ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (42 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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"It's done. Get us some plates and forks and we'll eat."


Of course. Amber snapped back to reality. This was her house, and her kitchen, and he was technically her guest. It was rude of her to leave all the cooking and preparation to him. She busied herself setting the table, and as she did Dominic served. He'd been in her life for less than twenty-four hours and already he'd blended in seamlessly, unafraid to direct and take charge. 


When they sat, Dominic wasted no time in digging in. He speared a chicken breast with his fork and tore into it, ravenous. The rest of the meat on his plate disappeared in a similar fashion, and when he was done, Amber pushed her plate across to him and he descended upon it. She'd eaten a little bacon, but she was never really hungry in the morning.


"How long has it been since you ate?" she asked. Surely this hunger had to be abnormal.


"Three days? I found some blackberries on the way here, but it's so time consuming to pick and eat them."


When the second plate was depleted, Dominic sat back in his chair and set his gaze upon her. Amber felt herself heat beneath his stare, and she did her best not to squirm. There was a spark in Dominic that she loved, a lust for life that reached out and grabbed her as real. A genuine man who worked an honest, heroic job. A man who'd made his interest in her clear.


"I'm an honest guy," Dominic told her, eyes rising to meet hers, "and I'm a simple guy. I'm unattached. My unit came from up North to help with the fires here and we've been here for almost a month. I've spent a month sleeping on a makeshift cot in the encampment and getting next to no sleep when I am able to lie down. Last night felt like the best sleep of my life, and here I am sitting across from a gorgeous, unattached woman."


The speech was leading into territory Amber had never thought she'd explore. As he spoke she did start to shift, unable to hold back how he'd crept under her skin to leave her affected.


"Now that my stomach's full and I'm rested, there's just one more ache I want to tend to. But only if you want to as well."


Although he hadn't spelled it out, Amber knew how to extrapolate. She hadn't had a boyfriend since her first year at college, and now...


If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it.
The words haunted her. How could someone like Dominic find someone like her attractive enough to want to fool around with? But thoughts like that didn't matter right now. What did matter was that the hunk who sat across from her wanted her. Amber couldn't say no.


"I do."


The man she'd saved last night, who'd been on the brink of death, had bloomed into a dominant, straightforward charmer Amber had only dreamed existed in fiction. When she'd given her consent he rose from his chair and abandoned his dishes, circling the table to stand at her side and catch her chin in his hand.


"Firefighters play hard," he warned her, keeping her gaze lifted and locked onto his. "I'm going to light your fire, and then I won't stop until it's extinguished, and even the smoldering remains have burned down into nothing. Are you ready for me?"


It was a fantasy. When Amber said yes, the word tumbled from her lips like a pebble over a cliff. Dominic smirked and leaned down, crushing his lips against hers to silence her. As he did, he stole her breath.


Dominic was still smirking when he pulled away and took her by the wrist, directing her up from the chair and then up the stairs and to her bedroom. The sheets were stained and dirty with ash, and his dirty uniform was in a pile in the corner. The mess didn't both Dominic, who guided her to the bed and then pushed her down upon it.


One knee then the next he followed, and Amber felt as the towel loosened and fell from his body. She didn't have a chance to look before he'd caught her lips with his once again, passion sparking between them. Dominic's vibrant energies penetrated her shy introversion, and he drew her from her shell like a pearl from an oyster. The heat he'd stirred inside of her roused her, and Amber kissed him back with just as much ferocity. Soon they had rolled across the bed, both of them fighting for dominance. Amber knew Dominic was letting her play; he was clearly the stronger of the two of them, and could overpower her with a thought. When he'd had enough, he proved it. Amber found her wrists pinned to the mattress beneath one of his broad, calloused hands. The other was at her hip. Her tank top had ridden up just a little, leaving the skin there exposed.


"Up," Dominic punctuated the word by letting his hand at her hip slide north, "or down?" The hand reversed its course, tracing along her curves to meet her upper thigh. Amber gasped and squirmed beneath him, feeling herself start to slick. Everything Dominic did was hot.


"Up," she begged him, lifting her hips just a little to try to position her body for his pleasure. Dominic laughed.


"Mm, but I want to see just what I've done to you, you timid little thing. Let me dip down."


As he spoke his hand inched downward, over her thigh and across it, teasing the tender skin near her sex.


"Dominic," she gasped. His touch felt electric, and Amber parted her thighs willingly for him. The grainy ash smeared on the sheets dug against her skin, but instead of drawing her focus away from the situation, it grounded her. The physical sensation of her body was all the more evident, and Amber focused on her body and how it felt rather than the thoughts that usually ran through her mind.


"Let's see," Dominic whispered, a dark playfulness in his words. His fingers trailed inward and brushed against the crotch of her panties. Anticipation sped through her veins and pulsed in her clit, and Amber moaned softly.


"Dirty little girl," he breathed, the fingers working in slow circles. With the light pressure he put upon her, Amber could feel how drenched she'd become. "If I'd known you wanted me this bad, I would have woken you up myself."


His broad fingers traced up and down against the soaked fabric, putting pressure upon the area above her clit and teasing her even through her panties. There was no doubt in her mind that Dominic was an experienced lover and that he knew what he wanted — and how to get it from her.


"But you did say up, didn't you? Hmm." The finger kept stroking her, getting Amber wetter by the second. She's started to grind against his hand, desperate for more. "But look how horny you are now. If I took my hand away, what might I replace it with?"


Maybe she'd never woken up. Maybe this was all a dream. Amber had never felt so desperately aroused while waking, and Dominic was too good to be true.


"Take me," she pleaded. The thought of his strong body working her over, driving his member deep inside of her, was almost as stirring as his hand against her sex. Dominic may have been a firefighter, but he lit her aflame. Amber found herself craving him as she had no one else.


"Whatever the lady says," Dominic purred back, deep voice rolling as he spoke. The hand at her wrists remained firm, holding her down, but the hand at her crotch rose up to grip the band of her panties. Dominic pulled them down to her thighs, and beneath him Amber squirmed and shimmied until she'd rid herself of them entirely.


Careful to maintain dominance over her, Dominic moved so that his knees were between her thighs. His body still stretched out across hers, and Amber wasn't able to lift her head to get a look at the cock that would soon be hers. Instead of see it, she'd have to discover its size when he pushed into her. The suspense was both thrilling and torturous.


With his hand parted from her crotch, contact between them broken. In his absence Amber continued to gyrate her hips, desperate to be pleased. The hunger she'd seen in Dominic's eyes for her body had instilled itself inside of her; she needed him badly.


Dominic moved forward, his lips brushing against hers once again. Amber welcomed the kiss and tried to solidify it, but Dominic kept just far enough away that she was unable to. He was teasing her. As she struggled to kiss him, heart pounding in her ears, Amber felt it. The head of Dominic's bare cock brushed against her wet slit, and she fell still all at once as it threatened to penetrate.


"I'm going to have you bareback," he told her. "I'm going to mark your womb with my seed and make sure everyone knows you're mine."


Amber had always made sure her lovers used condoms, and out here in the wilderness and isolated from society, she'd seen no need to continue with her birth control. Right now she was fertile, and if he came inside of her like he said he would, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't conceive. But Dominic was the most gorgeous man she'd even seen, and she'd never fallen so quickly and so heavily for a man before. Amber would not deny him.


"I want it," she moaned. "I want to feel your skin against mine."


The head of his cock inched forward just a little bit, stretching her slit but not yet fully inserting itself. Amber gasped and closed her eyes, breathing that much more difficult.


"I'm going to make you cry my name so that the whole mountain hears," Dominic boasted. "I'm going to make you forget how to speak, leave you gasping for me and me alone."


Feeling him partially pressed into her, his full tip not yet sunken, was a delight unlike any she'd experienced. He felt big, but just how big she'd still yet to discover.


"Give me everything you have," Amber begged. "Take me hard and don't hold back."


"A dangerous request." Dominic pressed a hot kiss to her lips, but drew away before she could reply in kind. "But if you insist..."


The tip of his cock that had stretched her but not truly entered shoved forward and sunk into her, and Amber gasped. It dove down inside of her, more and more of his thick length sinking into her passage until she was full up. Dominic wasn't just big — he was huge. How was her body able to take a cock like this? Amber felt skewered against him, and loved it.


"Oh my God," she breathed, already squirming. Dominic still held her wrists tightly above her head, restricting her movement. His hips had begun a speeded rhythm, sparing her no comfort. If Amber hadn't been drenched for him, she knew she would have been hurting. As it was, although she felt so tight around him, he pumped into her without resistance.


"Y-you're not a virgin, are you?" he stammered, the heat of their joined bodies choking his words. Amber felt it, too. Electricity. Sparks so hot she thought her heart might burst from excitement. It felt as though Dominic had been made for her, and each of his thrusts brought her pleasure unparalleled to any she'd had before.


"No," it was a gasp. Amber could manage no more. She lifted her hips to change the angle and found it allowed Dominic to crash against a spot inside of her that made her toes curl. The first cry of delight broke through the bedroom, and Dominic smirked and picked up the pace.


"Then I'm just lucky," he panted. The muscles in his arms rolled as he supported himself, and all of the lean muscle up his stomach worked as his hips thrust into her. Despite the view, it was the parts of him she couldn't see that held Amber's attention. Dominic's cock hit that same spot over and over until it was the only sensation she could focus on. His heavy inhalations and her cries of delight accompanied the protestation from the springs of her mattress. But it wasn't all that Dominic had to give her.


Careful to keep her pinned, he repositioned his body so that he could draw up her shirt with one hand. Beneath she wore a cheap bra, which he pushed aside to expose her breasts. The hunger had returned to his eyes when he saw them, and without hesitation Dominic ducked his head down and ran his tongue over her hardened nipple. As she gasped and twisted beneath him, he licked and sucked and pulled with his teeth. Amber knew she couldn't take much more.


"Dominic, I'm going to... I'm..."


"Not before me," he growled from her breast, his hand on her wrists gripping harder until it was near painful. Amber cried out, but all she could feel was the pleasure of it. How strong he was. How demanding. How in control. The perfect alpha male.


It sent her over the edge. Amber cried out once more as orgasm rocked through her, tensing all of her muscles and fluttering the walls of her sex around his thick shaft. Dominic groaned and lurched forward into her, holding his position, and she could feel the hot pools of cum seep from the crown of his cock to coat her insides.


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