Rogue Grooms (28 page)

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Authors: Amanda McCabe

BOOK: Rogue Grooms
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“Yes. I have.” Alex’s tone grew quiet and serious. “So, what shall we do, my love? Send out far and wide for every eligible gentleman to come and present their suit for her?”
Emily’s mind screamed. It was embarrassing enough to be spoken of like a pitiable charity case. She would
want her brother to go barreling about in Society
that someone marry her.
She shuddered at the very thought.
“Of course not,” Georgina answered. “Don’t be silly, Alex darling. Perhaps she could come to Italy with us this summer? We always meet such interesting and unusual people there. She might encounter someone more to her taste in Venice or Padua.”
“You do have a point, Georgie. Emily did not lead the life of a sheltered young miss for many years. She is too intelligent and shrewd for all these London fribbles. Perhaps a change of scene is needed.”
Emily gave a silent, humorless laugh. No, she was not as all the other misses in white muslin making their bows at Court and Almack’s. During the years before her brother Damien’s death, while Alex was away fighting in Spain and Damien was gambling away almost every cent of the Kenton fortune, it was Emily who kept Fair Oak going. She scraped together harvests and saw to it that the roof was patched, the fields plowed, the tenants looked after. She took care of her mother, who was confined to a Bath chair after a hunting accident. She had seen things, been responsible for things, that few young ladies of twenty-two ever were.
Those years
been difficult. They had hardened her heart and soul in some ways, but she was also proud of them. Proud that she had managed to keep their home together, and upheld the honor of their name when Damien had been doing his damnedest to destroy it. The Kenton name, the title of Duke of Wayland, was one of the proudest in England, and Emily would do it all again to keep it that way.
But it did
make the search for a soul mate easy. Men wanted soft, gentle wives, who embroidered and sang and laughed quietly.
wives who could keep farm accounts like a bailiff and scythe hay under the autumn sun. Not wives who rode and walked quickly and spoke their minds.
Emily almost laughed aloud. Those hard days were gone now. Since Alex married Georgina and restored their grand position, Emily had only to enjoy herself. And she
enjoy herself. She loved dancing, and shopping without worrying over what she was spending. She loved riding in the park, and playing with her niece and nephew, and buying her mother lovely little gifts. She had a fine life, and she was a great fool to feel even an ounce of self-pity.
But Italy would indeed make a nice change. Perhaps there, under the warm sun, she could breathe again.
Emily pushed open the breakfast room door and breezed in, as if she had not a care in the world. And as if she had definitely
been eavesdropping.
“Good morning, Alex, Georgie,” she said, kissing them each on the cheek before she sat down in her place and reached for the rack of toast. “I trust you both slept well?”
As she spread marmalade on the triangle of bread, she noticed the two of them exchange a surreptitious glance over the table. She took a large bite to stifle her chuckles.
“Very well, thank you, Emily. And yourself? You danced every dance at the Michaelson rout. you must have been very tired,” Georgina said, passing her a platter of eggs.
“Indeed. I slept like the proverbial baby. I also enjoyed the theater last night; didn’t you? Mr. Kean was in fine form. I do not think I have seen a finer Macbeth.” Emily sipped at her tea, and gave Georgina an innocent smile.
“Quite, my dear,” answered Georgina. “Would you care for kippers?”
“There was an account of the play in this morning’s
,” Alex said, and handed the folded sheaf of newspaper to her. “It says you were wearing a gown of coquelicot muslin with white Vandyke trim. And here I thought you were wearing red with some sort of jagged ribbons. I am not very à la mode, am I, Em?”
Emily laughed at his teasing, and skimmed over the account of the play and its spectators. “They liked Georgina’s silk demi-turban, as well. How gratifying. What do they say about the Hurst ball? I was sorry we missed it, but I did promise Lady Michaelson first.”
“Oh, it was bound to be quite flat,” Georgina said, with a dismissive wave of her teacup. “Mrs. Hurst has declared she can no longer serve ‘intoxicating beverages’ since that dreadful Lord Carteret destroyed her ballroom last year after getting foxed on her husband’s brandy. So there was to be no champagne at all, only tea and lemonade. As insipid as Almack’s, I vow.”
“Heaven forfend,” Alex said in mock horror.
Emily read over the particulars of the ball. It sounded quite as insipid as Georgina described. She started to turn the page, when another headline caught her attention.
The shock of those words was like a dash of cold water to her face. Emily gasped aloud.
“What is it, Emily dear?” Georgina asked solicitously. “Some unpleasant news?”
“Oh, no,” Emily said quickly. “It is just—I swallowed my tea too quickly.” She drew the paper up to cover her expression, and read quickly.
It had been many years since the Star passed from their family to Sir Charles Innis and his wife, yet Emily recalled it as if it was only yesterday. There had been a most dreadful scene.
Emily’s father was dead for several years by then, yet Lord Darlinghurst had never sent for the jewel. Nor did his family in India, after his passing. It resided in the library safe at Fair Oak, a silent reminder of their old friendship with their departed neighbors. Emily had loved to think of it there, a shimmering blue link to David and a faraway land she would never see. She dreamed of the day she and David would meet again, and she could give the Star safely back into his hands. It took her away from her everyday life of looking after the estate and her mother and drew her into a dreamworld.
Until the afternoon Damien came riding hell-for-leather up to Fair Oak and took the sapphire from the safe.
Damien did not come often to Fair Oak. He detested the country, and much preferred the excitements of Town. All the better to squander every shilling that was not entailed, of course. The country boasted no gaming hells or brothels. Emily had been only sixteen at the time, but she was already fully aware of all these matters. There was no escaping the whispers of the servants and the neighbors, her mother’s weeping despair.
So, that morning, Emily was shocked to see him riding down the drive at Fair Oak. She ran out of her chamber and halfway down the grand staircase, just in time to watch him tear into the library. He had once been as handsome as Alex, tall and dark-haired, but by then he was ravaged by his debauchery. He was heavy with excess fat, his eyes red-rimmed and his jaw slack. He was covered with mud from his wild ride.
Emily’s mother, confined to her chair, shouted at him from the doorway of the drawing room. “What do you think you are doing, Damien? Get out of your father’s library this moment! You have no right to be in there.”
“It is
library now, Mother,” he shouted back. “As is everything in it. I am the duke now, in case you have not noticed. So, I will thank you to be silent.”
Emily’s mother gasped in outrage at his harshness. Emily, her heart full of her own white-hot anger, dashed into the library to see him take the Star from the safe. For one instant, she saw the rich glow of its blue fire—then it disappeared inside Damien’s greatcoat.
“What are you doing?” she cried out. “How dare you? Put that back this very instant!”
He glanced back over his shoulder at her, his eyes full of bitter weariness. “So, you are becoming a harridan, too, Emily. Just like Mother.”
Emily ignored the insult, and stalked closer into the room, her hands curled into tight fists at her side. Her nails bit into her palms, yet she scarcely noticed the pain. “That does not belong to you. It is Lord Darlinghurst’s.”
“He hasn’t been back for it in all these years, now has he? That means it is mine, to do with as I like. And I like to sell it.”
With that, he left the house, the Star in his possession. Emily’s screams and shouts as she chased him down the drive had no impact at all. She never saw the sapphire again; the next she and her mother heard, it had been sold to the rich merchant Innis, who was a great collector of exotic items from other lands.
Now he in turn was selling it, all these years later. Or rather, donating it to the Mercer Museum for their gemstone collection. Emily quickly read over the details, then scanned them again. The Star, which had not been seen since Sir Charles Innis purchased it, would be displayed at a grand ball in his London mansion. Then, after being examined by numerous gemological experts to confirm its authenticity, it would make its ceremonious way to the museum.
“This is terrible!” Emily exclaimed aloud, before she could stop it.
“What is terrible, Em?” Alex asked.
Emily lowered the paper to find him and Georgina watching her intently. She had to tell them
Anything but the full truth.
Alex had been in Spain when the drama of the Star played out, and, as far as Emily could recall, he knew nothing of its history. She told him a shortened version of the tale as quickly as she could.
She did
tell him of that other scene in the Fair Oak library, the one that took place almost a year after the day Damien snatched the Star away. Indeed, she hardly liked to recall it herself.
Later, when Emily made her excuses to Alex and Georgina and escaped back to her bedchamber, she collapsed onto her chaise. She stared up at the ceiling, which had been whimsically painted by Georgina herself, but she did not see the cavorting gods and cupids against their blue sky. All she could see in her mind, replaying over and over again, was the day she learned the truth about what happened to the Star.
She had not thought about that day, or the sapphire, in a very long time. At first it was too painful to recall how she, in her helplessness, had betrayed her friendship with David. Later, there were so many other things to worry about. The whole ugly story was hidden deep in her heart—a shameful secret. Now it was returned to haunt her.
She rolled onto her side, and reached inside the bodice of her morning gown to pull out her Navaratna ring, suspended on its long gold chain. She always wore it there, hidden from the world but close to her heart, keeping her safe. Holding the circlet tightly in her hand, she closed her eyes, seeing again the day Damien returned to Fair Oak after stealing the jewel. He was in a terrible condition, his skin gray and clammy, his hair long and tangled, his eyes sunk deep in purple circles. He was so drunk he reeked of it from every pore.
He died only a few months later, but she did not know then how truly ill he was. She only knew that she had to hide him from her mother. Dorothy was weak herself, unable to leave her chair. She did not need to see her eldest son in such a pitiful state.
Emily helped him into the library, watched him collapse onto the leather settee. As she pulled off his muddy boots and drew a blanket up over his bloated shoulders, he caught her hand in his.
“Emily,” he said raspily, his breath foul on her face. “You have grown into a pretty lady. If you went to London, you could marry a rich man, raise our fortunes again.”
Oh, yes,
Emily thought sarcastically. She would go to Town in her mended gowns and old bonnets, with her sun-browned face and calloused hands, and snare a rich man so her brother could gamble and whore some more. In the meantime, her mother would be alone and the crops would wither.
But she just gave him a curt nod, and turned to leave him in his disgusting state. He caught her hand again, holding her where she was. His breath rasped in his throat. She tried to pull away, only to freeze when she felt the cold press of coins in her palm.
She stared down at them. It was gold—more money than she had seen in a year. “Where did you get this?” she gasped. “At the gaming tables?”
Damien gave a rough laugh. “Not at all. Lady Fortune has not smiled on me in months.”
“Then where did this come from?”
“Does it matter, Emily? Use it to buy yourself some new gowns. God knows you need them.”
Her patience, never great when it came to Damien, snapped. “Tell me where you got it!” she shouted.
He fell back on the settee, closing his eyes with a groan. “I did not steal it, if that is what you’re implying, sister dearest. And pray do not shout so—my head is splitting. I made it from the sale of that stone you were so damnably fond of.”
“The Star?” Emily gasped, appalled. She tossed the coins back on top of him, as if they burned her skin. She did not even question how he had held onto the money for nearly a year since he took the Star away. “I won’t take your ill-gotten gains. These
“Oh, don’t be so self-righteous! You’re as bad as Mother. Besides, it is not as you think.”
“No.” He opened his eyes, and gave her a sly, bleary grin. “The stone I sold to that vulgar Cit, Innis, was not the real thing. I sold him a paste copy, and gave someone else the real thing. Clever of your old brother, wasn’t it? And here you’ve been looking down your nose at me for years, like you are so much better than me, so much finer. Yet you could. never have come up with such a scheme, you prim little hypocrite.”
“Indeed I could not,” was all Emily could say. Then she ran from the library to be sick, appalled that he could do such a horrible thing. He had stolen the Star not once, but twice. Or was it three times? She could not even count.
He left Fair Oak the next day, and Emily never saw him again. A few days later, a new Bath chair arrived for their mother, along with a length of spangled muslin and new cashmere shawls, no doubt paid for with the money she’d thrown back in Damien’s face. To her everlasting shame, she kept them. Her mother needed that chair. Emily also never told anyone the truth about the Star. Such a thing would tarnish their honorable name forever, a name Emily had spent her life protecting.

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