ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (126 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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She opened her mouth slightly and gasped as he pulled her even closer toward him, rubbing the small of her back and moving his hands upward toward her shoulders first, and then toward her full, bare breasts. Jenna saw the sudden change in his expression, and realized a pure moment of raw desire for him just as it was for her. She also sensed in him a hint of vulnerability that she now was fully entering into as well. This combination exhilarated her and she found herself losing control with a near stranger, yet somehow there seemed to be a connection that words could not explain.

But it did not scare her. She involuntarily sighed from the thrill of his touch.

“You are so…beautiful,” he finally whispered in her ear, teeth softly chattering.

Jenna smiled, parted her legs and wrapped her body and arms even more tightly around his. He responded by moving closer to her to the point of her feeling his large, engorged erection against the sweat pants he now regretted leaving on the bed for her.

Jenna gasped at the feel of his manhood and this time he was unable to resist kissing her. He covered her mouth with his hungrily, while one hand cupped and squeezed her perfectly sized breasts and the other hand on her lower back drew her closer. Jenna moaned under his lips and ran her fingers through his hair, while gently pulling him towards her so as to deepen the kiss. Then she leaned back pulling him to her as she fully wrapped one of her legs around his back. The blanket dropped and was forgotten about immediately.

Colt lifted her in his arms easily, despite her being on top of him and carried her to the bedroom where he gently laid her on his bed, and removed the greatly oversized sweat pants she wore. He positioned himself on top of her, covering her naked body with his. He continued with the same assault on her lips and then showered her neck with kisses while she held onto the back of his head as if she was afraid to let him go.

“Kiss me everywhere,” she longingly whispered while willing his head gently towards one of her hard, aching, pink nipples.

He covered it with his warm, wet mouth, grazing his rough tongue over the tip, while she arched her body upwards so that he could fit more of her breast in his mouth. He sucked hungrily at her nipple and breast until Jenna wrapped her legs around his thighs. He knew exactly what she wanted and would be more than happy to give it to her, but he was having too much fun teasing her.

It felt as if Colt's hands were everywhere, her back, breasts, bottom, thighs – everywhere but where Jenna wanted them to be. Their actions so far had been more than good, her desire burned through her like a forest fire, wild and uncontainable. The ache inside her, a sweet pain if there ever was one, built with every touch of his hands which, she noticed, had got much warmer.

Cole ran his lips across her belly and down towards her waiting, wanting sex. Thrilling her as he trailed his tongue from naval to pubis, yet Cole was in no hurry, he wanted to savor the moment and teased Jenna by kissing his way down her thigh, deliberately avoiding her most sensitive parts.

“Oh, please...” Jenna begged in a breathy little voice. She could feel his smile against her left knee, followed by a jolt of intense, thrilling pleasure as he almost hammered his face against her crotch. The pressure inside Jenna was building fast, a dammed lake filled to the brim with aching need, every tiny movement of Cole's tongue across the tight, throbbing bundle of nerves added a little drop.

Cole reveled in the exquisite, heady taste and smell of the woman who writhed beneath his mouth. Her hands came down, gripping his hair and she pushed his face harder against her privates. Her whole body jumped each time he lapped at her and he could tell she was on the verge of a huge orgasm.

Jenna heard her breathing get faster, felt her heart beating harder and her thighs tremble ever so slightly as she exploded in pure ecstasy. Her breath caught as the almost painful waves of delight washed through her body which was wound as tight as a coiled spring. Eventually she relaxed with a groan of pure pleasure, Colt's face grinning up between her thighs.

“Wow!” She said.

“Yeah.” Cole growled, nipping and licking at Jenna's belly as he made his way back up to her breasts. His mouth found the puckered cylinder of her right nipple and he pulled it into his mouth, gripping it between his teeth and lapping at the tip as he had just done lower down. The feeling was amazing and she dug her nails into his shoulders, kneading his tight muscles.

He moved to her other nipple and sucked it with the same vigor while his hand cupped her curved hips and moved them closer to his. After what seemed like forever to Jenna, Colt plunged himself deep into Jenna’s hot, wanting vagina savoring every inch of her with each thrust; her copious juiciness, and tightness.

Jenna moaned loudly and called his name, the tension building up in her body like nothing she had ever experienced before. Colt kept going at a slow, steady place and despite the pressure building up in his own body he took his time, savoring every thrust.

He kissed her lips again, this time harder than before and whispered in her ear. Her mind was so blown at this point she had no idea what he said, living an ecstasy that words could do no justice to. Jenna's muscles clenched as they neared climax and when it finally came, it was a heart stopping explosion, her muscles clenching and drawing him deeper inside her.

Colt felt Jenna clench so tightly around his manhood it was as if their bodies were one and it was impossible to tell where he ended and she began. The painful pressure in his lower abdomen and back climbed up into his chest and Jenna heard his breathing change to a difficult rasp before he slammed his hips forward. Cole growled and bucked as Jenna clung to him, needing this from him, wanting it too. This was her purpose, her body was his and she thrilled in the knowledge he could lose himself so completely in her.

Neither of them dared move, they remained in perfect union, desperately trying to extend the feelings. Eventually they separated and held each other, legs still intertwined. They fell asleep in each others arms, experiencing a bliss neither had previously known, making love, and enjoying a deep, inexplicable soul connection. This was what they both had longed for, and now finally experienced in the strangest of circumstances. 


The next day Colt woke up early and left Jenna in his bed with a promise to return as soon as he could. He headed straight for Chase’s yacht. While parking alongside the dock, he noticed three goons quickly slipping away. Knowing this meant trouble for Chase, he entered the yacht without being noticed by the men leaving.  

The yacht had been ransacked and he found Chase blindfolded, and tied to a chair and joined to an explosive set to go off in five minutes, which was ticking away leaving him to wonder each second if it would be his last. Colt considered his options, and for a moment, even considered leaving him there to die. The goons had beaten him up mercilessly.
Dammit Chase, what have you gotten yourself into this time?
He worked fast to detonate the bomb, and after two intense minutes, he succeeded.

He untied Chase who looked defeated, possibly even a changed man but never allowed him the opportunity to prove himself. Besides, he had sealed his own fate and Colt would have nothing of it. Chase mumbled a thank you, and after being untied he made as if to attempt a hug. Instead, Chase’s face was met with Colt’s solid, right fist after which he turned to leave to get back to Jenna.

Before leaving, he said “I’m entitled to my half of the inheritance, brother, or I will make sure you rot in jail for the rest of your life, you lying piece of shit twin.”

Colt left the Marina and never looked back.


It had been one year since he saved Chase’s life. Colt sat across the dinner table from the most beautiful woman in the world. Chase had obliged to follow Colt’s orders, and had made arrangements with his lawyers to give Colt half his empire and land.  

“So tell me Colt, what are you going to do to top the rescue of a year ago, after unsealing Chase’s deception, on this day, our one year anniversary?” Jenna asked him playfully with a sexy voice and a twinkle in her eyes that made his heart flutter.

With that, he drew from his pocket the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen, followed by a proposal that sealed their fate.

The End


Innocence UnSEALED


A Navy SEAL Erotic Romance




By: Jasmine Jensen





Chapter One



Prologue: The Past


Kaylee took a good look at Cole from head to foot. His pants were torn and his boots were muddied all over. His dark brown, wavy hair was a tousled mess and he had huge big black eye. His left cheek was swollen, and Kaylee had a hunch Cole may have even lost a tooth, given the way he was holding his jaw. Overall, it was quite the unsettling sight, even more so considering Cole was just fourteen years old.

“Good grief, Cole! What happened to you,
time?” Kaylee asked, worriedly. She had always seen Cole come back from tussles as regular as clockwork. But twelve year old Kaylee never really got used to seeing Cole like this.

“It’s nothing. Bobby Evans was talking a lot of trash and I just had to put him in his place.” Cole said gruffly.

“Talking trash? About what? You and the other boys are always getting into some kind of fight.”

Kaylee just couldn’t understand what was wrong with Cole, or all the young boys for that matter. It seemed like they were always fighting or arguing about something. And this, or something like it, was always the end result. Boys were really just some kind of strange species to a young girl like Kaylee.

“You don’t understand, Kaylee. I couldn’t just take trash talk like that. I had to put Evans in his place.” Cole said.

“It sure looks like he put you in your place.” Kaylee said curtly.

Her remark elicited a sneer from Cole. He wiped his mouth. Kaylee saw his hand motioning and wiping. It was trickling with little red drops that she hadn’t noticed before.

“Cole, you’re bleeding!” She said anxiously.

“It’s nothing! You think I’m in bad shape? You should take a look at Evans!”

“I don’t care about who’s in worse shape!” Kaylee shot back. She had become clearly agitated by Cole’s nonchalant attitude towards what had happened. How could he just joke around when he looked so beaten up?

“We’ve got to get you home. You need to get yourself checked out. You might even have a concussion!”

Kaylee’s tone was full of concern, surprising and amusing Cole at the same time.

“Concussion? Where did you learn such a big word? You’re only twelve.”

Kaylee folded her arms angrily and let the breeze blow past them before she answered. Growing up as childhood neighbors, they always met and played together in the rolling hills around their houses despite the age difference. It was a quiet spot in their suburban town. Kaylee always liked to consider it as their secret play place. But she always suspected that Cole just considered her as a little sister, and nothing more. Cole’s remark just reinforced her thinking. This annoyed Kaylee, who couldn’t even place where her feelings for her older friend were coming from.

If only she could control her feelings for him as easily as she could read and process information. Everyone knew Kaylee was a brainy girl and that she would make something of herself. It was an accepted notion that Kaylee would someday work in the medical field. She definitely had the brains and the aptitude for it.

“Maybe if you read a little more instead of getting trouble, you’d understand.”

Cole laughed off Kaylee’s little outburst. She couldn’t understand why he had to act so tough. How could she? She was the product of a great family and great parents. Cole had the great fortune to have an alcoholic father and a mother with more than a shady past.

Sometimes Cole couldn’t understand why his dysfunctional family was living in such a quiet neighborhood at all. They just seemed to stick out like rotten apples in a basket in the neighborhood. This made him even doubly grateful for having a friend like Kaylee to grow up with. She was always there for him and provided a sweet camaraderie in his tumultuous life. This made what he had to do even harder.

“Whatever. Well, it’s getting late. We better start heading home.” Cole said. There was no happiness in his voice. He dreaded going home and would not mind staying out all night. But Kaylee had to go home, and Cole knew it.

“Okay. But you really should stop getting into so many fights.” Kaylee scolded.

“Kaylee, I promise I’ll never get into another fight in this neighborhood again. Just won’t happen.”

There was a tone of finality in Cole’s voice which made Kaylee pause and turn as they started to walk down the street.

“Really? Why do you say that?” she asked.

Kaylee turned to Cole as they walked, she didn’t see the car barreling toward her. But Cole did.

At that instant, everything seemed to suddenly go into slow motion. Cole saw the oncoming car swerving wildly, veering toward Kay Kay, his nickname for her.

‘The guy must be drunk,’ he thought, as the car quickly approached.

Cole leaped into action and shoved Kaylee away, just as the car slammed into him. Before Kaylee could do anything, she hit the ground hard, rolling to a safe stop a few feet from the car. She would have some bruises but at least she would live. She was not so sure about Cole, who was now down on the road.

“Oh my God! Is he all right? I’m so sorry!” the distracted driver stumbled over his own words as he leaped out of the car.

But Kaylee ignored him and ran to Cole. She had to see if he was all right.

“Cole? Cole! Are you okay?

“Call for help!” Kaylee screamed at the stranger, hysterically.

A long minute later Cole stirred and opened his eyes. He saw Kaylee looking down at him. His whole body ached, but he smiled.

“Kaylee. You’re okay?” Cole asked.

Kaylee just nodded and hugged Cole, practically landing right on top of him, in a full embrace. The driver was calling 911 for an ambulance, also shaken but now relieved he was alive. Kaylee squeezed Cole’s hand tightly and waited for the paramedics to arrive. It would be the last time they would be together for the next twelve years. It had been arranged that Cole would live with his aunt out west, finishing high school, and then go on to join the Navy, leaving Kaylee crushed. He left the next day, as arranged, with non-life-threatening injuries included.


“Don’t you ever stop staring at that cellphone, Watts?”

Dr. O’Bannon’s voice startled Kaylee. It took a lot to startle Kaylee, usually. It was common knowledge in the sports clinic where Kaylee worked that she was a cell-phone addict. With every free moment in the clinic that she had (and they were not a lot), Kaylee was buried in the world of social media, shopping sites, and medical forums. She was always online, and she was proud of it. Even Kaylee often joked that the day the internet was discovered was the day she was truly born.

“Dr. O’Bannon! Sorry, I didn’t notice the time pass.”

O’Bannon frowned at Kaylee. The son of Irish immigrants Dr. James O’ Bannon was a very tough boss who demanded the most from his employees. Medicine was in his blood. His father had been one of the earliest medical practitioners in the country and had made a name for himself in the medical community while raising his family. O’Bannon longed to grow out of the shadow of his father and in all respects he did. He had put up the sports clinic with his own money, blood, sweat, and tears.

He was a very stern and demanding superior at the sports clinic. But even he had to admit that Kaylee Watts was a very reliable intern, despite always being on the phone. She was very bright, and he knew she would make a name for herself in Sports Med Rehab, treating the elite athletes who went a great distance to their small town for the best rehab care in the country.

The internship at the clinic was a step to a bigger goal. She knew her graduation hinged on this and she was certain to be a future Physiotherapist. But recently she had been slipping at her duties. The workload that was once effortlessly balanced was now hopelessly in disarray. More often than not, Kaylee was staring at her cellphone and today was no exception.

He crossed his arms sternly. It made the Irishman look even larger than usual. Kaylee glanced at Dr. O’Bannon’s face. His expression looked like he could eat a lion alive. Kaylee couldn’t look him in the eye and just looked away.

“You know Kaylee, I’ll just say this once.” he said. Kaylee was caught off guard with the way O’Bannon addressed her. He never called anyone by their first names. This was a first. She pulled back at her long, wavy black hair, a nervous habit she had only acquired since her childhood.

“I know what they say about me in the clinic. I know I’m a demanding boss and an overall SOB. I know it takes a lot to make me like someone. Hell, I probably wouldn’t like me, if I met me.”

Kaylee was confused by what Dr. O'Bannon was saying.


“Look. I know your graduation’s coming up and this internship’s soon coming to an end. You’re my best intern and you’re looking to graduate right at the top. But it’s no reason to slack off towards the end of the term.”

Kaylee shook her head.

“No, sir. I’m not slacking. I mean I’m not,”

Kaylee caught herself. She was beginning to stutter and didn’t really know what she was going to say next so she just stopped talking mid-sentence. It was an awkward moment, as she was always so professional.

O’Bannon sighed and looked up at the ceiling. He knew Kaylee was a great worker and had a bright future. He didn’t want to give her too much of a hard time.

“If you want to get on my good side, you’ve got to do your job when you’re supposed to, and do it right. And by golly, you actually did
do your job right.”

Kaylee controlled the urge to laugh. O’Bannon must have really been a dinosaur to use expressions like ‘By golly.’

do.’ Not ‘
do.’ You used to do your job flawlessly before. In the past, you always did what was needed. Never mind if you always had your head buried under your cellphone. I always figured that was your business, not mine.”

Kaylee remained silent.

“But recently, you’ve changed. It’s like you’ve lost your focus and it’s affecting your productivity.”

Kaylee didn’t know what to say. What
she say? O’Bannon was right. Her work
taking a dip and there was no point in denying it.

“I’m sorry sir.” Kaylee mumbled.

O’Bannon looked at Kaylee and she was surprised at the look on his face. He gave her a sympathetic look. It was almost as if the old man was trying to understand her. Then he shook his head and spoke again.

“I know it’s probably none of my business, Watts. And you don’t even need to answer the question. But I really have to ask because you’ve not been performing to your usual standard. So what’s up with the added time on the cellphone anyway?” he asked.

Kaylee couldn’t answer her boss. What could she say? And besides, he was right. It really was none of his business. But she should have also paid more attention to her work. If she did, this awkward moment probably would not have happened.

“It’s nothing sir. I’m sorry. I’ll work better in the coming days. I promise.” she said curtly.

O’Bannon nodded silently.

“Okay. Pay more attention to your work. Your graduation’s coming up. It’s going to be a tough world outside. So go out with a bang.” he said, smiling. Dr. O’Bannon then walked briskly away.

Kaylee wiped a little sweat which was forming on her brow. She still had a mountain of patient reports to type and some tables and figures to balance. This internship thing was tougher than she thought but the old man had just given her a strong reminder to get back to work. And Kaylee really wanted to graduate and soon work for herself. She just couldn’t wait. Kaylee realized it was best that she just keep her nose to the grindstone, after all graduation was coming up.

Kaylee was about to turn to the computer monitor when she heard her phone ping. It was the ping of a message on her social media account.

She read the message and her heart skipped a couple of beats. She tried hard to control the well of emotion that sprung from her, but she couldn’t help it. A single typed message from one of her online friends had sent her world spinning. This would probably result in more trouble with Dr. O’Bannon but Kaylee couldn’t help but feel like a little girl with a schoolyard crush again.

Cole had that kind of effect on her. It was Cole who messaged her.

“My tour’s done. I’m coming home.”

Kaylee smiled to herself. She had heard rumors of this a few weeks back, and kept checking and checking for a message from him for verification. He was rarely online, so it wasn’t usual to see an actual message from him.

‘Just in time for graduation.’ she thought.





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