RodeHard (6 page)

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Authors: lauren Fraser

BOOK: RodeHard
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Kasey grinned. “Oh hell yeah, I’m in. I just want to make
sure you aren’t going to get all jealous when she sees my big horse dick and
starts to drool,” Kasey joked, his eyes lit with amusement as he poked at
Justin as well.

Duncan snorted. “You wish you had a horse dick.”

Justin groaned. With friends like these two… He shook his
head. Needing the conversation to be over, Justin dug out a bottle of water
from his saddle bag and tossed it at Kasey. “Get back to work.”

Kasey dropped the bottle into his own saddle bag then looked
at Justin. “So camping tomorrow?”

“Yeah, but just so you know, if Kat changes her mind you two
are sleeping outside,” Justin told them.

“No problem, we’ll pack our bags in case you or Kat change
your mind,” Kasey said, making both him and Duncan laugh.

“Get to work. Both of you,” he growled. Picking up his
shovel, he turned his back on his friends. They were both making way too big a
deal of this. He had no intentions of changing his mind. Why would he? Kat and
he were just having a good time.

Chapter Seven


As they rode out the next day, Kat couldn’t stop thinking
about being with all three of them. When did they plan on taking things to the
next level? When they stopped for lunch, or would they wait until they got to
the cabin? Justin had mentioned stopping and fishing for the afternoon to see
what they could catch for dinner, but the little looks the three men kept
sending each other made it clear she was the main thing on the menu.

Anticipation bubbled in her stomach. She watched Justin and
Duncan riding in front of her, both so powerful and in control. Their muscles
rippled as they moved on their horses. She glanced over at Kasey riding
contentedly beside her, equally as gorgeous and powerful as the other two men.
At the heated look he flashed her, she gulped.
Oh boy.

When they finally stopped at the edge of a creek bed and dismounted,
every muscle in her body was coiled tightly, nerves and sexual excitement
battled for supremacy. Was she ready for this?

Kasey took the reins from her and walked the two horses over
to where Justin and Duncan had left their mounts.

Kat looked up at the scenery surrounding them. It was
gorgeous. The red and copper mountains rose up high, making it seem as if they
were the only people on earth. Isolated. She could do anything out here and no
one would ever know. Awareness heated her skin as she played over the
possibilities in her mind.

Justin walked up to her, took her hand and led her down
toward the water. Fallen rocks created a natural dam in the water leaving a
pool behind.

“Is it warm enough to swim?” she asked.

“You bet. Want to jump in?”

“Umm, I didn’t bring a suit.”

Justin stared at her, his forehead wrinkled with confusion.

She glanced nervously at Duncan and Kasey. “I don’t know.”

Justin stepped closer to her and tipped her chin up with his
finger. “Did you change your mind?”

She shook her head. “No,” she whispered.

Taking her hands in his, he looked down at her. “They’re
going to see you naked, Kat.”

“I know, it’s just…I don’t… It’s broad daylight and I’m
dirty and grimy and—” She waved her hand, unsure how to explain what she was feeling.

Duncan and Kasey came up beside them. Kasey looked at Kat
and smiled. “Dunc and I were thinking we’d go down a little ways and swim, have
some lunch, let you two be alone for a little while.”

Kat breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t that she didn’t
want to be with them because as she looked over at the two men, lord knew she
did. It was just she needed to be with Justin more. She smiled at Duncan and
Kasey. “Thanks, guys.”

Kasey leaned in and kissed her cheek, his warm lips pressed
softly against her skin and she closed her eyes.

When she opened them Kasey winked at her, his golden eyes
glimmered with understanding. “No problem, enjoy your swim.”

Kat watched as the two men mounted their horses and rode
away. Justin’s strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. “You okay?”

“Of course.”

“Kat, I told you we weren’t going to pressure you at all.
This is your call. Whatever you want is fine.”

“I know.” The guys had ridden around the edge of the rock
outcropping until she could no longer see them. She looked at Justin, trying to
get a read on him. What was he thinking? Would he be pissed if she backed out?
What if not going through with this wrecked things between them anyway? Then
she’d still have the next couple of weeks of pure suck to live through.

Justin pulled the ends of her shirt from her jeans. She
smacked her hand on top of his. “Hey, what are you doing, mister?”

His nimble fingers reached around her front and undid the
buttons of her shirt. “I thought you wanted to go swimming.”

“I do.”

“Well then you need to get naked, so I thought I’d help.”

If the bulge in his jeans was anything to go by he didn’t
seem too disappointed that she’d sent his friends away. “I just bet you did.”

He peeled her shirt off her shoulders and dropped it on the
ground, then her bra followed suit. She turned around and faced him.

His nostrils flared as he stared at her breasts. Goose bumps
shivered across her skin and her nipples tightened from the intensity of his

“Jesus,” he muttered.

Kat toed off one boot then the other. She stepped back from
Justin. “You better catch up, cowboy, otherwise I’ll be enjoying myself without

“Can I watch?” he asked.

She cocked her hips and flashed him a sassy grin. “Maybe,
but you won’t be able to see much if you aren’t in the water with me.”

Justin groaned. “Damn, woman.”

He quickly shucked his clothes and stood naked in front of
her by the time she managed to shed her jeans. “How the hell did you get
undressed so fast?”

“I was highly motivated.” Justin took her hand and led her
toward the water.

Kat dipped her toe in and winced. Wow, not nearly as warm as
she’d anticipated.

She slowly took another step and waited for her feet to get
used to the temperature.

“Seriously?” Justin asked.

“What? It’s cold,” she whined.

Before she had time to even move strong arms scooped her up
and Justin ran into the water with her squealing in protest.

“There, isn’t that better?” Justin asked when they were
fully immersed in the water. Justin’s body was hot against her chest, making
the cool water at her back all the more shocking but somehow she didn’t mind.

Kat shifted in his arms and wrapped her legs around his
waist. She wiggled her hips until she felt his erection press against her
bottom. “Mmm, now it is.”

She moved again, eliciting a groan from Justin. His hands
clamped on to her hips. He shifted his body, dragging his cock along the seam
of her pussy.

Justin hoisted her up until her breasts popped out of the
water. He bent and ran his tongue across the top of her chest then slowly
swirled his way down until he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Kat arched her
back, pressing her nipple deeper inside. The contrast between the cold water
and Justin’s hot mouth made her pussy clench with need.

He switched to her other nipple. She rubbed her body against
his, trying to get the friction she needed to orgasm. Justin stopped and shook
his head. “Uh-uh, you aren’t getting off that easy. You said you were going to
have fun by yourself.”

She raised her eyebrow in question as she looked at him.
“But you came into the water with me so I don’t need to.”

“Need to? No. But I sure as hell would like to see you touch

Zowie. Her pussy clenched. The idea of masturbating in front
of him was a huge turn-on. “Really?”

“Oh yeah,” he groaned.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Lady’s choice. You know what gets you off so show me what
you like.”

She wondered how far away Duncan and Kasey had gone. Would
they be able to hear them if she moaned too loud? Her sex throbbed. A dirty
little part of her secretly hoped so. With her legs still wrapped around his
waist, Kat arched back. She cupped her hand around her breast and pushed it up
toward her face. Justin cleared his throat, making Kat grin. If he wanted a
show, she’d give him one.

Pushing her breast up as high as she could, she bent her
head and stuck out her tongue, flicking it against her nipple.

“Holy fuck,” Justin groaned.

Oh yeah, she had him now. His stare was glued to the
movement of her tongue. His cock pulsed against her ass and his fingers
tightened on her hips.

Justin glanced up and Kat held his gaze while she continued
to lick her nipple.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he visibly swallowed. Eyes
darkened with lust, his fingers painfully dug into her waist. Just watching her
do this was making him lose control. Imagine what he’d be like if he watched
her touch herself.

“You like that?” she purred.

“Ye…” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“What else would you like?” she asked then playfully sucked
her finger into her mouth.

“Jesus, Kat,” he muttered. He looked around, then hoisting
her up higher in his arms, he walked through the water and set her on the edge
of one of the boulders. The hot rock beneath her skin felt amazing. She leaned
back against it. Kat brought one knee up and spread her legs. Justin’s eyes
honed in on her core.

“God, you’re gorgeous. Touch yourself,” he told her.

Normally when she masturbated, she just went right to her
clit but this wasn’t about hitting the finish line as quickly as possible. This
was about seduction and making Justin squirm. Giving him a taste of his own
medicine. She slowly trailed her finger down her body until she hit the little
strip of hair. She didn’t like to be completely bald. She liked the contrast of
the little visible landing strip and the surprise of being completely bare when
she spread her legs. Justin watched her with a glazed look in his eyes.

Kat swirled her finger around her clit and sighed. Spreading
her lips with one hand, she flicked her clit with the other, loving the way
Justin’s breathing hitched as he watched. Feeling bold, she pushed her finger
inside herself and he groaned. As she fucked herself with her finger Justin
moved closer. His breath burned hot against her leg.

She pulled her finger out of her pussy and placed the digit
against his lips. Justin sucked it inside then growled. Before she had a chance
to continue teasing him, he pushed her legs wider, gripped her hips and pulled
her against his face. His tongue plunged inside her, sucking and fucking her as
if she were his last meal.

After all the teasing she’d just done the feel of his hot
mouth on her core made her squirm with pleasure. She dug her fingers into his
thick, chocolate-brown hair and bucked her hips, grinding against his face. “Oh
Jus, god, I’m close.”

He groaned, the noise vibrated against her clit and she
closed her eyes, giving herself over to the pleasure. When he sucked her clit
into his mouth her back arched up off the rock and she screamed. He continued
sucking her until she pushed his head away from her. “Stop, I can’t take any

Justin smirked. “You sure?”

“Yes,” she gasped. She closed her eyes and lay boneless on
the rock. Thankful she had something to slump against, she was oblivious to the
discomfort as she tried to catch her breath.

When she opened her eyes Justin stared at her with a
shit-eating grin on his face. She laughed. “Pleased with yourself?”

“You bet.”

He grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him, scraping her
ass against the rock. The little bite of pain added to the excitement and the
need driving through her. When she hit the water she squealed. “Holy shit,
that’s cold.”

“Sorry,” he murmured as he walked them across the water to
the shore. He eased her down on the blanket he’d laid out then walked over to
his saddlebags. A moment later he was back with a condom in hand.

“There was one in my jeans pocket,” she told him.

“We’ll use that one later.”

Sheathed, he positioned himself between her legs. “Now where
was I?”

He pressed against her core and she moaned. “Mmm, that’s it,
right about there,” he groaned as he pushed in.

Kat wrapped her legs around him and dug her heels into his
ass to drive him deeper. He thrust and swirled his hips. “Oh Jesus,” she
groaned. That was the spot. He better not stop.

She threaded her hands through his hair and pulled his face
down. His tongue tangled with hers, matching the rhythm of his hips,
effectively fucking her face and her pussy at the same time.

She sucked his tongue, eliciting a low, sexy groan that
rumbled in his chest. Justin broke the kiss and pounded into her hard, hitting
her in all the right spots. Stars burst beneath her lids as another orgasm
raced through her body. When she opened her eyes her nails were digging into
Justin’s arms and he groaned above her as he came.

Justin collapsed against her briefly then tried to push up,
but she held him tight. “I’m squishing you, Kat.”

“No, it’s good,” she murmured, not wanting to let him go.
She sighed. What was wrong with her? She’d always been good at keeping emotions
and sex separate. Why was she having such a hard time doing that now?

“Just let me get rid of the condom and then I’ll be right

She dropped her arms and let him up. God, his ass was
spectacular. The muscles flexed and rippled as he walked to his saddlebags
again and pulled out a plastic bag for garbage and disposed of the condom. She
continued to stare at his body when he walked back toward her with a cooler bag
in his hand.

“Obviously I didn’t do a good enough job since you still
look like you want a piece of me,” Justin teased.

“I always want a piece of you.” Unfortunately that was the
problem. How was she supposed to go back to New York in a couple of weeks and
not think about him?

“Give me a minute and you can.” He dropped down beside her
and sat crossed-legged as he dug into the cooler bag. He handed her a turkey
sandwich and a Coke.

Kat sat up and took a bite of her sandwich. It should have
felt weird sitting naked outside eating but it didn’t. Somehow Justin made it
seem the most natural thing in the world.

“So, do you ever miss traveling and doing the full-time
rodeo tour thing?”

“Nah, I only really did it for money. I mean it was fun, and
I got to travel and see things, but at the end of the day it was a just a means
to an end.”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged. “This is home and I needed enough money to make
it into what I wanted.”

“How did you want it?”

He absently pulled a thread on the blanket. “Growing up, Dee
and I had plans for this place. We were sure we could make it into this amazing
thing.” He smiled to himself. “Dee has a real gift with horses. Well, you know
what she can do. I’ve never seen anyone like her. She’d always dreamed of being
a trainer.” He laughed but the sound was sad and empty, not like his normal
laugh. “Our dad was against the idea. So I let her use the little chunk of land
I’d been given for my twenty-first birthday.”

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