ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Enemy Lines (Shapeshifter Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance) (Science Fiction Romance with Alien Invader) (10 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Enemy Lines (Shapeshifter Alien Invasion Abduction Contemporary Romance) (Science Fiction Romance with Alien Invader)
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-First date-

John McKinley was clearly into Fred from the first time he laid his eyes on his at the wall-in-the-wall. And it was at that moment that he secretly decided that he was going to get him no matter what. And without wasting any more time, he decided to move towards the bar counter where Fred was seated and pulled a chair right next to him.


To that point, Fred was busy enjoying his delicious sandwich to the point that he didn’t realize that he was being stalked by one of the most sort after billionaires in the IT world. But it wasn’t because of his work, but because he had this incredible crush on him that he just couldn’t get to control at all. But it was Denis’ departure that made Fred suspect and made a point of looking the other direction.


And there he was, the man of his dreams just staring at him with this incredibly handsome smile splashed all over his face. At that point, he just didn’t seem to understand what to do next. It was like a dream come true and for that matter, all that Fred could do was stare at him with his eyes transfixed on that face. And for a moment, they had what appeared to be a stand off.


After about five seconds of staring at each other, it seemed as though things were starting to get out of hand and it was at that moment that john decided to speak first, making sure that he had taken care of all the awkwardness that was beginning to build up.


“Hi, my name is John McKinley, I just couldn’t sit there on the other side and not come over here. You look gorgeous.”


Fred froze for a moment. Of course he had a fair share of men trying to hit on him because he looked great. But none of these men was that direct. As a matter of fact, he was turned on by that mere occurrence to the point that he smiled back at him. But still, Fred was still taken aback to the point that he couldn’t get a word out of his mouth no matter how hard he tried.


And it was at that moment that he decided it would be nice if he walked towards him and pretty much get to smile. At that point, all that Fred could do was tremble like a leaf. But thankfully, it seemed as though john was gentle and very understanding. And without freaking out, john sparked a conversation.


“Hey, I thought I had seen you in some IT ad somewhere. If that is your company, then I assure you that you are on the right track to becoming an enchilada as far as this industry is concerned. I personally can’t wait.”


And just like that, the conversation switched from a tension filled one to one filled with laugher and giggling. After about ten minutes, they exchanged numbers and with that, john left. But he didn’t make the mistake of leaving without telling him when they were supposed to meet. Thankfully, Fred agreed to the terms.






The mansion was off the hook. And despite that being the case, it seemed as though Fred had shifted his entire focus on more important matters which included just kicking back and checking out the incredibly sexy man who was leading the way.


At first, it was the chandelier that looked as though it was off the hook. But then Fred’s eyes shifted to the seats, the carpet and the entire living room and for sure, john was a billionaire who knew how to spend his money without a doubt. And that said, the only thing that was remaining was for them to kickback and ensure that they were in a position to focus on their date.


Of course, Fred was a little bit shy, but john wasn’t since from the look of things, it seemed as though he had been around that block for a while and he wasn’t afraid of taking the lead. Fred on the other hand, liked a man who liked taking charge in all matters. And that said, all he needed to do at the time was to kickback and pretty much enjoy every good thing that came with having an alpha gay man taking care of things.


Finally, they got to the huge room which had a bar and the light was a little dim and it was at that point that john paused. That was Fred’s cue that they were at their destination. And that said, the next thing that they did was to ensure that everything was working out rather perfectly by getting each a drink.


“Some good vodka and a good conversation would go a very long way in making us get to know each other better, don’t you think?” john asked while looking Fred in the eyes, making him shake for a moment.”

“I couldn’t have agreed more. I think its an amazing thing that we both have a hell lot in common, including believes in vodka. That matters a hell lot you know.”


And as john was pouring them a drink, Fred couldn’t help but stare at that bouncy ass. For a guy, his buttocks were sure juicy for life itself. And that made him to harden a little bit. And in a bid to not look very horny, he decided that it would be a good idea if he just kept his legs cross so that he could hide the erection from his host. Or was it his date? At that point, Fred was too darn aroused to care for life itself.


John didn’t take that long. And so in less than an hour, it seemed as though they were already very drunk and were having lots of fun. The kind of attraction that both of them had at that moment was undeniable and needless to say, it made both of them feel as though they were going to kiss the other.



And that was just what happened when they were dancing way too close to each other.











-Lovemaking expert-

The drinking got the better of them and they started dancing and kissing. It had been a while before Fred got kissed by the man of his dreams and that made his feel all dotty as hell. But needless to say, it didn’t appear as though john minded at all because he was having the same reaction as Fred, only worse.


And then slowly, they started helping each other undress and as this was going on, they were still touching and kissing, making sure that they weren’t stopping on no account. The kind of sensation was out of the world and the more they kissed and touched, the more they didn’t want for it to stop.


Thankfully, they were the only two people in the mansion and that said, it also meant that no one was going to disturb their peace while they were at making love. It was something out of this world and they didn’t want for it to stop at any moment. Then john decided to get a little bit naughty by kissing him on the cheek and then making another naughty move by taking a nibble on his ear lobe.


The latest erotic move on his lobe caught him off-guard, making Fred bite his lower lip as his eyes rolled at the back of his head. The kind of sensation that both men were having was out of this world and for a moment, it didn’t seem as though it was going to be a very difficult thing for them to get to the next level of the flirting which was getting down to some very hot sex.


Both men had been rather too busy building their wealth and companies respectively and so they didn’t have time to get their sexual fetishes all sorted out. But from the look of things, it seemed as though they now had the opportunity to enjoy that side of life and they weren’t going to just sit there and do nothing about it.


Once they were done kissing and touching, john grabbed his face and stared at it for a while as though he didn’t believe that it was happening. Fred looked awesome with his geeky glasses on. But without them, it seemed as though he looked ten times better. And for a moment, the only thing that he could think of was how lucky he was having him in his arms.


Fred on the other hand had already given up trying to control his body. It seemed as though it had a body of its own. By then, both of them were already naked and horny as hell. But Fred was still waiting on john to take the first step to ensure that he was ready himself.


And thankfully, john didn’t waste any more time. As soon as he had finished admiring Fred’s cute face, the next thing that followed was making sure that he was kissing him right back on his lips but he didn’t do it for long. As soon as he kissed his lips, he started going on his neck and then in the end, started nibbling on his nipples, driving Fred insane with that one sick move.


At that point, Fred felt as though he was helpless and the only thing that he could do at the time was to clench his teeth and try breathing slowly, though it was somewhat labored.


The kind of sensation that he was feeling was off the hook and in turn made sure that he was rubbing his fingers through his hair for a moment or two before making sure that he had rolled his eyes to the back of his head. The kind of sensation that he was feeling was just out of this world and for a moment Fred wondered just how on earth john was in a position to get that feeling altogether.


But john didn’t stop there. Instead, he made sure that he was doing all in his power to ensure that he wasn’t going to start moaning even before he got touched since nothing screamed the word ‘amateur’ than that! So the best he could do was to clench his teeth and allow his lower to proceed and do all in his power to give him pleasure.


And it was at that moment that john got to his destination and without warning, started sucking on his hardness. And since it was somewhat off-guard, it appeared as though Fred couldn’t keep his promise of not uttering a damn word while he was still at it. He slurped and clenched his fingers around the soft, expensive fabric that was under him.


John was good at it and therefore made him feel as though he was going to die of an overload of pleasure. But as he continued to blow him, the more Fred kept on enjoying without the possibility of actually dying which was an incredible thing altogether which was an amazing thing indeed. He would swallow the rest of him to the point that Fred could feel his tip poking against the soft vibrating walls of his throat, almost making him faint with pleasure.


And john was a good teaser when it came to teasing. At one point, he made sure that his tongue was making some teasing, circling moves all around his tongue and needless to say, it was just off the hook to the point that he could feel as though his penis was throbbing.


Fred thought that john was going to stop and give him some time to calm down before he continued sucking him, but didn’t seem to be the case. If anything, he just kept on doing it to the point that Fred couldn’t take it any longer and so he cummed hard, pouring the warm, milky semen all over his face.


And to his surprise, john loved the kinkiness as well as the raw sensation that it made him feel. He kept on sucking him, making sure that he was draining him all of the fluids before they could embark on the second session of their love making escapades. But as far as Fred was concerned, he was satisfied with the first session which had clearly left him wanting more.


But still, they were going to enjoy it when they were done with the rest.













-No longer a loner-

And just like that, it seemed as though Fred’s life had taken a turn without any warning. From that handsome geek who was focused to enjoying his life to the fullest only after achieving his goals to the confident nerd in a relationship while chasing his goals. And from the look of things, he wasn’t the only person who had realized this change, even his friends kept on asking him why he was always jovial.


Another thing that had changed entirely as far as he was concerned was the way he was carrying himself around. Just a couple of days before that, Fred was always that one guy who never gave a damn about carrying his phone all over the place. He would either switch it off or better yet, keep it on silent until he was in a position to finish his work and that was when he would return calls as well as text messages.


But after becoming official with the relationship between john and himself, everything seemed to have taken a U-turn and needless to say, for the better. Now Fred made sure that he had his phone on him twenty-four-seven and not only that, but he also made sure that he was peeping on the phone after what seemed like every five minutes.


And it wasn’t only that, Fred always seemed to be chatting to one person alone. He didn’t pick the calls or answer text messages from other people as usual and that alone made his friends and employees to raise their eyebrows, wondering what their boss was up to.


Most of the colleagues and employees suspected that there was a new man in his life. But still, Fred’s hidden secrets weren’t up for grabs yet and so at the time, the only thing that they could end up doing was speculate and that was just about it. Sometimes it was a good idea for someone to just kickback and pretty much get to enjoy life as it came and not try to give a lot about their private life.


But in as much as Fred was riddled with principles, there was no way that his secret was going to stay a secret for a long time. His silence and sudden change of behavior had already sparked an interest in the people around him and now the only thing that they wanted to know was what the heck happened.


And that explained why they always gave him that usual ‘we will find out’ look every time he passed by his employees. But that didn’t make him scared at any given point. Instead, the only thing that he did was smile and wish them all the best as far as figuring him out was concerned. There was no way they were going to figure him out no matter how hard they tried.


But in as much as the others were very keen on their patience as far as this matter was concerned, Roselyn, Fred’s secretary, wasn’t going to just sit there and wait for fate to reveal her boss’s secret. It had been a minute before she had that talk with her boss and now seemed like the best time for her to rekindle the flame that had long died.


“What, did the others send you?”

“What others?” 

“Come on Roselyn! Just admit it! I think its not necessary for you to keep on lying to me in order to get whatever the heck you have been trying to get from me.”

“All I want to know is whether you are single or not. That is all. I promise that I wont bother you again.”

“You sound desperate. I am sure you and the others are very eager to know what is going on huh?” 


Fred chuckled. From the look of things, it seemed as though he was having the time of his life playing with her employees’ minds. But either way, there was no way that Roselyn the secretary was going to just stand there and get no answers. Fred was right, she had been sent by the others since she was the only one who was close enough to him to ask personal questions.


“Ok fine, the others sent me. And now you know just how important bringing back the right answers is. If I don’t do that, then they aren’t going to trust me any more. And that is something I can’t live with. So, are you going to tell me something?”




“For real?”

“Nada!! Now get the hell out of my office before I call security.” Fred laughed


And at that point, his phone rang and Roselyn peeped on the screen and smiled.


“So who is Johnnie-baby supposed to be huh?”

“Oh shut the hell up woman!” Fred yelled as he clicked on the screen to open up the text message.


The flowers that john had sent were nothing short of gorgeous. Even the female workers in Fred’s firm were starting to get jealous since he was getting far too many flowers than they were themselves. It was incredible to see that he was finally happy and that nothing could be said to make him feel otherwise.


In the end, the only thing that made sense was that Fred was able to translate all that positive energy into something amazing at the end of the day which was, more or less, an incredible thing indeed.


Fred glanced at his watch and rolled his eyes. It was only an hour to the end of his working hours. But from the look of things, it seemed as though it was very difficult for him to focus since he really wanted to go off to john’s mansion and repay him for all the kindness that he had showed him over the week.


The rare chocolate bars, the seductive text messages and the incredibly comfortable pair of thongs that he could have the pleasure of putting on when they were role playing. Fred loved role playing and so he couldn’t even wait for the next time that they had that golden chance of having some fun in the end.









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