Rogue Soul (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 3) (36 page)

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Authors: Linsey Hall

Tags: #Celtic, #Love Action Fantasy, #Goddesses, #Myth, #Fate, #Reincarnation, #Gods, #scotland, #Demons, #romance, #fantasy, #Sexy paranormal, #Witches, #Warriors, #Series Paranormal Romance, #Celtic Mythology

BOOK: Rogue Soul (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 3)
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And last, Camulos’ modified steamboat was inspired by another Klondike gold rush steamboat, the
A.J. Goddard.
He named his boat the
Clara G.
after a real woman named Clara Goddard. She helped her husband, Albert Goddard, build two 50-foot long sternwheel paddleboats during the winter of 1897/98. With the help of men and mules, they carried them over the mountains of southern Canada in pieces and constructed them on the bank of Lake Bennett at the headwaters of the Yukon river. Clara Goddard was the first female steamboat pilot on the Yukon river. If you want a good story, look up the
A.J. Goddard.
I promise that you won’t be disappointed.


Aether - The invisible substance that connects the afterworlds and earth. It is both nothing and everything.

Aetherwalking - A method of traveling through the aether to access the afterworlds or different places on earth. Some Mytheans have this power and can bring another person with them.

Afterworld - A heaven or hell created by mortal belief. Mortals can access them only through death. Some Mytheans can aetherwalk to them.

Immortal University - An organization created thousands of years ago to protect Mytheans and keep them secret from mortals.
It was initially founded as a true university, hence the name, but over time it morphed into an institution with greater power and responsibility. The university’s primary goal is to maintain the secrecy of Mytheans and to keep the gods from warring to obtain more followers. They do this primarily through diplomacy. The university also provides services to Mytheans that
they can’t get elsewhere, lest mortals figure out that their clients never die. Things like education, health services, and banking.

Mortals - Humans. They are unaware of the existence of Mytheans or that all heavens and hells truly exist. They are immortal in the sense that their soul will pass on to whatever afterworld they believe in.

Mythean - Supernatural individuals created by mortal belief. They are gods and goddesses, demons and monsters, witches and other supernatural creatures. They are immortal in the sense that if they live on earth, only beheading or grievous injury from magic can kill them. If they are killed their soul will pass on to an afterworld. Secrecy from mortals is one of their highest priorities. Some Mytheans, particularly species of demons and some gods, are trapped in their afterworlds. Others have access to both earth and the afterworlds.

Mythean Guardians - Powerful mortals made immortal, or other supernatural beings who serve at the Praesidium. They protect those mortals and Mytheans who are important to the fate of humanity.

Otherworld - The Celtic afterworld. The Celtic gods are forbidden from traveling to earth because they believe that they are required to be in Otherworld to keep it functioning.

Praesidium - The protection division of the Immortal University. Mythean Guardians work here. Their job is to protect those important to humanity and maintain law and order by keeping Mytheans secret from humans and keeping the gods from warring.

Sila Jinn - Derived from Arabian mythology, a Jinn is a supernatural spirit in a class below that of angels and devils. A Sila is a female Jinn who can shapeshift, aetherwalk between all afterworlds, and manifest some types of magic.

Soulceresses - Mytheans who fuel their power by draining the immortal power of other Mytheans’ souls. When fueled by the power of others, they can manifest their magic with a thought. They are hated by other Mytheans because of this. They also have the ability to see the evil in a person’s soul.

Books by Linsey Hall

Braving Fate


Rogue Soul

Stolen Fate


Before becoming a romance novelist, Linsey Hall was a nautical archaeologist who studied shipwrecks from Hawaii and the Yukon to the UK and the Mediterranean. She credits the historical romances of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90's with her love of history and her career as an archaeologist. After a decade of tromping around the globe in search of old bits of stuff that people left lying about, she settled down and started penning her own romance novels. Her debut series, the Mythean Arcana, draws upon her love of history and the paranormal elements that she can't help but include. Several books may or may not feature her cats.

This is a work of fiction. All reference to events, persons, and locale are used fictitiously, except where documented in historical record. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright 2014 by Linsey Hall

Published by Bonnie Doon Press LLC

Digital Edition 1.0

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, except in instances of quotation used in critical articles or book review. Where such permission is sufficient, the author grants the right to strip any DRM which may be applied to this work.

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ISBN 978-1-942085-20-1 (eBook)

ISBN 978-1-942085-21-8 (Paperback)

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