Rocky Mountain Rebel (17 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Western, #Fiction

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Rebel
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He opened his arms and she walked all the way against him, and Joel got reminded all over how much he’d been wanting her. Fooling around and kissing wasn’t going to be enough for much longer, not when she rubbed her torso over his as the kiss continued languidly.

He held her loosely, avoiding the temptation to run his hands up her thighs and under that flimsy skirt.

Pulling their mouths apart was tough, damn tough. “We’d better get going or we’re gonna end up—”

Joel stopped dead.

Vicki backed away, her eyes full of fire. Her words husky as she spoke. “Or we’re gonna end up
, Joel? You afraid to use the big words?”

He shook his head. “I’m not going to deny I want to take you to bed, darling. But not now. Not yet.”

They stared at each other for a minute before Vicki sighed heavily. “Damn you.”

He nodded. “Soon, okay?”

Vicki slipped on her shoes. “Don’t know what we’re waiting for, though. Like you want some signal the time is right?”

Hell. “Maybe.”

There was something, though. Something held him back from making the next move, and Joel knew enough to trust his gut.

She was locking her door when the neighbour poked his head out again. Joel couldn’t believe it as the man basically stripped Vicki with his gaze. Joel stepped between them and glared daggers.

The stranger’s door shut a hell of a lot quicker than it had opened.

They were down on the street headed for his truck when she hesitated. “You want to walk?” Vicki asked. “It’s only a couple blocks.”

“If it’s not too cold for you.” He checked her shoes, but they were more practical than fancy. He held out his arm, and she slipped her fingers over his elbow, cuddling close as they made their way down the sidewalk. “Who’s your nosy neighbour?”

Vicki made a disgruntled sound. “He’s a pain in the ass, that’s who he is. Moved in a couple months ago, and I swear every time I hit the landing he’s staring at me.”

“Have you complained to the manager?”

Vicki snorted. “Right, what am I supposed to complain about? That my neighbour opens his door? Joel, no one gives a shit.”

He fell silent for a bit. “I give a shit.”

She offered him a smile. “Yeah, you. Thanks, but it’s okay. I make sure I have my keys ready when I get home, and he’s never really bothered me.”

The more he thought about it, the less he liked it. “If you ever get worried, let me know, okay?”

She squeezed his arm then pointed across the street to a window decorated for Halloween, and talk turned to more general things.

A rush of heat and sound hit them as they walked into Traders. Joel took her coat, then her hand and led her toward where the family usually gathered.

Vicki stayed close to his side, her warmth like a gentle connection between them. “I am drinking tonight, just so you know.”

“You mean a drink, right?” He laughed at her sudden jab to his arm. “Well, if body weight has anything on it, half a glass of wine should make you wasted.”

“I can hold my liquor,” she insisted. Her gaze stopped on someone in the room, and she swore. “Hide me.”

He followed her line of vision to spot Eric Tell and a group of his cronies gathered around a table. Joel pressed his hand to her back and guided her forward. “Ignore him. Not worth the energy to spit.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. A nice direct hit, right between the eyes would be fun.” Vicki made a face. “Tell me again this is a good idea.”

“This is a great idea. Come on.”

Thirty seconds later they had chairs in the Coleman section of the bar. Tonight the group was smaller, but just as loud as usual. Pool tables and drinks, conversation and teasing.

Jesse looked up from the pool table where he was taking a shot. His gaze leapt to Vicki, then returned to Joel. His wink didn’t bother Joel as much as he expected. It was more a hello, and less like his twin was actually looking Vicki over.

He turned to settle Vicki in her seat. “Vicki, you know my cousins, Tamara and Lisa.”

Vicki nodded. “Hi.”

Tamara smiled back tentatively. “I heard you two were dating. Nice you finally made it out.”

Joel lifted his hands in protest. “Finally? Damn, you’re demanding.”

“Hey, the clan expects instant updates at all times,” Lisa teased, her expression still questioning as she peeked at Vicki, at Joel, and over both their shoulders at Jesse.

. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Vicki wiggled in her chair, and he draped his arm around her, trying to reassure her and protect her at the same time.

It was about as awkward as the evening Travis had showed up with one woman after forgetting he’d already invited another to meet him at the bar. Joel twisted to eyeball the pool game, hoping it would be over soon and the guys would join them. And yet he didn’t really want Jesse to come over and hang around Vicki either.

He’d fucked up. Big time. Or more to the point, he hadn’t realized how bad the situation was going to be. Setting them up as a couple meant being in public, but this was damn painful.

Vicki answered a couple questions, but pretty much sat silently as the girls attempted to keep a conversation flowing, and the rest of the people in the bar found reasons to wander past and gawk.

The girls turned to watch something at the other end of the bar, and Joel leaned down to whisper in Vicki’s ear. “You okay? Want to stay or want to go?”

She caught his shirtfront, turning until her lips brushed his earlobe. “Staying here is like a negative twenty. Top of the list is going back to my place and having sex. And somewhere in the middle is getting you drunk enough you agree to teach me how to give you a blow job.”

Joel’s body tightened—everywhere—her words slamming into him and taking this way off the comfortable chart and into dangerous territory. “Don’t push me, darling.”

“I’m not, I’m trying to tempt you.”

Temptation was there, that was true. Joel wavered, because for a tiny package, Vicki was dragging him to the very limits of his control. And right now, he couldn’t blame her. Getting away and getting naked was way more attractive than the current option.


Vicki squirmed, the heavy sensation of being stared at worse than ever.

Well, wasn’t this a ton of fun?

She glanced around the room and counted how many people’s gazes darted away as she skimmed past them. Maybe the whole idea of breaking through her bad-girl rep was stupid. Awkward for sure. And this time she’d hauled Joel along into her unique brand of torment.

Brilliant. Way to go.

The idea of leaving was very appealing, so when Joel rose, hope rose with him. He caught her by the hand, tugging her to her feet. “Come on.”

Thank God.
“My jacket…”

She reached for it, but he shook his head. “Not leaving. Let’s dance.”


He led her around the divider between the two halves of the bar. On one side of Traders were the pool tables, dartboards, and seating for the get-away-from-it-all crowd who wanted to relax and shoot the breeze. On the other was the dance floor, where tall standing-room-only tables lined the edges to entice drinkers to watch and mingle.

Vicki could count on one hand the number of times she’d been in the bar. Not only did she tend to avoid places where the ridicule got worse, she’d lied her ass off to Joel—she couldn’t drink at all.

But as the music volume increased, she focused less on the people around them and more on the man holding her hand as he guided her through the maze of bodies.

He turned and took her in his arms. She relaxed, resting her cheek against his chest as they moved to the slow music.

He chuckled, his body vibrating under her. “That was pretty terrible, wasn’t it?”

Vicki tilted her head as his fingers touched under her chin. “Let’s not talk about it. If we pretend it’s not there, it’ll go away.”

“Actually…” he nodded, “…it will. So let’s have some fun.”

The floor was only partway full. Joel’s older brother Matt was dancing with his fiancée Hope, and the two of them smiled as they caught sight of Vicki.

“Remind me never to get on the wrong side of your dad, okay?”

Joel frowned. “What makes you say that?”

She pointed to Matt and Hope. “After his
rah rah
speech the other day, your immediate kin seem to have calmed down about me being around. He put the fear in them I guess.”

“Hope’s a damn good woman. She’s got pain-in-the-ass family as well. I think she can empathize, and so can Matt since the
pain in the ass
is his ex.”

“Right.” Vicki glanced their way again, a rush of sympathy hitting. Hope’s older sister was back in town, and her strange behavior continued to light up the gossip circles as bright as the tales regarding Vicki’s family.

Maybe it was stupid to feel a connection—having family who wasn’t much family—but somehow Vicki felt it. Real or not, for the first time since they’d walked into the bar, she got her mind off herself and the damn town gossip, and focused on someone else.

“You ever double date with them? Or, you know, hang out?”

“With Matt and Hope?”


Joel tucked his hand against her lower back and pulled her in tighter. “Sometimes. Usually do more with Jesse and Travis, but…”

Yeah, she’d put the kibosh on that option. “Not a big deal.”

With his hands spread on her body, the smooth slide of his touch as he stroked her suggested how they could spend their time once they left the bar.

Joel interrupted her dirty daydreams. “I think Matt said something about camping out for a weekend before the snow flies. You want to join them?”

“Camping? Like, in a tent?” Vicki laughed. “I’ve never been. Other than at the cabins for the kids’ camp.”

“Then you’re in for a treat. Baked beans and hotdogs over a fire. S’mores. Coffee in the morning strong enough to wake the dead.”

“Jumping in the creek for a bath?”

His expression twisted into sheer mischief. “Dare ya.”

. “Now, that’s cheating.”

Joel’s grin increased. “So I have figured out the way to motivate you. Awesome. I’ll get the gear together, and you can help with the food. It’ll be fun.”

The music tempo increased, and they slipped apart, more gyrating and hip shaking going on than up close and personal. The floor got crowded enough they bumped and connected, Joel inserting his big body between her and the others.

She’d never really been protected like that before, and it felt kinda awesome.

A loud cheer went up, and the crowd pressed aside, giving more room to a couple who was using the music way too vigourously for her to match. Joel tucked her against him and retreated farther, ending up close to where Travis had a firm grip on a blonde in a skintight outfit.

Travis rocked his lady, his fingers splayed over her hipbones as she nestled her back to his front. He raised his voice to be heard over the pulsing music. “Joel, Vicki. You know Ashley, right?”

Vicki recognized her, but didn’t know her. “Hey.”

Something about the way Ashley checked her out didn’t bite like the stares of the rest of the crowd, especially since she gave Joel that same once-over. It was less judgmental, more sensual. Her lips curled into a smile that somehow looked hungry. “Well, damn, don’t you two look hot together?”

Travis swatted her ass. “Be nice, Ash.”

“I am,” Ashley protested. “If I’m not allowed to admire a good-looking couple while you’ve got your hands on me, you need to work on your self-esteem.” Her gaze returned to Vicki even as she rocked her hips against Travis. There was no doubt that the two of them were more than first-time dance partners.

The move screamed intimacy, and heat pulsed inside Vicki. She moved closer to Joel, looking for more of the passion between them, because, damn, watching Travis and Ashley rub together was making her hot.

Something flashed in Ashley’s face, as if she’d read Vicki’s mind. Vicki’s cheeks flushed, but she refused to look away. Refused to draw back from Joel who had her by the hips, one leg slipped between hers, brushing her core on his thigh.

It was crowded enough there was a reason for her to be riding him, but not enough reason for her to lose her mind and forget herself completely. She and Joel were supposed to be setting a new direction, not becoming the talk of the town for doing it on the dance floor.

The woman gave her a wicked smile. “We got the best guys in the house, sweetheart. What say we make everyone jealous?”

.” Travis spun Ashley and squeezed her against his body, hands capturing her ass and keeping the motion of their hips going. “Behave. Joel and Vicki aren’t looking for your kind of mischief, sweetheart.”

Joel chuckled. “No, but don’t let that stop you.”

Vicki glanced around the place, enjoying having Joel holding her tight, relishing the way the energy of the room seemed for once to be working with her and not against her. People still stared, but for the most part they were engrossed in their partners, bodies undulating in time with dance, with the music. She wasn’t experienced enough as a dancer to try anything fancy, content to make touching the connection between her and Joel.

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