Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance) (19 page)

BOOK: Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)
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Taking a deep breath, he moved her into a patch of moonlight to get a better view of what he was dealing with. Then he leaned in close to her, his breath on her neck as he looked at the little black box. There was an ominous red light blinking at him angrily, accompanied by an unnerving ticking noise. He took a moment before grabbing the flat head screwdriver and shimmying it into a small crack on the box.


With a bit of force, he was able to pop off the front panel. He was met by a plethora of tangled wires. “Fuck…”


“What…?” Savanna asked in a meek voice. She couldn’t see what he was doing and it was making her nervous. She imagined them both dying in a fiery explosion, any second now.


“Two things… one… there’s this little screen counting down… and two, there’s all of these wires…”


“What… what’s the number…?” Savanna asked, wanting to know how many seconds of life she had left.


“20… 19…”


“Don’t count down you idiot! Do something!” She yelled frantically, as her hands gripped his arms in desperation.


“Which wire do I cut?” He asked quickly as he grabbed the small pliers of the pocketknife.


“What are the options?” She asked, trying to calm herself down.    


“Yellow… green… and blue…”


“What… no red...?” She asked.


“Yeah… no… 5… 4…”




With that he took the chance, snipping the blue wire in an instant. They both closed their eyes, expecting the worst, but after almost a minute they opened them once more.


“Did it work?” Savanna asked amazed, her heart pounding in her chest. Slowly, Ronny glanced at the little black box. The screen was now blank, the red light gone.


“It looks like it…” He whispered in disbelief. Had he actually saved Savanna from certain death? “Wow… I can’t believe it…” With that, Savanna slung her arms around him, crying in relief into his chest.


“I can’t believe…” Savanna muttered into his chest as her body began to shake. It seemed impossible that the playboy had saved her life and yet, that was exactly what he had done. Ronny leaned down and kissed the top of her head as his hand started to rub her back, trying to sooth her after the hectic experience.


“Shh… it’s okay. Let’s try and get this thing off you, okay?” Ronny whispered, before turning her around and moving her hair out of the way. Grabbing another tool from the pocketknife, he started to tinker with the lock that pinned the collar to the beautiful girl’s slender neck.


After a few minutes of fumbling, he managed to unlock it from her neck. It fell into his hand. Savanna sighed in relief like a huge weight had been lifted.  Taking the device into his hand, Ronny chucked it as far as he could into the woods. Savanna watched it vanish from sight.


All of a sudden, she wrapped her arms around Ronny. Her lips smashed into his as she let all of her emotions come to the forefront. She couldn’t deny that she loved him any longer. She pushed him into a tree and kissed him harder and harder. Her passion flew from her lips to his.


Ronny was pleasantly surprised and after a few moments of initial shock, he started to return her sentiments as his hands rested on her hips and pulled her body closer to his own. He smiled into the kiss. He always knew that she had feelings for him; she just wasn’t letting them come to the surface. But now, as they continued to make out, there was no denying the chemistry that lingered between them.


Eagerly, Savanna started to tug at his clothes, desperate to have him naked before her. They were still in danger of being discovered by the enemy, but right now Savanna couldn’t control herself. She had suppressed her emotions for too long. She needed to show Ronny just how she felt in her heart. She shut off the part of her brain telling her to be more logical, as she pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side.


Ronny also allowed his emotions to take control as he pulled at her dress. She allowed him to take it off her body as she giggled in anticipation. Her body was covered in Goosebumps as the chilly air caressed every inch of her now bare skin. He looked down at her, as his hands rubbed her skin, trying to keep her warm despite her nakedness.


All of a sudden, he picked her up, his hands resting on her plump ass. She naturally wrapped her legs around his waist, as his fingers tugged on her thong. Before she could protest, he ripped it off her body. She glared at him a moment, before grinning down at him. Feisty. She liked that. With this thought, she ran her hand into his pants, finding his member and giving it a squeeze as she smirked at his response.


“Do you really want –” Before Ronny could finish his sentence, however, Savanna pressed her lips to his once more, cutting him off. He moaned into the kiss as she started to pull down his pants and boxers, which settled around his ankles. He quickly kicked them away, only to feel her soft hand on his member, teasing him to life with her long fingernails.


He shivered in pleasure as his hands squeezed her ass, pulling her even closer. He tried to rub himself against her eager pussy, but she kept him away, teasing him further. He groaned under his breath before he leaned down and took one of her large breasts into his mouth.


She moaned loudly, losing her train of focus for a moment, causing her to lose the grip on his dick. Taking his chance, he thrusted himself forward, slamming into her hips. She screamed out, her moan traveling as an echo through the woods as he filled up her every inch. He quickly muffled her sounds with his mouth, knowing that such screaming could easily give them away.


As they made out, he started to bounce her on his throbbing member, letting her feel every inch of him. Her walls tightened around him as she started to get closer and closer to the edge. He grinned as one of his fingers started to tease her clit. She arched her back in response and it was too much for her to take. All of a sudden, she exploded in pleasure, filling her entire body with a white-hot sense of ecstasy.


Ronny, feeling her quivering against his body tried to hold back, but he too exploded in pure pleasure. He slumped down, sitting against a nearby tree as he held Savanna in his lap. She breathed hard and leaned her head on his chest as she heard his heart raging in his chest.


“That was amazing…” Savanna whispered, glad that she had finally given into the yearning of her heart. She had tried so hard to convince herself that this man would mean nothing but trouble for her, but now that she was cradled in his arms, she knew she couldn’t have been further from the truth. She smiled as she felt him lean down and kiss the top of her head.


In the morning, the couple awoke with a start at the sound of a cell phone ringing. Savanna’s eyes shot open and she scurried across the forest floor, quickly grabbing her phone. It was headquarters.


“Hello?” She answered, trying to mask the huskiness in her voice.


“Yes. Savanna. Is everything alright? We just got news of the disturbance last night. Did everything go according to plan?”


“Not exactly. Our target anticipated us, but we managed to handle the situation. The German is dead.” She added in at the end. There was a long pause on the other end of the line.


“Good. There will be a jet waiting for you at the airport so you can come back to headquarters.” With that, the line went dead.


“Who was it?” Ronny asked, a grin on his face.




“Ah, now they decide to call when you could have been blown to pieces.” He rolled his eyes and got up, handing Savanna her dress. She smiled and started to get dressed as he did the same. Soon, with a little stealth, they made it back to the airport and were soon on a jet together.


The flight to headquarters was quiet, as they remained silent, giving each other space to organize their thoughts. Before long, they were both fast asleep. Eventually, they landed and got off the jet together. Ronny made a bold move and grabbed her hand. To his surprise, she didn’t pull away, making him smile in satisfaction. Had he really managed to break through to her? Feeling proud, he brought her into the building as they continued to hold hands.


Inside, Gerald was waiting for them. He was about to congratulate them on a completed mission when he noticed them holding hands. “Hmm… did the mission cause more than just the death of the target?” He grinned, teasing the young couple. He chuckled when they both looked bashful. Here were some of his best special operatives and some gentle teasing was enough to render them mute.


“Anyway… I want to congratulate you both on accomplishing your task. All went well I hope?” He asked. Savanna and Ronny looked at each other for a moment, before nodding. No one else needed to know about what they had gone through. “Good… if that’s the case. I have a new mission for you both…”


After that, Ronny and Savanna turned into regular partners. They had a perfect dynamic. It seemed like nothing could stop them and no target was too big to stand in their way.


Two years after their initial mission and a very busy twenty-four months later, they both agreed to retire. They had made their contribution to the world and Ronny was satisfied, thinking he had significantly avenged the death of his best friend. 


“I have been waiting a very long time to do this…” Ronny whispered excitedly as he squeezed Savanna’s hand. She was blindfolded, sitting in the passenger seat of his red BMW.


“What the hell are you up to?” She snapped. She didn’t like all the anticipation. She knew that Ronny was up to no good. Now that their work as special operatives was over, she just wanted to settle into a normal life. She wanted to go home.


“Oh come on don’t be so sour,” Ronny whined as he suddenly took a right and the car seemed to go up a slight incline.


“Where are we going?”


“So impatient. Jeez.” Suddenly he killed the engine. With that, he got out of the car and opened up the door for her. She got out with his help, before he untied her blindfold, letting it fall down to the ground. She gasped as her eyes fell upon a large, beautiful mansion, teaming with gardens, windows, and a stucco finish.


“Welcome to your new home…” Ronny leaned over, kissing her cheek gently. She blushed slightly, looking up at him. As their eyes locked together, he made one more comment. “I told you it was better than Kozlowski’s.”







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BOOK: Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)
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