ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) (252 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)
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Rowena a commencé à s'agiter sous son emprise Narien comme il flicked et sucé sur le clito. Elle se sentait son doigt taquiner son ouverture et la crainte a commencé à se saisir d'elle, mais le doux feuilletant de langue du Narien bientôt pris sa tête hors d'elle. 

Quand elle se sentait comme si elle ne pouvait pas prendre de plus Narien glissé un doigt dans son entrée et a commencé à sucer dur sur son clit gonflées. Rowena complètement déchaîné comme plaisir tiré à travers son corps comme la foudre. Rowena gémit comme ses muscles serrée autour du doigt Narien, lui causant de pompe il dans et hors de son plus rapidement. Ses jambes ont secoué et la salle filé. 

Narien glissé son doigt de son corps et comme elle a essayé de son mieux de reprendre son souffle, elle pouvait le voir au bord du lit dépose son pantalon. Son épaisseur de coq émergea et Rowena's eyes déformés. Elle n'avait jamais rien vu de tel dans sa vie. Il était magnifique et terrifiante en même temps. 

Narien prit dans sa main et regardé son corps et il a déménagé sa main vers le haut et le bas à quelques reprises. Rowena se sentait comme si ses entrailles tremblaient et n'a pas toujours la maîtrise complète de son corps. Elle n'avait aucune idée de ce qu'elle était d' attendre, mais il savait qu'il n'était pas seulement son devoir, mais ce qu'elle voulait. 

Elle serait son épouse en quelques heures et elle voulait savoir ce que c'était que d'être avec lui. Elle voulait lui apporter le même plaisir qu'il venait de donner son. Narien remonté sur le lit et comme il a déménagé son monticule humide gonflées, il courbé vers le bas une fois de plus et a donné son clitoris quelques flicks presque forçant dans un autre l'orgasme. 

Une fois qu'il était persuadé qu'elle était juste au bord il leva les yeux vers elle et ont commencé à se déplacer, sauvegarder son corps. Il avait encore sa bite dans une main et que son visage atteint les siennes et il a commencé à lui embrasser , elle pouvait sentir lui vers le haut avec elle lui-même doublure entrée. 

Rowena regardé Narien et il pouvait voir la peur dans les yeux. " Il ne fait que nuire à une seconde ", il a chuchoté à l'oreille. 

Narien a commencé à hausser sa queue contre son ouverture comme il l'avait gardée dans sa main pour s'assurer qu'il n'a pas sortir de sa place. Rowena se sentait comme si elle était en cours de traitement RIP dans la moitié comme il a poussé plus profond et plus profond pouce par pouce. 

Elle voulait crier, de s'éloigner, et de sortir de cette salle et masquer, mais comme elle estimait ses hanches Press contre le sien, elle a entendu une profonde gémir échapper à ses lèvres. Rowena leva les yeux vers lui comme il tiendra lui-même en place, permettant ainsi son corps pour ajuster à Lui complètement Elle s'est sentie tout à coup plus près de lui que elle n'avait aucune autre personne. Elle fit la grimace comme il a commencé à déplacer ses hanches, mais comme son propre gémit se rapprochaient de sorte n'a son plaisir. 

Le sexe était quelque chose qu'elle a appris qu'elle n'aurait pas profiter, mais ce serait lui faire du mal. Comme elle jeter de retour à regarder l'homme ci-dessus qu'une diapositive dans et hors de son corps, elle s'est demandé si c'était la même expérience que tous avaient. 

Oui, il a été un peu douloureux au premier abord, mais plus il déménage le plus de plaisir qu'elle estimait et plus il gémit le plus tourné sur elle est devenue. Elle rougi comme elle a pensé à elle, sensation comme si elle faisait quelque chose de mal en appréciant la loi, mais savait qu'elle n'avait rien à cacher de lui. 

Ce n'était qu'une question de minutes avant le rythme Narien a commencé à s'accélérer. Il avait voulu faire l'amour avec elle toute la nuit, pour lui montrer qu'il était un homme affectueux, qui prendrait soin de son mais il ne pouvait pas se contrôler. Elle était tout ce que toutes les autres femmes avaient été avec n'ont pas été, plus que cela, elle était vierge, prêts à se donner à lui et lui seul. 

Narien agrippé Rowena's poignets, en les enfermant dans ses mains pendant qu'il commença à taper plus rapidement et avec plus d'intensité en elle. Il growled profonde qu'il a sauté dans sa une dernière fois en relâchant sa semence en elle. 

Rowena pourraient sentir son coeur battre dans sa poitrine comme il se coucha sur elle et l'a embrassée passionnément. Elle pouvait sentir la sueur de son corps sur sa propre et le son de lui une respiration forte bercé son. 

Narien glissé hors de elle et déplacé à côté d'elle sur le lit. Rowena doucement  sa tête sur ses portées poitrine et s'est endormi. Le lendemain matin, quand elle se réveilla Narien n'était plus dans son lit. Elle était sûre qu'il avait été là toute la nuit après avoir réveillé plusieurs fois et ne pas savoir pourquoi il avait quitté son. 

Rowena rapidement déplacé hors du lit, mais quand elle a commencé à se lever , qu'elle a senti une douleur dans ses cuisses et profondément à l'intérieur d'elle. Elle marchait lentement à la garde-robe et s'est emparé de la première robe qu'elle a vu. Coup de la panique , elle a rapidement habillé et fait sa sortie de la chambre. 

Elle se sentait comme si son coeur allait se casser comme elle a pensé à où il serait. L'image de lui dans le village avec les femmes la pendaison sur lui tous rempli son esprit et elle pouvait sentir la colère de son bâtiment à l'intérieur également. 

Comme Rowena alla dans la cuisine, elle était soulagé de trouver Narien assis à la grande table en attente sur elle. 

Il lui a dit qu'ils allaient être mariés ce jour-là et voulait laisser à son sommeil parce qu'elle allait avoir une très longue nuit à venir d'elle. Rowena sourit quand elle se dirigea vers l'homme que serait son mari par la fin de la journée. Il enveloppa ses bras autour de sa taille et lui a tiré près comme elle courbé vers le bas de l'embrasser. 

Rowena savait que même si cela avait commencé comme un mariage de complaisance elle serait se marier avec lui pour l'amour et quand elle a regardé profondément dans ses yeux elle pouvait dire qu'il l'aimait de la même manière. 

La fin







Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)


Chapter 1

Sitting in a taxi with her luggage clutched to her chest, Andrea stared wide-eyed at the back of the seat before her. She noticed the driver occasionally back glanced at her, but he seemed harmless enough; he wore a cardigan, his frame was remarkably thin, and his eyes shone with a kind of warmth that compassionate people were good at expressing. However, regardless of these qualities, Andrea’s skin continued to tingle with apprehension. She was still in Canada, after all, and Hank probably had ties everywhere. Certainly, with his amount of money, he had friends within the public transportation communities.

Andrea’s face scrunched at the thought. She could actually feel her own paranoia, frivolous yet cold in her veins. She forced herself to breathe deeply and focus.

The taxi driver had gotten her out of Victoria, and now they were headed for the nearest airport. Once there, Andrea would take the next flight to New York City to confront Reed O’Connor, known to be the nicer gentleman of the Billionaire Trio. At the very least, he couldn’t be worse than Hank Bennet had been.

Andrea shivered. Despite being stiff and sore, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing over her shoulder. There were many cars on the streets, of course, but she didn’t recognize any of them belonging to Hank. Though, to be fair, Hank often had the two of them driven around in a limo.

Andrea faced forward again, her grip on her suitcase loosening. The longer she sat there with adrenaline and fear spiking through her, the more she felt comfortable with it. More than that, she was beginning to feel…exhilarated, of all things. She could have been killed—Hank obviously had the strength and capability to murder her to keep her quiet about his secrets, and then Andrea was sure he could use his wealth to cover up his crime. And while the realization had made Andrea sick at first, she now appreciated it; it meant that she had learned something of great value, something that she should share with the world. But she needed Reed O’Connor.

Not for the first time, Andrea snaked her hand into her suitcase and wrapped her fingers around her cell phone. The device had died several minutes ago, much to her frustration. There was no one she needed to call at that moment—her boss already knew enough about the situation—but…but what about her family? Andrea knew they would be horrified to learn that she had slept with someone just to obtain information, and she knew they wouldn’t appreciate the significance of her discovery, but she could have died…she could have died as someone who had no one, and just because she had grown tired of dealing with her parents’ judgments.

She could still die. For all she knew, Reed O’Connor could be more menacing than his reputation portrayed him to be. And if he truly was a bear-man-thing like Hank, then Andrea didn’t stand a chance against him. The thought made her tighten her grip on her phone. Perhaps calling her parents to reconnect with them would be a pointless sentimental endeavor, but not even having the option to do so was grinding against her senses.

I’ll charge it in New York City,
she told herself. The thought feeling hollow, she inhaled a long, quiet breath and glanced out the window.

She didn’t release her phone until they reached the airport.


Chapter 2

The many hours it took to book a flight and travel to New York City helped to calm Andrea Watson immensely. Now that she wasn’t in the same immediate area as Hank Bennet, she thought more clearly and more ambitiously.

She plugged her phone’s charger in one of airport’s outlets. Then she sat on the floor beside it and waited for her phone to light up. The moment it did, she called her boss.

“And you are certain you want to go through with this?” Ms. Lee asked her. “There is no shame if you want to press charges against Hank. This is your first big assignment, and for it to go so traumatically…” The older woman sighed. “No one would look down on you if you wanted to come home now.”

“Not until I get enough evidence,” Andrea said, her tone much stronger than it had been back in Canada. “I can do this.”

Ms. Lee didn’t argue the point any further, instead ending the call with the cautious reminder to be careful.

Andrea hung up before going through her contacts. The moment she saw “Mom and Dad” on the screen, she froze, her thumb hovering over the words. She stared at her device for a few seconds, indecisiveness tainting her newly restored confidence. Eventually, with clenched teeth, she turned off her phone and unplugged its charger.

She could be sentimental after she wrote her article about the Billionaire Trio—after she exposed the truth about these bear-human-creatures.


Dressed in her wrinkled pantsuit, carrying one of her smaller purses, and wearing a light amount of makeup, Andrea strode up to the O’Connor Estate’s large black gate. Surrounding the massive property was a tall brick wall, nothing but the top of the mansion and the tops of trees being able to be seen from the ground.

Andrea peered through the gate at the distant mansion. She didn’t expect to see a bear roaming around, but she expected to see
—a guard, a gardener, anyone. The property was silent, nothing but a quiet breeze rustling through the trees and shorter foliage.

Frowning, Andrea went over to the intercom and pressed the appropriate button.

A moment later, a voice crackled over the little speaker. “Hello, Miss. How may I help you?”

Again, Andrea pressed the right button before she said, “Hello, my name is Andrea Watson. I am a reporter for Monumental Press, and I am here to speak with Reed O’Connor.”

“I’m sorry, miss, but Mr. O’Connor doesn’t do unscheduled interviews.”

Andrea pressed the button and said, “Tell Mr. O’Connor I’m here to question him about his species. His and Hank Bennet’s.”

The intercom was quiet for a long moment. Satisfied by such a response, Andrea barely restrained herself from smirking as she glanced around yet again. She noticed a few inconspicuous cameras built into the brick walls, and with this awareness, she stiffened her posture and held her head higher. She would not let the past frighten her, nor would she let her limited knowledge of this bear-things intimidate her.

She yelped when the gate squealed and jittered, its movements sluggish and loud as it pulled itself apart and allowed her entrance onto the property.

Embarrassed—adrenaline still spiking through her—Andrea cleared her throat and straightened her posture yet again. She nodded at the intercom before she strode forward, toward the mansion. The closer she got to it, the quieter her surroundings became. She could hear nothing but her own breathing and her own footsteps.

Clenching her muscles so she wouldn’t shake, she raised her fist to knock on the tall front door when it suddenly swung open.

“Hello, Ms. Watson,” Reed O’Connor said, smiling politely. “I’m afraid Hank called me yesterday and told me everything. I am so, so sorry about his appalling actions.”

Andrea’s eyes widened. She fought against the urge to step back—to run away—and she concentrated harder on his body language. Though not as tall as Hank, Reed also had a wide-set of shoulders and big arms, but he stood in a manner that suggested he felt light—not burdened by weight or muscle. His face contained a little scruff, his dark eyes gentle as they stared at her.

“Nothing I say or do could ever truly make up for Hank’s actions,” Reed said, his tone choking a bit on the last couple of words, “but at the very least, I can be honest with you. And based on what Hank has told me, that’s all you wanted to begin with. Right?”

Andrea eyed him for a second. “Right.”

“Then ask me anything, and I will tell you the truth. But, Ms. Watson, you must understand the delicate nature in which we live in. There are reasons why secrets are kept.”

Weariness settled upon her, but she made sure it didn’t show on her face. “It sounds like there’s a catch here.”

Reed nodded, tired amusement glinting in his eyes. “I’m afraid so. In exchange for my explanations and confessions, you cannot tell anyone about them. Our secrets must become yours.

Please understand that what Hank did was unforgivable, but there is a reason why he behaved so…”

“Evilly? Disgustingly?”

Reed winced. “Yes.”

Andrea thought over his words for a moment, and Reed waited patiently for her response. For an absurd second, Andrea felt as if she was in a therapist’s office—the way Reed was staring at her, smiling at her. She decided to smile back at him, though the action made something bitter curl beneath her breastbone.

“I suppose I can understand that,” she lied. “Should I be concerned for my safety?”

“In regards to myself, never,” Reed said seriously. His expression fell a little as he continued, “But I cannot speak for others in my…community.”

That intrigued Andrea, though a jitter of panic shot through her. She opted to ignore it. “Very well. I understand.”

“Good.” He backed away and motioned for her to enter his home. “Come on in. I was just about to have lunch.”

Andrea didn’t hesitate to walk past him and into the mansion. However, her paranoia returned in full, constricting her lungs and making her blood burn cold. She reminded herself that she called Ms. Lee, who understood enough to know that Andrea could be in danger; she reminded herself that taking dangerous risks were a part of the job—part of having integrity; and she reminded herself that, no matter what, there was no way in hell anyone or anything would make her keep these things’ secrets. It was this last thought that reassured her the most.

Breathing evenly, Andrea looked back at Reed. “Lead the way.”

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