Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) (6 page)

Read Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #police romance, #small town romance, #Bad Boy romance, #Vivian Arend, #tattoo romance, #hot sexy romance

BOOK: Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons)
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She waited, tempted to pulse her hips forward to find something to make contact with to ease the growing ache inside.

Mitch lifted his hand away, and she moaned in protest.

Only to gasp a second later as he snapped his hand down and smacked her butt cheek.

. What the hell?” Anna squirmed, but he had her caught in position. His strong hand gripped her thigh and pinned them together. “Crap, Mitch, that stung.”

He laughed. “It’s going to sting some more before we’re through, babe.”

A second strike landed, a little lower, just as hard, and the throbbing that had started inside shot outward and upward into a Mitch-sized-hand area on her ass. “You
. You tied me up so you could spank me?” Anna growled in disbelief.

Mitch rubbed his hand over the stinging portion of her butt. “Don’t knock it yet.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he sucked the words from her mouth, kissing her again with the wildness she craved. Distracting her from the fact he’d probably left a print on her skin.

It was too easy to focus on all the other things she was enjoying. The demanding stroke of his tongue, the way he used his entire body when he kissed her, small movements reminding her again and again that they were stark naked and only inches away from being joined.

When he pulled back, his eyes had gone fiery. His dark needs and wild passion clear for her to witness. Maybe the chains he’d tattooed onto his skin were to help him remember something, but her idea of a wild beast being chained and controlled wouldn’t have been inappropriate either.

“Trust me?” he asked again.

Anna breathed out slowly, ignored that part inside that screamed she was being a fool, and nodded.

Mitch tugged her leg a little higher over him, and the change of position tilted more of her ass toward the ceiling. More for him to put his hand on when he smacked down.

She tightened up on the first strike, nothing registering but stinging pain and a sense of playing a game she wasn’t really into. Mitch spanked her three times in rapid succession then smoothed his palm over the hot surface, small circles, easing the pain and…

…increasing a sensation she hadn’t expected.


If it was, it was a new type than she’d experienced before. Something less like the cool slick of satisfaction from biting into a sweet, juicy ripe pear, juices coating her lips. This was more along the lines of having her mouth catch fire from a great bowl of spicy jambalaya.

“There you go,” Mitch whispered. “Trust me and enjoy yourself.”

He spanked her another dozen times, alternating sides. The palm of his hand connected with her tingling flesh with a sharp crack. Every swat landed in a slightly different spot. There was no way to anticipate where the blow would strike, not trapped up close to him like she was.

By now she honestly didn’t care.

“My God, what have you done to me?” There was no keeping quiet as he worked her over. Every blow she moaned or sighed. Every time he paused to caress her heated ass, she gasped to get air into her depleted lungs.

He shifted her slightly again, her thigh resting well up his body. This time when his hand made contact, it was on the lips of her sex.

Anna nearly shot off the bed.

“God damn, you’re so fucking beautiful.” Mitch caught her chin with one hand, locking her gaze on his. With his other hand he slipped his fingers between her folds and hummed in happy approval. “You’re dripping wet. Your pussy is so ready for this.”

“You’re killing me,” Anna got out before the next spank landed, and then she wasn’t able to speak anymore.

The world reduced to Mitch’s hand and the incredible, unfathomable pleasure he was creating in her body. Every time he connected with her labia streaks of white shot before her eyes, like electric pulses that had begun far lower expanding in an uncontrollable web through her entire body. Usually before an orgasm the tension started deep inside, but this time it was her clit and the lips of her labia that tingled and tightened. Hot and getting hotter.

Another slap, and another. The moisture from her pussy changed the sound of the strikes from crisp snaps heard during the earlier smacks to her ass. Wetter. Strange yet erotic, and combined with Mitch’s dirty whispering, she teetered on the edge of something immense.

“Your ass is glowing red, Anna. Hot and dirty, and so fucking gorgeous. I can see where my hand has been, like I’ve branded you, just for tonight. You like it when I spank your pussy, don’t you? Rocking into me every time, wanting more.” Another set of strikes landed, Anna’s moan mixed with the echoes. “Juicy and hot—ready for my cock. Or for my tongue if I decided to lick you first until you scream.”

“Your cock,” Anna begged. “
, fuck me. Fuck me now.”

Only a second later Mitch slipped out from under her. He rolled her to her belly, dragging her down the bed. Her arms were fully extended overhead, her face to the mattress, her legs spread as he pushed his knees between hers. Mitch caught her hips and raised them slightly, his groin briefly coming in contact with her still-throbbing ass.

He lined up his cock and thrust.

Anna arched back her neck and screamed. “

All the nerves he’d primed earlier blazed. He plunged in, slapping their hips together as he drove deep. His cock spread her, his piercing rubbing against the tender walls of her passage. The new position meant that he covered her, his naked chest to her back, head tucked beside hers. He jerked his knees to the outside of her legs and pressed her limbs together. The position changed the angle of his thrusts, reducing how far he could pump, but increasing her sensation of being

Tied to the bed, his body a heavy weight over hers as he fucked her relentlessly, Anna’s excitement transformed. She was completely aware of every move he made, and yet a happy haze blurred their surroundings. Unperturbed fascination set in with what Mitch was doing to her.

Using her for his own pleasure, if the moans and grunts rumbling from his lips were any indication. Dragging her right along with him, if the noises she couldn’t stop from escaping were another clue.

She closed her eyes and pictured what they would look like to someone stumbling into the room. They’d find a wild man ravishing his willing captive. Rough and dirty, and oh my
so good.

Her orgasm struck like a collapsing wall. Between one second and the next her body went from primed to pulsing. Mitch swore and froze, sealed to her from top to bottom with his cock buried deep.

Her pussy squeezed around the thick length, satisfaction pulling free another series of moans. Mitch rocked lightly, pushing the hard metal of his piercing back and forth enough to keep aftershocks twitching her entire body.

When he finally rolled off her, twisting her to the side as he went, Anna barely had the strength to form a smile. “You’ve fucked me senseless,” she gasped out one word at a time.

He released her wrists, pulling her over him and petting her. Rubbing lightly, kissing her face. Taking her down slowly from the extreme high he’d propelled them to.

First night of their changed relationship, and the evening had been spectacular in so many ways. She still had a ton of unanswered questions, especially regarding how the rest of her work team would take the news she was officially dating Mitch.

Yet whatever direction this ride she’d agreed to take with him went, one thing was for certain.

It wasn’t going to be boring.

Chapter Five


and she’d been too busy to even complain about how busy life had become. There’d been a rash of kids pulling crazy stunts, and sure enough she’d ended up scheduled to work the entire Thanksgiving weekend.

If she wasn’t buried in the RCMP office, she’d been run off her feet responding to call-outs while the staff rotated through strange shifts because of the holiday. Monday of the October long weekend rolled around, and she’d basically missed breakfast and lunch trying to keep up with one disaster after another at work.

“Anna, you’ve got a visitor,” the front-desk clerk called.

“One sec, Claire,” Anna shouted back. She saved her final notes on the break-ins she and Nick had attended, then grabbed her work jacket, tugging it on as she headed to the entrance.

There had to be a lull at some point.

She approached the secure area that separated casual visitors to the station from the staff. Claire gave her a strange look but moved aside, obviously wanting to ask some questions, but resisting temptation.

A moment later the reason became plain as Mitch’s dark brown eyes met Anna’s. He was dressed from top to bottom in black. The perfectly cut jeans hugging his legs looked a lot fancier than usual, his leather jacket pulled over a heavy knit sweater that made her fingers itch to see if it was really as soft as it looked. The thick layer of scruff on his chin produced chills as memories of him rubbing the rough texture against her tender skin leapt to mind.

And the grin? Dangerous and addictive.

Anna wanted to sweep open the door and jump him, but she had to keep things somewhat professional. “Mitch. What can I do for you?”

He raised a brow, eyeing the glass and metal separating them. “I was in the area and thought I’d stop by. You nearly done for the day?”

Anna checked her watch. “Half an hour, and I’m off.”

Mitch nodded. “I know you missed your family gathering, so can I take you to the café for a late supper? They’ve got turkey with all the fixings on the menu tonight.”

“Cranberry sauce as well?”

“You know it.”

His invitation shouldn’t have pleased her so much, but she was willing to admit, at least to herself, that it did. “I’d like that.”

Another cocky grin. “You want me to wait for you or meet you there?”

Anna considered. “You have your bike or your truck?”


She leaned closer to the glass. “How about this? Go get your bike, and a helmet for me, and you can pick me up at my place. It’s a nice night. After we eat you can take me for a ride.”

His gaze locked on her lips, his voice dropping to a bare whisper. “I’d never turn down the offer to
take you for a ride

A decadent thrill shot through her at his suggestive comment.


Mitch stepped backward, his gaze still fixed on her face. “I’ll see you there, then. Do you need a jacket as well?”

“No, I’ll get changed at my place.”

He winked, then pushed through the exit door, the security buzzer announcing his departure. Anna stared until the door closed and the dark shading on the glass obscured the view of his very fine ass walking away.

She ignored the unasked question in Claire’s eyes and made her way back to her office to finish up the final paperwork.

Nick was waiting for her, deep concern on his face as he examined the file she’d left on her desk.

“What’s up? Did I miss something on the Cranston case?” she asked.

He put down the papers he’d been poking through, instead pacing across the room. “I didn’t say anything the other day, but I have to ask. What’s up with you and Mitch Thompson?”

Oh boy. And so it began.

Anna sat, waking her computer and checking the last thing she’d had open. The fact Nick hadn’t mentioned finding her at the dirt track had been wonderful—and strange.

She should have known it was too good to last. “Not sure what you’re asking.”

Nick sighed heavily, his dark eyes focusing sharply on her as he seemed to change the topic again. “It was a shock to discover you in the middle of a bunch of off-roaders. I had no idea you were into that kind of thing.”

She shrugged. “Good clean fun, if you don’t mind the mud. They’re not illegal, and from what I can tell, the Blackstones have gone out of their way to make sure they’re not disturbing any of their neighbours.”

“Still surprised me,” Nick insisted. “With the rise in biker-gang activity all over the province, you might want to rethink being involved in that kind of situation again.”

A snort of disbelief escaped before she could stop it. “You’re not serious. We were riding dirt bikes, not hogs, and there’s no connection whatsoever between any gang activity and those guys innocently tearing up some spare land at the Blackstone property.”

“And Mitch?”

Anna rose to her feet and steeled her spine. “Again, not sure what you’re asking. Or if it’s any business of yours what I do outside of work time.”

Nick raised his hands and backed off. “Hey, no need to get snooty. Just—”

“Snooty?” Anna laughed, but there was a touch of anger under her amusement. “Good grief, Nick. Don’t try that on me. You have something to say, say it. Don’t go suggesting I just dropped a load of teenage angst on you.”

“Fine. Straight out, unless you’re doing court-ordered community work with him, I would suggest you not be seen in public with Mitch Thompson.”

A strange sensation churned her gut—annoyance on Mitch’s behalf, and a huge load of disgust at herself for hesitating in getting involved with him earlier. Having Nick toss his unwarranted bias against Mitch in her face only made it that much clearer how wrong she’d been in trying to hide her interest.

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