Read Roman - The Fall of Britannia Online

Authors: K. M. Ashman

Tags: #adventure, #battle, #historical, #rome, #roman, #roman empire, #druids, #roman battles, #roman history, #celts, #roman army, #boudica, #gladiators, #legions, #celtic britain, #roman conquest

Roman - The Fall of Britannia (33 page)

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have never seen such a thing,’ she said and held the garment up to
examine the finery. The silk fabric shone in the firelight, its
royal purple colour providing a perfect backdrop for the golden
thread piping that trimmed the edges. Decorated with the finest
embroidery, each intricate design depicted different beasts and
flowers of the forest. The patterns were embellished with threads
of gold and silver, bordering panels of silk in a rainbow of
colours, but most of all, it was the eyes of the animals that
caught her breath, tiny precious jewels that reflected the flames
of the fire with a life of their very own.

this for me, Willow?’ she asked.

Yes, Miss, it is yours.’

I try it on?’

Yes, Miss, but I guarantee it will fit.’

Gwenno swung the
cape around her shoulders and fastened it at her chest with the
built in broach of exquisite jade. Despite its embroidery, it felt
as light as a feather and fell snugly around her shoulders. The hem
hung down to her calves and she spun around, making the robe flare

Wait a minute, Miss,’ said Willow, and ran to her bed space
to retrieve a polished brass mirror. She quickly returned and held
it up for Gwenno to see the effect.

Gwenno stared at
her reflection, her troubles momentarily forgotten and raised the
ermine trimmed hood to frame her face before teasing out her long
blonde hair to fall over her chest.

It’s beautiful,’ she whispered.

Wait, Miss, there’s more,’ said Willow, and she returned to
the table to retrieve another object from the parcel. She handed
over a moulded eye mask, studded with exquisite tiny stones of ruby
and sapphire.

Gwenno lowered
the hood and placed the mask gently on the bridge of her nose.
Willow tied it at the back of her head before Gwenno looked again
into the brass mirror. Staring back at her was the gilded and
bejewelled mask of a mountain cat, pierced by the sparkle of her
deep blue eyes. The fringe of ermine around the hood framed her
face beautifully, and the overall effect was an apparition of half
human, half cat, enhanced by the thick golden hair falling about
her face. Her eyes shifted slightly and she focussed on Willow in
the mirror.

Truly you are the chosen one, Miss,’ whispered

Gwenno’s gaze
hardened and suddenly she tore the mask from her face, spinning to
face the girl.

would they give me this, Willow?’ she snapped, ‘all this finery,
all these precious stones. I’ll tell you why, shall I? These are
ceremonial clothes, designed for my journey into the next world.
This is nothing more than my shroud.’

She ripped off
the cloak and stormed back to her bed, throwing herself face down
onto the mattress, bursting into tears again.

Willow paused to
collect a hair brush before following her to the mattress. She
gently started to brush Gwenno’s hair until the sobs

Miss,’ she said eventually, ‘do you trust me?’

What?’ came a muffled reply.

said, do you trust me?’

Gwenno turned
her head slightly and wiped some tears from her eyes.

Trust you? I don’t understand.’

Willow kept
brushing her hair before answering, her voice, whimsical in

Well, Miss,’ she said, ‘If you trust me, I can help you. But
you must do as I say for the next few days before the

Gwenno sat

Help me, how?’

can’t say, Miss,’ said Willow gently, ‘but if you do exactly as I
say before the ceremony, there’s a chance, just a slight chance
mind you, that I can help you escape.’

Gwenno grasped
Willow by the hands.

don’t understand, Willow,’ she said, blinking away the tears. ‘What
would you have me do?’

can’t tell you, Miss,’ said Willow again, ‘for if you knew, the
plan would fail. All I ask is that you do everything I tell

Gwenno stared
back for what seemed an age.

Willow,’ she said, ‘you seem to be my only friend at the
moment, I will trust you. What do I have to do?’

repositioned herself behind Gwenno and resumed the

First of all, Miss, you must resume the training with the
Druids,’ she said. ‘The solstice is in seven days’ time and they
need to be assured that the ceremony will go ahead as planned.
Attend all the teachings and the rehearsals. You must convince them
that you have had a change of heart. From now on, you must wear the
robe and carry yourself in a manner appropriate to the Gods chosen
one. Show everyone that you accept your fate and are willing to
embrace your destiny. Give them no cause to doubt your

long must I carry on the pretence?’ asked Gwenno.

Right up until the last moment, and if the Gods are on our
side, everyone will achieve their desired outcome.’

will live?’ asked Gwenno, a hint of hope in her voice.

hope so, Miss,’ said Willow.

if it goes wrong?’ asked Gwenno.

Then you will die,’ stated Willow bluntly. ‘We both will.’
She shuffled around to face Gwenno. ‘I know I ask a lot, Miss,’ she
said, ‘but it is your only chance.’

don’t understand, Willow,’ whispered Gwenno. ‘Why can’t you tell
me? Surely if I knew the plan, I could help.’

this one, Miss,’ answered Willow. ‘If you knew, it would fail. So
will you trust me?’

Gwenno nodded
grimly and Willow resumed her place behind her. Despite her
excitement, Gwenno finally relaxed, hypnotised by Willows gentle
tones as she brushed her hair.

Such beautiful hair, Miss,’ she said, ‘you are so


Chapter 27


Once again,
Gwydion stood in the hall of King Idwal in the heart of the Cerrig.
There were no council members this time, and passage up to the hall
was much easier due to so many men having been sent to support
Caratacus. Gwydion and Cody stood side by side, and between them
stood the bedraggled Roman prisoner. Finally a door crashed open
and Idwal strode into the chamber. He circled around the giant
table and sat on the edge before his visitors.

Gwydion!’ he announced, ‘you have returned sooner than I
expected. What news of the battle?’

am afraid it does not bode well, Sire,’ said Gwydion. ‘Caratacus
was routed at Medway and fled into the hills. Thousands have fallen
and the rest of the army is scattered across the land.’

can this be?’ asked Idwal. ‘Caratacus had the largest army ever
assembled. I even sent him a thousand of our best men.’

Romans fight like nothing I have ever seen.’ said Gwydion. ‘They
stand tightly side by side and act as one, each protecting each

Nothing a good horseman couldn’t break through,’ said

horses are torn apart before they reach their lines,’ said Gwydion.
‘Balls of fire fall like hail and explode amongst our men before
they are within range of our spears. The skies darken with
countless arrows and slingshot cuts down our warriors like hay. For
every Roman that falls, a hundred of ours are killed. We cannot
beat this foe.’

Idwal was silent
as he absorbed the news, his face grey as the implications sank in.
Finally, his gaze fell on the prisoner.

is this?’ he asked eventually.

This is the Roman.’ said Gwydion. ‘He is a deserter and I
have brought him to you as a payment.’


Yes, Sire, I seek a favour.’ For the next few minutes,
Gwydion explained the news he had received about Gwenno and the
fate that lay before her on Mona.

what is it you expect of me?’ asked Idwal.

Sire, with a troop of armed men and your seal, I could ride
to Isla Mona and free her. I could be back within days.’

would I do that?’ asked Idwal bemusedly.

Sire, this Roman has knowledge of the enemy. The way they
fight, their strengths, and their weaknesses. All this information
is of value to you and our people.’ He paused. ‘Sire, I was to
marry this girl and I have little gold to pay for the favour I
seek, but the Roman’s knowledge is worth a cart full of gold. If
you cannot spare the troop, I ask only for your seal to instruct
the Druids to release her.’

Tell me something,’ said Idwal, ‘even if I wanted to, what
makes you think that I hold sway over the Druids?’

are their King, sire. They will listen to you.’

fear you hold me in too high esteem, young man,’ said Idwal. ‘The
Druids are the real power holders in these lands. I am King in name
only, as is Caratacus or any other tribal leader. The Druids do
what the Druids want. If they wish to sacrifice this girl, then I
have no power to stop it or indeed the inclination. They have their
reasons, and if by this act they strengthen our warrior’s sword
arms, then it can only be for the good. By your own words, it would
seem that we will need all the help we can get, if we are to defeat
these Romans. Your favour is denied. Over the next few days, I
intend to gather the clans to defend our lands against the invader.
Take my advice, go back to your kin, find another girl and make the
most of her while you still can. This other one will be remembered
as she whose sacrifice helped repel the invader.’

But, Sire!’

decision is made and I have work to do. I will send for you in ten
days.’. Idwal turned and left the hall leaving the three men
staring after him.

What now?’ asked Cody.

There are still three days to the solstice,’ said Gwydion, ‘I
can still get to her in time.’

King has forbidden it, Gwydion, you have to stop this

No,’ said Gwydion, ‘he didn’t forbid it; he just denied me
his support. You go back to the clan, Cody. I will continue

can’t do this,’ said Cody, ‘It is suicide.’

have stayed with me long enough, friend,’ said Gwydion. ‘This is
now my fight. Go and see your family, for when the Romans come, you
may not get another chance.’

Cody held out
his arm in friendship.

the Gods protect you, Gwydion,’ he said.

you, Cody,’ said Gwydion grasping his comrade’s forearm.

Cody turned and
strode out of the hall leaving Gwydion and his prisoner alone in
the silence.

What’s happening?’ asked Prydain in Latin.

Gwydion turned
to his prisoner, staring at him for a long time.

would seem you have no value to me, Roman.’ he said. ‘Be-gone
before the King returns and realises your worth.’

Where lies your fate?’ asked Prydain.

Mine?’ laughed Gwydion sarcastically. ‘My fate is to try to
rescue a beautiful girl from a well-armed warrior tribe, and very
probably die in the process. But that is no concern of yours. Go
home, Roman. Go back from whence you came. This place will soon be
dripping with blood.’

Gwydion strode
toward the door before Prydain called out to him one last

quest, you say, to save a pretty girl with death almost a
certainty. I like the sound of it. Cut me loose and I will

Gwydion stopped
and turned back.

would you help?’

not?’ shrugged Prydain, ‘I have nowhere else to go. If I flee, how
long would I last in these strange lands speaking only Latin? At
least with you I have a chance, no matter how small.’

Gwydion walked
up directly in front of Prydain.

if I cut you loose, how do I know you would not kill me in my

Prydain thought
for a moment before replying.

don’t!’ he said simply, and raised his tethered hands.


That’s probably the only answer I would have believed,’ he
said. ‘Welcome to life as an outlaw, Roman,’ and with a single
swipe, he cut through Prydain’s bonds with his sword.


Chapter 28


The battle of
Medway was over! Plautius gazed over the plains, calculating the
cost in terms of life lost. As far as he could see, was a bloody
carpet of Britannic and Roman flesh. The end game had been savage
and the outcome had been in doubt for a long time, but despite the
enemies overwhelming numbers, the legion’s superior training and
devastating technology had finally won through.

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