ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (35 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Is there a lift or something?” she asked, confused.

“A lift?  To the river?  This isn’t snow skiing, babe,” he replied.  Whether she was thrilled about being referred to by such a sweet term of endearment or just liked the way his mouth moved when he said the words was unclear, but she was quite certain she would follow him down the steepest slope in that moment.  Of course, she had no idea that climbing down a rock face was exactly what they would be doing and in the dark, to boot.

“Are we going to be able to get back up this thing?” she said, looking back up the steep incline after they had dropped onto the small bank area below.

“I don’t know.  I guess if we can’t, we’ll just have to sleep together on the river bank,” he replied with his sly smile.  He was looking up at the rock facing as if he, too, were concerned, but she suspected that he had done this many times over.

“I guess so,” she replied, refusing to let him get anything over on her.  He reached for her hand and led her down the bank, dimly lit with the lights that spilled over from the nearby restaurant parking and the houses built along the cliffs overhead.

“Did you ever imagine that you’d be spending your evening with a backwards biker when you met me last night at work?” he asked.

“Not in a million years,” she replied, not bothering to correct his self-assessment.

They walked quietly for a while, just holding hands and enjoying the night air along the water.  A large fish jumped nearby, causing Dixie to startle a bit and stop in her tracks.  Luke laughed and pulled her toward him.  “It’s just a fish, babe.”

His own words were cut off by his mouth on hers, dancing a slow tango to a tune unique to the two of them as they clung to each other beneath the stars.  The rest of the world faded away while she was in his arms.  She was quite content with the thought that it might never return.  As long as she was lost in him like this, there was nothing else she needed.  Everything about him felt so right.  If there was such a thing as love at first sight, then this was it.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against her ear as he pulled away from the kiss and held her closely to his chest.  She cooed against him, allowing herself to just enjoy the moment while it lasted.  They stood there for what seemed like only moments, though it was probably much longer.  This all felt so right and yet, she was scared out of her mind.  Finally mustering the gumption to break away, she pulled back and looked up at him. 

“I need to go home now,” she said, willing her voice not to falter.

“Are you sure?” he asked, brushing some loose hairs caught by the wind away from her face.

“Yes, I’m sure,” she replied.

“I guess all good things have to come to an end,” he said quietly, leading her around a corner where she found a long wooden ramp that led back up to the restaurant.

“You knew this was here and you made me climb down those rocks?” she blurted out as they made their way up the sloped wooden dock.

“I’m sorry.  The view from the rocks was better,” he told her.

“How could you tell?  We were looking down, not up toward the sky,” she replied.

“You were looking down.  I was looking up at you climbing down the rocks,” he replied with a cocky grin.

“You are awful!” she replied, laughing as they topped the path and made their way back to the bike.

“I know.  What can I say?” he laughed, helping her into her helmet and onto the bike.  The cool night air felt even more amazing than the warm summer day had on their way up.  Dixie couldn’t imagine feeling more content than she did in the time it took to arrive there.  Pulling into a strange driveway, however, shattered every bit of peace she had claimed on the ride home. 

“What are we doing here?” she asked, thinking it must be his house and wondering how he could be so presumptuous as to assume she’d just come home with him.

“Don’t panic.  I just need to grab something and I’ll be right back.  It’ll give you a chance to stretch your legs,” he replied.

“Actually, do you mind if I use your bathroom for a moment?” she asked as he helped her out of her helmet again.  She knew she should probably just stay outside, but she really did have to go and the restaurant would be closed by the time they got back there.

“Of course you can.  It’s right down there on the right,” he told her, pointing down a hallway on one side of the house.  He turned and walked into another room on the other side, leaving her to find her way.

It was apparent to her that whatever this chemistry was between them was only going to get stronger the moment they stepped inside.  There was a good chance that she might not be able to say no to this man and sleeping with someone on the first date was something she had never done.  A small voice inside her head responded to her thoughts, asking if she really minded so much if she lost control with him.  Making her way back to the living room, she waited for him to return.  He did a few minutes later with a small leather case in one hand.

“Ready to go?” he asked.  Dixie looked at him, how gorgeous he was standing in his dimly lit living room.  His dark hair and eyes were calling to her in a way she could explain.

Then, it was if the flood gates opened and every bit of what she was feeling, all the longing, the hunger, the passion . . . it all spilled forth and she refused to try to hold it back.  She moved in closer to him and began nibbling at his neck softly.  He feigned being non-responsive but quickly gave it up as her hands began to roam across his leather clad arms and her kisses grew more urgent.  Sliding onto his lap, she kissed him hungrily, aching to have him inside of her.  Something that sounded oddly like a growl escaped his lips.

“What are you doing?” he whispered.  “What makes you think I’m this kind of guy?”

“If you aren’t, I think I am getting to you,” she whispered in his ear.

“Nope.  I’m a rock,” he replied.

“Perhaps you are as hard as a rock,” she replied provocatively, sliding her hand across the rapidly rising bulge in his jeans.

“You are a very bad girl,” he told her.

“Guilty as charged,” she responded playfully, massaging him through the course denim that covered his zipper.

“Well, I guess we are just going to have to cart you off for your crimes of passion then,” he told her, suddenly pulling her upward with his strong arms and tossing her over his shoulder.  He walked to the bedroom with her, as she giggled loudly.

“Now, let’s just see who is in charge here,” he told her, pinning her down across the bed and kissing her.  His body hovered over her own, taking his time with her.  Their passion got the best of them as they tugged at each other’s clothes, eager to feel skin against skin.  It had been an eventful day and tomorrow looked even brighter as they lost themselves in each other’s arms.

Dixie’s body arched gently forward as Luke expertly found his way to her clit with a talented tongue.  He knew exactly what to do to bring her to a series of orgasms like she had not experienced for quite some time.  She moaned loudly as he licked and tickled her most private places, leaving her squirming and moaning beneath him in complete ecstasy.  His abilities far exceeded even what she could have imagined.  He was like an animal with a treat as he lapped furiously at her dripping pussy, eagerly teasing her until she was squirting wildly into his hungry mouth.

Having satisfied her needs for the moment, he began to slowly drag his magnificent lips across her bare skin, traveling her body with feather light butterflies of lust.  By the time he had completed his circuit and made his way back up to her lips, she was ready for more and he certainly didn’t disappoint. Their moans were almost simultaneous as he entered her, pushing his erection deep inside of her, stretching her until she felt full.  Full of him.  Full of lust.  Full of contentment.  It was beautiful being with him and she hoped it would never end.

They made love slowly as the moon rose outside, shining through the window of the otherwise dimly lit room.  There was no doubt that she had made the right choice as he traveled endless highways along the curves of her body, taking his time with every nuance of her flesh.  Her hips rose to meet his again and again, a perfectly time waltz between two new lovers.  This could very well be her destiny if she allowed it.  It was too soon to think in those terms, she knew, but she had never experienced chemistry like this with anyone.  Her moans filled the room as he brought her to yet another intense orgasm and then followed her into bliss with his own.

Afterwards, they lay there in the darkness, just listening to one another breathe.  Dixie was sure that this was just about as close to heaven as a girl could ever hope to be.  She reached for him, laying her head on his shoulder as she fell asleep in his arms.  Whatever tomorrow might bring, it would be nothing she could not handle with this man by her side.  Once again, the world outside of him faded away and she was content to just let it all wash away.



She awoke the next morning to find herself alone in the bed.  It was just before twilight and, for a moment, she wasn’t sure where she was.  Her body felt stiff all over, like she had been ravaged by a wild beast.  A smile crossed her lips as she remembered the way he had awoken her after their first encounter with a repeat performance that had made the first one look tame.  He had fucked her with such force that it had felt like he might tear her apart and she had loved every moment of it.  His skin felt like he was on fire as he sank into her again and again, scratching her skin with his nails and biting her back as he plunged deep inside of her.

“You’re awake,” he said from the doorway.

“I am,” she replied, looking at him sheepishly.  She pulled the sheet up over her body and smiled at him, noting the scratch across her breast as she did so.

“Don’t cover up.  I love looking at you,” he replied.

Dixie smiled, letting the sheet drop.  Her nipples stood erect in the cool air conditioned bedroom as she tried not to be self-conscious while he studied her intently.

“I’ve got to get to the shop.  Do you want to stay here or should I take you back to your car?” he said suddenly.

“I have to go to work later, so my car would be good,” she replied, getting out of bed and beginning to get dressed.  He stood watching her with a smile.  Finally walking over and kissing her in a way that just made her want to get back into bed.

“I’ll be in later for a drink.  Maybe we can find a quiet place to make your break a little more exciting,” he told her.

“You’re an animal,” she said.

“Oh, you have no idea,” he told her, slapping her playfully on the backside as she bent to retrieve her boots from the floor by the bed.  She slipped them on and then followed him out to the bike.  Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into the restaurant where she had left her car.  He kissed her, squeezing one of her breasts lightly as he leaned in.

“Get out of here before we get arrested for public indecency and lewd behavior out here in the parking lot,” she replied.

“It would be completely worth it.  I’ll see you tonight,” he told her, getting back on his bike. 

She watched him drive off before slipping behind the wheel of her car and heading home to shower and change for work.  All she could think about beneath the steam of the shower is how he had felt.  Her fingers drifted lightly over the scratches he had left behind and she wondered how he had managed them.  His nails had seemed pretty clean cut when they were eating dinner and she had noted them, but she had numerous scratches nonetheless.  Shrugging it off, she finished dressing and left for work.  The bar wouldn’t open until two, but they had inventory this morning before the usual clean up and restocking they did before opening.



Weeks went by during which she and Luke spent every possible moment together.  There was no doubt that she was head over heels for him, though there seemed to be a bit of problem with some of his club members, namely Harlan Simmons.  Dixie wasn’t sure if she had rubbed him the wrong way due to how Luke had shut him down about his behavior toward her or if it was a personal issue between him and Luke, but they always seemed to be butting heads.

“What is she doing here?” Harlan asked one day when Dixie appeared at the garage while several of the members were hanging out there and discussing club business.

“Dixie is always welcome here,” Luke replied coolly.

“I don’t recall issuing her a patch,” Harlan replied.  “This is a members only gathering.”

“I’m sorry, Luke.  I didn’t realize I was interrupting anything.  I will come back later when you aren’t busy,” Dixie told him, not wanting to cause trouble between him.

“Don’t be ridiculous.  Harlan is just being an asshole.  Just wait for me in my office.  We’re almost done here anyway,” Luke told her, never taking his eyes off of Harlan. 

Dixie nodded and walked to the front of the garage.  She could hear him and Harlan exchanging angry words, but couldn’t make our exactly what they were saying.  It was bad enough that she had to come here to have the conversation with him that she had planned.  No doubt it wasn’t going to be received well if he was already in a bad mood.  She sat nervously waiting on him.

“What’s wrong?” he said immediately when he came in a short time later.

“How do you know something is wrong?” she asked, surprised he could pick up on it so quickly.

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