told security to bring her backstage, and she'd met him in the tiny room with the couch she still laid on. They'd had sex, and it had been the hottest encounter she'd ever had. Just thinking about it made her start feeling warm again, and when Parker squirmed and shifted upon the couch, she felt how wet she still was. Some of it might have been from Lysander's orgasm, but—


He'd gone back on stage, and she remembered hearing the audience and the music before she'd fallen asleep. Now there was only silence. Parker sat up at once and swung her legs over the edge of the couch, almost tripping over her lowered pants as she stood. Lysander had said they'd go to the after party together, and that she should wait here for him. Where was he?


A couple hasty jumps saw her skinny jeans pulled back up into place, and Parker fished her phone from her pocket. She'd missed a call from Erin, and there were a dozen unread text messages, all asking about where she was and if she was okay. Parker opened up her inbox and shot a text back quickly.


Parker (11:42PM): im okay, lysander took me back stage. going to pt with him. ill see you tmr ok? i cant believe all thats happening!


With the text message sent out, Parker left the back room to look for any trace of the band. A quick look through the wings revealed that the floor had emptied; no audience members remained. A few employees from the venue strode back and forth back stage, tidying up after the show, but everyone associated with the band was gone. The stern looking stage manager with the high ponytail was no longer flitting back and forth like a hornet protecting its hive, and the extra crew Sordid View had brought with them had similarly disappeared. No one cleaning up paid much attention to her, and so Parker took the time to search more thoroughly. Most of the wires and amps and other equipment she'd seen spread chaotically had vanished, reloaded onto the tour bus. The change was startling.

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