ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary) (43 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary)
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Chapter 6

For the Lord Shall Renew Their Strength


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months as Abigail Abbott recovered from the bite of the rattlesnake. It was over this time that she and Nathaniel began to know each other a little better. When the day came that Abigail was finally able to walk well and return to tending to her duties, she was almost sad to see Nathaniel go.


“I think perhaps you are strong enough now to be without me here.” Nathaniel said as they sat at the kitchen table. Abigail sipped on her horehound tea.


“Perhaps just one more week?” she said as she placed her cup down. Nathaniel looked at her with kindness in his eyes.


“Miss. Abigail, we both know that the people in Bodie have been talking. It does not do for an unmarried man and an unmarried woman to bed in the same home. It is for the best that I return to my father’s farm lest your reputation as an honest woman be ruined.” Abigail nodded.


“I know that you are right, Nathaniel and I know that the Lord would not wish for us to dishonor the sanctity of marriage…but I am afraid that without you here I might not be able to manage alone.” Nathaniel smiled.


“Do you remember the day that I came up here? The day that you were bitten?” Abigail nodded slowly.


“I think so…”


“That day you were the most steadfast woman that I know. When I offered to help you with your chores, you would only accept my help in return for your own assistance with my dusty lungs. You are not a woman who needs assistance, Miss. Abigail.” Abigail nodded and picked up her cup of tea, holding it between her hands. She looked down into her mug in silence for a few moments.


“But perhaps, Nathaniel, I am a woman who needs company…” She lifted her head, her cheeks colored pink. Nathaniel nodded.


“I think we all need company, Miss. Abigail. I would be happy to visit you after my work is complete at the farm, but I must return home after I do.” Abigail smiled at him.


“I would like that.”


That night as Abigail lay in her small iron framed bed against the wall of the cabin, she strained her eyes through the darkness. Against the wall she could make out the silhouette of Nathaniel as he slept at the foot of her bed. It had been too late for him to make the trek back in to Bodie without the risk of attack from wild animals, so he had agreed to stay until the morning came.


Abigail listened to the rhythmic inhale and exhale of his breathing as she stared at him. She didn’t want him to leave, she didn’t want to live alone again.


The past few months, as sick as she had been, had been joyful in his company. She had once again felt the warmth of having someone to care for and someone to share the burden of her father’s land. But she had asked him to stay and he had told her that he could not, what more could she do? As she listened to him breathing she imagined being blessed with that sound for all the days of her life.


Never had Abigail given thought to the idea of marriage before she had become ill. Certainly it was something for the other women of the village, but Abigail had spent all of her life caring for her father. After he had died, she had no idea how to procure a husband of her own and as a result she had hardened herself to the idea. She had taught herself to be the man and the woman of the home and she had worked hard to maintain her estate. Now that she had had a taste of what domestic life could be however, she found her heart longing for the constant of that companionship.


As her eyes slowly began to close, Abigail found herself imagining a life with Nathaniel by her side. A life in the small cabin. A life where she would never have to be the man of the house again.


When the sun rose in the morning, Nathaniel was already pulling on his boots to head back in to Bodie. As Abigail sat up in bed she saw him walking for the door.


“Goodbye Nathaniel.” He turned, startled by her voice.


“I thought I should get an early start. I will come to see you when I have finished work.” He assured her. Abigail smiled softly.


“I will look forward to it.” Nathaniel opened the front door. “Nathaniel?” He looked back at her. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” Abigail could feel herself blushing, it just wasn’t proper for a woman to have to ask a man to dinner.


“That would be nice, Abigail.” He nodded and walked out of the door closing it behind him. Abigail sat in bed smiling, for once he had called her Abigail instead of Miss. Abigail. He had done it while she had been sick, she remembered hearing his voice through the feverish haze. She much preferred the informality of being Abigail. When he called her Miss. It made her feel like a teacher rather than a friend. Over the months, Nathaniel had most definitely become a friend and she hoped that she had become one to him too…perhaps even more.


After getting herself dressed, Abigail set about her chores, all the while thinking about Nathaniel. As she collected the eggs from the chicken coop she thought of the pie crust that she could make with them. As she chopped wood for the wood burning stove, she thought of the pie she would cook with it. As she checked the traps for game, she thought of the luscious filling she would put in that pie.


The contents of the traps yielded two rabbits, enough to fill a rather large pie which would feed both of them for a couple of days. Abigail smiled to herself at the thought of being able to lure Nathaniel back with a second dinner from the pie. She would mention to him that if he did not return, then the pie would only go to waste. Then she frowned.


A God fearing woman would never be so manipulative. What was happening to her? Abigail wondered if perhaps such manipulation done out of love was as frowned up as any other type of manipulation. When she had trouble answering the question for herself she decided that it probably was, and that she should refrain from offering Nathaniel a second night of pie.


Chapter 7

Two Are Better Than One


The knock at the door startled Abigail Abbott as she was setting out spoons on the table. She had been expecting Nathaniel, but the house had been so silent when he had knocked that the knock had seemed much louder than it actually was.


Abigail brushed her palms over the front of her apron, straightening it before she opened the front door. When she saw Nathaniel she smiled and invited him in. It had felt as though he had been gone for weeks.


“Tell me, Nathaniel, how was your day?” Abigail went to the stove and took the rabbit pie from it. As Nathaniel sat down at the table, she placed the pie in the center of it and took the lid off the pot.


“Oh that smells delicious!” Nathaniel exclaimed, his eyes glistening. Abigail smiled as she fetched a large spoon and began to spoon the pie on to the two plates. “Thank you, Abigail.” Nathaniel watched her spoon out the food.


“Work was just fine. Plenty of potatoes this year…like every other year!” Nathaniel chuckled and Abigail joined him in his laughter. “Still, no crop is a bad crop as long as there is edible yield.” Abigail nodded in agreement as she sat down across from Nathaniel.


“Shall we pray?” She asked. Nathaniel nodded and folded his hands and lowered his head.


“Heavenly father, we thank you for this bounty before us and we thank your humble creatures for giving their lives so that we may eat. Amen.”


“Amen.” Abigail added.


“I spent a little time in town today as well.” Nathaniel scooped up a mouthful of pie on to his spoon and blew on it softly.


“Oh yes?” Abigail asked as she took her own spoonful of pie. Nathaniel nodded.


“Yes, I went to see the Minister McCall.” Nathaniel slid his spoon into his mouth. Abigail frowned.


“Minister McCall? Whatever for?” Nathaniel chewed his mouthful of food slowly.


“To ask how soon we might be married.” He said after swallowing. Abigail stared at him, the furrows in her brow only getting deeper.


“Who might be married?” She said, letting her spoon drop to the table. Nathaniel smiled broadly.


“You and I.” Pushing his chair back from the table he walked over to Abigail and knelt down on one knee.


“Abigail, these past few months with you have been the best months of my life. I do not think that I can live without your companionship, without your love and I do not want us to live in sin.” Reaching out, he took her hand in his. “Abigail, will you be my wife?” Abigail took a deep breath in, her eyes wide and brimming with tears. She nodded slowly.


“Two are better than one…” She said through her tears. Nathaniel brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.


“…because they have a good reward for their toil.” He finished the Bible verse for her and stood up beside her. As he stood, Abigail stood as well and threw her arms around his neck.


“Oh Nathaniel, I so hoped that we might be together again!” She squeezed him tightly and he laughed gently. “All day I had worried that I might never enjoy your company in the same way again. I couldn’t imagine my life without you by my side!” Leaning back she looked into Nathaniel’s cool blue eyes and then leaning forward she pressed her lips against his.


It was only a few short days later when Abigail and Nathaniel stood before Minister McCall in front of the cabin in the afternoon sun. Saying their vows under God the two swore to love and to cherish each other all the days of their lives while Doc. Jacobson watched on. It was a small ceremony with only Nathaniel’s parents and the Doc. present, but Abigail knew that her father was present in spirit as she gave her heart to Nathaniel in the eyes of God.


As Nathaniel had slipped the small ring on to her finger, she had felt more complete and more cherished than she had felt in a long time. Her day had finally come and it was more beautiful than she ever could have hoped for as they stood underneath the clear blue skies with the autumn sun shining above them. Even the heat of the Indian summer could not take away from the pure fantasy of that moment. Abigail Abbott was finally complete.


“Nathaniel?” Abigail asked as she perched on the edge of her bed.


“Yes, my bride?” Abigail beamed at her new title.


“I’m a little nervous.” Nathaniel frowned.


“About what, my love?” He walked over to her and sat beside her on the bed.


“Well…” She could feel her cheeks already burning with an embarrassed blush. “I never had a mother to tell me about…certain things.” Nathaniel nodded. “And, I’m not very sure what I’m supposed to…do?” Nathaniel shook his head slowly.


“I’m not sure what you mean?” Abigail could feel her cheeks getting redder by the second.


“The wedding night…”


“OH!” Nathaniel laughed loudly and Abigail felt tears beginning to well up in her eyes. “Oh no, no, no don’t cry! Don’t think too much about it, my love.” He reached over and brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek. “I will guide you.” Bringing his hand down, he cupped her chin and pressed his lips to hers softly.


Abigail could feel a warmth spreading over her body as she felt Nathaniel reach around her body and tug the threading of her corset. As he slowly unlaced her, his lips still taking hers, Abigail could feel herself beginning to melt into him.


Nathaniel pulled back and taking her hands in his, he stood up and brought her up to her feet in front of him. His rough hands slid over her shoulders, pushing the fabric of her dress bodice down over them. As he bared her shoulders he leaned forward and pressed his lips to them, before sliding her dress further down.


Abigail could barely breathe when her dress slid into a pile on the floor. She stood before Nathaniel in just her cotton undergarment. His eyes passed over every curve of her body before he leaned in to her and kissed her gently.


Again, his hands moved up to her shoulders, slipping the straps of her undergarment off them and leaving them bare. Abigail took a sharp breath in as slowly and deliberately Nathaniel peeled down her undergarment until she stood before him completely nude. Her breathing became heavier and the redness grew in her cheeks as she looked at him in all her innocence.


“Lie down.” He whispered softly as he peeled back the bedcovers. Abigail did as he asked, slipping her legs underneath the blanket in an effort to cover the unsightly scar on her calf. “Now I will undress for you, my love.”


Abigail bit her bottom lip nervously as she looked over at Nathaniel. His eyes stayed connected with hers as he shed his clothing for her. As he slid down his underpants, Abigail glanced down between his legs but quickly brought her eyes back up to Nathaniel’s.


“It’s okay.” He said as he slipped into bed beside her. “We are man and wife, we are permitted to lay together as man and wife do.” Abigail felt his warm skin touch hers.


Nathaniel leaned on to his side, his fingers resting between Abigail’s bare breasts as he smiled down at her.


“Nathaniel?” She whispered. “Will this hurt?” He leaned down and kissed her lips.


“Perhaps for a moment, but the joy you will feel after the pain will be more than you have ever felt before.” He slid his hand up over her breast and let his fingers tease her nipple. Abigail inhaled deeply, certainly she had never felt anything as tantalizing as this before.


Gently, Nathaniel teased her, watching her lips open as she gave in to the pleasure that began to wash over her. As her nipple budded under his touch, Nathaniel lifted himself so that he was leaning over Abigail. She could feel the entire length of his body pressing against hers and closing her eyes she smiled.


Nathaniel nudged her legs apart with his knee and placed himself between them. Abigail opened her eyes slowly, the rush of intense pleasure making every inch of her body feel as though she were flying. She smiled at him dreamily.


“Are you ready, my love?” Abigail nodded.


“Yes, I’m ready.” Her voice quivered.


As Nathaniel pressed against her, Abigail could feel an uncomfortable pressure. She gripped his shoulders tightly as she pressed her lips together in silence. Nathaniel locked eyes with her, letting her know that it was okay and she felt herself beginning to relax.


As he pressed forward Abigail felt a sudden sharp pain, but no sooner had it come than it had gone and she could feel Nathaniel filling her. Her chest heaved as Nathaniel gently rocked his body over hers slowly and deliberately.


She looked into his beautiful blue eyes that gleamed as he looked at her with the look of true love. She smiled gently and then licked her lips slowly and Nathaniel leaned down, pressing his mouth against hers. He kissed her hungrily as he claimed his wife for the first time and she kissed him back with every ounce of passion in her body.


“Oh Nathaniel!” Abigail whispered in a breathless voice as he pulled out of their kiss and moved his body with a rhythm that made Abigail want to cry out in pleasure.


“Oh Abigail!” He whispered back as he moved softly on top of her. The soft warmth of his skin caressing hers with every movement. She brought her hands up to his face, holding his cheeks against the palms of her hands.


Suddenly, Abigail felt every part of her body beginning to tingle and she looked at Nathaniel fearfully. In a split second that tingling turned to the most incredible rush of pleasure she had ever felt in her life and she couldn’t help but cry out breathlessly until her body stilled on the sweat soaked sheets.


Nathaniel smiled at her knowingly as he himself began to approach his own peak of ecstasy. Abigail watched as he suddenly slowed his rhythmic movements and she felt the warmth of his pleasure filling her. It was a sensation unlike any other, but she knew that they had now become one.


His breath still coming quickly, Nathaniel lay down beside Abigail. Reaching over he brushed her hair from her eyes and smiled.


“Are you okay?” He asked. Abigail nodded.


“Oh yes.”


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