Rogue Shifter [High-Country Shifters 3] (5 page)

Read Rogue Shifter [High-Country Shifters 3] Online

Authors: Melody Snow Monroe

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rogue Shifter [High-Country Shifters 3]
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“I’ll go find Amy,” Cavon said. He hoped his brother could stay out of trouble for the next few minutes.

He had to weave his way around all the cages to get to the main building. From the horrific stench, someone was lax about cleaning up the animals’ waste.

Amy spotted him first and rushed toward him. “Isn’t this wonderful?”

“I guess if it means these animals would be killed and are instead safe in a cage, then yes. It’s almost humane.” Not really, but he didn’t want to burst her bubble. “I’d suggest we release them in Anterra, but I know these are not wild animals. The wolves would feast on most of them within a week.”

She punched his arm. “That’s a horrible thought.” She glanced around. “Where’s Malik? Didn’t he want to come?” Her smile faltered.

“Are you kidding? He couldn’t wait to see what you do in your spare time. He’s here. He was so caught up in what you all have done that I couldn’t pull him away from the animals.”

Her mouth formed a circle. “Aww. That’s so sweet.”

Needing to touch her, he drew her near. “Let’s go find him and see what trouble he’s gotten himself into.” There was an area where some of the dogs could run free. Cavon sensed that was where his brother had gone. “He’s this way.”

When they got past the cages, he spotted Malik in the dog pen. He was standing perfectly still in the middle, and all of the dogs were running around in an orderly circle.

Amy sucked in a breath. “That’s amazing.”

“What is?” He saw nothing unusual going on.

“Those animals usually snarl and chase and badger the smaller dogs. With Malik in there, they are all behaving. Do you think they know he’s really a lion?”

“You’d have to ask the little ones yourself.”

She grabbed his arm and leaned closer. “How do I do that?”

“Beats me. I can’t talk to animals.”

Amy’s here. You’ve impressed her. Now come on out.

He honestly expected Malik to milk the situation a bit longer, but he waited until there was a break in traffic, jogged to the fence, and hopped over.

“Hey.” Malik cupped her face and kissed her.

From way she pressed her hips inward, she loved the kiss. His own cock hardened thinking about making love to her. She seemed enthusiastic last night, but he and Malik decided to take things slow. Maybe if Malik didn’t pull any stunts today or mess things up, Amy might be willing to join them in a little lovemaking tonight. He could only wait so long.

“You were amazing with the animals.”

How do I answer that without sounding egotistical?

Say thank you

“Thank you.” Malik looked around. “I’m surprised you have time to work another job.”

“Oh, this isn’t really another job. I don’t get paid. I just love animals and volunteer.”

Neither of them did much volunteering in Anterra.

Malik smiled. “That’s noble of you.”

Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you, bro?

Malik didn’t answer, which meant only one thing. His brother was as hooked on Amy as he was. He could only hope she liked them as well.

She glanced at her watch. “I get off in two hours. How would you men like to come over for dinner?”

He knew Malik wanted to. “That would be great. Can we pick up anything?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m good. It won’t be anything fancy. How about seven?”

He figured she actually had chores around here, and they were keeping her from them. “Perfect.”

Malik walked alongside her as she went toward the main building. “Malik.”


“We need to go.”

Oh, yeah

Once they got far enough away from the animals, Cavon inhaled the fresh air. “How does she stay in there for hours?”

“Humans don’t smell as well as we do.”

“Lucky for them.”

“We’ve got a few hours. Let’s go have some fun. You up for it?”

Malik’s idea of fun could get them in trouble. “Depends on what it is?”

He grinned. “Trust me.”


* * * *


Amy couldn’t believe they’d agreed to come back to her house. When they’d walked her home last night, she’d invited them in, but they both declined. They said something about needing to rest after going through the alignment point. She didn’t buy their story, believing they weren’t that interested in her. Even when they came three months ago, she’d never been successful in getting them into her bed. Tonight she was going to do her darnedest to change that situation.

While she could have gone to the grocery store and slaved over the meal, she figured she’d take advantage of the takeout service at the inn. The food was great, and with her employee discount, the meal wouldn’t cost a week’s salary.

She called in her order then headed over to Aunt Melanie’s Spirit Emporium, aka, the local sex store. Melanie, the owner, had been ill and had cut back on hours. Amy prayed Lorna, her assistant, was there. As she pulled in front, a parking spot opened up. The
sign above the door glowed pink, indicating they were open for business.
Thank God
. While the store had a whole wall of sex toys, she decided not to go too kinky the first night, though maybe these men might like to tie her up. Hmmm. Anterra might not have anything like this in their reality, so it could be fun to show them a few Spirit tricks.

She knew a new lingerie set was definitely in order, so she wove her way to the alcove on the left. The fireplace wasn’t lit, but Lorna had placed lit candles inside, giving the place a nice ambience.

Instead of a more classic, conservative bra and panty set, she went for something a bit more risqué to show off her curves. It was one thing she had plenty of. Boy did she. Since she hoped to be seeing these two studs many times, she purchases a few sets in different colors. Next, she headed to the wall of sin.

“Amy, can I help you?” Lorna was an older woman, but she had apparently tried every one of these toys.

“I’m just browsing.”

“Let me know if I can help you with anything.”

“Thanks.” Her skin prickled just looking at some of these wonderful items.

The blindfold and velvet-covered ropes were a must. She picked up two blindfolds in case she decided to keep her men in the dark. Handcuffs would come in handy, too. A girl could never have too many of those. Her pussy was getting warm and wet imagining the things she could do to her men. Lube? That, too, was a must-have as well as a big, fat dildo for her ass. She’d never had sex back there, but she understood that she needed to be stretched out, especially if her two giant men were as large as she imagined.

She didn’t want to overwhelm them with any canes or anything, so she checked out.

“Looks like someone is going to have a fun evening.” Lorna had a lovely smile on her face.

“I’m hoping.”

Amy hopped back in her car and drove home, excited about her purchases and the joy they could bring. She’d already paid one of the kids who worked at the hotel to hand-deliver her meal. That way she could spend her time cleaning up and getting ready. After she changed the sheets on the four-poster, queen-size bed and put candles on all flat surfaces, she took a quick shower then changed into her new underwear. One thing had always been a constant in her life. Sexy underwear always gave her an added boost of confidence if she was ever in a funk.

No sooner had she slipped into her lightweight dress than her meal arrived. She wasn’t sure what time they would eat, so she put the food in the oven and set it to warm.

As she was getting out the wine glasses, the doorbell rang. She wanted to shout out her happiness but instead inhaled to calm her nerves. They didn’t need a chatty woman with too much nervous energy.

Pretending she was a tall, regal princess, she glided to the door and pulled it open. “Holy shit. You two look hot.” She guessed she failed on the princess talk.

Never would she have expected them to come to the door in black slacks, polished black boots, and white, button-down shirts.

“May we come in?”

They must have thought she was a dolt for staring. “Yes.”

Cavon posed for her. “We look like earthlings?”

She laughed. “Amazing earthlings. Where did you get those clothes?” There were a few places where they could have gone shopping. Everything looked new including the price tag that hung from Malik’s shirt. “Here, let me get that.” She stepped close, and his rich, citrus smell nearly did her pussy in.

She tugged quickly to remove the tag. She could only hope Lara didn’t mind them spending her hard-earned money.

“The clothing store on Second Street.”

That was a nice area and quite expensive. “Can I get you some wine?”

Cavon lifted his hand, which held a six-pack. “Beer’s good.”

She’d been so taken by the change in their appearance that she hadn’t noticed he’d brought something to drink. “Sure. You want a glass?”

They both laughed. “No.”

These macho men had swigged the beer out of a bottle at Gardners. “Let me get my wine.” Amy needed a break. Their scent, appearance, and masculinity were messing with her mind. She’d lost the ability to concentrate with them around. Maybe it was all the sex toys she’d purchased that were wreaking havoc with her ability to have a calm conversation. Perhaps she shouldn’t have picked up that damned dildo at the last second.

“You okay in there, Amy?”

Shit. Breathe
. “Yes.” She came out with her glass and bottle. “Would one of you mind opening this?” She dangled the corkscrew.
“Do you even have corkscrews in Anterra?”

Both men seemed to have a problem keeping a straight face. “Yes, honey.” Malik took the bottle from her and opened it.

“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know.”

Cavon stepped close. “How about taking off those heels? They don’t look very comfortable.”

. While being three inches shorter might not seem like a big deal to someone who was close to seven feet, it meant a lot to her. “Why?”

He winked. “You’ll see.”

She slipped them off and her feet rejoiced. She barely came up to his chest. Cavon lifted her up and stood her on the sofa. “Much better.” They were now eye to eye.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and almost crushed her. Her breath caught, and he immediately lightened his hold. “Sorry. I forget my own strength sometimes.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

Oooh. I wonder how.
Before she could make a few suggestions on how she’d like to receive his makeup gift, he nipped her bottom lip, as if he wanted to test the waters on her willingness. Well, this pool of liquid was willing and ready for him to dive right in. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave her
welcome back to Earth
kiss that she hoped would convince him to stay.

He pulled back and furrowed his brows, which made her stomach tumble. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have a lot of self-control where you’re concerned. I needed to make sure you’re okay with sharing your kisses with my brother.”

Malik stood a few feet away grinning. “What do you say, honey? I promise we’ll be real good to you.”

All her dreams were about to come true. “I’ve never been with two men before, but I’m up for giving it a try.”

Cavon picked her up, kissed her hard then set her back on the sofa. “That’s all I needed to hear.” He swooped her up in his arms. “Which way to the bedroom?”

That was fast, but maybe that was how men acted in his reality. She certainly wasn’t going to complain. Sure, she had dinner planned and a host of other things, but right now none of that mattered. All she could do was point her finger toward the hallway and hoped they wouldn’t freak out when they saw the array of sex toys she’d purchased and set out on the dresser. She prayed they didn’t think she was some kind of pervert. If they asked about her new toy collection, she’d say she wanted to show them the American way.

As soon as they got into her room, Cavon placed her on the bed and looked around. “This is really nice.” His eyes sparkled as his gaze took everything in. “You even have candles.”

She was thrilled that he sounded like it was a romantic gesture. “You want me to light them?”

“Got it, honey.” Malik picked up the matches and had them lit in no time. Then he doused the overhead light, bathing the room in warm, golden tones.

As he moved toward the bed, he passed the side dresser where she’d put her toys on display. “Oh, honey, what do we have here?”

Her breath caught and her hands trembled. This might be the deal killer. She slipped off the bed and ambled over to her stash. She picked up two blindfolds. “I thought maybe you’d like to do some experimenting while in Spirit.”

Cavon strode over to her, picked her up again as if she weighed less than nothing, and kissed her. “You are too good to us.”

“Do you use these kinds of things in Anterra?” She wasn’t sure if she wanted them to be experienced or not.

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