Roll Me Away: A Smokey's Roadhouse Novel (9 page)

BOOK: Roll Me Away: A Smokey's Roadhouse Novel
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The shock was like being plunged into an icy river. He had someone else with him! Right on the other side of that door,
dream lover was about to fuck some other woman. I’d lost my chance. I covered my mouth tightly with my hand, afraid I’d cry out my anguish and let him know I was out here. What would he do?

If his videos were a reflection of his true preferences, he’d probably invite me in to join in the fun. But that wasn’t what I wanted, was it? As tears started to roll down my cheeks, I stifled a sob and felt my way along the balcony railing to the stairs.

What was happening to me? What was I doing creeping around a motel in the middle of the night, intending to knock on the door of a porn star and throw myself at him? It seemed I’d gone completely off the deep end. Even worse, I had nowhere to go but back to the room of a stranger who’d made no secret of the fact he wanted me. I’d burned my bridges with my parents, humiliated myself several times, and had no idea what came next.

Whatever it was, I was on my own to figure it out, and I’d better be able to do that by the time Zach came back. Because by then, if I wasn’t willing to sleep with him, I had nowhere else to go.



he bimbo sucking
my dick at the moment was a blowsy blonde with big tits. My usual type, but not very interesting tonight. After Cricket turned me down – a first for me – I’d picked this one up in the bar. I wasn’t one to spend my nights alone if I could help it. At home, I’d have grabbed a Bunny or two with no effort required.

It wasn’t much different here. There were plenty of women who wanted to get into the club lifestyle. Even Snail, who was a slob by anyone’s definition, with a beer belly that hung over his belt and a tendency to lag behind in the brains area, had no trouble finding someone willing to fuck him.

The trouble I was having had to do with a certain girl with the looks of a college co-ed and the sex drive of a freak. Why I couldn’t forget about her and just enjoy the moment with Bambi here – or whatever her name was – was driving me nuts. Worse, I needed to focus on the job I was here to do. The mental gymnastics were putting me off my game.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Do you want me to do it different?” The bimbo had lost my attention, and the monster was drooping. Damn, not good for my rep.

“Yeah. Make it more interesting. I’m bored.”

She pouted, but returned to her task with renewed energy. I looked down to watch her lavish attention on my dick and started to respond. This one embodied the old saying ‘she could suck the chrome off a bumper hitch’. Or whatever old saying you liked. Industrial vacuum cleaner came to mind. She put effort in, anyway.

Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked, and the constant humming she made in her throat gave that extra something I was looking for. I grabbed her by the hair and humped into her mouth until she gagged.

She shifted her head just enough that she could roll her eyes up to meet mine, and she watched me watching her for a few minutes, before moving her hands to stroke my balls while she sucked. Damn, that did it.

The tingle started building, and I couldn’t help taking over again, thrusting faster and faster until I came with a long groan of release. I had to admit, she was talented. Despite my twitching with unbearable sensitivity with every move she made, she made sure not a drop escaped as she pulled her lips tight and sucked me dry. When she let me escape with a popping sound, she licked those sinful lips and smiled. “Was it good, baby?”

Let me make it clear. The worst blowjob I ever had was still damn good. And this one was far from the worst.

“Hell, yeah. Give me a minute, and I’ll take care of you. Still worried it won’t fit?”

“It’s big, baby. So big. But I’ll try to take it all.”

Silly cunt. My ego didn’t need stroking. Big as I was, I’d never met a woman yet who couldn’t take most of it. Not even that little freak I couldn’t get out of my mind. For the first time in my life, I had to visualize what I’d done with a different woman to get it up for the one I was with. What was it about her? Next chance I got, I was going to get her out of my system, if I had to keep her for a week to do it. I couldn’t afford, and didn’t want, the kind of distraction she was giving me.

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” While I was focused on my thoughts, the blonde had laid herself out like a buffet meal, her legs splayed wide so I could see how ready she was for me. She toyed with her nipple with one hand, while the other spread the goodies and teased at her clit.

“Thinkin’ about how I’m going to fuck you blind,” I answered, standing up beside the bed. Quickly rolling on a condom, I grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her around so I was positioned between her legs, then shifted my grasp to her knees and lifted her ass to the right angle.

“Ooh,” she breathed.

With no further warning, I shoved the monster inside her and used my grip on her to hold her steady while I pumped hard and fast.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh,” she huffed, each time I buried myself to the hilt. She reached both arms up over her head and took fistfuls of the sheets as her inner walls started to milk me. Beginning with a low hum, the wail came to a high-pitched crescendo as she fell apart around my throbbing dick.

I finished with a final punishing thrust right after, and let her lower body fall back onto the bed. Swaying on my shaky legs, I crashed down next to her as soon as she rolled out of the way.

“Jake,” she said, a half-question in her tone.


“When you go back to wherever your club headquarters is, take me with you?”

“No promises.”

“I know. But I’ve always wanted to be with a biker. I could make you real happy.”

“We’ll see.”

“Can I crash here tonight?”

“Whatever. Shut up and let me go to sleep, will ya?”

“Sure, Jake. But if, you know, you wake up horny, I’ll be here.”

I drifted to sleep wondering if she was going to talk all fucking night.

up hours later with a raging hard-on and the disappointing realization that it wasn’t Cricket in bed next to me. The bedside clock said eight a.m., which meant I had an hour to fuck the girl, get a shower and get dressed to meet the others at the breakfast place for church. I had a successful heist to report, and I wanted to catch up with where everyone else was.

I slapped the girl on the ass and she yelped. “What the fuck?”

“I woke up horny and you’re here. What the fuck are you waiting for?”

With a huge yawn, she stretched. “Just a minute. I need to pee.”

A few minutes later she was back, with her hair more or less in place and minty fresh breath. Fast work. I lay on my back, my dick pointed straight at the ceiling.

“Wow,” she said. “It looks even bigger in the light.”

With that, she got down to business. The mint mouthwash she’d used made for an interesting sensation as she repeated her expert blowjob. Today I’d find out if she was good Bunny material. I didn’t have time to get her off, too. The privilege of sucking me off would have to do.



ooster called
the meeting to order and looked around the table at the few members in attendance. Half of Jake’s crew wasn’t there, and neither was the prospect. But Jake was, unlike yesterday morning. Rooster had him give a report.

With only a few words, Jake’s star rose. “Sweet Street 750, delivered to Carl yesterday. Got back here with a long-haul guy just passing through around ten last night.” He chuckled. “Fucker was cussing the traffic like a sailor. Must have been some kind of stupid to try this route this time of year.”

“No trouble on the way there or back?”


Rooster beamed. Except for formalities, his son had earned his patch back. We’d handle that at home, though. This was no place to do it, especially without Smokey here.

“Where are the rest?” Rooster looked from Jake to Snail, and then around the table. Pug, Gears, and Hoss were missing, along with Zach. I reported I’d given Zach orders to find something and hit the road.

A sneer crossed Jake’s face, and I knew I’d been right to rush the prospect. Those two needed to stay away from each other for a while, or we’d have a brawl on our hands. We didn’t need the attention.

Snail reported he’d helped Gears get out of town with an older Triumph, but the dim-wit as usual couldn’t tell us the model. Jake said he’d last seen Pug and Hoss heading toward a bigger bar. Someone needed to check the jail, but chances were they were also sleeping off a long night of riding and would be back later today.

“You planning to patch back in, Snail?” Rooster asked. The kid looked uncomfortable, and after a minute Jake came to his rescue.

“I’ll help him get one tonight and ride back with him.”

“Waste of…” Rooster started.

“I’ll get my own, Dad,” Jake said, with exaggerated patience. “I’m not an idiot.”

We had only a couple more days to fill our quota. By my reckoning, assuming the four missing kids had safely delivered their finds, we had five bikes waiting for Carl’s attention. Two more tonight would make seven, and the other four could probably get at least one more each. It was a bigger haul than we’d ever gotten.

The best news, though, was that the club’s vital younger generation would be back in the fold. As long as we could dissuade them from any more cockamamie notions about drug running, we’d be back to normal.

With the rest of the day to kill before time for Jake and Snail to get to work and the others to make their way back, Rooster adjourned the meeting and told Jake to hang back. Doc and Snail headed back to the motel for their Sturgis calendars to see what entertainment was on tap for the day.

“I’m proud of you, son,” Rooster said to Jake when the others had left. “That showed real leadership, and your loyalty to your friend is good. Are you sure he’s up to it?”

“He’s just a bit slow, Dad. He’d do anything for me. I’m sure.”

“All right, but you’re responsible for him. If anything goes wrong, he can’t expose the Devils.”

“He gets that, and so do I. He’ll be fine.”

I waited until Jake was out of hearing range before confronting Rooster. “You’re proud of…” I got no further.

“I don’t want to hear it, Sarge. I am proud of my boy. I get your concerns, but back off.”

“Sorry, Veep, no can do. What he did with that girl the other night was inexcusable. He risked all of us.”

“He didn’t do anything she didn’t want him to. He didn’t give her anything.” Rooster had raised his voice enough that people turned their heads toward us.

I made a shushing gesture, and then continued in a lower voice myself. “So he says.”

Rooster drew himself up to his full height, which wasn’t very effective since I had a good five inches on him even so. He lowered his voice almost to a whisper. “Sarge, we’ve been friends for a long time. But don’t ever call my boy a liar again. I raised that boy by myself. You know I did. He’s done a lot of shit, and he’s a lot of things. But he’s never lied to me, and I’d know if he did.”

I raised my hands. “All right, buddy. I’ll trust your judgment on this. He didn’t do himself any favors when he left the club, is all I’m saying. I can’t just up and start trusting him again.”

“You don’t have to. I do. Get off his back and stay out of his way. Chances are you’ll be calling him Prez someday.”

I turned away before my face betrayed my thoughts. “I hope not in my lifetime,” I muttered under my breath.

When I turned back, Rooster was making his way out the door, leaving me to pick up the tab for the group. Before I left the table, I counted our dwindling cash reserves. We were going to have to start holding our morning meetings at a campground at this rate. I put a couple of twenties on the table for the server, paid the tab at the cash register, and followed Rooster out.

The day was already starting to heat up in more ways than one. The sun was intense, but even more so was the mood on the street. I looked around for a cause and noticed an increased number of cops patrolling on foot. It looked like word was out that bikes were going missing. Jake and Snail would have a tougher time finding one to nick tonight, and the other four might very well go back with nothing to show for their return visit.

Damn the luck! Other clubs or individuals had to be involved. There were too many cops for just five bikes, and that made getting the rest a dangerous game. We were being squeezed by both low cash-flow and little we could do about it. But if I caught Jake or any of his crew sniffing around Sinaloa again, I’d wring their necks with my bare hands.



up really late and almost panicked when the housekeeper knocked at the door. I was still dressed, but probably a mess. She’d most likely think I was a prostitute. But why would I care? She was nobody, and I wouldn’t be here much longer. I opened the deadbolt and let her in.

She worked in silence to make up the bed, freshen the bathroom linens, and clean up the vanity. I told her the floor didn’t need attention, so she scuttled out without another word. It was about three in the afternoon, and the room was scorching hot, the cooler no match for the South Dakota August. I expected Zach back around five, so I took my time showering and fixing my hair.

It was pathetic, and I knew it, but I still wanted to try again with Jake. Something about the other night was unfinished – probably the fact I hadn’t been conscious for his climax. If he was still in town, would he give me another chance? I had to know. Without the closure, I couldn’t move forward and I couldn’t go back to my previous life. I’d burned my bridges with my family, at least for now.

My plan was the same as yesterday. I’d get dressed, go to the Downshift where they hung out, and wait to see if I could catch him. This time I’d watch what I drank so we wouldn’t be out of sync.

There’s an old saying about the best-laid plans of mice and men. I have no fucking idea about the plans of mice, but mine seemed to be going astray on a regular basis lately. As I left Zach’s room, I turned in the direction of the stairs to find Jake staring at me.

“What the

“It’s not what you think,” I stammered.

“No? What do I think?” he sneered.

“I didn’t sleep with Zach. He left to… Uh, he told me he had business, and I could stay in his room because I had nowhere else to go.”

“He left to what?”

“I don’t know, honest! He just said he had business. I didn’t give him the third degree.”

Jake had come down the few stairs he’d climbed before seeing me come out of the room and was advancing toward me. I backed up a step.

“Fucking hold still! I’m not going to hurt you. But you better tell me what Zach said to you, or it’s going to go badly for both of you.”

Trapped, I looked around for some kind of escape and came out with the only thing I could think of. “He s-said it was club business and not to expect him back. Th-that’s the only reason I stayed. I didn’t have anywhere else… And I wanted to see you again,” I finished, almost whispering the last sentence.

Jake still regarded me with narrowed eyes, but a half-smile started when I said it. “Didn’t get enough of Jack Malone last time, huh? You passed out on me, Bug. And then you shot me down last night. I think you’ve had your chance.”

“Please, I didn’t mean to! Why did you kick me out?”

“I didn’t kick you out. I tried like hell to wake you up, but you were comatose. Do you know what being found with a roofied girl in my room would do to me? Count yourself lucky I had the prospect take care of you instead of putting you in the wagon and dumping you out in the woods.”

“Roofied! Is that what happened?”

“You tell me. I’ve never had someone go unconscious on me like that. Did you take something?”

“No!” As fascinated as I was with Jake’s body, I was beginning to dislike his personality. I needed to stop this conversation and start over before I regretted ever having sex with him. My body didn’t understand my brain, though. Every nerve ending was crying out for his touch, even as I started having doubts about him. Without thinking about it anymore, I challenged him.

“Come on, I didn’t get the payoff last time. You and me, right now. Let’s go.”

He laughed. “
didn’t get the payoff? You came like a volcano. I’m the one that didn’t get the payoff.”

“So let’s go.”

He stopped laughing and examined my face. “You’re serious.”


“None of that playing dead again. You want some of this?” He clutched his package and thrust his pelvis at me. “Come on, then.”

Before I lost my nerve, I started toward him and followed his tight jeans-covered ass up the stairs. By the time we got to the top, I’d forgotten his snark. All I could focus on was his body, and how mine sang for it. He unlocked the door, opened it, and stood aside for me with exaggerated politeness.

The minute he closed it, though, he reverted to form.

“Strip.” Keeping my eyes on his, I did as he commanded. When I stood naked before him, he nodded as if in approval. “You owe me a climax, Bug. You need to finish what you started with your mouth the other night. Then I’ll see about fucking you. Take it or leave it.”

He wanted to humiliate me, and in some corner of my mind, that disturbed me. A flash echo of whoever he’d had in this room with him last night, praising his size, froze me for an instant. But the thought of him in my mouth again crushed that warning like a cockroach.

I went to my knees as he unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. When that incredible cock sprang out, I knew I’d do anything he wanted as long as having it fill me was my reward. I reached for him.

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