ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (77 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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"Thanks Marcy. I don't know why I am so nervous but this is perfect," she told her friend, giving her a hug.

"Anytime sweetheart. You are nervous because everyone gets nervous for a dinner invitation. Well most women do anyway. I bet he is cleaned up and looking good himself. It sounds like Mama Jones is not going to have it any other way," she commented. She had a point. Mrs. Jones would certainly want her boys to be presentable. Then again, she told herself, Jomial might not even be there. She imagined his "business" was more active after dark.

She pulled up to the house and got out with the salad and drinks she had brought. When she went up the walk, Charles opened the door. He looked smart in slacks and a button down shirt, black pants and red shirt.

Hi Jacky how are you doing?" He asked and politely took her light black jacket. Obviously on his best behavior.

"I am doing great Charles. I hope I brought the right salad to go with the dinner," she told him, making conversation.

"I am sure it will be cool. Mom's cooking is so good anything goes good with it," he bragged. She smiled and followed him into the kitchen.

Mrs. Jones was there in a nice red dress with a blue apron for cooking. We said hello and exchanged news of the day. Jomial came out of the back of the house. Like Charles looking good. Actually, she told herself, he looked real good. His muscular body looked better in more form fitting clothes. His pants were not baggy so his rear end was a little more obviously nice. Her white shirt was just snug enough to show off his strong arms and chest. Jacqueline could not help the big smile when she saw him. He smiled at her too, but they kept their greeting to the basic hellos.

It ended up being the best night she had enjoyed for a long time. They relaxed and the food was a wonderful home cooked meal the likes of which she had not ate since the last time she went home. The wine and salad she brought went well with it and got compliments and Charles was over the moon about the bottle of root beer she had got for him.

"How did you know?" He asked. She just shrugged mysteriously.

"As often as you talk about root beer is it any wonder she knew," his mom said indulgently. Jomial laughed with Jacqueline and after a moment Charles got over the brief embarrassment and laughed with them. Laughing with Jomial had felt good to her. She insisted in helping with the clean up so Mrs. Jones gave her an apron and she helped wash dishes. Afterward they went into the living room and relaxed around the piano.

Soon enough they were talking music, and then she was playing, and then Charles was playing and Mrs. Jones and Jomial sang. Jacqueline did not have a singing voice so she stuck to playing and clapping a beat for the livelier songs. Then on the spur of the moment she played a little riff at the end of a soul song they had been playing.

"Oh I like that sweety, what is that?" Mrs. Jones asked her.

"That is something I wrote actually. It just seemed to fit there," she felt herself blush as she answered. They were impressed.

"How come you didn't tell me you wrote stuff too?" Charles asked indignantly.

"You never asked," she told him laughing. "I write music a lot, usually when I get stuck on homework or on Sundays. For some reason Sundays are always a good day," she told them. At their urging she played a few other of her songs for them and they applauded all of them. She did not know if they were just being polite, but it felt good anyway. It was about nine when she noticed the time. Mrs. Jones did too.

"Oh gosh it is getting late. I hope we haven't kept you Jacky dear,"

"Not at all I have been having a lot of fun. I do have classes in the morning though so I should be off," she told them regretfully.

"We don't have guest over much anymore so I guess we just lost track of time. Say you will come back for dinner sometime. We had fun too." Her boys agreed heartily and she promised to come back for dinner. Jomial walked her to her car.

"One of these days my family will be able to have guests walk to their car without worrying about the neighborhood," he said. She glanced at him as they went down the walk and he looked around with distaste.

"That is alright, until I was twelve I grew up in an area just like this. I know the drill," she told him. He looked mildly surprised but nodded understanding.

"I wanted to ask you Jacky, do you have lyrics for those songs you wrote?" He asked.

"I am not good with words, I do notes better," she answered curious.

"Well um, I actually had a few words come to mind for several of the songs you played us. I don't understand the music side of things, but words I do get. They come to me for all sorts of music. The ones I really like I write down and if you want I could write them down for you. I would be curious what you think since you know so much about the stuff," he offered. I was floored. Writing music for that voice was like a dream come true. She knew she was good and with the right lyrics, who knew what they could come up with.

"That would be great Jomial. You know what else. I have access to all sorts of practice rooms built for sound. Have you ever heard yourself sing in an auditorium, or studio?" She asked suddenly. His eyes lit up with the possibility.

"No I haven't, but it sounds great. If you want I can give you my number and you can text me a time and place, I will be there," he told her enthusiastically.

"Sure, that would be great. Most of them are empty on the weekends, in the evening anyway. How does that sound?" She asked.

"Sounds good to me. I do have to ask, do you trust me?" The way he said it showed he knew what her opinion of him had been. She blushed a little but stood her ground too.

"I do in most situations. Besides, you mama would kick your ass if you let anything happen to me!" I told him with a grin. He returned it with a nod.

"She would. I know you don't like what I do and that is ok. I just hope you get that it is not all that I am," he said.

"Fair enough. I will give you a call tomorrow and let you know what I can book for us," she offered and he agreed. He held the car door for her like a gentlemen and she waved when she drove off. She had no idea what she had got herself into but knew Marcy had been right. Living was an inspiration.

Jacqueline got home and changed into her pajama pants and a tank top. She drank a beer and watched the news for a half hour before going to bed. This time when she dreamed of Jomial it was not singing with him. He was singing softly to her, in her bed. He was bent over her running a hand down her side and up to her shoulder. She loved it and arched herself up into his strong hands. He bent to kiss her singing softly and his hand went under her top to her breasts and her body hummed with its own music. She awoke with a gasp in the middle of the night. Sitting up she caught her breath.

"Damn, it had to end there," she said to her empty apartment.



Chapter Five- Making Music Together


Jacqueline's life became all about music. More than ever before. During the week she had her classes and teaching. On the weekends she spent one if not two nights writing with Jomial. His voice was spectacular in a practice room and he was entranced by his own voice. It turned out that he was also a great lyricist. The words always seemed to fit right in with whatever music she came up with. She had some more rocking songs that he had no trouble finding the words for. Her hip hop ideas were easy for him as well. She had never met someone so versatile in the lyric department. On one occasion he showed up with a bruise on his cheek. She did not ask and he did not say, but it was reminder to her that he did live a dangerous life. It was not just in his lyrics.

Their fourth night writing they finished rehearsing a song they had put together from beginning to end. It started slow and built to a crescendo with passionate lyrics matching the rise in tempo. His voice was in fine form and when they finished they looked at each other eyes wide. He was sitting next to her on the piano bench and she had felt the energy he had put into his singing. It was more than entrancing. Her body was responding to his body and as they looked at each other she could see it in his eyes too. When his head leaned forward she did not resist and returned his kiss. His lips lit a fire in her as did his hand that lay on her thigh. She was wearing a light skirt and she could feel the heat from his touch on her skin through the material. She sighed when they broke it off. She felt a tremble deep inside.

"I have been wanting to do that for some time Jacqueline Parker, I hope you know," he told her and she nodded.

"Me to Jomial Jones. So now what?" She was feeling confused and glance around the little practice room they were using.

"That is up to you my dear," he responded. He did not bend in for another kiss or touch her more than he had. He waited for her decision. A gentleman drug dealer? She thought to herself dizzily. She glance around the room again. There was nothing there but the piano and a few sound mats. A wild idea occurred to her and Marcy's head was going to explode when she told her about it.

"Do you think those mats might be good for something other than sound buffering?" She asked innocently, yet with a husky tone to her voice she did not recognize. He looked over at the mats.

"I think we may need to find out don't you think?" He asked casually yet with an urgent tone to his lovely voice.

"I'll lock the door you get the mats," she told him.

They both jumped up laughing and she ran to the door, looked out and saw no one, then she quietly shut it and locked it. Jomial had already spread some mats out on the floor behind the piano. She trailed her fingers over silk covered belly to her pants line and trembled. Jacqueline had a lust for him she had not felt before, and an urgency to fulfill like she could not have imagined. It was a passion of such strength it was almost overcoming. She went to him almost hesitantly, not sure what to do with so much passion, and lust she added to herself. He took off his t-shirt and his chest was magnificent. He took her hand and they knelt to the mats. Facing each other on their knees they kissed again, and as they did he untucked her blouse. She raised her hands and he pulled it off over her head. His hands on her bare waist set a fire going deep within her body. As soon as they took off each other’s pants, that fire began rising to the surface.

They lay back and he was up on one elbow leaning over her with his hands exploring her sexy body. Marcy had always told her she was sexy, and now she was seeing the reality of it and not just the observation of it. Jomial kissed her throat and then her breasts, removing her bra and she arched her back with a moan. He gave a low chuckle and gasp as she ram her hands down his shorts and over his wonderful rear end. Soon his shorts were off followed by her panties and their naked bodies were pressed together in their lust and sweat. Gasping she kissed his chest and neck then lips again. She felt his fingers explore between her legs and she became moist in her flower of desire. Her inner heat now took over her entire body and every touch she gave him, or he gave her was just fanning her passion higher. It was like the song he had written, she thought frantically, with a cry of arousal that would not be denied.

Jomial rolled on top of her with a growl of passion that she matched and he bent to kiss her roughly. Her arms went around him running her nails up his back as their tongues entwined. She could feel his maleness pressing against her thigh growing harder and she gasped when their lips parted.

"I can't hold off much more!" He told her with a rough voice completely at odds with his singing voice.

"Don't Jomial, now, now!" She cried out and he lifted his hips and she felt the tip of his member brush her opening and cried out shaking with an orgasm that made her whole body sing. Then he plunged into her waiting depths. He slid up and down within her and each thrust touched a place so deep within her desires she was unable to speak for the pleasure she felt. It seemed to go on forever and get stronger with each thrust of his rod of their pleasure until a final thrust exploded inside of her engulfing them in a mutually powerful wave of passion that was a soul filling experience. Gasping and catching their breaths Jacqueline knew that her music was going to have an extra flair to it from now on.



Chapter Six- Deep and Powerful Love


Jacqueline had never been so busy, or so happy. Marcy commented on it with a gleam in her eye and I told you so tone. She had been right, Jacqueline thought with some amusement. Her whole life was going so close to perfect she would not know the difference if she saw it. Her classes were going great and she seemed to have a greater focus when she was in class or doing homework. Her teaching both in class and with Charles was gaining ground and the school was loving the progress she was making with her kids. Her song writing with Jomial was going gangbusters and they were actually debating recording something, a demo of some sort. On top of all of that she had a love life that floored her every time she thought about it, or dreamed about it. Her dreams were becoming close to pornographic and she was enjoying those as well. A month after Jomial and she had made love in the practice room, they were laying there in a wonderful afterglow of another passionate round of lovemaking, when he opened up to her as he had not done before.

"I guess you know I love you Jacky," he said softly. She sighed against his shoulder.

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